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Michael Bay Rules - Just Ask Him

By John - December 22, 2008 - 10:21 America/Montreal

I’m actually one of those guys who enjoys Michael Bay’s films for what they are. Just good fun, exploding cars, big guns, wild action movies that are great to sit back and watch with a bucket of popcorn. Saw this video… and it pretty much sums up why Michael Bay rules. (Thanks to my friends over at LatinoReview for the heads up on this)


  1. Rachel says:

    Brilliant! I agree. I’m a fan of Michael Bay as well. Can’t get enough of the testosterone he brings to the screen. Great clip!

  2. Mr. Chris says:

    Stuff blowing up for four hours sounds like a fantastic movie! Why is Hollywood wasting it’s money doing anything else?

  3. Monty says:

    Michael Bay - The consummate Late Late Movie Director.


    oh ive been sayign this for a long ass time. bay is the best out there. i love ALL his movies


    and every time i bring it up everyone that comments on this website gets on my ass “but hes durp durp durp blah blah look at me i hate bay”
    he fucking RULES

    and this video just shows his total and complete awsomeness

  5. Flyer28 says:

    This video isn’t really that far fetched.


    Michael Bay = GOD

  7. The Dude says:

    Michael Bay = pretty decent director. Transformers was pretty good but I firmly believe it could have been better. I was also disapointed with Bad Boys II which had so much potential. Bay’s films are beautiful but he could do better I’m sure of it.

  8. James says:

    Con Air, Transformers, and the Rock were cool, but keep in mind this is the same guy who gave use Pearl Harbor and Armaggedon, movies so stupid I can’t even find words to describe them, lol

  9. roguepirate says:

    I like Michael Bay’s movies. I love and appreciate movies like Schindler’s List, Diving Bell & Butterfly, and Citizen Kane but sometimes you just want to see shit get blown the fuck up and you can always rely on 1 guy to do that, MmfB

  10. Audioout says:

    Was I the only one who thought the video was more annoying than funny? I don’t even hate Michael Bay, it’s just that the video was nearly eight minutes of the same joke over and over.

    Also, The Island sucked.

    So did Pearl Harbor. Ditto for Bad Boys 2.

  11. The Chriton Leperchaun says:

    i agree with rougepirate. im usually in the mood for one of 3 types of movies, a good drama, a good comedy, or a good blowshit up nonstop balls to the walls action flick with guns, babes, booze, and expolsions. sometimes thats all i need. and all i want. and bay usually delivers.

  12. JohnZDelorean says:

    Stop the hating on Bay. I’m not a big fan of his but everyone gets ripped apart whenever they say they like some of his films. Nice to see a more varied opinion on the comments posted thus far.

  13. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m actually one of those guys who enjoys Michael Bay’s films for what they are. Just good fun, exploding cars, big guns, wild action movies that are great to sit back and

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