This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 24th, 2008 at 4:24 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

I wanted to thank all of you International Friends much as John did and for much the same reasons.

You give us purpose and make us WANT to write. We do this just to discuss and share our passion and observations about the entertainment world. In other words - I just like to geek out about movies!

So with the holiday season being all about giving, I wanted to give you all something aside from my geekiness, and something not movie related, but something I am sure none of you have seen before (or at very least unlikely)

A man undressing a woman using an Excavator:

Merry Christmas International Friends. I look forward to sharing more in 2009 as we grow!

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Vito

    Merry Christmas Rodney. That video was awesome. I understood about half of what they were saying.

  2. Andy S

    WOW…I love this site, there is a reason it has been my homepage for close to 2 years :)

  3. T_REX

    No, no, no… THANK YOU GUYS!

    I love this site!
    Great to have a cool webpage to debate,discuss,argue,bla bla bla about movies!

    btw… Im sorry but I cant wait to respond to the Top Ten Best Movies you guys will have so I have to say now that two movies from earlier this year are two of the best… Be Kind Rewind ( how can movie geeks not like this film, it had heart just like Wall-E) and Leatherheads ( how in the hell did this movie flop?)
    sorry for the rant. Keep up the hard work! and hope doug is doing well because I miss his posts

    You guys rock!!!

    “MERRY NEW YEAR!! Beef jerky time”

  4. Chric Garcia

    AH-HA!!! And that shows that the hispanic community is taking the time to learn the craft and should never be forced out of this country!! lol

    Love the site and hope it never gets shut down!

    P.S. Dont let FOX get a hold of you guys lol

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