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Merry Christmas Everyone

By John - December 24, 2008 - 14:31 America/Montreal

Before I go on to blabber about Christmas, let me first start by saying how grateful I am for all of you. The Movie Blog readers who have supported, debated, laughed, made fun of, criticized and watched lots of and talked a lot about movies with me this year. You have no idea or clue how much you guys mean to me. From guys who always seem to disagree and have great debate with me like Alfie, great international friends like Phil Gee, super long time readers (like 5 years) like Jared and everyone in between.

You guys allow me to do what I love to do… talk about and discuss movies all day. Literally hundreds of emails and comments are sent to me everyday and I can honestly tell you I read every single one of them. This time of the year reminds me of all the things I’m grateful for, and our amazing Movie Blog readers rank right up there for me. Thank you.

No really… read these words… THANK YOU.

Thank you for your participation. Thank you for your support. Thank you for the debate. Thank you for the discussion. And thank you for making movie watching even more fun for me than it already was.

So as you venture forth the next few days to celebrate Christmas, or just to enjoy a couple of days off, have safe travels, warm times with family and friends and enjoy some great food.

Oh… and watch a movie. Just not The Spirit! ;)

Merry Christmas everyone! Oh, and I’ll be putting up a Christmas Eve podcast later tonight.


  1. Minnesota Slim says:

    Merry Christmas to you too John,

    As a 4+ year lurker on the site, I just want to say I’m glad you have stuck with it. You have a great site here and I will continue to read daily as long as you keep going.

  2. ADirtyJob says:

    Merry Christmas and Good Yontif, John! Thank you for all of your time and energy! It’s much appreciated

  3. Gambler says:


  4. aaron says:

    Merry Christmas John, and everyone on here. I won’t be on tommorow, as the same for most people lol. have a great day! i know i will, i already got 2 gifts (dark knight dvd and poster)
    have a great day everyone!

  5. Jason Angel says:

    you are eternally welcome John
    Merry Christmas, to not just you John, to all the Movie Blog readers

  6. Phil Gee says:

    A fond farewell to a pretty fantastic year for movies and a pretty interesting one for TMB.

    I wish the merriest Christmas and most amazing 2009 possible to John, Doug, Darren, Rodney, Sharon, Serena, SoulVideo, Chuck Norris and anyone I missed and to my dear friends Filmnerd Jamie, Queen Kristina, AjaxLou, Dark Kinger, Sound Designer Dan, Darren Seeley, NBA Kid and to all whom I’m not so acquainted with yet.

    And a Christmas wish from me that our precious live shows come back next year.

  7. aaron says:

    Merry Christmas Phil, and everybody else

  8. aaron says:

    and just a little side note: if anyone remembers WAY back a few months ago on the live shows, i was the user “joker6″, just saying
    and speaking of the live shows, yes i would love them back in 2009! but i understand completely

  9. lone ranger says:

    Feliz navidad para todos!

  10. melbye says:

    Merry christmas everyone.

  11. shadess says:

    Merry christmas to all. Only found the site 6months or so ago but been a frequent visitor and a big fan ever since!

  12. bigsampson says:

    MAN HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG…i came in here about 4 years ago haha along the way i can say there have been many many many awesome experiances…..even on christams eve i still am on here trolling the threads in the here….as always there are going to be tons of christmas celebrations going on tv ….just wish there was a super fat xmas bash….or even a new years eve at midnight taping live hahaha AWESOME is what i say.

  13. Vito says:

    Merry Christmas to all!

  14. Frank says:

    Happy Holidays from the N.Y. to-the-motherfucking..C!!!

  15. Kiddo says:

    I’ve just recently started reading the blog a few months ago, and I love it! I love to come here and read all the debates and discussions and opinions from fellow movie lovers. Looking forward to 2009 in movies.

    merry xmas to all

  16. Brian Bircham says:

    Thanks John,

    Ever since I came across one of your youtube reviews I have been addicted ever since. The movie blog has prehaps given me an insight to a world I would not of seen, or come across.

    For that, and many other things, my gratatued is owed.

    Merry Christmas to everyone


  17. The Dude says:

    Thanks for the post, John. Happy Holidays to you, Rodney and all the other TMB folks past and present.

  18. Kevin says:

    Merry Christmas to you too, John, and everyone else at the Movie Blog. This site is great, and I really enjoy reading the enciteful writing and witty banter. Thanks, and have a great day!

  19. timin says:

    john, i check your website multiple times a day and i love it! merry christmas!

  20. Rare Addict says:

    Thanks, John. Merry Christmas to you, and a happy New Year!

  21. aaron says:

    i check the movie blog every 10 minutes lol. I think we all can say this site is important to us

  22. Peter K says:

    Hey John, Merry Christmas to you as well. Thanks as always for the hard work you all put into this site. It is my pleasure to read it on an hourly basis. I hope your legal battle is going well against that dinks that screwed you out of your due money and caused you to lose Doug. I even begged a mall santa to reem those assholes with moon sized pieces of coal. What a Christmas gift that would be.

  23. Darek-T says:

    I’ve been reading this site for almost a year and ever since i read that first review for Rambo i’ve been utterly hooked to this site. It’s the reason i’m as into movies as I am, and i know like 5x more then any of my friends. One of the reasons i love your site so much is since it’s not realy profesional that much you can actualy talk and interact to your readers and stuff and make nie posts like this. I hope you this site can get finantialy better again so you can hire Doug back.

    Merry Christmas.

  24. AB says:

    merry xman john and happy new year. 2009

  25. James says:

    The Christmas Story marathon is still going on TBS! That’s my suggestion! Love the Site! Merry X-mas and all that jazz!!

  26. Ricci says:

    Merry Christmas John, still read everyday, hope 2009 gets better and you your team and the site continues to keep me and everyone else clued up with the latest movie news.


    Ricci, England

  27. MoviemanDan says:

    TO: John, Rodney, Doug and everyone else.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! And a cheer for a wonderful year of the movie blog next year.


    marry christmas john!



  30. Matt says:

    merry christmas john and everyone who reads the movie blog, and happy 2009 b-day to Jesus



    jesus is 2042 actually


  32. Matt says:


  33. Zach says:

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  34. alfie says:

    i prefer to say happy holidays.


    have a good one campea

  35. DirkAnger23 says:

    Merry Christmas John,

    This site has always rocked and continues to rule consistently, and coming on here and seeing new movie news every day is like a little slice of Christmas on a daily basis.

    Thanks brother.

  36. genesiskelsghost says:

    Merry Christmas John and all the TMBers. Looking forward to another year with this great site. Have a great holiday and good luck with “The Anniversary”

  37. omg lolz says:

    Daily reader,

    <3 you john

    I’ll always keep comin back for more

  38. swiftyfrisko says:

    Keep up the good work dude. We’ll keep coming back.

    Best of luck with The Anniversary for 2009. I guess that has to take priority now. Hope things go a bit smoother for the judymoodymovie.com next year and Doug can make a return.

  39. Brian says:

    This site seriously gets me through day to day. Without going into detail, haven’t been too great with me this year and this site has been a good distraction from all of that. Merry Christmas to the whole Movie Blog staff, podcast hosts, guest hosts, and every person whose had anything to do with the site or podcast past and present. THANK YOU!

  40. Dave Stopher says:

    Merry Christmas!!!

  41. Paul Kelly aka "Tripp Van Easille" says:

    Keep up the great (and vital!) work here! Best wishes to John & Co. at TMB.com for a safe and festive holiday season! Since this is late for Xmas a Happy and productive year in 2009! As Daniel Amos’ Terry Taylor wrote, “Where’s my rocket pack???”

  42. aaron says:

    i came on here 8 months ago and couldn’t stay away ever since, the movie blog is a MAJOR part of my life, thanks John

  43. Meli says:

    Merry Chirstmas John and all the others who frequent the site! I hope you all are enjoying a safe and happy holiday.

    I’ll be skipping The Spirit this weekend, but I’ll be catching a showing of Doubt, I can’t wait.

  44. aaron says:

    cool, well i’m most likely seeing Valkyrie or Benjamin Button, both look good

  45. Godovhellfire says:

    Merry Christmas John! Thanks for all that you do and for all that the Movie Blog offers. Here’s to a successful new year! Cheers!

  46. agentdoodles says:

    Merry Christmas John…I love your blog and I wish you much more success in 2009….bring on more reviews and opinions.

  47. rafa1215 says:

    Merry Xmas to all of you at the movie blog

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