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Land of the Lost Teaser Poster Online

By Rodney - December 22, 2008 - 19:21 America/Montreal

When I heard they were adapting the old 70s TV show, Land of the Lost to a big screen feature I had a little moment of buttery warm nostalgia. My mother and I used to watch the original show in my wee youth, and though all I remember about it was some green webbed handed alien dudes with a faux-hawk and big bug dome eyes, and some cave with a stone platform and a chess board/lite-bright on it. Oh and the dinosaurs. That’s why I loved it. There were dinos. Shuddap. I was 3.

Anyways, the series saw a TV remake in 1991 which I managed to not even notice. And now its being made into a movie.

And we get our first peek at the teaser poster:

Will Ferrell seems to be an awkward button for me recently. Any movie with him in it automatically wants me to toss it in the bargain bin at Walmart and pass it by. Don’t get me wrong, I love a LOT of Will Ferrell’s movies. But I find his humour, though very amusing and enjoyable for the most part, is wearing thin on me and like eating too many Reece Peanut Butter Cups. I love Reece Cups. But after 17 of them, I am sure I am done with it. Does that mean I hate the cups? No, it just means I don’t want any more of them right now.

So I want to like this. I want my mom to like this. I want it to live up to nostalgia, but I see Will Ferrell front and center I have to go out of my way to remind myself of how many movies he was in that I really liked him in hoping that I convince myself that its ok.

It was a silly children’s series, so maybe they are going to keep it silly and light? Would that be so bad? Here’s hoping.

Poster too small? Cinematical Enbiggens.


  1. DG Music says:

    Don’t know a damn thing about the show…but Will Ferrell looks like a man with a plan!

    Looks like it could be quite good…haven’t seen a dino-comedy since Chicken Park…or whatever it was called.

  2. DG Music says:

    Hold on…is that Kate from Lost?

  3. Dead End says:

    No, it’s Anna Friel, from Pushing Daisies.

  4. aaron says:

    good poster


    if it doesnt have a scene were hes half naked and we see his fat and huge stomach scar…then its not a will ferrel movie

  6. Kristina says:

    Ugh. I’ve OD’ed on this guy. I need a break.

  7. DG Music says:

    I DON’T! Check out his face! It’s like an awesome!!

  8. total jiu jitsu says:

    check out the sleestak rock image under the last “l” of the poster. awesome/funny.

    rodney please start your own movie blog!

  9. David Derby says:

    Danny McBride needs to stop wearing sleevless shirts. He is just gross.

  10. Mr. Chris says:

    I want to have high hopes for any movie featuring dinosaurs, but the poster seems very uninspired. I don’t get the sense that the T-Rex is any immediate danger. It’s more like he’s just excited to see Will Ferrell.

  11. Ed P. says:

    Sleestaks are rockstars. Bring on the Lost.

  12. Matt says:

    i like this poster, but it this movie doesnt seem like the movie we are used to seeing will ferrel in.

  13. John says:

    i’m looking forward to it.

  14. Ann says:

    the theme song is stuck in my head

  15. David Lopan says:

    Hopefully this will be better than most of the TV show/film reboot we had in the past.

  16. Adam says:

    The font looks too Night of the Living Dead. They need 3D stone lettering, like the original. I also hope it has some serious wild science story in there even if they make the film a big joke.

  17. Dave Stopher says:

    I have no idea if this will be a good movie or not!!!

  18. C says:

    whats funny is that in Jay and Silent Bob his characters name is “Marshall Willenholly” , which is a direct reference to Land of the Lost, whose characters are Marshall, Will and Holly.

  19. Hiland says:

    Dinosuars and Will Ferrell are a good mix (haha). Sounds and Looks like a hell of a party.

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