This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 at 1:32 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

Kevin MckiddThere is murmuring of the man who may be Thor this day. Thanks ye to the movieweb for the following news.

McKidd mentioned a while ago that he was in talks to play a role in the film. but said it was likely for a supporting role as “They want to go for someone younger” for the main part. Seems something’s changed along the way.

McKidd, who currently appears on “Grey’s Anatomy”, says he’s excited at the prospect of working with Kenneth Branagh, who’s helming the Marvel Comics movie.

Kevin McKidd may not be a bad choice at all. At 6′ he has a frame that he can work with, and will no doubt go through a dedicated “beef up” phase before shooting. I like that McKidd isn’t young, I prefer a weathered Thor. The scar on his upper nose is also a welcome accessory.

What I am currently wondering is if Kevin will grow his hair our for the role, and don long reddish blonde locks (closer to the mythic description of Thor) or will they get him to wear a wig under his winged helm?

I wouldn’t mind this man as Thor; what do you guys think?

29 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. T-VO

    Wow, I read this on MTV’s Splash Page and thought it was not a good choice. Red hed with freckles to play the God of Thunder??? I say thee nay!

  2. miles

    i think that there is a good chance that this is going to be fish out of water bullshit.

    it would be cool if it wasn’t though.

  3. miles


    mckidd rules. alot. who cares if his hair is red? or if he has freckles?

    ptotip: hair dye and make-up.

  4. Bishop

    Well, to be fair, Thor, in Norse Mythology was a red head.
    Hair colour can be changed. To deny someone’s ability to play Thor based on hair colour isn’t all that fair.

    Can you not see the lightning in his eyes as he hoists Mighty Mjilnor to the skies calling down the storms of Asgard on the minions of Hel? Storming Valahalla with Fandral, Volstag and Hogun?

    Fuck, I can. I never considered him before, but am now hard-pressed to think of some one else. I think he would be excellent.

  5. Twiznoy

    He was blonde on Journeyman

  6. TheRZA

    My votes still for Brad Pitt, McKidd’s not a bad choice but i’d rather see him play Balder (if he’s even in the movie of course)

  7. The Dude

    I think it would be a fine choice.

  8. Party Marty

    Based on what I know of him (this article) I think he is very suited.

  9. Macca

    If you go back and watch Rome, there’s plenty there to suggest he could be a great Thor. I’m for it.

  10. Nomad

    If you look at Kevin in Rome, you’ll notice that he looks blonde more often than he looks like a redhead. Even if he WERE a redhead, has anybody ever heard of hair dye?

    He’s absolutely PERFECT for Thor! And he’s more than able to beef up. Did you ever see the scene in Rome when Niobe was bathing him? Oof! He has lovely bulky muscles.

  11. Calviin

    Everytime I see this guy, it makes me miss Journeyman

  12. Philly

    I like the choice if it pans out.

  13. Spencer

    I think he would be great for the role.

    A couple months back, IMDB actually had him listed as Thor on the film’s page. I haven’t been able to think of anyone fitting better in terms of quality actors (some may have the look, but not the chops).

    Also, I’ve heard some beef about him not being a towering giant; it’s not all that hard to make a guy look a lot bigger on screen. Also, I like that McKidd isn’t all that renowned as Robert Downey, Jr. or Edward Norton. I think the Avengers would feel unbalanced on screen if each character is a megastar.

  14. Ted Kord Lives

    McKidd is a great actor and I could certainly see him as a superhero. The trouble is he’s too shrimpy for Thor.

    The role really calls for someone of Asgardian proportions.

    No actor under 6′2″ should be considered.

  15. Vito

    Dude, I’m huge McKidd fan. I really hope he fucking ditches Grey’s Anatomy for this!

    Please let it be true!

  16. miles


    i thought i was the only person who watched that show. it was awesome.

  17. bla

    i would say; tag’m ‘n bag’m

  18. leeloo

    getting very excited.


    Kevin McKidd is a wonderful talent and I hope that Marvel does recognize that and tapp into it! His work on HBO’s “Rome” is amazing… “Journeyman” was a fine show and he was the best part of it. I think that you get him bulked up a little and through some lift boots on him to make him even taller that he already is and I say we have a Norse GOD that is worth fearing and loving both.

    All hail ODIN!

  20. harlem

    wth are lift boots?

  21. leeloo

    lift boots are tom cruise’s footwear line.

  22. Darren J Seeley

    When I first started reading the comments, my heart started to sink. Kevin Mckidd was an early favorite of many fans before the ideas of Brad Pitt (who also does not have blonde hair) and Daniel Craig (who does) were considered/namedropped. Now, all of a sudden, McKidd’s all wrong.

    Then, as I read on, a smile on my face. I could say it any better. He’s an actor; he could die his hair. He could look the part in costume. Not “tall” enough? Pull a Peter Jackson if you must; force perspective the man. Also, if the essence of the character is there, what difference does it make?

    If you can get someone who can look the part and can act other than just ‘looking the part’ that’s the best bet.

  23. Jussinta

    Did you see this guy weild his sword in Rome the tv series? Oh yeah, this guy could definitely be Thor!

  24. obi-wan kubrick

    He was good in Rome and his brief scenes in Kingdom of Heaven.

  25. T-VO

    Has anyone seen the 13th Warrior? The main Viking dude would be perfect as Thor, his name is Vladimir Kulich. His character was actually Beowulf in the 13th warrior, in the movie he was named Buliwyf, since it was a loose interpretation of the Beowulf story.

  26. Tripp Van Easille

    Not familar with him. I’m leaning towardes an unknown, opreferrably with a Shakesperean backgrouind for obvious reasons. Another role comes to mind-LOKI???????

  27. kiyo

    when thinking of thor, mckidd hadn’t even occured to me, but now that it’s out there i’m really likng the idea. he has good screen prescence, has already proven he can act and has the frame for it. I’m all for mckidd as thor, he’ll do it justice and besides, been dying to see him in skimpy clothes anyways.

  28. JediShaft

    Hmmmmmm, He looks like he should be the new Robocop more then Thor.

  29. tyrone

    Very good choice, But I just see Pitt doing this role. I think Marvel will try to secure top brass actors who bring in the fans to star as the main characters in their movies. All they have to do now is reboot Dardevil, which is one of the worst films I have ever watched.FULLSTOP

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