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Japanese Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-Li Trailer Online

By Rodney - December 29, 2008 - 08:15 America/Montreal

The Japanese version of the Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-li trailer is online.

When I heard Kruek was going to play Chun-Li, I figured the look was right and shes a decent enough actress to play the part. And this trailer doesn’t look too bad (even if I dont understand most of what they are saying). The only complaint I have is that in a movie called the Legend of Chun-Li, we might actually see… I dont know… MORE CHUN-LI????

I actually have a lot of hope for this movie. It looks like a great approach to the Streetfighter movies. There is just FAR too many characters in this franchise to do a movie with all of them in it. Perhaps a series of movies that tells the individual story of some of the more popular characters, then involve some of the minor characters who have storyline that relates to that character.

And frankly ANYTHING would be better than the last attempt at live action Streetfighter.


  1. kitty cats are funny! says:

    OH WOW!!!

    that looks as stupid as I thought it would. Congrats for meeting my expectations.


    okay okay lets stop for a second because i detect hate on this video, with reason, but bear with me

    dont we all wish that dragonball evolution looked half as good as this?

  3. Mr. Chris says:

    Not a Street Fighter fan, but I’m still impressed that this looks nothing like “Enter the Dragon.” I’m just surprised that it looks a lot more like “Dragonball” now. No wonder this one’s getting publicity in Japan first.

  4. Sparky says:

    The only good thing about this movie is that once this is released, I only have a 4 days until Street Fighter IV come out.

  5. Phil Gee says:

    What the hell have they done to M. Bison?

    For those of you who missed him in the trailer it’s because you were looking for a guy in a red uniform with a hat………but the Bison of this film is the guy in the suit with the beard. I was only intrigued by this film because Bison was in it. I love Bison. They’ve already fucked up Bison. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

  6. Rodney says:


    We only get one tiny glimpse of Chun Li in the traditional costume (which was silly anyways), so why would we see Bison in that silly getup? I actually like that they might go with less video game looks to make the movie more realistic (as much as a SF movie can be called real)

    ChunLi’s SF Alpha outfit wouldnt be bad though.

    Just a thought.

  7. Godovhellfire says:

    This movie and Martin Lawrence prove that anything is possible!

  8. THINKHERO.COM says:

    Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li = Me watching it no matter how bad it is


  9. Phil Gee says:

    I see what you’re saying Rodney but when the look of a character is that far removed from any other incarnation (has Bison ever had a dinner jacket and a beard?), why bother calling it the same thing?

    I’m kinda comically exagerating my anger over this. I’m not going to lose any sleep. It just would have been nice to see a Bison I recognise.

  10. john says:

    seemed to me like she was in most of the cuts.

  11. Mike Mai says:



    Kruek as her? Is this a joke lads? It looks interesting but I think she should stick to Smallville and cameos in low rated movies.

  13. Grave says:

    This only shows 2 things. One is that we still have a long way to go before Hollywood takes the populartiy of videogames seriously. The second is Capcom really doesnt know how to handle their franchises well. SF4 is a joke being that its really a new version of SF2. So I say shame on all you SF that think otherwise.

  14. Bruce Darren Acosta says:

    It looks alright but I’m a bit disappointed on Bison not wearing his costume from the game but I don’t know it this movie will be succcessful at the box office.

    I think that Capcom should get into talks with Threshold Entertainment on the Darkstalkers project on making the movie and the storyline and character development must be follow up to the first game also martial arts and special visual FX and a music with techno and heavy metal would be cool..
    But the Street Fighter movie it needs to be more touched up to game.
    Thank You.

  15. bigsampson says:

    actually grave your kinda a idiot do to the fact that street fighter 4 is not out on console yet and that it is on limited coin ops around the U.S….so maybe your just trying to sound smart like “hey i played this when i was in a kid, im a know it all.” well your wrong….and the game is super super awesome……i live down the streets from one of the main capcom test venues but also its on the san jose state campus too…..hahaha u suck with your wannabe knowledge……but i do agree this movie will be crap…..sometimes its best to leave shit alone

  16. Grave says:

    @ Big sampson

    OK, What makes you think that im a wanna be know it all? Did I say how smart I was? Did I call fans of SF4 idiots? NO, NO and NO.

    Lets break this down.
    “SF4 is a joke being that its really a new version of SF2.” thats my comment. Being someone who has played the game you should know what Im saying. 90% of the games cast is characters from SF2. SF3 only had 4 old characters, the rest are new and orginal cast. The producer even said this game was being modeled after SF2. I am just saying that SF4 is another SF2 thats it. im not saying the game is terrible or it sucks. You played the game, fine. you love the game, ok thats your opinion. But lets be honest? This is still SF2 and im not trying to sound smart or being a nostalga nerd. This game is not a sequel! Its a prequel. Im not intrested in another SF2 game and its not a sequel in my OPINION. But if i had a choice of playing SF4 for 2hrs or watch chun-li. ill play SF4 cause its funnier that watching this horribly bad film.

  17. Rodney says:

    @Grave, and wasnt SF2 just a new version of Streetfighter? How about Alpha? EX? Turbo? all the other ones??

    The characters in Streetfighter are what makes the brand. You are blaming them for using the same characters?

    And maybe you haven’t seen the screenshots or reviews Grave, but SF4 is 3d.

    And how do you know this film is “horribly bad”? Are you using that time machine of blind assumption again?? The movie isn’t even out. You can decide you are not interested in it based on trailers, but you cannot condemn the whole movie as bad just because you are not interested.

  18. Grave says:


    OK, lets do this again.
    First off SF1 is very diffrent from SF2. To start SF you only play as Ken or Ryu. The graphics were diffrent and the gameplay was difficult. SF2 was a totally new game. Diffrent style, characters (except 3) endings, gameplay. Alpha was also very diffrent from SF2 and EX as well with only a few well known characters showing up. SF EX was also in 3-D but fans I spoken with wanted it to be pure 2-D. Im ok with the look but it doesnt feel like SF4. Feels like another version of SF2.

    As for my opinion about the movie. If i feel the movie looks bad from the pictures and trailer and I dont wanna see it cause I think the movie looks bad then thats what I think before seeing the film. Now if I happen to see the film and I thought it it was ok then I have a right to change my opinion from what I thought before seening the movie and after seeing the movie. Even John says this in todays podcast about how ppl like you saying that I cannot judge a movie I not seen because I saw only a preview or pictures. John hasnt seen the Spirit but he says it looks like crap. So why dont you go to his posts and tell him the same thing you tell me.

  19. Rodney says:


    “Even John says this in todays podcast about how ppl like you saying that I cannot judge a movie I not seen because I saw only a preview or pictures. John hasnt seen the Spirit but he says it looks like crap”

    And in the podcast John says his INTEREST in the film is non existant. You can choose to be interested in a movie or not based on publicity. That is fine. But you cannot say the film IS crap just because you think it might be. I don’t have to tell John that. We agree vehemently on this topic.

    John says The Spirit looks bad and he has no interest to see it. He said the publicity is pathetic. He doesn’t like the bits he saw. He never said the movie he has yet to watch is a bad movie. He said it LOOKS bad.

    Big difference.

    And you can split hairs about SF4 being just another Streetfighter but they are all “just another version” of Streetfighter.

  20. Grave says:

    Well how can people find interest in a movie or a game unless they see some kinda trailer or preview. I have said many times that “based on the trailer or pictures of anything” that what I seen looks like crap. Its a rare thing when something that looks bad is accually good. So what if I havent seen the movie yet and I think it looks terrible thats my impression so far. How many times have we seen a movie that we feel will be bad and still ends up bad? If someone tells me the plot of a movie and I think it sounds bad then thats how I feel at the time. When I see a trailer and I feel its looks bad then thats my opinion. Why should I see a movie that even thou I have interest (or a lack their of ) when my first impressions are already not good. Lets say I go see Chun-Li and its as bad as I first thought, I wasted my time and money just so that my first impressions were confirmed.
    Its very rare when first impressions of anything that looks bad turns out good. For instance 8mile. I thought the plot was stupid the trailer was dull but my brother had the DVD and I watched it and it was pretty good. Thats a rare thing but Im still gonna stick to the road the “if it looks bad chances are it could be.” Also seeing as this is a video-game based movie only to tie-into the realease of SF4 I dont see how it would make for a great time at the movies?

    OK, lets play word assumtion now. Sure I argree that SF4 is just another version of SF but, why call it 4? Wasnt SF: Championship Edition SF4? If we count the versions of SF2 games as sequels then SF3 should be SF5 and SF4 should be SF8. Oh but wait! what about Alpha and EX? Well plot wise Alpha was Street Fighter 1.5 because it had Adon and Gen and Birde. Also it showed at Ryu’s ending that Ken game him his trade mark red head band. So SF4 is a prequel so why is there no characters from SF3? They could have put in Alex, Q, Oro and Dudly? Its like if George Lucas made Star Wars Episode 7 and brought back most of the characters from Episode 1. Fans would think that the movie is stupid cause things that should happen dont because now everythings out of order but to your logic we should be ok with it cause it just a diffrent version of Star Wars right?

  21. finaljoe says:

    Too much wirework.

    I am not opposed to wirework, I love many wuxia films.

    But STREET FIGHTER is not a wuxia film/series. The clue is in the title. The fighting should be as realistic and technique based as possible. And yes I am aware that character fire fireballs in the game, but the fighting mechanic is still based on realistic fighting techniques.

    And Kreuk does not have the thighs or physical prowesss to be Chun-Li I’m afraid.

  22. finaljoe says:

    Grave - trying to find logical continuity in a gaming series is like trying to find virginity in a brothel.

  23. Grave says:

    That depends on what kinda continuinty were talking about. Are we talking about evolutional continuity or story developement continuity?

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