HBO’s Rome Getting Feature Film Treatment?

Of all the shows on TV, some of the HBO specials have been among the greatest shows to watch. Among those, the show that introduced me to Kevin McKidd was Rome. Incredible series. Sadly it was canceled after two seasons and buzz is saying that HBO is starting to feel the sting that they pulled the plug too soon.

So now the plan is to wrap up Bruno Heller’s vision in a feature film event.

Cinematical quotes Heller:

“I discovered halfway through writing the second season the show was going to end,” Heller said. “The second was going to end with death of Brutus. Third and fourth season would be set in Egypt. Fifth was going to be the rise of the messiah in Palestine. But because we got the heads-up that the second season would be it, I telescoped the third and fourth season into the second one, which accounts for the blazing speed we go through history near the end. There’s certainly more than enough history to go around.”

As much as I would love to see a Rome movie, I honestly would rather that HBO eat crow and simply renew the series and let Heller carry on with the story the way he wanted.

I would LOVE to see it evolve to include Rome’s reaction to Jesus. Not saying I want the show to be all about religion, but a dramatic play about how Rome’s politics and intrigues happened around the time of the messiah (whether you believe or not) would be a lot of fun to see. Maybe the long haired hippy freak had it coming. Maybe we will see some of the supporting cast buying into the message. Handled right it would be a great climax to a series.

However it is such a controversial topic that it would be in danger of overshadowing Rome and making everything feel like it was leading up to Jesus - the HBO special.

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9 thoughts on “HBO’s Rome Getting Feature Film Treatment?

  1. I loved season 1 of Rome, season 2 was good, but not as good since it had to be rushed. I always thought it was premature to cancel it, especially with the costs of the sets and costumes involved. You figured you would get 3 to 4 seasons.

    I’m still upset they canceled Deadwood. The ending for the series begs for more.

  2. I loved Rome and Carnivale and would welcome any reincarnation of either. I’ve read that Carnivale was written as a 6 season story arc, so there is still a lot to tell there.
    I never actually watched Deadwood, but it looked like something I would have really gotten into had I done so.

  3. Bring back Carnivale!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deadwood and Rome were good but Carnivale was by far one of the top 5 TV shows ever in history and it got cancelled after season 2.

  4. as they cancelled Deadwood I have not watched the last season and the end of 2, I loved the show though and if there was a film of it I would carry on watching knowing there is resolution at the end. Same goes for Rome aswell. So bring it on.

  5. I agree Rodney… They should start the series back up… but I am more than happy to take what I can get and will be sitting giddily watching the feature length film.

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