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Hancock 2

By John - December 5, 2008 - 00:35 America/Montreal

Looks like there will definitely be a Hancock 2 heading our way in the near future… at least according to Will Smith.

I’ve got to admit that I’m one of the people who ended up enjoying the first Hancock film. The ending was fairly terrible, but the rest of the film worked for me. It was funny, there are a number of legitimately fantastic effects, Will Smith was actually pretty good in the role, I always like seeing Jason Bateman in just about anything at all and the action was solid (nothing mind blowing, but solid). I can understand why many didn’t dig the film… but I did.

Anyway, with the film brining in just under $625 million world wide its pretty much a no brainer that the studios would be keen to return to Hancock again. Then only conceivable thing that could stop it is if Will Smith didn’t want to wear the leather suit again. Well… it looks like he’s up for it. The following comes from the good folks over at Comingsoon:

When we asked Will if he’d ever be up for playing another superhero he replied that there were a lot of unexplored characters in the HANCOCK universe that would be ripe for a sequel and confirmed that we’ll definitely see the rumored HANCOCK 2 in a few years.

You know what… sign me up. Why not? At worst the film was some innocent fun. With an actual villain for Hancock to fight next time it could actually be pretty damn good.


  1. DG Music says:

    I enjoyed hancock. It wasn’t trying to be daringly different…it was just simply entertaining. In any case seeing hancock in action (hopefully more action than last time) could be pretty freagin’ good!

  2. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    Hancock seemed too much like Frank Millers’ The Dark Knight Returns, but ill be game for a sequel

  3. HDpunk says:

    i really liked the 1st half of hancock, so i would much rather see a prequel than a sequel of this. “jerk hancock” should get a whole movie, so i think a prequel would be better.

  4. aaronk says:

    nope, bad idea. just like the i am legend sequel, to me niether of these warranted further films. hancock had a wonderful first half and then at the big/not so big twist fell flat and just seemed stupid by the end. legend was pretty great, they just screwed up and used the wrong ending, making a sequel impossible baring some awful plot twist that’s seemingly going to be force down our throats now.

  5. Mr. Chris says:

    Considering the story direction, the 2nd half of the movie could’ve very well been the sequel already.

    I’m curious to know who they consider to be the many unexplored characters. I don’t think people really cared about anyone other than Hancock. As long as there’s some good action and a better story, I’m for it. Superhero movies with a 2 in the title have a good track record so far.

  6. aaron says:

    2nd one wont be any good, i enjoyed the first one alot, i came in with lowest expectations and didnt really understand why people wanted to see it. it was good, but i think a sequel is a mistake, but i could be wrong, again lol

  7. Catarina says:

    wow… i just loved the first movie.. i loved him so much..
    it will be great if they make a 2nd one.. i would love that!!
    i just didn’t like the end though.. and Hancock should have ended up with Mary.. really!!
    i really want a 2nd one!!!
    but… what did he mean with “years”?!?!
    years to make a 2nd movie?!?!

    YEARS??? come on!!!

    that’s not so cool…

  8. Kristina says:


  9. Dave Stopher says:

    I hope that this filmis good like!!!

  10. Catarina says:

    haw long can it take? 3, 4 years??? shit..

  11. aaron says:

    um……..3 to 4 years is an awful long time, not many movies are in production that long

  12. DG Music says:

    @ Kristina

    hehe… funneh :P

  13. Catarina says:

    yeah but.. it can take that long.. will said in a few years.. it’s possible..
    i think it can take that long.. but if it takes that long, that will be awful.. really awful..

  14. Catarina says:

    yeah but.. it can take that long.. will said in a few years.. it’s possible..
    i think it can take that long.. but if it takes that long, that will be awful.. really awful.. and they haven’t even started it.. so…

  15. Catarina says:

    it will take at least 2 or 3 years.. i bet it.. wich it sucks..

  16. oliver says:

    the unexplored characters are probably the super powered people that are already dead. will smith will probably start remembering his past or something like that and delve into them say when they were the greek gods or something. maybe a couple of them are villains too. who knows. i say there is alot that could come from a sequel and am game to find out what that might be. plus they could have other powers too like the women did in the film. more things to think about. if they do it right, it could be a very fun film

  17. Movies DBs says:

    The events of the second-half are entertaining, don\’t get me wrong, it\’s dead at whatever time the first-half has passed, it feels as again the loll relative to the underacted was disinterestedly thrown together and it feels awfully rushed. Hancock is definitely an satisfying starstruck but it\’s gap relating to uniformity during it\’s second-half and dodgy runtime in relation with 92 minutes practice it is inept to particularly implement it\’s highly potential concept. In my eyes, Hancock is indeedy what me would define so a \”blockbuster\”. As bottomless a cryptographer has abbreviated out, the first quantum in connection with hancock is great: the plot flows well, hancock\’s character is developed very soundly and the spoofs are genuinely amusing. Spectacle is burning and the three lead characters are inclusive developed very well. It is an not kosher idea, it\’s moves packed, funny, possesses a sound cast, it is infested with special effects and, generally, has that \”blockbuster\” feel nigh it. But, fervor i mentioned before, Hancock is an good movie. . Typical stock-in-trade are implicit and accurately notate the results speaking of Hancock\’s recklessness. I myself is often pointed out though, that the second-half pertinent to hancock is what lets inner man down. In spite of a concept as.

  18. Ton3nee says:

    They need to come out with “Hancock 2″, It’s a good movie, almost better then most marvel or D.C. movies. Now all they need to do for “Hancock 2″ is to explain his orgin. But still have some good action,.With out messing up the story or over doing it, or should i say without any of that hollywood extra or twist of what they think is so called “HOT” or a better way of puting it, what THEY think would sell. What im saying is if they do make a secound “Hancock 2″, then keep the characters the same way they should be. ORIGINAL. AND KEEP THE IDEA OR “WHAT A SUPER HERO WOULD REALY DOOO”.P.S.I KNOW YA’ll SEEN WHAT THEY DID ON X-MEN. THEY FUCKED UP JUGGERNUT. THEY NEW COSTUME FOR THE CHARACTER WAS ENOUGH. BUT HOW THEY DID JUGGERNUT. THAT WAS WRONG. AND THEY GOES FOR SOME OF THE OTHER CHARECTERS TOO.

  19. gerardo says:

    heres my idea hancock 2. everything is all good him saving the day the city is in order all of a sudden unexplainable crimes or destruction goes on. only to find out that there is 1 hancock type of person left in the world or universe and he’s mad/jealous cus hancock and that blonde are the only couple alive and his partner lady died defending hancock/blondy. they get it on and that evil guy is beating them down individualy but together they take him down yet getting weaker at the same time and with her final strength the girl saves hancock not the other way around. something like that

  20. Hancock 2 Trailer says:

    I’d like to know more about the origins of hancock! that’d be great for the second flick.

  21. will says:

    hancock u good than u turn bad wah up with that

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