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Genesis: Apes

By Doug - December 1, 2008 - 06:06 America/Montreal

It looks like the Hollywood overlords are planning on bringing another Apes installment to theaters. We get this news this morning from CHUD via Latino Review:

A while ago there were rumblings from 1994 male cheerleading champion Devin over at CHUD about another Planet of the Apes movie called Genesis: Apes. Essentially dead in the water, the idea seems to have some life. Devin follows up on his monkey obsession with news coming straight from Tom Rothman himself:

We are very close at Fox on a new Apes script- this one a kind of prequel story before the first story, with a return to the social thematics that mark the first one, but with an entirely contemporary setting - Earth 2009.

It looks like this film plans to show the day the apes became “aware” of their advancement and the beginnings of the takeover. Whenever you “fill in” the origin story - you have to ensure that it is good in order to do justice to the other films. I certainly hope this film is more well received that Tim Burton’s crack at the franchise.

If I was making this film I’d have a scene where the apes break into an American Apparel and shoplift stretch pants. Now that they’re planning on taking over the planet - no one gets to see their exposed crotches for free. When you’re at the top of the food chain, pants are expected of you.

International friends, would you welcome another Ape film - or is this a universe that should now be left alone.


  1. RonSalon says:

    Didn’t they learn their lesson with the Burton fiasco that was Planet of the Apes. Good Gods, get some new blood in Hollywood. With new blood comes new ideas. And just becasue it’s a prequal doesn’t mean it’s new. It’s like leftover Thanksgiving dinner made into a hot a turkey sandwich… Turkey isn’t that great when reheated, but more than likely you’re just tired of it.

  2. leeloo says:

    remaking the original pota = worst idea ever ever.

  3. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    man, just leave the planet of the apes story alone its good as it is

  4. Rodney says:

    I think a prequel story would suck.


    I liked that in Apes, you had this illusion that the astronauts had found a parallel earth where Apes became the dominate race. It isn’t until its closing moments that they figure it all out and realize they are on their own earth all along.

    Showing how they became dominate over an existing Human race is not neccessary.

  5. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    didn’t they show how the apes became dominant in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, if thats so then this doesn’t make any sense at all

  6. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    The one thing that bothers me about many remakes is the fact that the remakes directors never seems to learn anything from the original. While I like Burton, he was clearly the wrong director for his remake. For one thing, In the 1968 original the scene at the films beginning were Heston and the other two astronaunts crash land and then walk on the baren wasteland looking for life, it was not only brilliant, by taking its time, but it was filmed on location. YES on location! In Burtons version the whole thing is rushed once Walhberg crash lands and the whole thing is shot on a cheesy soundstage. There’s no scope to the film. Didn’t he see the brilliance in the originals approach! Or maybe he never watched it? Also when Mark Wahlberg first sees he’s on a Planet of Apes he has no reaction at all. NONE! Didn’t Burton think that was a bit of a problem when he watched the dailies! I don’t want to see any Ape remakes because the original franchise is classic and there is no element of surprise in re-doing them. Just watch the originals.


  7. DG Music says:

    sounds like a stupid idea…but I suppose we’ll see how it pans out

    At least we can be sure the costumes will be better than the original :P

  8. Phil Gee says:

    Always ready to go ape again Doug.

  9. cosmic says:

    “this film plans to show the day the apes became aware”??
    they already made that with the first franchise, damn this bloody remakes!!

  10. Mr. Chris says:

    I’m not really hyped for another Apes movie. Especially if it’s a remake of a prequel.

    I think it’s because society has advanced enough to the point where we don’t really see talking apes as a potential threat to our existence. So unless this is a comedy or campy action B-movie like “War Monkeys,” I can’t really take the premise seriously.

    Also, “Genesis: Apes” is an incredibly awkward title. What’s wrong with “Apes: Genesis?”

  11. ADirtyJob says:

    I couldn’t be more excited about this. I love the Planet of the Apes movies (well, the first three and Burton’s, anyway). I think a retelling of the origin story is most welcome. Bring on the Sci-Fi!

  12. Ben says:

    moer A-bomb super beings plz

  13. Darren J Seeley says:

    Okay- let;s get one thing cleared up right now, shall we? While the social commentary was mostly left out of the Burton film eight years ago, I felt it was fine as sci-fi popcorn entertainment. I also slightly disagree with Chuck (Entertainmentbeyond) - Mark Wahlberg’s reaction didn’t happen until he seen the Thade image replacing Abe Lincoln. Then it was a WTF moment for his character. (and perhaps, to some of the viewers as well). By the way, Burton’s film was considered a financial success, but was structured as a contained story

    While I am one of the few who would not mind a film attempting to explain Burton’s slingshot theory on time travel, I also don’t mind a loose reboot-remake of Conquest Of The Apes (the new proposed version focuses on Ceasar)….but… I’m not entirely sold on how they are approaching this.

    *The new proposed film allegedly deals with (gosh,hell no!) DNA “genetic tampering” (yeah, yeah, another one of those)

    * Most of the Ape makeup will be (gosh, hell, no!) CGI renders. Nothing really wrong with that…em…no, there’s something really sinister wrong with that.

    Okay Fox. Listen up. With all respect to what Rothman has Scott Frank doing, wouldn’t it be nicer to get closer to …

    The old Terry Hayes script? Anyone remember that?
    You all should. That was pre-Burton, when Oliver Stone was involved back in the early 90’s. That was when Arnold Schwarzenegger was almost cast.

    As it is, if there is nothing new do do or say, then there is little point in another Apes film. Reboot or remake.

  14. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Darren- at least you would have to agree that Wahlberg was no Charlton Heston. Heston had a really interesting character to play while Wahlberg was just a presence and not much more. My Point on his non reaction -Once he is captured by the apes he never once seems scared or stunned. He never says what is going on here or anything like that. His reaction to me was just not believable. I will agree with you on the fact that Burtons version is certainly a watchable film with some real good stuff in it. Tim Roth is great as Thade. He’s the films engine.The problem is the removal of any social relevance and the use of sound stages which was a big mistake. While slightly confusing I did find the end of Burtons film interesting! Its much more like the original novel.
    Franklin J. Schaffner who helmed the original 1968 film did a perfect job in every aspect and no remake was going to live up to its greatness!


  15. Robert Phillips says:

    I am eager to see what this versoin does to what Tim Burton produced in his version of Planet of the Apes. I don’t understand how so many people could rubbish his version of the movie when it was a brilliant attempt at a modern update of a clasic sci-fi masterpiece. I hope he decides to come aboard and work with the film studio to continue what he started. To everyone who didn’t like the remake I can only say that they need to step back and realise that if Charlston Heston didn’t like what Tim Burton did to his origional character and story thewn he would not have agreed to do the cameo in the remake!!!!

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