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First Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Pics Online

By Rodney - December 29, 2008 - 08:43 America/Montreal

We get our first look at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and surprise surprise. No Transformers.

ComingSoon says:

Empire has debuted these first three photos from Michael Bay’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen as well as a new cover featuring Optimus Prime, while USA Today has published two articles on the filming that took place at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico that stood in for much of a battle that will take place in Cairo, Egypt in the movie.

The cover of the issue this article features in has a look at Optimus Prime, but he looks exactly the same as he did in the first movie though little battle worn so I imagine this will take place later in the film. But aside from that our first look is Shia and Megan Fox and some splodey military stuff.


You can see the rest of the images over at ComingSoon





    and ill add that that optimus prime, although he looks worn out like you said, looks a lot better then the one in the first movie…he just looks more roughed and badass with the new look

  3. Matt says:

    is it just me or does it look like megan fox is holding one of her tits?

  4. obi-wan kubrick says:

    What a shock that they are making the same mistake as last time. Focusing on the pointless humans instead of the real stars the Transformers.

  5. Slushie Man says:

    There are more pics on USA Today.

    And Obi, they’re not. They ARE focusing MUCH more on the robots in this movie. Way to judge the entire movie based off of a picture released months before the movie comes out.

  6. Rodney says:

    Well just like the last movie, they filmed the people before they finished animating the bots.

    So this is probably the only finished shots they have.

    I would have at least liked to have seen some of the vehicle modes etc.

  7. aaron says:

    aweosme pic!

  8. Rodney says:

    @Matt…. she might be. Those things can get away from you without proper support.

    Specially when running.

    Just sayin.

  9. Monty says:

    It’s Eagle Eye II.

  10. Ed P. says:

    Cool! Can’t wait to see the film.

  11. Slushie Man says:

    Rodney, there’s a TF2 blog I go to for all my TF2 news, that has had many shots of most of the alt modes for months now.


  12. elijah says:

    Thats not a new Prime photo, its one from the first movie

  13. Aco says:

    Looks like they wrote his injury into the movie, judging by his left hand in the picture.

  14. EZELL says:

    Who cares about the bots lets see more of megan fox in tight leather.

    Well some bots would be cool too.

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