Dragonball Movie now Dragonball Evolution?

Posted by Rodneyon 05. 12. 2008in News Chat

The new Dragonball film adaptation is making more changes. Just when you didn’t think the DB fanboys didn’t have enough to complain about!

ComingSoon says:

20th Century Fox may have extended the title of its upcoming “Dragon Ball” adaptation to Dragonball Evolution.

I wonder if this possible name change is to reflect that this is NOT trying to be the cartoon. This is an adaptation after all, and most of the complaining has been about how it isn’t like the cartoon. Some of the biggest complaints are the colour of Emmy Rossum’s hair, and the misconception that Goku (an alien monkey boy) wasn’t played by an Asian.

An adaptation means to adjust to different conditions or environment. So are we really surprised that they made…gasp… changes??

I don’t have a lot of strong feelings about how similar the adaptation is to the cartoon because I am not a fan. But even without considering that, I am not certain that those complaints heard loudly are really worth getting that upset about.

I have a feeling that if the movie sucks, it will suck all on its own merit, and not because of the colour of someone’s hair. Who knows? Might be fun.

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Rodney who has written 8668 posts on The Movie Blog

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96 Responses to “Dragonball Movie now Dragonball Evolution?”

  1. aaron says:

    either way it doenst look good, but “Dragonball Evolution” sounds better

  2. Mr. Chris says:

    Ugggh. Extended colon title. Sounds like a sequel, video game, or new animated series. I guess we can’t be surprised considering Fox also thought it was necessary that “Wolverine” gets “X-Men Origins” attached to it.

    As for the general complaints, I would’ve made the same choices regarding Bulma’s hair and Goku’s race. Goku wasn’t Asian and brunettes are cuter.

    • Brian says:

      Goku wasn’t white either, and master Roshi wasn’t asian. The movie seems retarded in my point of view anyway. Fox went far beyond what the cartoon series was, almost like a Transformers type setting and as a fan of the Dragonball series makes my eyes ache in pain.

      • AnimeLoverWoman says:

        Ooooooh, really? Well if he wasn’t white and he wasn’t asian then what the heck was he then? He looked pretty white to me on the series. I think the movie was great. I don’t care what you all thought about it. It’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. And another thing, I think Justin Chatwin played a good Goku. So if you all don’t like it then don’t watch it and let the one’s who do like it watch it.

    • Rodney says:

      Goku isn’t Asian, and Roshi IS Asian.

    • TheRob333 says:

      why do people think goku should be Asian in the movie? In the show he clearly looks more like a Caucasian male then Asian, that would just people another thing this movie fucked up on

  3. Rodney says:

    And Rossum is all sorts of cute.

  4. HAZMAT_drinks_rat_period_blood says:

    ..im still lookign forward to this…


  5. wow says:

    Just a heads up-
    The poster in this post is FAKE. It’s not real.

    Also, I’m glad to see “The Movie Blog” giving this movie a fair chance now.

  6. Rodney says:

    @Wow… its not a poster… just an image.

    And not giving it any more of a fair chance than I would have before. I dont care much about the movie idea, but I have always said it might be alright.

    Not a Dragonball fan at all and so far not impressed really. Still not sold on it. But I can’t judge a movie I haven’t seen.

  7. HAZMAT_drinks_rat_period_blood says:

    like that one time everyone said punisher war zone was going to suck

    but then again i also said wanted was going to suck…and i liked it…
    same with max payne

  8. Joe says:

    no just no

  9. Kristina says:

    The title explains how Piccolo evolved from green to white :)

  10. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    this movie is doomed

  11. HAZMAT_drinks_rat_period_blood says:

    piccolo is actually brown for half the movie…because he is 10 thousand years old so in the middle of the movie he eats this other picolo guy (or uses the dragon balls….james marsters didnt specify) and became young and green like in the cartoon

  12. aaron says:

    lol Kristina

  13. bigsampson says:

    my problem is that most of the fanboys of this have idot comments….and they want a movie that the general public would simpley laugh at do to its retarded antics ..i mean what did u want to see a power ranger movie too? i mean get over it this movie is gonna suck cause it is what it is….a movie for nerdy white guys (who once thought they could actually be japanese if they catched this crap enough in the early 90′s) in there late 20′s to rekindle the lost spirit of geekdom…me i will watch this but for the people who are old still touting how good this sad series was is just sad….i love toriyama’s art but this show was played out and lasted way too long….wish D.N.A. could have been a longer comic…check that one out….i think i still have the books.

  14. HAZMAT_drinks_rat_period_blood says:


    that, was by far, the most unaccurate, untrue, overall worse and most bullshit comment ive ever read.

    so ill put a response to it as delicatedly as i can

    1) everyone wrote douche comments like yours when transformers was being made, and they got even worse when they showed the 13 second teaser trailer, people thought a toy movie would be extremely gay. wrong. “this movie is a kids movie, what do you expect? its a TOY movie and its going to be dumb” people said it would have a spy kids look. turned out to be awsome

    2) ive said this…a million times. if they make a power rangers movie with hobgoblin looking power rangers and a darker grittier story with no pink power ranger and kickass uniforms and awsome top of the line action and no jokes, it would be a sick movie. then of course, have a transformers-like CGI for megazord.

    3) id like to address your “only nerdy white guys on their 20s like DB” statement but, it was so unaccurate that i guess ill just let it go

  15. aaron says:

    Hazmat i agree

  16. Nathan says:

    After watching the leaked “trailer”, I pretty much gave up on this movie. It doesn’t really matter what they change the name to. Fox keeps delaying both the film and the official trailer. That can’t be good news. I doubt the studio has much confidence in the film. Too bad. Dragon Ball could make for a really great, fun film. But it doesn’t look like that’s happening here.

  17. Birkoff_zero says:

    WTF? is bad

  18. Kracken says:

    Just watch the real trailer for this crap, and you’ll know what is bad

  19. WTF says:

    this movie is goin to suck, its gonna end bein sum dumb white kid luv story, Piccolo looks so fucking stupid, and the story looks really dumb

  20. Rodney says:

    I love responses so well thought out with proper grammar and spelling like the super genius above this comment.

    Makes me believe him even more when he is so raging that he cannot even type.

    • Brian says:

      You don’t exactly need proper grammar to see that this movie looks like crap.

      I mean c’mon the guy from Bullet Proof Monk is playing Master Roshi and he’s never been in a good movie lol.

    • Rodney says:

      Brian you clearly know nothing about Chow Yun Fat.

      Not every actor has a perfect batting record and you found one movie he was in that you don’t like.

      Congrats. Now go watch the other 103 films he has to his credit and then pretend to know something about the guy.

  21. ebuhoner says:

    I just want this movie to be like Iron Man… but all the trailers and photos that I see are really discouraging to me… the story looks boring… I just don’t like it… I hope they fix it… this movie deserves to be one of the best!

  22. Curious says:

    It’s just unfortunate that the wrong people got a hold of this movie. Because it really comes down to the way it is portrayed.
    This guy gets a hold of it and now it looks like it will lack the power that you get when watching good adaptations…
    Look at batman for example…
    The first series got butchered with batman and robin or batman forever…
    Then someone with a better vision got the rights and we got edge of our seat, action packed, badass story Batman begins and I don’t think I need to say how genious The Dark Knight was…
    Point being…… It’s a damn shame

    • NuClearLPU says:

      Curious, i think the same.
      the first Batman movies sucked or at least where to “Kid-friendly”, the first Hulk movie also was’ent that good, but with the increadible hulk the made a really cool remake .. you cant say that this movie is Bad, before you have seen it, maybe if it does suck, then in a couple of years, someone else will remake it??

      I’m really lookin’ forward to see this Movie, And I’m sure that it will get a lot of attension (not only negative”.

  23. Bob says:

    I’m very interested in seeing this film. I’m glad they drifted from the original anime a bit and put more of an adult feel to it. Live action talking floating animals is not for me. special effects could be better but still look good. I really hope fox can pull this off.

  24. thenephil says:

    all you damn complainers just need to stop bullshiting. at least there is a actual movie coming out. just like the article said its a adaptation of the series sooo get over it cause you all know your gonna go see it.

  25. Loong Loong says:

    Like Curious says: “It’s just unfortunate that the wrong people got a hold of this movie”. If it had the same level as The dark knight for example, it would be appreciated by a larger target-group. The trailer really gives a Power Ranger idea. The surroundings look more like a Steven Seagall movie.

    The character play is even worse. Goku is not supposed to say: “Wow cool!”, when Bulma is popping out the capsule, but be shocked. Roshi supposed to be a dirty old man and Bulma is not a fighter (see her guns), but must the brains of the group. And when using the existing characters, please use the existing storyline.

    Everyone is getting a total strange impression of the trailer, even the non-fans. If it’s a serious movie, like I predict, it will be a total flop! Especially with these settings they use now.

    Luckily it is Dragonball and not DBZ. Hopefully someone who is willing to do more research and has more knowledge will create a high-level DBZ movie.

  26. DBZ Fan says:

    This is a horrible representation of the original cartoon series it is set off of. Anyone who followed DB DBZ & DB-GT can tell that the actors don’t even closely resemble anyone from the series.

    Batman was a comic than a cartoon then finally a movie when batman begins came out. That took 10years after the original 3 batman movies went to crap.

    This could have been an amazing movie but piccilo looks like her belongs in a Goosebumbs Movie, Goku should not be an american actor Bulma should have silver hair and look somewhat american. i could go on forever with how shitty this movie already looks.

    Sorry fans i guess were gonna have to stick with the anime series until someone does this right.

    • Rodney says:

      I love how all the anime fans think that its even remotely possible to do a direct representation of the cartoon.

      If the characters were the same this would be the most ridiculous, retarded steaming pile of crap ever. Seriously.

      And please don’t start the retarded “Goku shouldnt be white” routine. The character is NOT Asian, and Bulma is green haired and is Hispanic.

      You can go on about how you think this is shitty, but you would just get shot down repeatedly. It is an adaptation of the cartoon.. this is not and never will be a direct translation of the film.

      So go cry to the rest of the mindless masses that want to cry that this is not as retarded as the cartoon would be if translated directly to real life. You clearly won’t be happy anyways.

  27. Q says:

    i hate it…it lost the originality of the story… the character is different… i dont care if goku is not an asian but goku used to be funny… not serious… they made the whole different dagon ball… only the names are the same… apart from that its different

  28. Kev says:

    Rodney, all that we want is a simple adaptation of the source material that would both appeal to the fans of DB as well as bring in new people.

    Unfortunately from looking at the trailers, the characters, storyline, pretty much everything, has been hacked and westernized to such a degree that it’s not even worth calling it DB (hence the copout of adding in evolutions I guess).

    IMO, Kung Fu Hustle is more of a DB-like movie than evolutions itself and I thought KFH was great (the combination of laid-backness and serious action would be perfect).

    To say you can’t do a more direct representation of the original DB cartoon is simply being lazy. The studio just isn’t willing to put that much effort into the movie when they can just churn out a generic, more bankable (less risky), action movie. Unfortunately, it means stifling any sense of creativity and I share the DB creator’s first reaction to the movie: ‘Huh?’

    At least they’re giving attention to anime-movie adaptations.

    • Steveo says:

      Screw this. You have your adaptation with source materials, you have all of the characters and the story doesn’t look to stray THAT far from the original DB series. This couldn’t be more right in my opinion.

      If TF and Batman relied to heavily on source content and didn’t follow a vision that applies well to us, it would have failed.

      For example, the difference between the first and second batman movies is the cities. If everyone remembers the comic book, Gotham is a place that looks like it was architeched by crackheads. However, in the Dark Knight, they decided to just use Chicago, because we relate more to it that way.

      Let the directors do their jobs, then we’ll piss and moan once its out.

  29. Kate says:

    I’ve been browsing on youtube for some fan made live action dragonball and seen this one “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHg-NtQs-Hc&feature=channel_page”. They did quite a decent job for a dragonball movie. High speed fighting action just like the anime. If they just have enough budget to make a film, I think they will come up with a lot better live action dragonball movie.

    • Rodney says:

      Wow. That was a steaming pile of fan wank amateur garbage.

      You think that they could do better than the upcoming film just because they sampled some sound effects and filmed a fan film in their back yard. Sorry. That would be fun as a fan tribute for kicks, but if they ever put that in a theater it would get less views than Gigli.

  30. Steveo says:

    This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHg-NtQs-Hc&feature=channel_page

    is retarded, Kate. I love DB, DBZ and DBGT..I am a HUGE fan, but if FOX decided to make a movie THAT similar to the series, I would not go see it. You have to approach things differently when you’re making a live-action adaptation of a cartoon. Somethings that would work and make sense in a cartoon does not translate well to real life.

    Everyone loves that new Batman movies, but these movies differ so much from the original series/comic books, because they needed to in order to be successful.

    Sorry, not being mean, but let’s be real, DB is a great Anime, but a horrible television show. It follows non of the standard rules that makes television shows great. This needed change, and in my eyes, the change is refreshing :-)

  31. DBZ_is_the_shiznits says:

    im hoping this movie is awesome, and even if its not quite up to par, its still gonna be sweet. I hope this movie does well and they make sequals because every fan knows that DBZ is way tighter than the dragonball series. I wanna see vegeta and gohan in the next ones, and then even goten and trunks.

  32. Mira says:

    BTW, there are fan girls too!

    i agree about an adaption to the storyline and circumstances but not the characters personalities and traits! Still picking my jaw of the floor when i saw the preview!

    anyway for curiousity I will be going to see it, crossed fingers that it will be better than the trailer has me to believe.

  33. goku 41 says:

    i have never seen this movie but i am a big fan of dragonball z, dragonball and dragonball GT it looks very good but piccolo looks so stupid and love the name dragonball evoluion hopefaly they will make a dragonball z movie with broly.

  34. kamil says:

    Ive seen it.. Conclusion.. It sucks so much, that i would drown anyone who says otherwise..
    They changed too much from the original manga.
    Goku goes to school(WTF), the characters already knew about namekians, (in the manga/anime, even piccolo didnt know about his origins until the frieza saga), and a lame ass kamehameha (its now an airbending technique, so goku’s an avatar now! YAY!).. Theres just so much more fail in this movie, it’d probably take the whole series to list!.. okay thats stretching it, but seriously it just sucks

  35. kamil says:

    Yeah im being a fanboy, but even so, the quality of this movie isnt something to brag..
    The characters are underdeveloped, very stiff acting with very awkward scripts (though, the actors probably didnt have much to go on), storyline felt rushed, mediocre effects (the strongest kamehameha wave looked like a fart next to a fire instead of a powerful planet owning death wave)..ETc etc.

  36. napupu says:

    sorry everyone, i just saw the movie and it’s not a bad movie as it is but it’s not dragonballs!!!!
    it’s many things but it just has the wrong title …. if they would have named it any other way it wouldn’t be bad….. but come on it really is NO DRAGONBALL!!!!
    they got allmost everything wrong not only as the story goes but i think exept the names …… kinda everything!!!!
    1. they say namekians allmost destroyed the world 2000 years ago…. wrong!! the “bad half” of a namekian(a peacefull race)split from his better side in order to become “kami” (god/”caretaker”) of earth and his bad side was picollo that became a deamon
    2. they say goku or better yet “ozaru” the monkey that goku becomes was sent as picolos hentchman…. or something….. WRONG!!! that monkey is within all sayans (goku’s race) and the sayans sent him to earth in order to conquer it but hit his head as a child and forgot about his mission….and became a nice guy….
    anyway i could go on and on…….
    !!!bottom line …. as a movie not bad(not good but not bad/short)…. but as a dragonball movie adaptation it’s wrong….. and i really am sorry to say this but ever since i saw the anime i wished for a movie ….. and this is not it
    P.S. besides the fact that goku is caucasion, bulma has no blue hai…. only details but the they didn’t get the essence of goku and dragonball, they didn’t follow the story and history of goku….. it’s just wrong….. USA did it again ….. they destroyed something that could have been a great movie worthy of the name DRAGONBALL

    • Rodney says:

      You lost all credibility when you threw in Goku being white.

      You over analyzed the movie to death that every last thing was altered. WHICH THIS MOVIE REQUIRED, and from the 16 minute preview I saw the movie looks like it captures everything about the cartoon and THAT is why it looks stupid.

  37. latino4rmnyc says:

    All i have to say is that the storyline was squeezed into this movie. It was like taking one bun of bread, squeezing all the ingredients(lettuce, tomato, meat, etc.) into this one bun and folding it! The ingredients of the “sandwich” will be falling out and their would not be any enjoyment. This is exactly what happened with this movie. They tried so hard to make everything fit that they left the whole moral of the story out! Why couldnt they make it longer, just like they did with WATCHMEN and end it with the audience thinking of what is going to happen next or have some sort of IDEA at least.
    I give this movie -5 stars. Even though i am a huge fan of Db dbz and dbgt…people need to start putting more effort in movies and not worry about the money. You work hard and you will eventually earn the money, maybe more….

  38. wil01 says:




  39. Josephxvii says:

    This movie is going to suck. It’s off story and is missing alot of valuble characters like krillin to name one. dont look forward to it. expect a major let down

    • Rodney says:

      I predict the movie will be bad because they stuck TOO close to the book. The cartoon was silly and filled with bad dialogue.

      And that was exactly what they are going to deliver, and the fans are upset that its not MORE lame like the cartoon.

  40. Josephxvii says:

    oh and goku didnt go to school

  41. Peta? Who Peta? says:

    Well i have to say that i saw the movie and it was the worst movie i’ve ever seen, worse than both street fighter movies, worse than startroopers 2 it was bad. Alot of people that saw it cried, I my self felt like throwing up, no exaggeration. I new it might not be that good but wow i didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was.

  42. Peta? Who Peta? says:

    Caution Spoiler!!!:

    Major changes in the movie;

    1) Goku goes to school

    2) Goku is not a sayain but is called special which is never explained why

    3) Bulma doesn’t have blue or purple hair

    4)Gohan is still alive

    5) The kamehameha’s have different colours depending on the person

    6) Kamehameha’s are air bending techniques like in avatar

    7) Characters like Krillen, Kami, Tien, Yajarobi, ox king, twar, oolong, koran, and normal piccalo do not exist (WOW!!!!!)

    8) uzaru lived over 2000yrs ago and does not say what uzaru and also basically makes the sayains non existant

    9) The setting is present day earth instead of the future which means NO DINOSAURS OR SPECIAL TECHNOLOGY!!!

    10) and most important, GOKU LOST ALL INOCENCES HE HAD IN DRAGONBALL, DRAGONBALLZ AND DRAGONBALLGT and is pretty much a fag :o

    • Rodney says:

      Hey einstien, its an ADAPTATION, which by the very definition means that there are changes.

      Who cares? Changes would have been good for that cartoon to make a good movie. A direct word for worked scene for scene translation would have sucked so bad.

      Sadly, they come TOO close to the cartoon from what I have seen. The trailer makes it look cool, but actual clips of the movie make it look dumb.

  43. Peta? Who Peta? says:

    In my opinion they should have done 1 of two things, not make dragonball and instead make a better movie with original story line or make dragonball with a good storyline by not trying to rush the movie and story in.

  44. azlee says:

    well i do agree with what your saying. But i guess since people were so use to the cartoon that the concept of changing things was kind of wrong. The movie on its own is great the story line and was kind of catchy. But as a fan i would have to say the movie sucked but not as bad since the characters didnt change as much and the plot was there (fight the bad guys and collect the dragon balls).

  45. Vincent says:

    Hey Rodney, this one’s for you. Why do you keep yelling “it’s an adaptation” we got that already.

    The thing isn’t about who’s playing the characters neither…

    But, after saying “it’s an adaptation” over and over again, now you try to justify the fact that the movie is bad, by saying it’s not really just an adaptation and that it looks more like the cartoon than supposed? You’re the one who’s pretty bad at it now, you’re just trying to be always right.

    I’m not a fan of dragon ball, although I love animes and mangas in general. Anyway, I’ve watched dragon ball from the very beggining, and the only “good” of the movie we’re all talking about, is that the special effects aren’t that bad, and that the movie had its potential.

    I, for one, didn’t want to see the exageration of the near end of DBZ.

    But for the plot, well… “it’s an adaptation”, okay, alright, but it’s no excuse to plain suck like it does. The plot is nowhere near the true thing. So don’t come around and say “They did it too much like the manga and it’s why it sucks”. That’s just a big lie to show more that you dislike the original manga to start with.

    Personally, I would’ve loved if they’d stick to the real story.

    “If the characters were the same this would be the most ridiculous, retarded steaming pile of crap ever. Seriously. ”

    Aren’t you lacking a little too much of objectivity there? There are some people who actually love the story line. I didn’t particularly loved it, but I didn’t dislike it, and I’m pretty sure it could’ve been just fine if it followed the true plot, it’s just that instead, you wouldn’t be watching it, while some others could enjoy it.

    You’re just the same as the others who are addicted to dragon ball and complains about the color of Bulma’s hair. It’s just that you, on your side, you complain about them, and try to say that this movie wouldn’t have been bad if it wasn’t a dragon ball movie, which is just as stupid, since it’s not at all a true dragon ball movie. It just have the same title, using the same names, borrowing some of the ideas.

    • Rodney says:

      I keep saying it because you are not listening.

      Adaptation MEANS changes. Sadly not enough changes were made and the movie looks like silly childish garbage anyways. I am not “always trying to be right”

      This is my opinion, and an opinion cannot be wrong. Thats why its called an opinion.

      Being an adaptation doesn’t give it an excuse to suck, it just explains why they made some of the changes they did to adapt it to a new medium.

      I was actually very interested in this movie until I saw the sneak peek of the first 16 minutes of the movie and it looked like crap. I am objective on the matter, and I even defended the movie. The irony is that the fanboys were cussing that they adapted too much, which is what I liked about what they showed in the trailers… but now that they didn’t adapt ENOUGH, the fanboys are saying it sucks. Pretty deep considering it looks like it will be a LOT like the cartoon, and the die hards hate that after crying it needed to be more like the cartoon.

      It doesn’t HAVE to be a “true dragonball movie” when its an ADAPTATION… there’s that word again. Look it up.. you seem confused on what it means.

  46. Big Daddy Orange says:

    This movie rocked!!!! I love DB, DBZ, and DBGT. Watch DBZ and listen to Goku. His lines are cheesy as hell. The movie’s dialogue is spitting image of a cartoon episode. Cheesy!

    The entire movie played out like the carton. Yes, the story was a major change and a bit rushed, but it still held true to the backbone; Goku is good and Piccolo is bad.

    Piccolo was pretty lame though, saying about 10 words the entire film. I would have liked a better fight scene between Goku and Piccolo. There is not a lot of back story, but if everyone is such a “die hard fan” they don’t need one.

    Bulma and ChiChi are hot, but there boobs were sized down compared to the anime :( I think the movie was a great new look on DB, but i would rather see a DBZ storyline. Hoping for a sequel!!!

  47. Brian says:

    To Rodney

    When the Die hard Dragonball fans are bashing the film do you not realize that these are the people that this film is trying to appeal to? Who else is going to watch this movie when they don’t even know the story line.

    I’m not going to say that it will absolutely do bad, but I myself was a fan of the series and this adaptation that they have done doesn’t look very good at all to me. My prediction is that the movie will fail, but its only a prediction and we shall see what the future holds.

    • Rodney says:

      Iron Man appealed to everyone with a lesser known member of the Avengers. Most people who saw that didn’t even know who he was. But it wasn’t a movie JUST for people familiar with Iron Man.

      When they adapt movies from niche markets the best way to do it is to broaden the appeal. If they target the appeal JUST to die hard fans, it will fail. It needs a bigger audience to just get past its budget.

  48. B-Werx says:

    After reading through the whole enchilada the folks have written here (fans and non fans) I say, the trailer itself looked pretty lame. It’s an “ADAPTATION,” alright I’m already there, but shouldn’t they have done something else to make this movie a bit better? I for one enjoyed watching the original Dragon Ball animation series in my younger days, but this movie just takes away all the fun in it. The part that (I believe) people loved about the original cartoon are the characters and the adventures, although kicking evil alien butts is part of the plots, but hey! People loved it for its colorful characters. If they are going to make an adaptation, at least retain the personalities of the characters! Okay, being overly perverted like Master Roshi like in the cartoon is pretty much over the top, but the character of Goku has been totally altered. I mean the Goku in the cartoon loves challenges and he would always wear a smile when he faces strong opponents, in a way, he gives a sense of hope in the original show, but in this movie the guy who played Goku seems like he’s not interested into what he is doing. Sure the movie also had its share of comic relieves, but the lack of character development is what really made this movie fail to catch my interest.

  49. Rina says:

    The movie ended up somewhat like a teen movie on steroids… I never enjoyed watching teen movies anyway…

  50. Koin says:


    first of all,, this is DRAGON BALL we’re talking about.
    (@rodney d u know that?,,i guess not, even when i’m saying it with the caps lock on…)
    DRAGON BALL is one of the best pop lit in this contemporer history and in fact sold more than hundred millions of copy (more than 1%)and multiply more for their fans around the world(for the whole world,,but I’M sure..you’re NOT one of THEM).
    when you say it’s sucks for the anime,,okay some of it is true,,because ENGLISH translation in anime is sucks,,but hey it is a manga to get start with..a lit..
    what we-the DB fans-are angry to you is that hollywood and did not pay respect much to this (DB ), maybe just because it is not a western original franchise…
    for the example (trivial though) I compare it to the other adaptaion,,i.e Harry Potter,,i wonder how many people in the world will be mad if the HP movie would put Harry with blonde hair,,hermione with black afro girl and ron is handsome serious guy…I WONDER HOW U SAY IT “HEY, IT’S A HARRY POTTER ADAPTATION DUDE!!”

    okay,i get the point that it’s your opinion,,just don’t disrespect to other fans and say ‘just accept it, this is originally sucks’,,YOU JUST DON’T THE REAL FACT WHAT DRAGON BALL IS ABOUT.

    • Rodney says:

      I know what it is. I am also familiar with the cartoon.

      Your numbers are fabricated and without merit. And despite it selling a million copies in a country with 1.3 BILLION people makes it popular in a niche. Also, the movie released there failed to get a million people to see it.

      And Harry Potter made changes when it was adapted too. Plenty of the book’s plot was left out to adapt it into a film. Something you clearly know nothing about.

      Furthermore, its isn’t like they made Goku a girl or anything extreme. All of the characters are close to the silly cartoons they are representing, but more realistic since it is an adaptation of a live action film.

      You can cry all you want, but the reason I predict this is going to fail is exactly what you are whining they didn’t do. They DO pay respect to the show and manga by maintaining the silliness of the characters and that takes away from the movie. From the clips I saw, it looks hokey and too much like the cartoon.

      But that’s what you say die hard fans want, and they are not going to see this film because it looks dumb.

  51. Koin says:

    just how many American name their son Son Goku…maybe your next door neighbor Rodney

    • Rodney says:

      And how many Asians have monkey tails and come from outer space??

      Goku isn’t Asian, so it doesn’t matter what race plays him.

  52. Buuboy says:

    Ermm Rodney, if you where knew to this concept of dragonball, like didn’t have a clue what was going on, you wouldn’t know crap what was happening in this movie, hell I didn’t know what this movie was going on about and as the name suggests I am a fan of the series, I would have liked to see something completly different story wise but not changing the characters, or stick so close to the manga/anime that it would be hard to tell the differnece, oh and koin got you there.

    • Rodney says:

      Actually I have read the script and I can tell you that you DON’T have to have a clue at all about what is going on. They do a pretty good job establishing the story.

      This is the whole point of doing a movie adaptation is to bring the story to a new medium. They don’t pick up mid conflict and just hope you already know what is happening. The story is laid.

      Koin got nothing but more proof that he is a raving fanboy. The fact remains that the movie doesn’t appeal to fanboys (despite giving them what they want anyways), and doesn’t deliver on the trailer that actually had me interested in this.

  53. Buuboy says:

    Yeah but they just throw random things in that confuse everyone, stuff about piccolos blood being used, and when he was a baby, just showed a picture for like 20 seconds then moved on - I was confused and I knew what was going on, they tried to cram it in to a shorter film, when they should have expanded the important parts more. Oh and what the hell kind of oozaru was that, purley just a rubber mask and a poor - why not stick it in the film, as it makes no sense at all - kind of moment.

  54. Buuboy says:

    coz you had the script

  55. Jargon83 says:

    The movie is TRASH man! I’ve seen the advanced screening and I can’t help but feel nauseated right from the get go. Even the guy sitting beside me can’t help but cry with what they did with it! To confirm that I’m not the only one having a hard time swallowing what happened to the movie I asked others who also watched it and they just plain hated it. I’m not trying to flame anybody or say any outrageous comments about what they did with Dragon Ball. But the movie just sucked! I went to watch it hoping it won’t be as bad as the fans say it would be, but I’m really disappointed… All I can say is, at least consult people who actually know more about what they are going to adapt rather than just make a shitty piece of rewritten piece of crap!

    • Rodney says:

      Then its a good thing that the original writer of the Manga was consulted on the film and signed off on it then.

      I love it when people say “get someone better” when the person who created the series was happy with it, but you think someone should have done better.

  56. Jargon83 says:

    Um… I don’t want to rain down on your reply, but I have been reading a lot of articles too about this movie. I can clearly recall that the Original Author himself said something in the lines of:

    “As the original creator, I had a feeling of “Huh?” upon seeing the screenplay and the character designs”

    Wow… It seems like he himself had a hard time taking it in. Does this look like the guy who they asked for advice about what they are going to do with his work? I don’t think so…

  57. Koin says:

    Just give us somebody like Sam Raimy,,he’s not Stan Lee,,he’s just a die hard Spiderman’s fanboy @his childhood,,he knew what Spiderman is,,Stephen Chow??He’s a good actor and He’s a good director,,but to adapt a cult lit like DB??(he’s hardly read DB in his time,he’s a busy actor). <y point is,,a die hard fan (and capable also,of course) is the best person to make the cult series into reality,,otherwise,,going crap.

    • Rodney says:

      Sort of like how they got Christopher Nolan to do Batman when he doesn’t care at all about the character?

      Every example you give of how this would be a better film “if only…” doesn’t matter. If they DID get a Dragonball fanatic director (is there such a thing.. never heard a director confess their amusement with DB) you would still complain that Goku didn’t have a tail.

      They consulted with the writer of the Manga and he was happy with it. You can never be happy with it, so there is not “only if” scenario that would make you happy.

  58. Koin says:

    and I know you’ve read all the Potter book so you can say about it,,but i hardly convinced that you’ve read all the 42 volume of DB.then you’re just going rhetoric about it. i recommend you read all the books before you reply all of us.because DB is A MANGA to get start with.

  59. asiankid says:

    lol lol lol rodney your ignorant dude goku isn’t asian but he is portrayed to look like an asian dumass and the same thing goes for superman if a fucking asian or indian played superman ppl would be like wdf is going on and probably laugh about it and the cast in this movie blew

    • Rodney says:

      Really? Now you are proving you are just ignorant.

      He is portrayed as being Asian? Or is he portrayed as being adopted and raised by an Asian.

      Just how many Asians do you know with monkey tails??

      Before you try this same failing argument to bring Superman into the mix, remember that IN THE COMIC Jor-El specifically sent Kal’s ship to land in middle america because he looked exactly like a white midwestern American.

      Goku didn’t look like anything. He looked like a boy with a monkey tail that was raised by an asian man.

      GET OVER IT.

  60. bamboo says:

    Well apart from it being quite cringe-worthy the whole way through… it was quite entertaining for that HSM corn-factor. :)

  61. Megumi says:

    None of the Dragonball characters are truly Asian. However; because this was written by a Japanese artist, we can assume they are Japanese. With that said, Goku was not discovered as an alien until his brother Raditz came and told him he was from the planet Vegeta. He didn’t look any different than any of the other characters thus it is very logical to assume he was Asian, Japanese. Hollywood has a way of changing everything to make the hero something that he’s not. As a fan, I’m really disappointing with this “ADAPTATION” of my favorite anime series. I’m am applauding Leonardo DiCaprio for what he’s doing with the Ninja Scroll movie and the promise he’s made to keep it as close to the anime series as possible!

    • Rodney says:

      Jerry Seigel was Jewish, so does that make Superman a jew?

      It is not logical to assume someone with a MONKEY TAIL is Asian.

      You people need to stop trying to make something into something it ISN’T just to justify your assumptions.

  62. John says:

    This entire movie is like a filler episode.

  63. mat says:

    I gave this movie a chance. But there are too many changes. Also storyline completly rules out a DBZ live action film because saiyans don’t exist. Was clearly made as a childrens martial arts film. seemed like a glorified power rangers film in all honesty.

    However Chris Marster made a great piccolo.

    • Rodney says:

      Changes dont ruin a movie. The movie ruined the movie.

      And they didn’t exclude the possibility of Saiyans. They could easily add that in a sequel (which I doubt will happen)

      And its JAMES Marsters.

  64. AntiSpiral says:

    I had a computer crunch the numbers and heres what it came up with…

    Not one single story line concept was adapted from the DB series, not a single stinking one.

    Nobody’s personality matched or even came close to matching the personalities of their anime counterparts. Not a single stinking one.

    Revamped for a unimaginative and culturally ignorant audience. I’m not insulting you, they did.

    Special Effects:0%
    Look, making a freaking beam of light doesnt need a supercomputer anymore, If low budget TV pilots can pull decent CG effects why couldn’t this movie stay true. Fact; it was pure ignorance, not money, that led to these kinds of decisions. Don’t believe me still? Google ‘the hunt for gollum’.

    The only thing they got right, the copyrights were handled by lawyers, who are probably the only DB fans considering they got the names correct. Good job guys!

    Promotion:(who cares?)
    DB took the world by storm, without freaking razor TV spots, or Superbowl ads, this movie flopped because the same fans that helped spread DB across the globe did not recommend this movie.

    The numbers don’t lie, this movie was an insult and from now on DB fans will have to cover up for this train wreck.

    coworker: You liked Dragon Ball? Wow…
    me: The anime or the movie?
    coworker: The anime? Is there a difference?


    • Rodney says:

      Wow, your computer managed to calculate your own personal opinion that you feel you have to state like they are facts?

      The movie sucked ass but for all sorts of reasons that were not any of the ones you mentioned.

      EVERYTHING you said as “facts” were nothing but your personal preference. They watched the show, had the original creator sign off on their interpretation and put out something they figured the fans would love.

      Bitter truth is that the reason it sucked is because it was a bad movie. That’s all.

  65. Vegeta says:

    Yeah i agree somewhat with rodney

    This is a adaptation i didn’t mind the cast at all the girls were hot like they were suppose to be.. goku being white to me (I’m asian trust me i was kinda shock to find that out) didn’t really but guys about krillin not being in the movie if you actually watch DB he isn’t introduced until way later….yea prtty much to sum it up it was not the cast or the script it was the director itself plus Anime for some reason is just alot harder to put into a movie than comic book heroes like iron man and spiderman and superman because they usually obtain there powers super fast but also at a crucial moment when they have internal problems, but superman he was already powerful most of us like him because of his superpowers prtty much and how he’s always 100% justice but back to anime the character usually gets more powerful as the story drags on same for comic book heroes but they obtain there powers usually a hell alot faster than anime heroes at least the famous anime and comic book heroes….but yea the director royally screwed this movie up like seriously.. what you guys saw was prtty much how the director and only the director saw in his head…. but dragonball is really hard to display in such a short time a adaptation was needed but ey the director f***ed this up big time it coulda made hundreds of millions of dollars.. i still don’t really know why they made this movie for children cause i read reviews and stuff and they said they made it for kids?? rodney can u shed some light on this??? this movie shoulda been pg13 like seriously this movie have already been advertised like most cartoons like spiderman and stuff they had like they own action figures and cards and stuff but i really did wish they portrayed the cast like in the anime seriously you coulda changed everything else but their personaility… yep and also the director is a major failure he’s trying to copy other director’s movie… like seriously the high school fight?? trying to copy spider-man i see but other movies to… seriously i understand the changes that had to be done but it was to severe and director blew like iron man what if tony stark was smart and still made the iron man but wasn’t a womanizer like that would still make the movie good but not great to the male audience o well it’s w/e i seriously i’m hoping that they make another db or dbz movie but with a different director they could use the same cast but just really need a different director with way major way better vision

  66. Vegeta says:

    goku being white didn’t bother me*
    also the whole tail thing guys goku lost that when he was a teen but he did have it when he fought with the first piccolo but if this is the 2nd piccolo then yea it would make perfect sense of him not having a tail… and also they coulda change the tail to something with his genes that transform him to eliminate the need of the “tail” plus we all mostly like the super saiyan thing o well lol but yea characters in the movie are introduced into goku’s like way way way way later like seriously how do u expect to fit like hours worth of dragonball in the most the movie coulda been is like 2 hours or a lil more.. unless the director had a great sense but i forgot the directors name but yea he was the director for final destination which was good but he should stick to his horror films but i was shock to find out stephen chow was a produce man lol i think stephen chow woulda been 10x better master roshi but that’s my opinion i know most asian ppl would agree with me

  67. Roshi says:

    well I’m glad Rodney agrees that the movie was crap. I dont have to keep believing that you are a total Lune heh jk… Anyway I suspected this adaptation would fail, maybe someone else can pick up the pieces and start over like they did with “The Incredible Hulk,” and make something halfway decent. I just wish they didnt adapt the saiyan part out of the adaptation just because the “Chosen One” theme has been done too many times.

  68. DBZ King says:

    OMG this movie was horrible a total disgrace to the show the people responible four this movie should quite their job crawl in a deep hole and sit there till they die of natural causes. PS goku is an alien so some one tell me why he should be asian.

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