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Damn I Love This Underworld 3 Poster

By John - December 22, 2008 - 10:10 America/Montreal

This isn’t really “news”, but I’ve been meaning to post this poster up for a while, and the only reason I like it so bloody much is that, while the Underworld franchise hasn’t blown my mind up to this point (I kinda liked the first one, didn’t care for the second one) the character played by Bill Nighy, Viktor, is simply my favorite vampire character in any medium of all time. He’s beyond cool, beyond powerful and has the most commanding presence on screen of any vampire character I’ve seen. And thus… I love this poster.



  1. aaron says:

    what a friggin amazing poster!!!!!

  2. jax says:

    you’re friggin nuts, campea.

    what is so amazing about this generic poster?

  3. John says:

    Hey Jax,

    Did you read the post? I said exactly why i loved the poster. I never said it was an “amazing” poster. I said I loved it… and I said why I loved it.

  4. jax says:

    yeah well i never saw the Underworld movies, so this poster does nothing for me and i’m sure most people would agree with me. And oh yeah, this movie is gonna flop big time. trailers haven’t been anything great and there is no demand for another Underworld movie. Finally, this d-grade franchise would just die already.

  5. Phil Gee says:

    I hope that’s a portaloo he’s sitting on. He looks like he needs it.

  6. spence says:

    I am actually looking for to this movie, not enough to go see it in theaters but enough to buy/rent it on DVD. Oh and i agree with every thing john said about Bill Nighy/Viktor….

  7. LOUISfilms says:

    i heard a cristmas song by this guy “MY GOD ITS AMAZING ” lol

  8. Alfie says:

    Who cares if this isn’t news. This isn’t a news site. It’s a blog ;p

  9. aaron says:

    yeah, it’s a blog, John can do what he wants, some people need to look up the definition of the word ‘blog’

  10. Doug (not Nagy) says:

    I like it. And I’m a fan of the franchise. Looking forward to the next chapter.

  11. DirkAnger23 says:

    I saw this poster in my local theater 3 weeks ago and thought it looked pretty damn cool too. Oh, and if you’ve never seen these movies…ahem Jax…. then your opinion is useless

  12. AB says:

    the strongest and the most powerful. i v seen the first underworld and i loved it. when victor came out and started speaking you can see the fear and terror in the eyes of the other vampires.

  13. Jennifer says:

    I am so sad to see that Kate Bekinsale is not returning in this 3rd installment! :o( I would go lesbian for her!

  14. Ken says:

    Jax, your an idiot. its people like you that have to voice their opinion about a movie that they haven’t seen. It makes absolutely no sense. you have no right to say anything bad about it until you see it. i wonder why i saw so many people on opening night and the next day? maybe because its a great series? ponder it.

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