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Crank 2 Trailer

By John - December 31, 2008 - 00:30 America/Montreal

Well… here you go. The Red Band trailer for Crank 2. Enjoy.


  1. Sound Designer Dan says:

    This trailer is the tits, ass, and poon all in one. For some reason, this trailer woke me up.

  2. Sahil says:

    WTF is this? How come it looks like a home video instead of a movie? Did they use the new “red” camera on this movie or Game? Any class that Jason Statham had left after the Transporter series is complete gone after that trailer alone.

  3. Krintina says:

    Two words: Fucking Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Sound Designer Dan says:


    They used two Canon HD cameras for this one: the HF-10 and the XH-A1. Keep in mind that this is what the first one looked like as well.

  5. Yamo says:

    holy shit best trailer of 2008 or post 2009

  6. Sahil says:

    Sound Designer Dan,
    It’s been a while since I watched Crank but for some reason I don’t remember it looking that way. This one looked like it was a low budget b movie.

  7. alfie says:

    john, for a guy who complains about shaky cam you sure don’t complain about it with these guys….

  8. John says:

    Hey Alfie,

    Because there is a massive difference between “hand held” and “shaky”. Hand held is fine as long as I can still completely see and follow the action and what is going on.

    Shaky Cam is when they flail the camera around to give the illusion of action and make it impossible to follow what is going on (Bourne Identity)

  9. Sound Designer Dan says:

    You mean Bourne SUPREMACY. Not IDENTITY. Identity still had an effective use of the camera during the fight scenes. Close for intensity but with spatial continuity within the sequence. Supremacy had none of this.

  10. Jason Angel says:

    how many different ways can you say FUCK YES!!!!!

    “is Dr (watever) gonna have to choke a bitch!?” i think i woke the neighbors laughing so hard

  11. Frank says:

    @Jason Angel

    I first heard Wayne Brady used that line in a Chappelle Show sketch a while back so it wasn’t that funny or original to me. But fuck that, at least it was new to you and that’s what counts. That line aside, however, I have to say that this is the best fucking trailer of the year.

  12. tom. says:

    At 40 seconds: I forgot her name, but I sure do recognise her face.

  13. jaffahut says:

    Strange. Right after I read John’s latest big article.

    This looks bad, but because I know what the first movie was like, I’m not saying a thing yet.

  14. Sahil says:

    Its sad that I know this but that’s Jenna Haze.

  15. The Dude says:

    Man I absolutely LOVED Crank. Just the way that they filmed it, with the handheld cams and the quick shots back and forth just blew me away. It was some good shit.

    I’m not sure that they’ll be able to replicate that excitement again, especially given the kind of stupid plot of him having a fake heart etc. How can the same shit happen to the same guy twice? (Die Hard 2 quote)

  16. total jiu jitsu says:

    uh ya, not exactly safe for work.


    wow. thats horrible…just abysmal taste…

    although given up by linkin park is a good song so thats one good thing

  18. Calviin says:


    I’m not even going to rewatch the trailer. I’m just going to assume you are asking about the Jenna Haze cameo.

  19. AARON says:

    thanks for putting it up guys!

  20. AARON says:

    …………ok that is terrrible but still thanks


    lmao looks like aaron posted that comment before watching it
    lmao good stuff.

    nice save though xD

  22. AARON says:

    and i’m thinking “crap, Hazmat found out!”


  23. Shovels Popcorn says:

    What…the hell? Now I just have to see Crank 1….

  24. Gareth says:

    whoa I didnt kno they got Jenna Haze to be in this flick? SWEET!!!

  25. Calviin says:

    Small Cameo. Ron Jeremy too.

  26. movieguy says:

    That looks awful. Is it produced by Troma? It looks like straight to dvd crap.

  27. DANNY says:

    It will definitely be a fun ride, but it LOOKS terrible. Shot on HD or not, it still feels like a home movie. You can make HD look great. The first film definitely didn’t look this amateur. Here’s hoping that they haven’t done the final film grading and color correcting!

  28. Uber Barrett says:

    i loved the first Crank. especially the idea of stuntmen directing, but i think i would have rather seen a new idea type of follow up film than a sequel.

  29. Mr. Chris says:

    This goes hand-in-hand with your article about judging movies. Every single bit of this looks the best movie ever made, yet I’m quite sure I can’t show this to a roomful of people without getting something thrown at me.

  30. Mat says:

    it definately looks much worse than crank 1, which was shot on the top professional hd cam of the time, the f900 (a $100k cam), while this was shot on $3k and $5k cameras. As has been said, the way it’s shot also makes it look like a home video…

    it appears the filmmakers chose the cheap cameras to minimize the set up time and shot with 5+ cams at almost all times in the hope that this would maximize the energy of the action and performances… i guess they’re betting that that will overcome the crappiness of the look. I’m curious how well it will do.

  31. AARON says:

    100 bucks says 3 million opening weekend

    i am joking lol

  32. Mr. Chris says:

    That’s still better than Delgo. :)

  33. Godovhellfire says:

    Looks like a mindless good time, as long as they keep the Hot Topic rock to a minimum.

  34. Evan says:

    This looks like its gonna be crap. It just looks like a testosterone movie for undereducated high school meatheads.

  35. JASON says:

    Appears to be shot on the low budget by high school students. Statham’s career may take a huge hit with this garbage.

  36. Mr. Chris says:

    I read somewhere that they used cheap hand-held cameras because they intended to wreck them.

  37. AARON says:

    why didn’t they just use the regular camera’s you know? probably a very low budget to work with

  38. frankwolftown says:

    This will either be the worst sequel I’ve ever seen or the BEST worst sequel I’ve ever seen.

  39. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    I like Stratham but I hated Crank. Going by this trailer, this is bottom of the barrel filmmaking. This looks just vile as it’s trying to appeal to the lowest of art forms! These guys( the directors) would just be better off making porn.I say that seriously, and Im not knocking porn by saying it. Stratham will not further his career by starring in this!


  40. Jason Angel says:


    ya, i know about Wayne Brady. thats y it was so funny. it was funny then and its funny now.

  41. AARON says:

    “that’s still better than Delgo :)”

    lol Chris good point!

    and they really need another camera here, the opening sequence with the doctor looking at the heart looked incredibly cheap

  42. Alfie says:

    I do not understand how you can sya the “hand held” look of crank is no worse then the “shaky” cam work of bourne. At least bourne doesn’t look like It was shot on a handy cam

  43. John says:

    Hey Alfie,

    Like I already explained… there is a differnce between hand held and Shaky. With shaky, you can’t tell who is doing what, what is going on or who is fighting who. It’s used to create the illusion of action and to hide the fact that they can’t do action properly.

    With hand held you can still see and understand everything that’s going on.

    And yes… it does look like it was shot on a handy cam. To me that’s the main reason I’m excited about this movie and have been for a while. This has never really been done before (using consumer cameras to film a Hollywood narrative feature film).

    We’ll see if the action/humor can carry the film… or if it’s really just about the camera you use.

  44. AARON says:

    That is true John, this is a first, so we will see for sure

  45. leeloo says:


  46. alfie says:

    if these guys were not your friends i do not believe you would like their movies,

  47. alfie says:

    i am just baiting you campea…..i just think the film looks incredibly ugly.

  48. alfie says:

    “With shaky, you can’t tell who is doing what, what is going on or who is fighting who. It’s used to create the illusion of action”

    so you mean like in 95% of the transformers battle scenes then?

  49. Christian says:

    This movie looks like a fun ride.

    “so you mean like in 95% of the transformers battle scenes then?”

    What? I think you are confusing the idea of shaky cam with something else.

  50. total jiu jitsu says:


    how true that line is “if these guys were not your friends i do not believe you would like their movies”

    you said what i was thinking.

    happy new year!

  51. kitty cats are funny! says:

    so I don’t get it…why is he electrocuting himself? To keep his heart pumping? Or what.

  52. Jay C. says:

    “With shaky, you can’t tell who is doing what, what is going on or who is fighting who. It’s used to create the illusion of action and to hide the fact that they can’t do action properly.”

    This is a pretty extreme generalization. To assume that someone like Paul Greengrass shoots the way he shoots simply because he doesn’t know how to handle action is a little naive. Christopher Nolan used a lot of ’shaky cam’ in Batman Begins, but clearly demonstrated a great sense of action in The Dark Knight.

    Although you may be right about some films, in most cases, the ’shaky cam’ is used to create a more visceral experience for the audience.

    “This has never really been done before (using consumer cameras to film a Hollywood narrative feature film).”

    28 Days Later. I know you’ll come up with a reason why that doesn’t count, so I might as well mention some others that probably won’t fall under your set of rules: Julien Donkey Boy, November, Timecode, Blair Witch Project (mixed with 16mm), Dancer in the Dark, Full Frontal…

    Hardly the first film to do this. However, still an interesting choice. People should also realize that they’ll more than likely be seeing a blown up 35mm print of this video footage and it will look much much different.

  53. Jonza says:

    XH-A1 is very high quality camera, at least on par with f900. Maybe f900 was expensive, but just because it was basicly the first truly usable professional hd-cam ever made. Today you can get f900 for a 1000$, its actually worth a lot less than a XH-A1…

  54. Hiland says:

    Well John, share your thoughts on the trailer…

  55. Mike Mai says:

    oh shit, looks low budget and ridiculous. i’m in!!!

  56. Mat says:

    sweet, an f900 for $1000 - please post a link jonza, i have a little christmas money left over.

    btw, the xh-a1’s outdated mpeg-2 compression of the image to 25mbps a little far off from the f900’s hdcam intraframe 184mbps, not to mention that 24f isn’t true 24p, nor the diff between 1/3 inch and a 2/3 inch sensor in terms of dynamic range and DOF….

    as for the f900 being out of date, fincher shot buttons on the viper, which is essentially an f900 optical block outputting log data to an hdcam sr deck.

    I’m not saying the film is bad - I’d have to see it first - just that you don’t know much about cameras….

  57. nayaz says:

    fuckin good….fuck twice

  58. alfie says:

    no christian I am not confusing it at all.there may be degrees of how shaky it looks but it is shaky.

  59. Gutpunch says:

    I’m guessing that the sound design and color timing haven’t been done in time for the trailer to be released cause there is no way a commercial film studio would release a film that looked and sounded like that other than straight to DVD.

    If the actual film keeps up half the pace this trailer has then I think we might be up for a fun ride.

  60. AARON says:

    Gutpunch, the first Crank looked exactly like this, and it was in theaters

  61. Gutpunch says:

    No it didn’t.

  62. dax says:

    This looks like a cheap direct to dvd home movie Troma shit. I was worried when u said they were shooting on low cost 3k cameras. I had no idea it would look this bad. Seriously, this looks even cheaper and worse than the first one did. Statham needs to stop appearing in these sorta crap, it will eventually tarnish his name.

  63. AARON says:

    it did, but i’m saying this is more of extreme 3k

  64. kaneda979 says:

    Fuck Ya! Can not wait!

  65. xxxPeterTHEKINg says:

    This looks xtreem
    i luv jenna haze
    What’s with his alien heart??? Is this a SCIFI????
    You people should reffain frum fighting aboutit. It will be the tits.

  66. CrypticHill says:

    Can you please fix your post to where the earliest “post” is at the beginning and the end, it so annoying to have to go to the last page to see the most recent….
    I think I speak for most of us….
    Thank you in advance.

  67. PhoenixP3K says:

    This is MADNESS…
    [dramatic pause]

    This is CRANK 2!
    First one was already over the top. They’ve truly blown every expectations possible. They’re geniuses

  68. Bender Bending Rodriguez says:

    i thot dude fell from a helicopter at the end of the first movie,that’ll turn anybody’s body into mush,i how did his bones not break?,anyway its the kind of movie i’ll watch only after my final exam,and i dont feel like thinking,or using my brain for anything.

  69. lisamarie says:

    That trailor is Awesome! think they put the f words there for a reason, and it works well! (a theme). Corey haim looks hot in it! Can’t wait to see the movie. Guess I need to rent part 1 first.

  70. Steve says:

    I have mixed feelings about that trailer. While I enjoyed the first Crank, maybe not as much as most people but I thought it was good, this looks a little too similar. Sub out the ’synthetic Chinese shit’ for a ridiculous looking artificial heart and ‘keep your adrenaline pumping’ to ‘keep your artificial heart charged’ and sub out Verona and Carlito for some other cookie-cutter bad dudes and you have Crank 2. Maybe it’s too much to ask for, but I was kind of hoping these guys would evolved the ideas of the first movie a little bit for the sequel. Let’s hope the action is at least better because honestly, for a movie about a guy that has to keep his adrenaline up, the first one didn’t have the non-stop action I was hoping for. All that ‘take a Redbull and put your hand in a waffle iron’ bullshit was just a cop-out. If you’re going to make a no holds barred action film with a stupid plot, at least deliver on the action part.

  71. Dan says:

    Whatever… they just showed the whole movie… how long was the first one? less than 90 minutes. I hope they will keep this mindless crap even shorter. Waste of a trip to a movie theater. retarted.

  72. Mike says:


  73. Dragonslayer says:

    I can honestly say that what I just watch was fucking stupid. I can hear people asking “what the fuck is wrong with you?” right now

  74. NotImpressed says:

    This Movie looks like the biggest piece of crap film making I have ever witnessed…sad…just sad….

  75. Joolies says:

    I didn’t enjoy the first one but the sequel just looks like ass.

  76. Tony says:

    this movie looks ok but im not that pumped about it just looks ok

  77. Cammel says:

    dear god guys… i’m in the movie business (student, but close enough)… i know what these cameras do, i know what different shot types are… but you are thinking way too deeply in this… who cares about that stuff… stick to the stunts that they are doing, the story line, the stuff that actually makes the movie

  78. Douche says:

    SO rediculous and SO over the top!! FUCKING AWESOME!

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