Chow Quits Green Hornet to work with Jack Black

Not long ago we were talking about Stephen Chow stepping down from the director’s chair on Green Hornet over some vague “creative differences” Of course the immediate disclosure on these differences bred an onslaught of speculation, so Chow is now clarifying. He is not directing Seth Rogen’s film because he is leaving him for Jack Black.

Coming Soon says:

Chow, whose credits include Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle, said over the weekend that he wants to free up time to work with Jack Black on a comedy about a superhero.

“If I direct ‘The Green Hornet,’ the superhero comedy will have to be delayed for two years,” Chow said. “The timing might not be right for a superhero comedy in two years. And I want to make a movie based on an original idea.”

I worry that his directing availability would also lend to his acting availability as well. I know that the acting wouldnt take as much time in prep and review as the director faces, but honestly, if he can’t direct because he wants to work on something else, then how is he going to have time to co-star in the film too?

So now the clarification is launching more speculation that he would quit as Kato as well.

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4 Responses to “Chow Quits Green Hornet to work with Jack Black”
  1. Nelson Velder says:

    A superhero comedy has already been done less than a year ago with Hancock, and I thought that was a disaster.

    If ANYTHING deserves another visit, it’s Kung Fu Hustle.

  2. Mr. Chris says:

    I wouldn’t call Hancock a comedy. It’s general premise was funny, but the overall tone of the movie was too melodramatic.

    I’d rather see Stephen Chow’s take on the genre. Moreso than see him play a sidekick in the Green Hornet. I trust Seth Rogen will find a replacement and still come out with a good movie. If it’s anything up to Pineapple Express’ standards, I look forward to it.

  3. BobaFett says:

    Speculative thought…Looking at this from a business perspective, I’m sure that the Jack Black project must be “bigger” than the Green Hornet…

    Is the Jack Black project Green Lantern?

  4. Darren J Seeley says:


    I was starting to think that too, and that The Scrooge has come to town, something to make this Christmas less bright. But, given Chow’s quote (non adaptation “something original”) I think it’s safe to say Green Lantern isn’t on the table.

    But I was thinking…what if …Jack Black called Marvel, and asked about an obscure character named Leap Frog? Yeah. Leap Frog.
    Think it over.

    It makes sense if Chow quits Hornet as co-star if he had creative differences as a director. So now I’m wondering if he wants to do more of a comedy, that could mean…Green Hornet is an action-comedy (like Men In Black) or simply more action…?


    I was kidding about the Leap Frog thing. Don’t want anyone gettin’ funny ideas…

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