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Bret Hart will not appear in Bloodstained Memoirs

By Rodney - December 21, 2008 - 19:51 America/Montreal

Bloodstained Memoirs is an independent documentary showing an insight into the world of professional wrestling by a 22year old David Sinnott of the UK that he calls “a high budget and professional prodcution”.

This intrepid young filmmaker has managed to secure select moments with some of the industry’s more notable stars and has been working on this since 2005. But when brought to a recent conflict over an appointment to interview Canadian Wrestling legend, Bret Hart Sinnott has managed to do nothing more than reveal his own immature and unprofessional side. He was certain to have been approved to have an interview by a member of his management, and when he showed up no one knew about it.

Tough luck really. I am certain this situation would have been frustrating and very hard to deal with, but things fall through in film all the time. Especially when nothing was on paper, and nothing more than a lot of talk on emails took place. He presumes that this casual approach is how deals are done in the bigs, but the rule I have always heard is that NOTHING is certain til its signed on the dotted line. So he shows up at a gig where he is told there will be no interviews and instead of blaming this full on with the contact he was negotiating with, he unloads this on Brett. Oh she gets some fingers pointed at her too, but the rant - aka: Press Release - is more directed at personal attacks on Mr Hart.

From his film’s MySpace page Sinnott manages to spew:

Bret Hart no longer deserves a place in Bloodstained Memoirs, alongside such class acts as Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam and Mick Foley. He isn’t deserving to be mentioned in the same breathe as those people. As a wrestler, of course. But not as a person. The footage we shot of him will be vaulted and will probably never see the light of day. And to prove this isn’t just smoke, Bret Hart can go public and state he wants the footage in the documentary if he wants to - it wont be going in. As for this carrot of an interview they are still trying to dangle in front of me - they can shove it up their ass holes. And Bret, I’ll draw a little cartoon of that for you if you’d like?

Wow, those are some pretty strong words that seem to be coming from a playground tactic of lashing out in a “Yeah? Well you are a stupid head!” mentality.

Even from his tainted recounting of the situation it is pretty clear that the issue was to be had with Marcy, Bret’s consulting manager who appeared to be laying a line of confidence that this event would take place. Her failure to communicate this to Bret or co-ordinate this with the event organizers they planned to meet him at would solely be her fault. Shit happens. I can see the frustration presented here. I hold no fault in the upsetting circumstances this would have created. He thought he had this all arranged.

But the tirade of personal attacks he lays down at the foot of Bret Hart, attacking his character, degrading the man and digging up dirt to fling in his face is just childish. Seems Mr Hart was significant enough of a person to include in your film a week ago, but now because he doesn’t hop in front of a film crew without the confirmation of his professional consulting manager, you have to demean his character and strip any of your previously hopeful outlook on the man?

Those I know who have been following the progress of this little film have lost all hope in the “professional production” you are hoping to project Mr Sinnott. In your efforts to disgrace Mr Hart’s image to his fans, all you have done is expose your own social inequities.

The best reaction I have heard yet came from TheBitterGuy who said “A professional thing to do might have been to end it after the first nine words: “Bret Hart will not be appearing in Bloodstained Memoirs”.”

That would have been the end of the press release. Instead it is the end of David Sinnott’s integrity.



    Bloodstained Memoirs shall not be watchable, he is a legend that should be mentioned.

    The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
    (Sinnott deserves a good ol’ sharpshooter)

  2. Mojomann says:

    Seams he forgot to mention that Bret just had surgery and is recovering at his home in Hawaii. What an ass. Bret is a living legend and deserves a little respect.

  3. TheBigGiantHead says:

    A wrestling Documentary with out Bret Hart in it is not a Documentary. Him and his family are ledgends in the wrestling field and wrestling wouldn’t be what it is today without them. To shun Bret Hart because of a communication problem is bull. I will not what this.

  4. Dave Stopher says:

    I always that Brett Hart was Mint!!!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Okay, really? The professional reaction to this would have been to NOT SAY A DAMN THING.

    First interview attempt didn’t work out? Try again or move on. Make your movie, do your movie the way you need to do it and make it.

    I’ve filmed documentaries dealing with much, much more incompetent people than this, and I still managed to just deal.

    As my professor kept telling me this semester, “Filmmaking is about problem solving. Things don’t work out, you figure out how to fix it.”

    This? This is not how to fix it. The film now gets a black mark from me and I’ll never watch it simply because I can’t imagine it would actually be any good if it’s being helmed by such a petty little “filmmaker.”

  6. Vikas says:

    What a biased rant.

    Firstly, the Bloodstained Memoirs blog consistantly said they are not trying to patronise the reader into thinking Bret is a bad person. Just merely explaining on that day he was an “ass”. They mention how good a wrestler he was multiple times, so to imply the producer had a change of heart on the opinion of this is stupid? And how can it be considered a rant if there are jokes throughout it? Strange rant…

    Also, you start your blog off with subtle attacks, firstly trying to take a knock at his age (which you assume is young) but don’t bother to put his CV down which would have been more appropriate surly? He mentions in the blog he has filmed with Mariah Carey? Then surly Bret Hart is small fish? Also, you try to knock the procduction values (with no reason as to why) So why don’t you write about the BBC crew who made physically done the filming, and their 30+ years experience? Its all on the site man…. The delay in the film? Again, you don’t explain despite the fact all the info is out there. Either poor research or just down to your bias.

    Saying its not Brets issue? Well, the producer states he showed him all the conversations from his manager, and he knew serious money was spent. Surly he could have called the manager? And I think the main gripe was that there was no response from them afterwards (and that they put up and took down a strange announcement on their site RE the doc) Why have you not touched on any of this? Oh yeah, your obvious bias and agenda…

    And selective quoting to paint a picture should be reserved for internet forums, where silly rants like this belong frankly. When everything in this silly page can be explained by the source (original Bloodstained Memoirs) blog itself, it just proves this is a phail.

    Bottom line is, they sent bret’s camp the details and challenged them to reply if they did not think something was true. The fact that they didn’t respond to this tells you why…

    The only thing I didn’t like about the Bloodstained blog was the language. At times it was a bit too “liberal” for my liking. I don’t think calling this Marcy a “cunt” was in the best taste (deserved or not) and I don’t think it done him any favours. Going by the ammount of people that gave “kudos” to the MySpace page, I’m thinking I may be on my own there though. Maybe I am the last of the great conservatives!

  7. Cohen Fan says:

    I also find it weird why the writer of this post didn’t mention the fact that this documentary stars bigger names in wrestling than Bret Hart: such as Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Rob van Dam, Keiji Muto (Great Muta - AJPW president) and Rob Van Dam? All are also a lot more relevant to a modern fanbase?

    I agree with the above, there is obviously an agenda here. This wasn’t a well balanced piece.

  8. Anna says:

    The whole situation is pretty complex and I can see sides to both stories. Maybe Bret was right to say it wasn’t his problem, but then, he did see all the Emails from his manager. He could have called her then and there considering he knew money was spent under her word? I can obviously see why the producer is ticked, and his blog isn’t as one sided as it is painted to be here, and backs up everything he says with facts. The agent is easily the one to blame here though. She didn’t do her job properly before the shoot, and she certainly didn’t do it properly afterwards.

  9. austin says:

    do bret hart and david sinnott have the same last name? for awhile i was like are they father and son???

  10. renee says:

    I highly doubt Bret even said half of those things. Maybe Marcy never showed Bret those emails before and he had never seen them. If this “filmmaker” wrote his emails to Marcy like he did his blog, I could see why she wouldn’t reply.

  11. Daniel says:

    Renee, he challanged Marcy / Bret to reply to any point they wish. I.E. if he was lying, why wouldn’t they (they haven’t). Who knows how he talked to them before? he states he was always polite in dealing with them up to this point only - again - if he was lying - why don’t they show a simple Email proving otherwise and that will settle all of this mess. I know why I think…

    And don’t be a “mark” thinking they are too “big” for him as last week they changed the front page of their website to try and discredit this film (before changing it back once the film replied exposing their claim to be nothing but a lie - read it in the blog and the screencap of the site is on the films MySpace).

    And as somebody else above pointed out, there are much bigger names than Bret in this doc. There seems to be a general theme of “Lets try and make this film seem small so Bret’s actions seem justifibale” but its just stupid. The real issues here are clear. Bret Hart and his manager screwed these guys over. They tried to sort things out in the aftermath, but they didn’t even have the decency to try and help him.

    There have been too many Bret Hart “incidents” over the last few years for him to have any decent amount of credability anymore.

    Personaly, I think if some footage were to “leak” online, of say Bret blanking fans, saying something rude, it may settle a few things lol : )

  12. 50i > 60i says:

    As both a film maker and a wrestling fan, this doc looks amazing!

  13. Skinny Man With Big Hair says:

    Bret Hart and his management are clearly at fault here. Bottom Line.

    The films press release was well structured and passionate. But most of all, had nothing to hide and was presented in such a way to say, “look, Bret and your management - if you don’t agree with anything I have said, please say what specificaly and we can take it in more details.” The only trash is this blog - and I bet the Hart camp has something to do with it as I can’t see anybody wishing to be so biased to something so obviously in the wrong…

    Oh, and if you are wondering what Bret Hart is up to these days:


    He appears in school gyms doing the smallest shows you could imagine for a paycheck. So please don’t be acting as if he is a God…

  14. Barry Loxrell says:

    lol at the person trying to defend Bret with the weak argument.

    There is a huge difference between some stranger asking you for an interview on the day, and the producer of a well known doc, with full crew, with written confirmation from the manager stating she would be setting the interview up…

  15. Rodney says:

    @Billy Jones III, I suggest you go back and read that trash talking immature pile of raging garbage that he calls a press release. It was written while angry and like a child he lashes out at the personality he blames for the situation and he wasn’t one bit to blame.

    I worry about your reading skills if you want to see that blind rage induced tirade as anything but childish bitter backlash.

    And I have NO bias whatsoever. If you think this site “is nothing but biased trash, I think a child can spot that a mile off” Then I suggest you go find yourself a child to tell you exactly how because there is nothing so obvious that says what you want to imply.

    I read his “press release” and saw nothing but ignorant cussing and name calling. Nothing professional there.

    @Katie .. What source material? I linked to the rant and laid it out clearly. I dont see how you are confused.

    @David Wilson.. you might want to read it again. I refer to the CELEBRITY and known respected individual as Mr Hart, while this 22 year old wannabe who exposed his lack of integrity by his FULL name or his last name only. Ignore if you want. Your failure.

    @Cohen Fan … Like the above people trying sadly to call this point of view an “agenda”, you didn’t bother to read either. I didnt mention the other people by name, but I did state very clearly that this kid managed to get some of the more notable names in the industry to participate. Please read before commenting.

    And I totally see why the kid making this documentary would be upset and frustrated. Never challenged that at all. But managers manage. She didnt. This isn’t Brett’s fault, and he did what any celeb would do when the manager tells him nothing was finalized. They even tried to remedy the situation with a rescheduling of an interview but this guy was too blinded by his rage and name calling to accept the fault and move on.

    There is no agenda of this site or from me as a person. I have nothing to gain from the success or failure of this doc. Yes this inexperienced 22 year old hired some former bbc crew. Big deal. Anyone with money can hire a crew. Shit happens, and you deal with it and move on. I call it like I see it, and I see an upset whiner lashing out at the wrong party in an unfortunate turn of events.

  16. Rodney says:

    What camp Richard? The only thing I know about Bret is the man he used to be back in my childhood days watching wresting. His name lived on long after his career ended.

    Nothing more.

    And Terry. Bring them on.

  17. Rodney says:

    Please illustrate then Richard.

    Clearly us simple minded blog writers reacting to some filmmakers angry cussing name calling rants need to be educated by you. I will try to think through my infantile limited mind while counting all the money I was paid by Bret Hart and his management to try and make him look good while they say little to nothing and attempt to re-arrange the interview that this esteemed and capable mature filmmaker told them to shove up their ass.

    I do want to see which side is acting more professional in the midst of this failed arrangement for an interview.

  18. Justin says:

    What I love is how no one is actually discussing the point that this is just some kid acting like a total douchebag on his website.

  19. Rodney says:

    They already bought into the “Bret is an Ass” rant and want to believe that more.

  20. The Rock says:

    Bret has sucked for years. This story comes as no suprise to me really. i feel for the producers, but I have seen there work on YouTube, its class stuff and look forward to getting the finished product with RVD, Foley etc

  21. Tommo says:

    People chill, some jackass wrote an angry blog trying to cuss a film because he has nothing better to do. He is either just jealous, or has an axe to grind. We all know he is in the wrong, so lets just leave the idiot be…

  22. Rodney says:

    Again some lemming wants to say I have some “agenda”. I would like to know this “agenda” that I am clearly after. No one seems capable of addressing that. Where do I have anything to gain? I am in no one’s camp. There is no bias, and there is no crying. I asked repeatedly how anyone can think I am forcing some agenda and no one answers.

    I have deleted the posts where posters feel they have to punctuate the assumptions made by others on here with nothing more than name calling and even more assumptions. Do not bother reposting them or crying that your posts were removed. Its not discussion. Its just trolling.

    I don’t need you to “buy” anything I am feeding you 33mm fan. You want to support this filmmaker despite his ignorant unprofessional reaction to an unfortunate situation… that is your choice. But don’t act like I have to change my mind because the mindless masses want to overlook this VERY unprofessional rant that this kid put up on his myspace.

    If he wants to be treated like a professional, then maybe he should act like one.

    And yes, I have pointed out his age very specifically because when you READ his rant you can see he is a spoiled inexperienced KID, and perhaps someday he will learn some tact. I have not made that my “main argument”. If you read the post you would see that I repeatedly focus on two things. Bret’s management dropped the ball, and the reaction was unprofessional.

    Lastly at Liam, while you attempt to troll my statements and this obvious agenda even you cant identify, I ask why you assume that he has accomplished more than I have? You suddenly have insight into my entire life story? Know what I have done, been where I have been? You sir have proven to be the idiot with your assumptions.

  23. Rodney says:

    Ok Laura, While he “started off” saying this wasn’t an attempt to bash Bret’s character, he then continued to do nothing but. I am not an idiot. I can read. Perhaps you should read his “press release” again.

    So if I say I don’t mean to offend your mother, but then say nothing but negative things about her, it is permissable? All is forgiven if I preface my character assassination with the false pretense that I won’t say anything bad??

    And your assumption that I am involved in the Wrestling indstry in ANY way is just blind assumption. You want to think I do, so you can continue to label my observation of this guy being unprofessional as simply discrediting Sinnott.

    I think professional wrestling is childish. I stopped watching it when I was 12. I just can’t see the appeal of it. I dont attend events, I dont belong to fan clubs and I dont follow any of the current personalities involved at all.

    You assume because you have to think that. Without it you have no basis for my observation being wrong.

    Want to try again or are you to busy doing your “owned” dance to post on YouTube?

  24. Rodney says:

    @Scope Pictures, The intent was to point out the assumption that just because he has some money doesn’t make him accomplished. Give me a pile of money and I can hire a crew with shinier toys than he has with more accomplished crew men then he has. I dont have to stack my accomplishments against his. This is not a pissing match.

    So by your own logic that would make me more accomplished?

    Your assumption that I am “just a bitter internet poster” is ignorant. I am not bitter at all. I observed someone in the industry we write about every day acting childish and wrote an article about it. How is that bitter?

    Its an observation. I observed and wrote about it. I found it interesting that someone who managed to eek out his own corner of recognition on nothing but a myspace page and mysterious piles of his own money even got this far to piss credibility away with one childish rant.

    Seems like most of the commenters attempting to make this into something it isn’t are the ones bitter.

  25. sam says:

    People who suffer from strokes often times have behavior problems. The person may not respond appropriately in social situations. Every since his stroke Bret has had some “incidents”. Layoff the poor man, he’s had alot of stuff happen to him.

  26. Barry Loxrell says:

    And Rodney, if this guy is as small time as you are trying to make out, why are you putting so much time and energy into making him seem so bad?

    ; )

  27. Lanny says:

    Rodney is entitled to his opinion just as much as anybody else. All this site is, isa “blog” site. Its where fans can express their own opinions. Its consequences are beyond minimal.

    I thought the Bloodstained Memoirs blog was a well written and fair piece. If he wanted to just dog on Bret, he could have easily taken the route of dogging his career in the way Shawn Michaels did in his book - and get away with it. He wouldn’t have given Bret so many personakl and professional compliments (i.e. looking excellent for his age etc)

    Why is it so hard for you to believe this is the truth Rodney? (If you adon’t have an agenda that is) The producer has labbled criticism against people IN the film… They also gave Bret’s side the chance to respond. The fact they haven’t (which is very chocking considering the allegations) is why so many have now lost respect for bret.

  28. Alan says:

    Right, just seen this when trying to research the matter at hand and found it very odd.

    Firstly, Bret Hart and his management are clearly in the wrong. There is no debate about this. Anybody who thinks otherwise is clearly on drugs, or has an agenda.

    Now the only site I have found that thinks Bret is in the right is THIS one. Very very suspect. But not only do you think Bret is right, you are hell bent on trying to convonce others, and try to take away credability from the film and its makers.

    I have recently read an article from Empire Online (Empire being the biggest Film publication in the world) and they have written an article about this incident - and guess what - there is a general tone of disgust pointed at Bret and his manager.

    Now that says two things:

    1) The film (which mentioned above, stars much bigger names than Bret) is worthy enough to be articled by Empire.

    2) The msot read and respected film publication does not agree with you. Take the hint…

    I’m thinking this story is greatly going to effect the legacy of Hart…

  29. Alan says:

    And please do not delete my comments, like you have reportedly deleted the comments from other posters that do not suit your obvious agenda…

  30. Decode Digital says:

    This Bloodstained Memoirs looks incredible. I haven’t watched wrestling since the late 90’s, but there are enough wrestlers I was very fond of (RVD, Jericho, Mankind) to make me interested.

  31. Romance and Cigarettes says:

    Just done a quick search of the writer of the above blog. He is from Toronto, Canada. Near the same place Bret and Marcy live. Not that I am implying anything of course… ; )

    I have read the Bloodstained Memoirs statement, and I too am disgusted with Bret and Marcy. I hope they get what is coming to them!

    **Waits for his conflicting with agenda post to be deleted**

  32. Rodney says:

    20million people live within 100kms of Toronto.

    I have no agenda. You would have to be a retard to think that I have anything to gain by this post.

    I find it amusing that these trolls keep coming at me with some accussation of an “agenda” and STILL can’t say exactly what is so obvious that means I have an agenda.

    Nothing to be gained. Its just a story.

  33. Rodney says:

    @Alan, so if someone thinks that Bret NOT going against his Manager’s wishes is wrong has an agenda? (an agenda would imply some PURPOSE and no one has yet to be able to identfy that yet - strange)

    I already stated that the situation Sinnott found himself in was unfortunate and shouldnt have happened. But his REACTION is what this article was about, and no one can tell me that it was professional, or in any way acceptable.

    Understandable that he was upset. No arguement there. But he lashed out at the wrong person and while protesting that he thinks Bret is great, does nothing to imply that he believes it.

  34. Rodney says:

    I am tired of these trolls who clearly do not even read this site to begin with coming and trying to make this post into something it is not.

    @Scope, do some research. Its called GOOGLE. Amazing tool.

    The only issue is that some troll decided to disregard my article about this guy’s temper tantrum on his MySpace site by claiming I have some sort of agenda. I have asked repeatedly for someone to clarify what that is supposed to mean and since its so obvious that I have one, why is it not obvious as to what I have to gain with this “obvious” plot.

  35. Rodney says:

    Right… the facebook group where you deleted all the posts that people agree with me?

    I posted twice and 3 other members posted saying Sinnott over reacted and was out of line and poof.. gone.

    I only delete posts with trolls saying “UR a DuMbAsS!!!11!” or people repeating the same “you have an agenda” and being unable to address what my agenda is exactly. Nothing I deleted exposes me as an idiot. All the people saying I am getting upset over this just WANT me to get upset. I am just discarding the posts where people are pointlessly trying to start fights over nothing. Don’t like it, then go to the facebook group where your retarded attacks wont get deleted.

    If you can’t discuss then go hide on your very biased and lemming filled facebook group. I find it hypocritical that you accuse me of deleting posts just because they disagree with me, and then tell me how everyone on this board disagrees with me? Think.

  36. Rodney says:

    So while discussing this topic on the Facebook Group in support of this film, the “rant” got its own discussion topic.

    Interestingly enough anyone who voices feelings that the “press release” was unprofessional or thinks that Sinnott was out of line gets deleted.

    I asked Brian Joyce (group admin) about this decision and his answer is this:

    “Look, I’m paid to do a job.”

    So there you have it lemmings. This is what an “agenda” looks like. This is a person maintaining the discussion boards who’s job it is to delete ANY posts that disagree with the film or Sinnott. So go on over to your “unbiased” Facebook group Benjy. Your paid employee is there to make sure you are unbridled by any discussion that might lead to independent thought.

  37. Rodney says:

    I love when retards perform an epic fail like this Kate kid.

    This topic the most attention I have got? No. You should try reading this site sometimes. This didnt get ME any attention Kate.

    But since you were intent to call me “Roger” clearly you dont pay attention to any details. Name’s Rodney. Says it a dozen times on this page. Maybe you missed it.

    Your troll tactic hopes to stomp a nerve and it just makes you look sad. I am happily married, and with two kids thanks for asking! And on a regular basis I kiss my girl. A lot.

    Why would you assume those silly things? Someone you disagree with is surely not capable of also having a successful and fruitful life?

    Do you enjoy looking dumb? Or is it just a hobby?

    Or is it that you can’t resist jumping to conclusions with the rest of the trolls.

  38. KJ says:

    Thanks Rodney, you’ve done a great job. Now I’ve few questions here:
    1. How it was Bret Hart’s fault?
    2. How the wording David Sinnott used for a wrestling legend can be called professional?
    3. So basically, the guy is upset because Bret Hart didn’t do something he never agreed to do?
    4. Don’t you think David Sinnott should’ve waited until he had final confirmation before traveling 131 miles?

    This is clearly a problem with Bret Hart’s management and not Bret Hart himself. There was no need to attack a wrestling legend for an error that he wasn’t even aware of.

  39. Rodney says:

    I am in shock and awe that the mindless droves that come to troll this post can’t see that simple logic KJ.

    1. Not Bret’s fault. And his manager TOLD him not to do the interview when he called to confirm despite the emails.
    2. Sinnott prefaced his hateful tirade against Hart with some kind words insisting that he wasnt attempting to cut his character. Then called him names and told him to shove his resolution (re-arranged interview) up his ass.
    3. Hart and his Management never fully confirmed the appointment. Clearly Sinnott feels differently about it but clearly admits that there was NO confirmation that it would even happen.
    4. Sinnott assumed. He went ALL on assumptions that this was a done deal with nothing in writing. So why is he even surprised that it fell apart?

    Yes, Hart’s management dropped the ball, but so did Sinnott. Sadly wrestling fans often overlook the logical to defend their favourite personalities, and this seems to have transfered to Sinnott.

    People want to assume I was hired by Hart’s management to try and spin this, because if they dont hold that hopeless accussation up high, then they have nothing to hold up.

    And Alan I would like to hold up your shining example of FAIL to point out every last point of my “intentions here”

    You assume that its all unfounded, but I got all my information from Sinnott’s supporting MySpace page and specifically commented on the unprofessional petty rant Sinnott cussed out. You call my observations unfounded but they were typed from Sinnott’s own raging fingertips.

    My intention was not to rip down Bloodstained Memoirs, and I have no vested interest in its success or failure. You might want to actually read this blog alongside the other million or so visitors we get a month. We find stuff online that interests us and we talk about it, then discuss in the comment section.

    Been doing it for close to a decade now. This site wasn’t invented to attack some amateur production. He doesnt get that much credit.

    You want to make up petty unfounded accusations about my motives? Go ahead. I could care less. I wont tolerate trolls, but if you had a valid point to bring up instead of just making shit up, you might actually get a discussion.

  40. KJ says:

    Thanks Rodney. This guy Sinnott made a fool of himself when he attacked Bret for not doing his interview. It’s clear, if anyone has an agenda here then it’s David Sinnott.

  41. KJ says:

    @ For the guys above me

    If Rodney was deleting your posts then why your other posts (complaints) hasn’t been deleted yet? Get a life, guys!

  42. David Manning (@) says:

    I don’t see the need to call Rodney a peadophile (I know it started off as a joke, but still). Its just stupid and immature really.

    Rodney clearly does not like Bloodstained Memoirs, as is evident by his trollish posts. Either that, or he is getting a kick out of writing in such a baised way to provoke a reaction out of people. Perhaps for the above accusations of that he has no life? Who knows? Who cares?

    This is just a blog site? Its hardly a UN meeting…

    Bottom line is, all this topic has really done is create awareness of the film, thus making the director money. Do you think the wrestling fans who are hearing about the film here will go to HMV upon release and say, “Man this film has Chris Jericho and Keiji Mutoh, but I’m not going to buy it because the director swears at Bret Hart on his MySpace”? No.

    Controversy creates cash, and Rodney is making David Sinnott money.

  43. Rodney says:

    David, I have no feelings one way or another about the film. I commented on the reaction of its producer and how unprofessional it was. That was all.

    This film doesn’t interest me aside from the small buzz that this young filmmaker has been bringing himself. I was drawn to his story as being a thriving independent production with no backing from anyone at all. But after his reaction what little hope I had for this entrepeneur was thrown away when he was revealed as unprofessional and immature.

    I dont care if this IS gaining Sinnott attention or money. Really doesnt matter to me at all. All the luck to him. I commented on his unprofessional reaction and nothing more. I don’t care if he is a success. I just know he acted poorly in the light of a bad situation.

    You want to make more of it? Fine. Have fun.

    But all those people trying to make it something it isnt going to get far. I just delete the “this site sucks” bullshit anyways. Funny that all the people announcing they are leaving and never reading this site again manage to keep coming back to give us more hits just to tell us they are leaving again.

    The Trolls just give us more attention (and hit traffic) while spouting how I failed to hurt Sinnott’s film (which was never my intention - I wrote about an observation, I didnt start a campaign against him) and just keep coming back to give us more hits to say they are leaving.

    Trolls have no place in this discussion.

  44. David Manning (@) says:

    To be fair, I can’t see anybody who said they was leaving come back? If I’m wrong, perhaps you can highlight them?

    The way I see it, Sinnott got confirmation that she (manager) would set an interview with Bret. He trusted her to act on this. The trust was broken.

    He had written clearance to film on the site of where Bret was. So made the trip based on the last communications where everything was fine.

    That is black and white - the facts that we know.


    Rodney, I’d be interested to hear what you think of:

    1) Bret’s manager not telling Sinnott before the shoot that she had changed her mind that there would be no interview? (as reported in the statement). She went to the effort to phone people in the UK to tell them this days before, but didn’t tell Sinnott.

    2) Manager not getting back to Sinnott on the day of the shoot when he was contacting her, just to see what was going down?

    3) Bret not ringing the manager to see what was going (like he said he would) on on the day of the shoot considering he saw all the Emails and knew money was spent? Also knowing it was a legit operation as he had been aware of the film for a year (agreeing to interviews with the production on two prior occasions. This is a big point that I think has gone unnoticed)

    4) Do you think there was a darker aspect to this? It seems to me pretty cloak and dagger.

    5) Manager not giving Sinnott an explanation in the weeks that followed, dispite the fact they knew he had lost a lot of money on the broken trust. Don’t you think that would have been the decent thing to do?


  45. Rodney says:

    David, I only deleted those posts that were just pointless “you suck” in nature. Troll posts dont last here at all. Any retarded “you have an agenda” crap has already been addressed, so if people want to keep kicking that dead cat, they will just be ignored.

    As to your questions, I have answered them before but I will clarify them again if you would like.

    1 - The manager clearly dropped the ball. I have never contested that. That she decided this wasn’t going to happen and didnt let Sinnott know was irresponsible. My post was just about his reaction to this bad situation and why he chose to focus the majority of his playground ranting on him instead of the management who was clearly responsible for this happening.

    2 - I dont know why she didnt get back to him on the day of the shoot. Getting her nails done? There is a million reasons she wasnt waiting by the phone to handle this. Just because she was unavailable doesn’t mean she deliberately avoided it. Either that or she was already done with the situation, and was ignoring him. Either way it really doesn’t matter. She didnt call back.

    3 - Bret saw a bunch of emails discussing it. No contracts, no firm arrangements, and at last notice from his manager this wasn’t happening. He did what any celeb would do and declined. Presuming from Sinnott’s rant, I imagine he was vocal in protesting against such a decision on the spot and that likely didnt encourage Bret to be co-operative either.

    4 - No, I dont think this is some conspiracy against Sinnott. Its just poor planning based on assumptions that it was a done deal when it was not. Sinnott himself states that he was going on the assumption it was done because thats how celebrities do this sort of thing - It isnt how they do this. Contracts and agreements are always in writing or it doesnt exist.

    5 - The management handled this all badly. Yes she should have called him. And clearly in the rant he implies that there was further contact since they offered to arrange an interview to make up for the situation which he blatantly says they can shove up their ass.

    Bret’s management handled this wrong. Yes. I have always said that. Bret only did what he should have. Manager says nothing is happening (even if that is wrong or misinformed) then Bret walks. Thats why he has a manager. But I didn’t see a rant on Bret’s site calling Sinnott or his people a “cunt”.

    My post was not defending the situation, but rather discussing his reaction to it. It was childish.

  46. Scott says:

    Deleted again? Hmmm lol what a joke. I think we should all report Rodney to the site as he is abusing the “free discussion” aspect of it.

  47. Rodney says:

    Report to who Scott? John and I have been doing this blogging thing for 9 years now.

    Having the ability to troll a site is not “free discussion”

    If you have a point that you want to express without resorting to name calling or character assassination then feel free. But if your comments are just to troll and say how we suck, you are free to go troll over at AICN. They appreciate your patronage.

    Here, posts that just repeat other failed accusations (agenda? what agenda) or just returning to post every 5 minutes to see if your latest troll attempt was deleted? That will be removed without any regrets.

    In the mean time, thanks for the extra traffic you give this site returning again and again just to watch your attempts to start a flame war be extinguished.

  48. Scott says:

    Your welcome for the extra traffic. Not too sure how many men would brag about “traffic”, perhaps you feel the need to compensate for being a failure in the real world? Who knows?

    Besides, everyone knows you are full of crap, because people have written good posts highlighting why your writing skills are sub par - without getting personal or rude, and you just take it down.

    When you die, Rodney, how many people will be at your funeral? How many will hold you in high regard? Your just an internet poster Rodney, enjoy your life, I wont be coming back to this site (which is your life) I have better things to do with my SPARE TIME.

    Bye xxx

  49. Rodney says:

    Aww… Sorry Scott. Your attempts to attack my character have once again failed.

    I expect to see you around here again with even more assumptions about my number of friends or criticizing my sub par writing skills (hypocritical AND ironic.. good for you troll)

    But those posts I deleted were all just like yours. Nothing to hide here. No agenda. Just taking out the trash.

    I wonder Scott, just how many Time Magazine features were written about YOUR spare time?

    Thought so…

  50. Meltz Reader says:

    All of the coverage I have found on the internet does not reflect what is reported on this site. That’s all I’ll say.

  51. Meltz Reader says:

    **When I say reported on this site, I mean in the original blog the comments here are based upon.

  52. KJ says:

    Rodney has clearly made some solid points and anybody who disagrees should put his arguments, otherwise, stop talking crap.

    I couldn’t agree with you more, Rodney! Good work and thanks for your efforts.

  53. Rodney says:

    @Meltz, that is probably because this site “reported on” my feelings about Sinnott’s reaction.

    I have not said any facts or details about the situation that Sinnott did not say himself.

  54. Meltz Reader says:

    Then the fact your “reaction” also greatly differs to everybody elses tell me you are seeing something nobody else can.

    As for my thoughts, I think it is a shame Bret will not be appearing in Memoirs. I would have liked to seen him in it. But as somebody else said, there are more than enough big names (Keiji Mutoh being the biggest, I am a huge Japanese wrestling fan) for me to be very interested.

    I am dissapointed in Bret for his rudeness in handling the situation. I think he could have, and should have handled it a lot better.

  55. Rodney says:

    People may not have the same point of view on his reaction because thats the whole point on opinions.

    My opinion is that his hate filled rant that he wanted to make sound all professional by calling it a press release was nothing more than a childish hurtful attack on Bret and his Management.

    I still maintain that the situation sucks, but as a professional he did the OPPOSITE of what he should have done. No one said he couldn’t FEEL that way, but making a public statement on his site with such immature and unprofessional way to handle it.

    If he had stated “due to the mishandling of the situation he was no longer pursuing Bret Hart for his film, and previous statements that he would appear in it are no longer accurate” That would have been better than the attempt character assassination and hate filled bile that he tossed up on his site. Notice how it says the same thing without using words like Asshole, Cunt or implying they should “shove it up their asses”

    If he keeps up this behaviour he will limit his career as more and more people will see him as an unstable basket case and wont work with him.

    Either he changes his act, or he runs on with his diva “they owe me” act and posts more rants cussing out those he wanted to work with.

    The situation was bad. Their handling was bad. But NONE of that is less professional than his reaction.

  56. Meltz Reader says:

    But he has worked with bigger names than Bret, so why would people stop working with him if he is clearly delivering the goods? To a consumer, you out Mick Foley or Chris Jericho on the front of a DVD, do you think they are going to care who made it? Whether the director is sane, a nutter or what?

    I don’t mean to take shots at you, but why don’t you respect other peoples opinions? Why do you feel the need to jump on people (as you have done throughout this topic) to whoever does nto agree with you?

  57. Canon XL1 op says:

    Well said Meltz.

    Rodney, do you not think the producer PURPOSELY put out such a statement, one which would have clearly inspired debate to increase publicity? (which it has done for the record, I have noticed a lot of awareness of the product over this across the internet). By getting so worked up over it, he has obviously done a great job.

    I thought you net posters were suppose to be smart to the business, I think you are being played like a fiddle, personaly ; ) Wrestyling itself is all a work, I don’t think this is any different. Its a game man, the film makers are playing it, those who get cought up in it are getting played.

    I think if Bret’s manager acted more “proper” there would have been no need for a statement whatsoever. But it looks clear she cut the lines of comunication and made this “possible” publicity stunt necassary.

  58. Shooter says:

    I read about this on the Shooting People network this morning, where there were no fewer than 463 posts about it. It is a story that hit a raw nerve with a lot of film makers I guess, who perhaps can relate to the film maker better than most. I found this particular page on a Google search of the incident in order to collate enough evidence to base an accurate opinion on the matter, so please appreciate my thoughts. There seems to be a general sense of sympathy aimed at the film maker, and disdain aimed at Bret Hart and his manager. I have read people say they will boycott Bret Hart signings and no longer buy his merchandise. I have seem people say they are taking down “Hitman” avatars and signatures from fan forums. I have even heard of one person saying they are closing their “Hitman” web site, which was formally a fan site for fans to gather and share memories. I think its interesting how delicate the relationship between a star and its fans are, that it can be damaged by simple words. But then I think we live in an age where words are overlooked. Taking out the simple politics of the matter, Bret Hart was rude. This is what did it for many. The fact that the manager (who is the most at fault here) acted so incompetent, damages Bret Hart by strong association. The film maker gets nothing but sympathy. Even if he acted in “hope” of the shoot, even if matters were not 100% confirmed, the fact that he was told the interview was to be set up by the manager (which goes a long way, and she was aware that the producer already had clearance from the venue to film there) just puts another nail in the casket. I think to most, the matter of his language is not an issue. Its a simple case of, treat how treated. The producer has never lashed out like this before, so obviously he was pushed into the state, and reasonably, who can blame him. Certainly not me. I think calling somebody an ass is only a minute factor considering all the circumstances. I think Bret Hart and his manager should be ashamed of themselves, and deserve all the backlash which has come from this story.

    Thank You

  59. Rodney says:

    @Shooter “The producer has never lashed out like this before, so obviously he was pushed into the state”

    That excuse doesnt work for spousal abuse so why is it valid now? Most abusive parties like to transfer blame of their actions on those who upset them. They didnt want to hurt them, but the person MADE them do it. Weak.

    I have always said that the situation was handled poorly and never defended the management in this regard. But while his rant opens with statements that sound like he holds no personal stance against Bret’s character, he does nothing but cuss out and destroy his character. It was his sole purpose to lash out in hopes that they were hurt by the situation. The evidence of which you are seeing on forums etc.

    It wasn’t a publicity stunt. It was a temper tantrum. It was deliberate. He wanted to say these things to get back at them and expose them for the evil people he clearly finds them to be. It turned into a publicity stunt and once his 15 minutes of fame are over, this is all he will be remembered by? The boy who cried.

    @Meltz. There is a big difference between respecting your opinion and choosing to believe it. The fact is simple. I wrote about how unprofessional his reaction is. That is not debatable. The outcome, the publicity, the reasons. All irrelevant. He could have taken the high road and he did not. It was my opinion that his rant was childish. If someone disagrees with that, they can try to explain to me how it was justifiable to go on public record and lash out with such bile.

    There is no use for it other than blind rage and inexperience.

    I could have disrespected you and your stance with a tirade of hateful words and attack your character and say the exact same thing. How would that make me look?

    Its all PR, and this guy is lacking it. I dont care if god himself signs up for his movies. If he gets a rep as a jackass and throws tantrums when things don’t go his way, he wont last long. As Chris “I want $25m and creative rights” Tucker how his career is blooming? He has 3 of the biggest movies of the decade to his name. Nothing for the last two years.

  60. Shooter says:

    @Rodney, “he does nothing but cuss out and destroy his character” See, this is just simply not true. Yes, he says some horible things about Bret, but he also says some really nice things?

    Why does everything you say have to be tainted?

    Why could you have not written your blog by saying what you later said, in that Bret’s management handles things poorly? There was no need to be so one sided as it obviously is not accurate.

    How do you know it wasn’t a deliberate publicity stunt (which would make PERFECT) sense, do you know something nobody else does?

    RE you other points, I think the Chris Tucker anaology is somewhat out there…

    15 minutes of fame? The dude has a video on YouTube that has over 150,000 views. Thousands of people are members of his sites? This was all way before the Bret Hart situation so how do you base this “15 minutes” thing will quickly go by and he will be forgotten. Its not as if he is putting his face as the poster for the film now is it? If you read all of the other blogs (there are many on MySpace if you check them out) he comes across as nothing but humble and nice.

    Also, something you keep on ignoring / deleting is when people bring up the fact that he does filming for a living. Its his day job with the BBC? Why do you try and word it like it is some inexperienced punk trying to get his foot in the door when it is clearly not the case?

    I’m trying to be as diplomatic as possible, but if you keep on going at this one sided, I will simply stop posting here as others clearly. I am not a fan of biased boards, uphill struggles bore me. Considering 90% of the above posts seem to agree with my thoughts, and the wider internet in general too, I don’t think I am in the wrong somehow.

    All I ask Rodney is you stop attacking people for what they think. It may be best for you to leave the situation alone, and PROVE you care as little as you say you do…

  61. Rodney says:

    So its ok to commit character assasination as long as you preclude it by saying you think he is a nice guy… then contradict yourself with everything you say?

    He says nothing nice at all about Bret. He starts to and then makes it clear how he really feels.

    The Chris Tucker analogy is valid. He has maybe 4-5 big films and now no one wants to touch him because of the way he treats people.

    The NumaNuma guy has millions of hits on Youtube.

    And for the last time, I deleted troll attacks. If they had something to say in there, they would be better off stating their views without “you suck and this site sucks”. Those posts get deleted and fast.

    You might want to read this site. People disagree all the time.

    I am not attacking. I am discussing. Disagreeing with you isn’t disrespecting you. I never claimed Sinnott had a day job at the BBC. And he is an inexperienced filmmaker. Everyone starts somewhere. If this is “clearly not the case” then show me his IMDB page? Hell, google the guy. He might amount to something someday but right now he is just trying to break.

    The only side I offer is the original topic. Not the topic people keep trying to accuse me of. 90% of the posts above do not address my topic. Sinnott acted unprofessional with this rant. Everyone who disagrees with me seem to fabricate some topic about me saying the management or Bret were blameless.

    I never said that.

  62. Shooter says:

    Because you said, “He says nothing nice at all about Bret.” It proves you didn’t pay attention to the blog, perhaps only skimmed through it. I am not going to waste my time going through it and quoting the relevant pieces for you.

    Again you are confused: “I never claimed Sinnott had a day job at the BBC. And he is an inexperienced filmmaker.”

    He DOES work for the BBC, it IS his dayjob, and I believe he has a degree in the subject before working there. Read the blogs. What does IMDB have to do with anything? Do you think everybody who works in the industry is on that site? No!

    Even if he didn’t work there, are you trying to tell me people trying to break in normally have world famous superstars in their films? No. Are you trying to tell me people trying to break in film with Mariah Carey for God’s sake? No

    As I said before, it may be best for you to leave the situation alone, and PROVE you care as little as you say you do…

  63. RIP Benoit says:

    Way to go Shooter, lol

  64. M. Drive. Hollywood. says:

    To further blow holes through Rodney (as if it is even needed at this point) He claims he takes down posts which show immature “you suck” comments.

    1) I was watching this thread the other day and I saw a lot of valid posts, void of that response taken down (for stating this, mine will no sdoubt get taken down like others who mentioned it)

    2) The first post is spam, but pro Rodney spam? Show how unbiased he is in leaving it up eh?

  65. Last Call says:

    In the Bloodstained Memoirs statement, SInnott claims the following:

    - Bret is one of the greatest of all time (pretty huge compliment eh)

    - Looks great for his age.

    - Wrote an excellent book last year.

    - Has a huge fan following to this day

    And there are many more in there! So Rodney, I think this proves you don’t really know what you are talking about, when you are trying to argue he said nothing nice…

    Even the Bret insults, he states maybe Hart was just having a bad day?

  66. Lebowski Fest says:

    You guys are wasting your time, dozens of people clearly laid out why old Rodders is just plain wrong. He just deletes the posts. I suggest going to visit another forum (the BM Facebook one is pretty good)

    Funny thing is, Rodney signed up to be a member of the Bloodstained Memoirs Facebook group and they kicked him out lol

  67. Rodney says:

    @Shooter. You talk about Sinnott like he is this established talent with his own studio. He is independent. And his day job at a TV Network and his degree are all great. He has a job.

    Is everyone who works in the industry on IMDB? Not everyone. I am sure the janitorial staff and the low level lackeys dont get pages. But they guy who wrote a star wars fan film and has some minor credits in some little bits of stuff has a page… So I can use that as a benchmark at the very least.

    You keep hoping I will “leave the situation alone” … who says I am a part of the situation? You just want me to NOT talk or answer your posts because you cannot convince me of ONE fact. Sinnott is just like everyone else hoping to hit big. And hasn’t yet.

    The owner of this site - John Campea - has made his own documentary featuring some very notable people, which was featured at a number of notable festivals and is currently working on his own film with some pretty established names in the industry.

    He is also a guy hoping to hit it big. And one of my oldest friends.

    I have already said I have no concern over Sinnott’s success or failure. This is a blog, and I made a post about his unprofessional childish rant. If I matter so little then why are YOU trying so hard to convince me that this guy should matter to me? This guy who was every last bit of his rights to be upset simply did the wrong thing with his rage.

    That’s precisely what I wrote about, and I will continue to address the topic if people are discussing it here.

  68. Rodney says:

    @Lebowski Fest

    I like your effort, but sadly you failed. I was already a part of that group and LEFT when the hypocritical admin deleted my posts (and others of people I talk with from that group) and told me that he was PAID to delete anything that disagrees with Sinnott’s production.

    But please. Do take your lemmings and go there to discuss the film. We are not talking about the film here.. just Sinnott’s rant. That’s the topic at hand. Not my feelings on the film, or Sinnott’s career. Just his rant.

    No one has managed to illustrate how I was wrong. Not even once. What they have done is fabricate new attacks and assumptions that were not on topic nor had anything to do with me. Those got deleted. Just like when Shooter decided to stop discussing and left himself a parting word just to attack my character. Has no place here - that got deleted.

    You don’t have to agree with my observation that Sinnott’s rant was unprofessional and childish, but it is all we are discussing here.

    Go surround yourself with people who will tell you what your itching ears want to hear.

  69. Rodney says:

    @Last Call. Yes, he said a few nice things about Bret. Funny how they don’t mean a damn when he follows it up calling him an asshole and telling him that his attempt to reschedule an interview could be shoved up his ass.

    Sinnott makes it clear that he thinks very little of Bret and his Management. I can say all the nice things I want about someone, but if I follow it up with “but he is an asshole and can shove it up his ass” you would be pretty clear on my feelings.

    @ M. Drive. Hollywood

    Not one of the trolls I discarded had anything to say but accuse me of being paid by Hart’s management or just cussing out at me. I have addressed every valid comment left here that wasnt a troll post.

    And the first comment? Not spam. Sorry to blow your attempt out of the water there. Sorry.

  70. Tweedle says:

    Nope, your definately not partial to the issue are you Rodney ; )

  71. Rodney says:

    I am not partial to this issue at all Tweedle. But if you keep saying it you might even believe it yourself.

    Honestly. Read the post. Its about his unprofessional reaction to an already bad situation. That is all.

    I could care less if Sinnott succeeds or fails. I just observe and comment. Not every blog has to be a holy crusade on a mission to destroy a man.

  72. Rodney says:

    Tweedle. You keep trying the same line and it keeps failing.

    Im not upset in the slightest. You haven’t the ability to jog my emotions.

    No one is melting down here. Go back to trolling your own forum.

  73. On Location says:

    After reading the statement on the MySpace page, and going from the fact that Bret’s management have conveniently remained quiet during this period, I have come the conclusion that Bret’s manager is the guilty party here.

  74. Scarlet says:

    At the risk of sounding simplistic, I just think its a shame Bret wont be in this otherwise great looking production.

  75. Rodney says:

    @On Location

    No one has contested that the management is responsible for the situation falling apart. Nothing about that day went well.

    However Sinnott didn’t exactly take the high road with this reaction.

  76. On Location says:

    Why do you have to argue with everybody who says anything Rodney?

    I’m not saying anything about what anybody else is saying, I’m just giving my opinions on the whole situation.

  77. Here's Jonny says:

    “However Sinnott didn’t exactly take the high road with this reaction.”

    So Sinnott “debatably” took the low road in response to a lowly set of cards he was dealt with? Good! Makes life a little bit more interesting. It would be boring if everybody was straight and proper!

  78. Rodney says:


    I don’t argue with everyone. You are jumping to conclusions. If you noticed, I agreed with you.


  79. On Location says:

    Sorry, maybe “argue” was the wrong word for me to use. More of just an often sarcastic comment added to everybody’s post, which results in keeping your “anti Bloodstained Memoirs” or “anti Sinnott” theme going.

  80. Rodney says:

    You presume too much. The only thing related to this production that I am “anti” is his rant.

    That’s all.

  81. Clair says:

    I was saddened to hear about this story. I can’t believe the manager was (and is being) so horrible.

  82. RF Video says:

    Man, what the hell happened to Bret Hart?

  83. Rodney says:

    What happened to him was that his manager dropped the ball on an appointment.

    Bret did exactly what he should have in this situation even though it was a bad situation. He couldnt get an answer from his manager and he knew nothing about the appointment. It wasn’t his problem.

  84. Rodney says:

    Or this is my article and this is an area for discussion.

    So if you have a comment that you wish NOT to be discussed perhaps you should be more specific that your observations are above reproach.

    Sorry for discussing on my post on my blog. I beg your forgiveness.

    If you can justify why you think this is all Bret’s fault, I would be willing to discuss, but that might require a response.

  85. Michael James says:

    To be honest I dont know if this is true or not, I wasn’t there, I dont have an opinion on it, but I do have my own recent recollection of Bret Hart, as an Aston Villa fan (English Premier League Team), it was a hell of a surprise seeing Bret Hart there, i was sitting a few rows away so couldn’t really talk to him, but I had a decent view of him, there was even a mini chant for him. At the time he was talking to a lot of fans, signing everything he could and was in long conversations with fans from the ages of 7-8 to 35-50 year olds, he definitely had the time and patience for the people around him, even when he was missing the majority of what was actually important.

    After the match we left and went to a near by pub for food, when Bret Hart and his friends came to the same pub, we actually went and asked for photographs and in the end what happened is we ended up having a massive social talk and laughs for about 4 hours or so where he was even more considerate of the stories we had to tell about us than he did, and I he ended up having a great time.

    Tbh like I said I dont know what happened on the occasion mentioned I wasn’t there, but clearly to sum up Bret Hart as a asshole in general is NOT true and we all have our off moments, the guy was deffo a class act when we seen him, and he seemed a lot of fun. And its a experience that will sure last long in the memory for me.

  86. Rodney says:

    The only person arguing was you RF. I was discussing. People comment and I commented on that, then you get to comment on that comment. Discussion.

    If someone is going to comment that Bret is an asshole in this situation (as opposed to Sinnott’s reactionary behaviour - which was the topic at hand) then you might want to back it up. I didn’t see Bret doing anything other than what a celebrity should do in a situation just like this.

    It was Bret’s management that made this into a bad situation. Bret was just in the middle of it. I am sure the frustrated and upset Sinnott was just as blunt as his recollection of Bret’s reaction to his insistent demands that he do the interview anyways.

    No celebrity is going to offer an on camera interview without their manager’s approval. So Bret put his foot down? Good for him. His manager was a jerk and dropped the ball on their arrangements. Not good.

  87. Rodney says:

    Really? Because Sinnott’s childish rant was just littered with fair and even thoughtful evaluation of everyone’s feelings on the subject?

    And what have I cited without a source? Everything I have said came right from Sinnott’s rant and his page.

    Sinnott said very specifically in his rant that he confronted Bret about the plans he presumed were set (without a signed contract from the talent or his management) and even said he challenged Bret with copies of the emails he exchanged with his management. When Bret coudn’t confirm any of it he declined the interview. Sinnott pressed the issue, which by the tone of his rant I can only assume was performed with the utmost professionalism, to which Bret replied “Not my problem” and left.

    Bad situation, but Bret couldn’t confirm, so he declined. Not saying Sinnott didn’t have the right to be upset, but this wasn’t Bret’s fault. This was between Sinnott and Bret’s management.

  88. Rodney says:

    @Dr Pepper. First off, I have repeatedly said that Bret’s management is the fault of this bad situation. Never contested that. Never once have I said the management was clear of this. I sympathize with Sinnott repeatedly. But his reaction is what I wrote about.

    The information I did include in my post was about Sinnott’s reaction. I have to repeat this again and again. This is not about Bret, its not about his management, its not about the movie. Its about Sinnott’s reaction to the already bad situation.

    @RFVideo, All I have to go on is Sinnott’s rant, which is what the article was about. And he DID challenge Bret with the printed emails. He says so in his rant. Bret said he knew nothing of the arrangements and Sinnott says he presented Bret with printouts of all the emails he exchanged with his manager.

    @Lauren, yes I am a fan. I am a blogger, and I am writing IN the industry. You attempt to discredit our years of press passes, advanced press only screenings and set visits? You might want to read this site a little more. We have a lot more inside access than the standard blogger ranting from his basement. Makes me laugh when people like you come to troll when you just want to attack my character instead of the topic at hand.

    You want to mock the hours I spend writing for this site, but it is my job to do so. Do I mock all the time you spend at your job?

  89. Rodney says:

    Read the site Lauren. Lots of articles of us on set with Hulk, Transformers, Pathology, Crank2.

    @Dr Pepper

    Objective? I was objective. I commented ONLY on his reaction. I have to repeat that over and over for you? REACTION. With me yet?

    There is no difference between the timeline and his personal reaction. The article is ABOUT the reaction.

    I said he is 22 because all the googling in the world managed to come up with that information about him. Otherwise this established and accomplished professional doesn’t exist. You have a source that says he isn’t?

    Because he did a few blog vids for Mariah Carey and this project. Nothing else. That’s inexperienced. Painting one house doesn’t make you a painter.

    You might want to read my article again Pepper, as I clearly state that he has “managed to secure select moments with some of the industry’s more notable stars” So that wasn’t detailed enough for you?

    Again, you choose to attack my character while stumbling over assumptions about “my writing”. And the article is biased because it is MY OPINION about Sinnott’s rant. If you bothered to read the article to begin with you would see that was precisely what I was writing about. Nothing more.

    No agenda, no other purpose. I thought Sinnott reacted unprofessionally. I sympathize with his situation and totally understand him FEELING that way, but the public statement was unpforessional.

    If you wish to discuss THAT further, I am willing to listen. However, if you (and others) wish to just attack my character while avoiding the topic at hand, I have no time for you.

  90. Rodney says:


    He challenged Bret with the emails. Its the english language. For someone who claims to have a firm grasp on it criticizing my grammar you seem to let the definition of words elude you. Bret said he didnt hear anything about an interview and Sinnott tried to prove it. That is a challenge. One statement is challenged by evidence. Just because he didn’t shove it down his throat or come over the table doesn’t mean the issue wasn’t challenged.

    You are splitting hairs and failing. Please save your efforts for the facebook group where a member of Sinnott’s staff is paid to be biased.

  91. Rodney says:

    Yes Bonnie I do think the management is responsible for the mess. I have stated that repeatedly.

    I have also stated that Sinnott was completely in his right to be upset about it. But that still doesn’t make it professional to rant like he did.

    We don’t know that Bret DIDNT ask his manager to state anything. Sinnott himself admitted that they tried a few times to arrange another meeting which Sinnott told them to “shove up their ass”

    Are you surprised that his calloused reaction to their attempts to remedy the bad circumstance are “shoved up their ass” would make them less concerned about a statement?

  92. Rodney says:

    @Jesus Fan. Yes. I quite expect this film to come out and I look forward to reviewing it. Its been on my radar for a while now, which only heightened my interest in Sinnott’s reaction. I really didnt expect that from him.

    @Dr Pepper, you keep making this about your perception of my article. I wrote about his reaction. So I only included information about his reaction. I have said this again and again to you. I wont repeat this simple fact any longer. You keep trying to discredit my opinon on his unprofessional rant he calls a press release by saying I didnt include enough information? Sorry. No more info was needed. Want to know more? Follow the link to his myspace page I listed in the article.

    As for “all those people who stopped reading the site” none of them were regular readers. They were all from the incredibly biased and clouded facebook group. I don’t lose sleep over trolls who want to tell me they are leaving the site when they were not readers to begin with.

    You guys can rant all you want. Until you address the topic presented in the article I wrote, you are just trolling for a fight I wont give you.

  93. Rodney says:

    @Bonnie Meetings fall apart all the time. Its not as big a deal as Sinnott is making it out to be. Does it suck that he spent money on a crew to show up at a gig that was not confirmed by contract? Yes.

    He went on faith that proper confirmation was not required and got burned for it. When he got there, even with his proof that he felt was sufficient he was still denied. Sucks really. I sympathize with him.

    But from Bret’s side, he did the right thing. Sinnott even admits that afterward they made efforts to remedy the situation and he told them to shove it up their ass.

    Sinnott had already shown that he was unwilling to co-operate and remedy the situation so no degree of concession was going to make him happy so they might have just decided to ignore him.

    This is not about Bret being a man or attacking his character. It was a bad situation and Sinnott having some sort of breakdown over it showed him in a poor light.

    I don’t think they needed to make a public statement that a situation went bad because of poor planning and poor communication. It really wasn’t the end of the world. I don’t think they look bad not doing it considering they made a few attempts to reschedule a proper meeting for an interview and were rudely declined as Sinnott so graphically describes.

    @Dr Pepper, I already addressed all the issues you brought up REPEATEDLY. Your attempts to drag this into some troll war while you attack my character are irrelevant. Your post was deleted for that. As will any further attempts to do the same will be removed. No post was ever deleted simply for disagreeing with me. However creating your own personal vendetta against me is pointless and contributes nothing to the discussion.

    Please save your efforts. I know you already have a scathing retort to offer claiming my deleting your attempts to troll and avoid the issue at hand. If you cannot address the topic, don’t comment here.

  94. Rodney says:

    @Dr Pepper,

    Your IP is logged every time you post. So all those comments of you calling me names? Deleted. As well as the ones where you pretend to be someone else endorsing the film.

    I have nothing against the film, so trying to litter the comment section here with “This film will be great” posts pretending to be 5 different posters all within 10 minutes isn’t fooling anyone.

    Please stop. You are accomplishing nothing.

  95. Smoking says:

    I am really looking forward to this film!

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