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3.5 Minutes of Yes Man Online

By Rodney - December 29, 2008 - 08:30 America/Montreal

Jim Carrey’s latest film Yes Man is already in theaters, and I think this is a nice step back to the Jim Carrey that we loved.

In Yes Man, Carrey plays a man who is always negative until he attends a seminar where they encourage you to say YES more instead of saying No. This leads his character to take chances and do things he wouldn’t before, transforming his life.

Coming Soon delivers this clip:

I really like this kind of film for Carrey. Its time he got off his high priced horse and delivered more of his comedy gold. The approach is simple too. In an interview I saw with Carrey talking about this film he says with this time of year bringing about thoughts of Resolutions and changes everyone thinks about making changes to stop doing something. Stop eating junk food, stop being a gossip, stop smuggling drugs. He thinks of this as looking at changing your life to START something.

I like that idea.

And knowing that about this film makes me want to see it now.


  1. Godovhellfire says:


  2. mikey says:

    Remember when Jim carrey was funny? Its like that. This movie was a fun light comedy. I finally enjoyed watching a JC movie again. Its been so long.

  3. kitty cats are funny! says:

    when did he become …not funny? He does pretty much the same shtick all the time…love it or hate it. Dumb and Dumber is still one of my favorite movies of all time. Him + Jeff Daniels was brilliant. The premise of this movie seems like a pass regardless.

  4. Rodney says:

    That’s just it Kitty. Carrey used to be funny just like this. Then we got tired of the same thing over and over. Now he has abused his brand of funny and pushed it so far that once he goes back to his old brand of funny we can like it again.

    Kinda like the whole “new coke” thing failing and they bring out Classic Coke and everyone loves it again.

  5. Patrick says:

    How uncreative can you be. It took the same plot from Liar Liar and modified it a little bit. “You can’t tell lies now” = “You always have to say yes”

  6. Rodney says:

    @Patrick… There is nothing in this movie that is MAKING him say yes. The funny part of Liar Liar was that he couldnt. Watching him struggle with a pen trying to write the lie was a hoot.

    In this movie its about a man trying to change who he is. On purpose.

    That is only vaguely like Liar Liar. In that movie he was forced to face his flaws. His character in this movie isn’t forced to do anything, and in himself is not flawed. He is just encouraged to enjoy life by taking risks.

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