Archive for December, 2008

Phantom of the Opera Sequel - Love Never Dies

Because no one asked for it, Andrew Lloyd Webber decided that his insanely successful Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera needed a sequel. The title he is working with is Phantom: Love Never Dies. His hopes are that a sequel to the movie based on his stage musical will in turn inspire stage productions based on a movie. gives us:

The sequel will be set a decade or so after the first installment, during which time the Phantom has relocated from the Paris Opéra of Gaston Leroux’s original novel to Coney Island in Brooklyn, then still a hugely popular beach-side amusement resort for New Yorkers. “It was the place,” said Lloyd Webber. “Even Freud went because it was so extraordinary … people who were freaks and oddities were drawn towards it because it was a place where they could be themselves.”

The Phantom will be reunited with Christine, the “Swedish soprano.”

And who does Webber have in mind to take the Phantom role? He says, “We are pretty clear who our Phantom is going to be - I can’t say who,” he said.

Let me first say that I have seen the stage production of Phantom three times. I fancy myself a bit of a fan.

And despite my personal grudges against Joel Joel Schumacher for what he did to Batman and hero movies in general, I have to admit that I fell in love with the film adaptation. That movie captivated me and allowed me to experience the music again. It also introduced me to Emmy Rossum. She is truly an angel of music.

Two names being tossed about to star in the sequel are Hugh Jackman or Gerard Butler. Butler played (and sang) as the Phantom in the 2004 film, so naturally I would hope he would reprise his role.

I hope they get Rossum to return as well to reprise Christine. Rumour had it last summer that Katherine Jenkins would be getting the part but back then Webber wanted John Barrowman to be the Phantom.

G-Force Teaser Online

Looks like Disney has put up a teaser for Jerry Bruckheimer’s latest effort for the House of Mouse. Go watch. We will wait here.
(and no, its not the Gatchaman anime - just a warning)

ComingSoon says:

Opening July 24, 2009, G-Force is about the latest evolution of a covert government program to train animals to work in espionage. Armed with the latest high-tech spy equipment, these highly trained guinea pigs discover that the fate of the world is in their paws. Tapped for the G-Force are guinea pigs Darwin (voice of Sam Rockwell), the squad leader determined to succeed at all costs; Blaster (voice of Tracy Morgan), an outrageous weapons expert with tons of attitude and a love for all things extreme; and Juarez (voice of Penelope Cruz) a sexy martial arts pro

Now the fact that they refer to a guinea pig as “sexy” makes me a little uncomfortable.

This looks like the kind of kids film that parents will drag their children to purely for the kids. They will quietly roll their eyes and repeat to themselves just how important it is to do this FOR their children.

I wish there were more films that could be enjoyable for both adults and children instead of targeting just the kids and making us grownups suffer.

My kids were giggling like bandits through the whole teaser. I wasn’t.

You can watch the Trailer here

Economic Fallout Goes to Hollywood

Looks like the money crunch is hitting everyone. Even Hollywood.

Latino Review says:

Disney took advantage of the seasonal news lull last week to quietly slip out news that it has decided to withdraw from producing The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the next in the Chronicles of Narnia series of films based on the children’s books by C S Lewis.

Blaming “budgetary considerations” for its decision, the studio said it would not renew an option to co-finance the $200m (£137m) movie because the worsening economic climate has forced it to become more selective about the number of films it produces.

I had thought that Prince Caspian did well enough, but maybe not so great to throw money at another one. Especially with the green turning a lighter tone lately.

The article even says that Harry Potter is not immune to the slashing of movies. Apparently with JK Rowling not driving the rabid fanbase in anticipation of the next book, the studios are worried that profits will slim.

I think it would be a shame for ongoing series with existing source material to draw from to be cut short. I hope Harry Potter gets its full run.

And to think that they would be hesitant to make sequels in fear of losing money and instead we are letting them pour money into Meet the Spartans. Know why? Because they make money.

ITS YOUR FAULT!! You people who go see dumb spoof movies are killing the movie economy!!

Watch Responsibly.

Crank 2 Trailer

Well… here you go. The Red Band trailer for Crank 2. Enjoy.

Why Watchmen is Such a Big Deal

MySpace offers up an exclusive video with Director Zack Snyder geeking it out while explaining why Watchmen is such a different type of superhero film.

I find it interesting that the media buzz machine is still alive and while in regards to this project. It is a small reminder that WB isn’t giving up (even if they have to give up a pile of money to Fox)

Seeing this little bit isn’t news to the uberfans and comic geeks like me. We get why the Watchmen is a great story. But I like that they share this glimpse into who and what the Watchmen are and what this story will be about.

Every time they show a scene from the movie I get a chill. Ripped right off the pages. Exactly.

Damn I hope this gets resolved soon!

Can You Judge A Movie Before You See It? Sort Of

It’s a topic that comes up just about every single time a bad looking movie is about to come out. The trailers look bad, the premise seems lame, maybe it has a bad director at the helm or a bad “star” in a leading role or any number of other things. You see all the stuff and declare: “Man, this movie is going to be crap” or “This movie looks terrible” or some other variation of that sentiment.

The thing is, even though ALL OF US do this (and rightfully so), inevitably some people will jump up and down and lament: “You can’t say that, you haven’t even seen it yet. You have no idea if it’s good or bad!”.

The people who say this are, 9 times out of 10, people who are already predisposed to liking the crap looking movie in question. Maybe they’re already a fan of the director. Maybe they’re already a fan of the property the movie is based on. For whatever the reasons, some people will always come along and tell you you’re not allowed to form an opinion about if a film looks bad in advance.

The basics of what they’re saying is true. If you haven’t seen a movie you can’t definitively say the movie IS good or bad. That’s 100% correct and I’ll agree with them about that. However, you can form a predictive opinion without seeing a movie. You CAN say “That movie looks like crap” or “This movie will suck”.

This is all just a very legitimate part of building up to a movie. Even the studios know we all form predictive opinions about movies before we see them… that’s why they put out trailers. They make posters and trailers in an attempt to influence your advanced opinion about a movie. The better your advance opinion is, the more likely you’ll drop $12 to hit the theater to see the movie. The worse your predictive opinion, the less likely they’ll get your money.

Look, once in a while we can be wrong. For example, in the last couple of years there have been 2 films that I swore looked horrible for a long time. But in the end, I wound up really enjoying TMNT and Punisher: Warzone. So our advanced opinions aren’t always right. That’s a good thing. But 95% of the time I find my predictive opinion was completely accurate as I ended up hating the crappy looking movies.

The bottom line is, while it’s true that until you actually SEE a movie, you can’t outright say a movie is good or bad… but at the same time we should form advance opinions. It’s what separates what we choose to see and what we don’t choose to see. It lets us talk about and debate upcoming films. The fact of the matter is we ALL form opinions about movies we haven’t seen yet as to if we think they’ll be good or bad… even the people who yell at you not to do it.

Most Anticipated Films 2009 - He Said, She Said

No doubt using technology unbiased and undeniably gathering inalienable facts about …. people…. er.. Fandango determined the most anticipated films of 2009.

Deadline Hollywood offers:

According to Men:
1. Star Trek 23%
2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 17%
3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 14%
4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9%
5. Terminator Salvation 7%
6. Watchmen 7%
7. Angels & Demons 5%
8. Public Enemies 3%
9. G.I. Joe 3%
10. New Moon 3%

According to Women:
1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 25%
2. New Moon 15%
3. Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen 11%
4. Angels & Demons 9%
5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 7%
6. Star Trek 6%
7. Public Enemies 5%
8. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian 4%
9. The Lovely Bones 3%
10. Where the Wild Things Are 2%

I am very surprised to see Transformers so predominate on the list for the ladies. I mean I understand wanting to see Wolverine - two words: Hugh Jackman. But Transformers is every little boy’s toy come to life. I would have thought that target demographic to be…. well me.

For me the list is mostly accurate, though Angels and Demons and New Moon wouldnt even be on it and I would rank Watchmen just under Wolverine with a clear lead over Terminator.

So while all you guys were dragged to see Sex and the City on the logic that you dragged her to Transformers, it looks like they might have lost that ammunition!

Now she owes you a Star Trek.

No Megatron in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Empire Magazine and USAToday offered up articles with some information about the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Without getting to spoilery offers:

Transformers Live Action Movie Blog had a breakdown of the info shared in the article -

* Bay and LaBeouf confirm the Fallen is a separate character.
* Egyptian hieroglyphics …turn out to be depictions of Transformers who visited Earth.
* Bay claims Megatron is not coming back and the tank is just a new toy.
* Around 40 robots.
* Budget is $200 million.
* Ramon Rodriguez is the one holding on for dear life to a pole while cars are flung (Empire TF2 Image).
* Devastator appears at the pyramid, he’s probably 50 feet tall because that’s the height of the camera crane they used on location.

The biggest news is the lack of Megatron. I hope he is just trying to throw us off the scent and we see a rebuilt tanky Megatron in this film.

They rebuilt Jazz for fuck sakes. Why not Megatron??

And I am all for having more bots, but 40? I hope that most of them make up background shots to establish that there are a bunch of them all over the earth and they gather together to fight the Fallen.

I like that they are going with a lesser known story to tie in the live action versions of the characters, but no Megatron? Seriously?

Only the Shadow Knows - Rourke vs Penn?

Hollywood is all about double talk and lies until its on paper, so to hear one celebrity speaking out against another is hardly news. But when two Oscar/Globe contenders are out there, and one of them makes some pretty bold statments about the other’s character its going to hit the fan.

So when we hear that Mickey Rourke is apparently talking down about Sean Penn’s performance in Milk, we start to wonder why.

But wait! Is he?

Hollywood Elsewhere says:

Daily Beast contributor Gerald Posner reported today that yesterday (12.28) “a Los Angeles entertainment honcho shared a text message with [him] that Mickey Rourke had sent him about Sean Penn: ‘Look seans an old friend of mine [but] i didnt buy his performance at all — thought he did an average pretend acting like he was gay besides hes one of the most homophobic people i kno’”

Perhaps someone thought that this sort of smear campaign would work like a presidential election. Instead of focusing on how good you are, fling mud at the opposition.

Interestingly enough, I am not even sure that Mickey Rourke is the one saying these things. So while there seems to be some bubbling in the water, we don’t know who its coming from or to what end. Is someone trying to shittalk Penn, using Rourke (his rival to the award) to do it? Or are they trying to make Rourke look like an ass?

The conflict comes in that Gerald Posner is respected among his peers for his investigative reporting, however throws this line out with the credibility of a tabloid rag. His only sources are “an LA entertainment Honcho” and rumours of a passing statement said backstage on Letterman. I like that Jeff at Hollywood Elsewhere notes this pair of vague unconfirmable sources suddenly turned into “several” when his sources were challenged.

I have heard celebrities comment about others. A couple of years ago When John mentioned Milo Ventimiglia in front of Johnathan Frakes, Frakes admitted he was a fan. That happened. John and I both standing there face to face with Frakes. Can I confirm it? Nope. Happened in passing. So its not a valid source.

Its not like this was said in an interview. There is no proof any of this was said at all. Someone unidentified allegedly showed a text message allegedly from Rourke But someone somewhere is trying to start something here. I bring it up to address the validity of the statements. Some sites are all ready to hang Rourke by these statements that no one can confirm were even said by him.

So is Rourke talking trash? If he is, who do you think it hurts more?

Without assuming Rourke or Penn as the winner, if it is a tight race to the finish, would something like this sway judges? I think it should still be about the performance. So what does anyone have to gain inventing this. It would be a different topic altogether if Rourke was on Letterman, on the air saying he didnt think Penn was his competition, or shouldn’t even be considered. But he didn’t.

The Movie Blog: Uncut - December 30th 2008

Hey there folks! It’s those lull days between the joyous Christmas and the frantic New Year. Today I do a solo show and talk about:

1) An update on The Anniversary

2) Guy shooting another guy for talking in a movie theater

3) Disney dropping the Narnia franchise

4) The possible delay for Watchmen and why Fox is right

5) The Spirit’s glorious failure


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The Spirit Sucks Glorious Failure Through The Straw Of Justice

No matter how bad a film looks, I never hope for financial failure for it (except maybe on he principle that if bad movies make huge money, studios will continue to pump out bad movies… but that’s another discussion). But “The Spirit” was another issue.

As some of you remember, a few days ago Itook real exception as a film fan for the way the Studio was deceptively marketing the movie and treating us fans like idiots. It bothered me so much I decided that I was not going to bother seeing the movie. Well… looks like a lot of other people decided to not bother seeing The Spirit either.

The Spirit just finished it’s opening weekend and made a miserable $6 million dollars and came in 7th place.

I have no idea if The Spirit is a good or bad movie since I haven’t seen it. All I know is that it looked like total shit from day one and that right now it has a glorious 15% on Rotten Tomatoes. But like I said… I’m only happy it failed because of they way they treated us like morons with their deceptive marketing.

Fox Now Seeking Court Order To Delay Watchmen Release

Make no mistake about it movie fans, this situation is 100% all Warner Bros fault.

As most of you know, the new movie Watchmen is scheduled to be released by Warner Bros. on March 6th and people are going crazy about it. I’m one of them. But some time ago news came out that Fox Studios was suing WB claiming that the rights to Watchmen still belongs to them. A lot of people thought nothing would come of that… until last week when a judge ruled that yes indeed… the rights to Watchmen still belong (at least in part) to Fox. Yikes!!!!

Now with that established, Fox is asking a judge to prevent WB from releasing Watchmen until the issues are settled. Guess what… I think they’ll win.

What’s even worse, it seems that a lawyer for WB doesn’t think there will be a settlement and that the film will indeed get delayed. The folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

U.S. District Court Judge Gary Feess last week agreed with Fox that Warner Bros. had infringed its copyright by developing and shooting the film, scheduled for release March 6. Feess said Monday he plans to hold a trial Jan. 20 to decide remaining issues. Fox claims it never fully relinquished story rights from its deal made in the late 1980s, and sued Warner Bros. in February. Warner Bros. contended Fox isn’t entitled to distribution. Warner Bros.’ attorney said Monday he didn’t know if an appeal was coming, but thinks a trial is necessary and a settlement unlikely.

Ok… I know that none of you want to hear this… but this is the truth. Fox is right, and this is all WB’s fault.

If the rights belong to Fox, then WB had no business making the film without an agreement with Fox, and I have been told by a very reliable source that Fox DID INDEED communicate with WB about this a LONG TIME AGO and WB basically ignored them.

I used to work in in law… and when someone was going to do something as simple as buy a house, they hired a lawyer to investigate the house to make damn sure all the rights to the property was rightfully being transfered. Why the hell didn’t WB so this with a multimillion movie rights deal?!?!?!

The bottom line is this. If the rights belong to Fox, then they have every single legal, moral and ethical right to step in. It totally sucks… but it’s the truth. If you’re a film fan and you’re mad about this… be mad at WB, not Fox.

Disney Drops Narnia

No-Narnia-3.jpgI loved the first Chronicles of Narnia movie a few years ago. I thought it was childlike magical storytelling at its best. Timeless story, beautiful themes, great visual effects and child actors who didn’t make me want to gag. The second Narnica film, Prince Caspian, was a step backwards in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the movie alright, but it was hardly memorable and lacked a lot that the first film had.

Another big difference between the first two films is that the second one made a LOT less money, and wasn’t as popular with viewers.

So it’s really not all that big of a surprise that Disney has announced that they will not follow through on plans to make the third film of the series, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The good folks over at IGN give us this:

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the studio has decided not to exercise its option to co-produce and co-finance the third Narnia film with Walden Media. The budget and logistics were cited as Disney’s primary concerns.

The other production company involved with the Narnia films, Walden Media, is still committed to getting the third film made and is looking for another production partner (early word is that Fox may step up.

Here’s the thing… I like the Narnia franchise… but it’s in a downward spiral and I don’t think that audiences will, in general, be interested enough to come back to Narnia in mass numbers, especially after they lost some credibility with Prince Caspian.

If I had to bet, I’d guess that we probably won’t see a third Narnia film.

Talking During the Film Might Get You Shot

Holy Tapdancing Jesus! I have been annoyed at disruptive movie patrons before but NEVER would I think of taking it this far. A man in South Philly was so annoyed by an annoying kid at a theater, that he SHOT his father for not shutting the whippersnapper up.

ScreenRant reports:

It’s been reported that 29-year old James Joseph Cialella Jr, who went to a screening of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on Christmas Day, pulled out a gun and shot another man in the arm because he and his family (yes, that’s right, his family was there) for being too noisy. The incident took place at the UA Riverview Stadium 17 theater in South Philadelphia.

Cialella became annoyed when the family, which was sitting near the front, wouldn’t stop talking. He told them to be quiet, but because of this apparently the young son decided to be a smart ass and became even noisier, making comments and the like. Cialella then threw popcorn at the young boy in an attempt to get him to stop annoying him. But since that failed he decided that next logical step must be to pull out his gun (a Kel-Tec .380 handgun to be precise) and shot the father in the arm.

We have all wanted to stand up and address those annoying people who think it is there job to offer commentary during a film. Tell them off. Throw popcorn.

The theater staff is usually quite willing to ask someone to leave if they are disrupting the movie (kicking out one paying jackass is better than refunding a theater full of annoyed patrons when you do nothing) so I have to question the mental stability of a man who is willing to escalate things to this extreme. Shushing, Commenting, Popcorn… GUN. Seems he skipped a few logical steps in this conflict.

I quote the noble Reverend Book when I say that there is a Special Hell reserved for Child Molesters and People who Talk During the Movie.

I would be just as annoyed with the parent who LET their kid carry on like this. If my kid was the one disrupting everone, he would get put in his place in a hurry. But the shooter’s logic at least extended that far as to blame the father for not being a parent.

But for all you jackasses out there who think its funny to comment at the screen. You are not. And next time you will think twice about speaking up wondering if there is some unstable psychopath watching the movie with you just waiting to shoot you for your antics.

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans TV Spot Online

The latest TV Spot for Underworld: Rise of the Lycans is online via

I have to say that Underworld has given us the sexiest and hottest Vampires and Werewolves ever. It is just impossible for Kate Beckensale to look bad, and we now get a second movie with her tasty visage slinked into a tight leather suit, kicking ass and shooting them up. Now in the third Rhona Mitra takes on the sexy death dealer role.

The eyecandy overload of this series is not its only selling factor, and it looks like they stay true to that with this trailer. Lots of action and a good story to boot.

I look forward to this.

Michael Cera Delays Arrested Development Movie

Looks like the hopes for an Arrested Development movie have hit a stump. Ironic since the name of the show roughly translates into Stopped Progress.

And all fingers seem to be pointing at George Michael, played by Michael Cera.

Cinematical Says:

Fancast reports that ONE person is holding out. That’s right — eight have signed on to reprise their roles, but one hasn’t jumped on-board yet. During a recent interview, creator Mitch Hurwitz was asked about the rumors that Will Arnett and Michael Cera hadn’t signed on yet. He said: “I don’t want to talk about who is holding out right now because we might still work that out and I don’t want to pressure anyone through the press. Although I will say that Will Arnet is gung-ho, so there’s a big clue!”

Now I believe that ANY actor can be replaced in a role for a movie.

However, in this case I wonder if Cera doesn’t sign on, will it close the book for this project? Is it too important to have the whole cast? Unlike in a movie, you have two or three installments to like someone in a role. Maybe only one. So in the next glorified episode if someone else plays the character its an adjustment, but if done well you adapt.

But Cera has played George Michael for 53 Episodes. That makes the replacement that much more difficult.

For the sake of the fans, I hope they don’t have to replace him. Or worse, they can the project over one actor.

First Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Pics Online

We get our first look at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and surprise surprise. No Transformers.

ComingSoon says:

Empire has debuted these first three photos from Michael Bay’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen as well as a new cover featuring Optimus Prime, while USA Today has published two articles on the filming that took place at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico that stood in for much of a battle that will take place in Cairo, Egypt in the movie.

The cover of the issue this article features in has a look at Optimus Prime, but he looks exactly the same as he did in the first movie though little battle worn so I imagine this will take place later in the film. But aside from that our first look is Shia and Megan Fox and some splodey military stuff.


You can see the rest of the images over at ComingSoon

3.5 Minutes of Yes Man Online

Jim Carrey’s latest film Yes Man is already in theaters, and I think this is a nice step back to the Jim Carrey that we loved.

In Yes Man, Carrey plays a man who is always negative until he attends a seminar where they encourage you to say YES more instead of saying No. This leads his character to take chances and do things he wouldn’t before, transforming his life.

Coming Soon delivers this clip:

I really like this kind of film for Carrey. Its time he got off his high priced horse and delivered more of his comedy gold. The approach is simple too. In an interview I saw with Carrey talking about this film he says with this time of year bringing about thoughts of Resolutions and changes everyone thinks about making changes to stop doing something. Stop eating junk food, stop being a gossip, stop smuggling drugs. He thinks of this as looking at changing your life to START something.

I like that idea.

And knowing that about this film makes me want to see it now.

Japanese Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-Li Trailer Online

The Japanese version of the Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-li trailer is online.

When I heard Kruek was going to play Chun-Li, I figured the look was right and shes a decent enough actress to play the part. And this trailer doesn’t look too bad (even if I dont understand most of what they are saying). The only complaint I have is that in a movie called the Legend of Chun-Li, we might actually see… I dont know… MORE CHUN-LI????

I actually have a lot of hope for this movie. It looks like a great approach to the Streetfighter movies. There is just FAR too many characters in this franchise to do a movie with all of them in it. Perhaps a series of movies that tells the individual story of some of the more popular characters, then involve some of the minor characters who have storyline that relates to that character.

And frankly ANYTHING would be better than the last attempt at live action Streetfighter.

20th Century Fox Wins Watchmen Legal Battle! What Now?

Fox-Wins-Watchmen.jpgThis is pretty huge. As some of you may know, Warner Bros has been planning to release “their” new movie, “Watchmen” on March 6th, but Fox had launched a lawsuit against them contesting that the rights to the Watchmen property belonged to them. Well now things just got a whole lot more interesting because it looks like Fox has won the case! CBC news gives us this:

A U.S. federal judge has ruled that 20th Century Fox owns a copyright interest in Watchmen, which may jeopardize Warner Bros.’s plan to release the superhero movie in March.

Judge Gary Allen Feess issued the surprise ruling on Wednesday, Variety reported.

“Fox owns a copyright interest consisting of, at the very least, the right to distribute the Watchmen motion picture,” the ruling said.

Judge Feess advised both Fox and Warner to consider either a settlement or an appeal.

Fox acquired rights to the Watchmen graphic adventure novel in the late 1980s for producer Lawrence Gordon. After spending more than $1 million US developing the project, it eventually dropped its plan to make a movie based on the work written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons.

Gordon later carried out the project with Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures. The movie, about the underside of life for superbeings, was directed by Zack Snyder and stars Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley. Its release is scheduled for March 6, 2009.

In February, Fox filed a suit to prevent Watchmen from being released. It argued that Gordon’s option to acquire Fox’s remaining interest in Watchmen was never exercised.

Warner spokesman Scott Rowe has declined to comment on the ruling.

The Wall Street Journal says the ruling in favour of Fox comes as a surprise, “given that the studio appeared to have dropped the project more than a decade ago and was not involved in producing the film.”

Well holy crap! What does this do to the March 6th release date?

I have a feeling that even though they may not like it, WB will make a deal with Fox… but don’t be surprised if that March 6th release date gets pushed back… maybe A LOT, because until WB and Fox make a deal, this movie ain’t gonna see the theaters.

Thanks to Movie BLog reader Daniel for the heads up.

Transformers: PCs Vs Macs

I used to be a PC guy and HATED Macs. But when the new Intel versions came out about 2 years ago, I was needing a new laptop and decided to get one of the new Macbooks just to try it out. I’ll never go back. When I needed a new Desktop I picked up the new iMac. I am now a Mac guy for life. Everyone has their own preferences and that’s cool.

I’m also a major Transformers freak as most of you know, so when Movie Blog reader Simon sent me the heads up on this little video, I just had to share it with you guys:

Merry Christmas from Rodney

I wanted to thank all of you International Friends much as John did and for much the same reasons.

You give us purpose and make us WANT to write. We do this just to discuss and share our passion and observations about the entertainment world. In other words - I just like to geek out about movies!

So with the holiday season being all about giving, I wanted to give you all something aside from my geekiness, and something not movie related, but something I am sure none of you have seen before (or at very least unlikely)

A man undressing a woman using an Excavator:

Merry Christmas International Friends. I look forward to sharing more in 2009 as we grow!

Merry Christmas Everyone

Before I go on to blabber about Christmas, let me first start by saying how grateful I am for all of you. The Movie Blog readers who have supported, debated, laughed, made fun of, criticized and watched lots of and talked a lot about movies with me this year. You have no idea or clue how much you guys mean to me. From guys who always seem to disagree and have great debate with me like Alfie, great international friends like Phil Gee, super long time readers (like 5 years) like Jared and everyone in between.

You guys allow me to do what I love to do… talk about and discuss movies all day. Literally hundreds of emails and comments are sent to me everyday and I can honestly tell you I read every single one of them. This time of the year reminds me of all the things I’m grateful for, and our amazing Movie Blog readers rank right up there for me. Thank you.

No really… read these words… THANK YOU.

Thank you for your participation. Thank you for your support. Thank you for the debate. Thank you for the discussion. And thank you for making movie watching even more fun for me than it already was.

So as you venture forth the next few days to celebrate Christmas, or just to enjoy a couple of days off, have safe travels, warm times with family and friends and enjoy some great food.

Oh… and watch a movie. Just not The Spirit! ;)

Merry Christmas everyone! Oh, and I’ll be putting up a Christmas Eve podcast later tonight.

TRON is Back - Bruce Boxleitner in Tron 2.0!

The energy was almost tangible in the early ComicCon bootleg videos we saw of the Tron teaser Trailer. When people saw those light cycles you could hear the crowd buzz, but the real eruption happened when we saw Jeff Bridges grace the screen looking so badass in his jammies. Damn that was good. Now it looks like Bridges will have someone to share old Tron stories with the new younger cast - Bruce Boxleitner is back too!

/Film says:

Bruce Boxleitner has signed on to return in TRON 2.0, according to ComingSoon. Boxleitner played Alan Bradley, aka TRON, in the original 1982 Disney film Tron, and will reprise his role in the sequel. Previously announced, Jeff Bridges will reprise the role of Kevin Flynn

It also looks like the return of the original Tron actor has also quietly ushered an end to the Tr2n and TRZ rubbish as well. The article notes that IMDB and the industry trades are universally calling this project Tron 2.0.

I like that they are bringing back the actors from the first movie. I would like to see how the tech world has grown, and to parallel that we will get to see it through the eyes of some key elements of the original cast.


Chow Quits Green Hornet to work with Jack Black

Not long ago we were talking about Stephen Chow stepping down from the director’s chair on Green Hornet over some vague “creative differences” Of course the immediate disclosure on these differences bred an onslaught of speculation, so Chow is now clarifying. He is not directing Seth Rogen’s film because he is leaving him for Jack Black.

Coming Soon says:

Chow, whose credits include Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle, said over the weekend that he wants to free up time to work with Jack Black on a comedy about a superhero.

“If I direct ‘The Green Hornet,’ the superhero comedy will have to be delayed for two years,” Chow said. “The timing might not be right for a superhero comedy in two years. And I want to make a movie based on an original idea.”

I worry that his directing availability would also lend to his acting availability as well. I know that the acting wouldnt take as much time in prep and review as the director faces, but honestly, if he can’t direct because he wants to work on something else, then how is he going to have time to co-star in the film too?

So now the clarification is launching more speculation that he would quit as Kato as well.

Star Trek is Finished!

I know you Trekbashers out there got a little giddy when you saw the title, but the title is more literal than suggestive foreshadowing. Looks like the new Star Trek film is about to wrap final post production and call it a done project this week.

/Film quotes Abrams:

“We’re just making final tweaks to the movie — we should be totally locked next week. Then we’re going to flash-freeze it so it’s totally fresh for you in May. I can’t wait for you to see the movie. The cast is awesome. The action and effects pushed the stunt team and ILM beyond their limits. I’m so grateful to this cast and crew — and to all of you for your interest and patience. We’ll continue to update this page with new info and exclusives, so check back when you think of it. In the meantime, have a happy, healthy, fun holiday! From the last days of the sound mix, JJ”

It sounds like Abrams has a hell of a lot of confidence and is very proud of the job he has done with this film.

His positive hopes for the film and excitement makes me want to see it even more!

You haters can just seal it up in some dollarstore knockoff ziplocks, you can’t take my Christmas/Trek buzz away now!

Stone of Destiny Trailer Online

RowThree describes it:

The comedy, which premiered at the Edinburgh Film Festival earlier this year, tells the true story of a Ian Hamilton and his group of friends who reignited Scottish national pride in the 50s with a trip to England to steal back the Stone of Scone. The film, which features an excellent cast of up and comers including Charlie Cox (who was excellent as Tristan in last year’s Stardust), Kate Mara, Billy Boyd and Robert Carlyle is a whole lot of fun

The movie does look to have a lot of charm. I think I will try and catch it when it comes around these parts.

The film openned already in the UK but will be getting a Canadian release February 20th, 2009. No word as to whether this will be released in the US.

The Desperation Of “The Spirit” Marketing Is Now Just Pathetic

The-Spirit-Pathetic.jpgI’ve said 100 times how bad “The Spirit” looks and that I have little to no hope for it. The other day I mention to you guy that two friends of mine (both journalists) saw the film separately and both despised it… one went so far as to suggest it’s the worst film since Battlefield Earth. Yikes!!!

I’ve also been saying that just because Frank Miller is a great graphic novelist, and just because he sat on Robert Rodriguez’s lap and called himself a “co-director” for Sin City, doesn’t mean he’s qualified or ready to direct a multi-milion dollar hollywood film like “The Spirit”. This thing has smelt like a disaster, and now it looks even worse.

This is how pathetic and desperate the marketing campaign has become. I’ve JUST watched a new commercial for The Spirt while watching Monday Night Football (Go Bears). In the commercial the narrator says the following:

“Critics are wild about The Spirit”

Ummm… ok. Really? I haven’t read one single positive review about it yet. What critics? Well… the commercial then shows us quotes from these “critics” with the narrator reading them out loud. The quotes said:

“Brilliant” with no reference to who said it. Then the next quote flashes on the screen, narrator reading out loud:

“Jaw Dropping” with no reference to who said it. Then the next quote flashes on the screen, narrator reading out loud:

“One of the best films of the year” with no reference to who said it. Then the next quote flashes on the screen, narrator reading out loud:

“It’ll blow you away” THIS TIME it actually tells you who said it. Was it Roger Ebert? Nope. Was it CHUD or IESB or COmingSoon or even The Movie Blog? Nope. It was a quote from some guy named Scott Hoffman from an obscure little website call When I went to find this review, I discovered that ALL THE QUOTES IN THE COMMERCAIL WERE FROM THIS ONE CRITIC. ALL OF THEM!

Then the commercial gets even more pitiful. It started throwing up more quotes… in the exact same manner and in the exact same font as the critic quotes. The phrases that popped up were:

Heart Pounding
Eye Popping
Mind Blowing
Wild Fun

But get this… none of those were quotes from anyone. They were just words the commercial was throwing up there disguised to appear as if they were quotes from critics. PATHETIC!

I’m not naive enough to believe that this is the ONLY movie commercial that has pulled a stunt like this, but this really is despicable. Lionsgate (which is a studio I actually like most of the time) should be ashamed of themselves for this kind of bullshit.

I have never actively campaigned AGAINST a movie before, but this commercial has inspired me… so I am encouraging everyone to avoid seeing “The Spirit”. The film looks just awful and the studio has shown their hand that they know it and are using the cheapest and most pathetic marketing tricks to try to fool you into spending your money on it.

So join with me international friends. AVOID SEEING THE SPIRT! Don’t let your friends see The Spirit. Don’t let your family see The Spirit. Hell… go see Marley and Me instead, even if you know how the stupid thing ends… it’ll still be better than this!

Land of the Lost Teaser Poster Online

When I heard they were adapting the old 70s TV show, Land of the Lost to a big screen feature I had a little moment of buttery warm nostalgia. My mother and I used to watch the original show in my wee youth, and though all I remember about it was some green webbed handed alien dudes with a faux-hawk and big bug dome eyes, and some cave with a stone platform and a chess board/lite-bright on it. Oh and the dinosaurs. That’s why I loved it. There were dinos. Shuddap. I was 3.

Anyways, the series saw a TV remake in 1991 which I managed to not even notice. And now its being made into a movie.

And we get our first peek at the teaser poster:

Will Ferrell seems to be an awkward button for me recently. Any movie with him in it automatically wants me to toss it in the bargain bin at Walmart and pass it by. Don’t get me wrong, I love a LOT of Will Ferrell’s movies. But I find his humour, though very amusing and enjoyable for the most part, is wearing thin on me and like eating too many Reece Peanut Butter Cups. I love Reece Cups. But after 17 of them, I am sure I am done with it. Does that mean I hate the cups? No, it just means I don’t want any more of them right now.

So I want to like this. I want my mom to like this. I want it to live up to nostalgia, but I see Will Ferrell front and center I have to go out of my way to remind myself of how many movies he was in that I really liked him in hoping that I convince myself that its ok.

It was a silly children’s series, so maybe they are going to keep it silly and light? Would that be so bad? Here’s hoping.

Poster too small? Cinematical Enbiggens.

Judge Dredd Movie Coming!

Judge Dredd will soon be rolling his street justice back onto the big screen. 2000AD has confirmed that the movie is getting another shot and will start production next year.

Cinematical offers:

Judge Dredd began life in the second issue of the magazine anthology 2000 AD. In a time when Judges are running a huge megapolis, Judge Dredd was empowered to enforce the law, sentence offenders, and carry out the punishment. The premise sounded ideal for adaptation, but the 1995 movie version, directed by Danny Cannon, was tired and generic; Schneider was especially annoying. It lacked any zip or zest; fans noted that Dredd never removed his helmet in the strip and, more importantly, complained that the dry humor was missing and the mythology was left out. Stallone himself feels that the film was “a real missed opportunity,” and told Uncut magazine that “great potential” was wasted. “We shouldn’t have tried to make it Hamlet; it’s more Hamlet and Eggs.”

Oh that Stallone has some sharp wit (don’t believe me? Rent Oscar)

I for one would be all for a remake of Judge Dredd. With all the treatments of intentional comic book adaptations lately, I think we are well due for some of the hidden gems of the comic book world to come forth and redeem themselves. I really thought Judge Dredd had the potential to rock some stylized action back in 95 like Demolition Man and still come out as a great adaptation of the comic strip, but there was little to nothing about it that I could find enjoyable.

Judge Dredd was a great concept that might need some tweaking before hitting the screen (the costumes obviously were painful eyesores and didn’t take well to real people) but the idea of a Policing force that would meet out justice on the spot addresses the growing concern that Justice as we know it fails. Criminals seem to have more rights than law abiding citizens these days and a portrayal of how flawed a society of a policing force that would catch, judge and pass sentence on a criminal on the spot just shows you how the pendulum can swing the other way.

I say let Stallone have at it. Restore some of the dry wit, and shoot Rob Schneider. No, he doesn’t have to be in the movie. Just shoot him on principal.

Fast and Furious Poster Online

The New Fast and Furious chapter is soon upon us, and the new poster is out. I can’t get over the awesome that is this poster!

I liked the first movie, 2despised the 2second, and liked the third - Tokyo Drift - a little more than I would like to admit (mostly the eyecandy I have to say) but the cameo of Vin Diesel at the end was a perfect touch and sparked the idea of the follicular challenged Dungeons and Dragons player returning to the franchise.

MTVMoviesBlog gives the official description.

When a crime brings them back to L.A., fugitive ex-con Dom Toretto (Diesel) reignites his feud with agent Brian O’Conner (Walker). But as they are forced to confront a shared enemy, Dom and Brian must give in to an uncertain new trust if they hope to outmaneuver him. And from convoy heists to precision tunnel crawls across international lines, two men will find the best way to get revenge: push the limits of what’s possible behind the wheel.

Sounds like a decent enough storyline. And bringing back the original cast will give us the sequel we SHOULD have seen. Dropping the “The” from the title seems to be the only thing setting it apart from the other chapters which says to me that they only want it associated by the one that sounds closer to the new title.

The poster says so much. Bottom line is that the movie is about the cars. Front and center, CAR! Awesome shiny! Then the very subtle but no less present cast members in reflection. We don’t need dramatic floating heads thrusting out to remind us who is in this movie. Its the original cast. Right down to the hottest ugly girl I know, Michelle Rodriguez.

Even the subtitle rocks for me. New Model, Original Parts.

Damn that gives me chills.

This movie better rock to deserve a poster as well communicative and finely designed as this one.

Brad Pitt As Lion-O In Thundercats Movie

At last… a Thundercats movie trailer! How about that Vin Diesel as Panthro and Hugh Jackman as Tigra.

Man whoever did this did an amazing job.

Attack On Darth Vader

My friend Dennis put together this short video. I even have a little cameo in it

Michael Bay Rules - Just Ask Him

I’m actually one of those guys who enjoys Michael Bay’s films for what they are. Just good fun, exploding cars, big guns, wild action movies that are great to sit back and watch with a bucket of popcorn. Saw this video… and it pretty much sums up why Michael Bay rules. (Thanks to my friends over at LatinoReview for the heads up on this)

Damn I Love This Underworld 3 Poster

This isn’t really “news”, but I’ve been meaning to post this poster up for a while, and the only reason I like it so bloody much is that, while the Underworld franchise hasn’t blown my mind up to this point (I kinda liked the first one, didn’t care for the second one) the character played by Bill Nighy, Viktor, is simply my favorite vampire character in any medium of all time. He’s beyond cool, beyond powerful and has the most commanding presence on screen of any vampire character I’ve seen. And thus… I love this poster.


Wall-E Named Best Picture By Chicago Film Critics

I know I know I know I know… I’m starting to sounds like a broken record player. Wall-E is the best picture of the year and I’ve made it my personal, and admittedly probably futile, mission to pound this fact into the heads of voting Academy members enough to at least get the best movie of the year a nomination as such at the upcoming Academy Awards.

Yet another major critics group, The Chicago Film Critics Association, and just handed out their annual awards and have named Wall-E as the best picture of the year. This makes 3 of the major city critic groups (Los Angeles and Boston) giving their top prize to Wall-E. That’s more than any other film has been able to garner.

It is the best movie of the year and deserves to be at least nominated.

And don’t give me any of that “But it’s an animated movie” crap. If you want to change the name of the big award to “Best Live Action Movie”, then fine… but as long as you’re going to call it “Best Picture”, then you damn well should nominate the best pictures. And that’s Wall-E.

Quick Thoughts On The Tale Of Despereaux

Tale-Despereaux-Review.jpgOnce again, this isn’t a full The Tale Of Despereaux review since it’s a little late, but I wanted to at least give you guys my quick thoughts on the film.

First of all I was a bit taken aback when the opening credits rolled and I saw the names that were voicing the film. People like Matthew Broderick, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Watson, Sigourney Weaver, Christopher Lloyd, Frank Langella, Robbie Coltrane, Stanley Tucci, William H. Macy, Kevin Kline, and Tracey Ullman. I was a bit surprised that in the marketing they didn’t make more noise about the cast. This then also lead me to shake my head at the pointlessness of getting big named actors to do voices in animated films. They’re just not needed, and often actually take away from the film.

The Tale of Despereaux starts off very well. The first 30 minutes or so are just magical with some beautiful storytelling and wonderful narration. Despereaux himself is very cute and the simplicity is just beautiful.

The movie also has a wonderful message, especially for kids. The premise is that often (not all the time) people do evil things out of hurt and the resentment that comes from being hurt or wronged. At the same time, the powerful thing to counteract that isn’t might or a sword, but rather acts of kindness or forgiveness. I loved that idea, and on this level I think it’s probably the best “message” in a kids movie I’ve ever seen.

The problem is, although The Tale Of Despereaux had a wonderful message, it was still a sloppy movie. After the first 30 minutes the film began to feel convoluted. Seemingly random characters thrown into the mix who are then given significant roles to play in the story without every really letting the audience feel why they are significant. Simple themes turned into muddled messages and by the end you’re not really sure why what’s happening it actually happening.

Another problem I had with the movie was Matthew Broderick doing the voice of the young little mouse. All I heard was the voice of a 46 year old man and it was distracting to me everytime Despereaux spoke. Someone tell me again why they needed a named Hollywood actor whose face would never be seen to do the voice of a little animate mouse?

The Tale of Despereaux isn’t a “bad” movie. It just isn’t really worth going to see. Started off well, then sort of fell apart.

Quick Thoughts On “Yes Man”

Yes-Man-Review.jpgThis isn’t a Yes Man review since I’m so late it getting this put up. I usually won’t do a review unless I can get it online the at least by the weekend it comes out… and this weekend was booked. But I did want to post up a least a little something about my thoughts on the new Jim Carrey movie Yes Man.

I liked it.

Jim Carrey used to be pure money in the bank, but his star has lost a lot of its shine in the last few years (remember how dreadfully awful “The Number 23” was? It didn’t help that the first “Yes Man” trailer I saw looked like a pile of garbage. But he’s a good Canadian boy so I decided to head out and check it out anyway. I’m glad that I did.

The movie is just funny… and had an interesting thing to say as well. As most of you know, Carrey plays a guy who, for reasons I won’t reveal” finds himself in a situation where he has to say yes to everything. The idea here is that embracing opportunities that come our way, no matter how big or small, gives us the chance to break out of our routines, to expand our horizons and truly live life and that the opportunities we need to embrace the most are the ones we are most unlikely to want to embrace. An interesting message, but one that resonated with me.

This is the first Jim Carrey movie I’ve seen where the man actually is starting to look his age, and that’s a good thing to me. The man is almost 47 and has perpetually looked 30 for the last 15 years. Seeing a little bit of age on his face almost makes him more believable, or at the very least relatable like a real human being.

My friend who went with me said that although Carrey is still “zany”, it feels like his on screen comedy is also starting to mature a little bit. It was a great observation and I agree with it completely.

I love Zooey Deschanel, but I’ve got to say I didn’t think much of her in this particular movie. I think it was just a matter of being miscast.

So to sum up: Yes man is funny, Carrey is maturing a little bit in his comedy but still zany, Zooey Deschanel was miscast. I liked the movie.

To Kill A Mockingbird Director Dies

Mockingbird-Director-Dies.jpgMovies have a role to play in our culture. However, as many people often point out.. “it’s just a movie”. Movies more often than not are just an escape. A simple form of entertainment. We need escapes and entertainment, but we also know well enough not to over emphasize their importance and keep things in perspective.

However, every once in a while a movie comes out that we can legitimately say was an “Important film”. A movie that transcends the uncomplicated roles of escapism and entertainment and takes on a much greater significance in our social fabric. “To Kill A Mockingbird” is one of those movies.

One has to keep in mind the social climate in 1962 in which To Kill A Mockingbird emerged. It was an incredibly brave (it’s not very often you can actually use that word, “brave”, when it comes to movies), bold and powerful project that stood almost like a bonfire in the rallying cries for a changing world.

I heard one person go so far as to say this:

“It would have happened eventually, but there is no way Barack Obama is elected president in 2008 had it not been for To Kill A Mockingbird”

In some sense I agree with that statement.

Sad news today. Director Robert Mulligan, who was nominated for his work with Mockingbird has passed away from heart disease. He was 83. Yahoo News gives us this:

Known for his diffident nature and sensitivity toward players, Mulligan directed five different actors in Oscar-nominated performances: Gregory Peck and Mary Badham in “Mockingbird,” Natalie Wood (“Love with the Proper Stranger”), Ruth Gordon (“Inside Daisy Clover”) and Ellen Burstyn (“Same Time, Next Year”). Peck won the Oscar for his lead role as attorney Atticus Finch in “Mockingbird.”

An amazing talent has left us. I think I’m going to go grab a copy of Mockingbird and watch it again later today.

Bret Hart will not appear in Bloodstained Memoirs

Bloodstained Memoirs is an independent documentary showing an insight into the world of professional wrestling by a 22year old David Sinnott of the UK that he calls “a high budget and professional prodcution”.

This intrepid young filmmaker has managed to secure select moments with some of the industry’s more notable stars and has been working on this since 2005. But when brought to a recent conflict over an appointment to interview Canadian Wrestling legend, Bret Hart Sinnott has managed to do nothing more than reveal his own immature and unprofessional side. He was certain to have been approved to have an interview by a member of his management, and when he showed up no one knew about it.

Tough luck really. I am certain this situation would have been frustrating and very hard to deal with, but things fall through in film all the time. Especially when nothing was on paper, and nothing more than a lot of talk on emails took place. He presumes that this casual approach is how deals are done in the bigs, but the rule I have always heard is that NOTHING is certain til its signed on the dotted line. So he shows up at a gig where he is told there will be no interviews and instead of blaming this full on with the contact he was negotiating with, he unloads this on Brett. Oh she gets some fingers pointed at her too, but the rant - aka: Press Release - is more directed at personal attacks on Mr Hart.

From his film’s MySpace page Sinnott manages to spew:

Bret Hart no longer deserves a place in Bloodstained Memoirs, alongside such class acts as Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam and Mick Foley. He isn’t deserving to be mentioned in the same breathe as those people. As a wrestler, of course. But not as a person. The footage we shot of him will be vaulted and will probably never see the light of day. And to prove this isn’t just smoke, Bret Hart can go public and state he wants the footage in the documentary if he wants to - it wont be going in. As for this carrot of an interview they are still trying to dangle in front of me - they can shove it up their ass holes. And Bret, I’ll draw a little cartoon of that for you if you’d like?

Wow, those are some pretty strong words that seem to be coming from a playground tactic of lashing out in a “Yeah? Well you are a stupid head!” mentality.

Even from his tainted recounting of the situation it is pretty clear that the issue was to be had with Marcy, Bret’s consulting manager who appeared to be laying a line of confidence that this event would take place. Her failure to communicate this to Bret or co-ordinate this with the event organizers they planned to meet him at would solely be her fault. Shit happens. I can see the frustration presented here. I hold no fault in the upsetting circumstances this would have created. He thought he had this all arranged.

But the tirade of personal attacks he lays down at the foot of Bret Hart, attacking his character, degrading the man and digging up dirt to fling in his face is just childish. Seems Mr Hart was significant enough of a person to include in your film a week ago, but now because he doesn’t hop in front of a film crew without the confirmation of his professional consulting manager, you have to demean his character and strip any of your previously hopeful outlook on the man?

Those I know who have been following the progress of this little film have lost all hope in the “professional production” you are hoping to project Mr Sinnott. In your efforts to disgrace Mr Hart’s image to his fans, all you have done is expose your own social inequities.

The best reaction I have heard yet came from TheBitterGuy who said “A professional thing to do might have been to end it after the first nine words: “Bret Hart will not be appearing in Bloodstained Memoirs”.”

That would have been the end of the press release. Instead it is the end of David Sinnott’s integrity.

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