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Wolverine Trailer To Open The Day the Earth Stood Still

By Doug - November 26, 2008 - 07:36 America/Montreal

Wolverine14-1For those of you hungering to see the trailer for the upcoming Wolveine film, the wait will soon be over. The trailer is set to show before The Day the Earth Stood Still. We get the following heads up thanks to our friends at the movieweb:

We now know when you can expect your first glimpse at Hugh Jackman and his adamantium claws once again. 20th Century Fox has confirmed that the first trailer for Wolverine will be shown in theaters on Friday, December 12, before Fox’s The Day the Earth Stood Still. The traielr will likely debut online sometime shortly thereafter.

I still have a bad feeling about this one. Wolverine is said to have gobs of supporting characters, and this is bad news in my books. Whenever you try and introduce too many fresh heroes in a film; it usually seems to fall apart. I have fears that Wolverine will be a let down and make fans of the character furious.

For now however, we wait; let us discuss the trailer together on the following morning of December 13th.


  1. Dragonslayer says:


  2. Broly says:

    Fuck the Wolverine trailer i’m expecting another movie trailer in the same day.

  3. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    y dont they just call the film xmen 4 all of the films are pretty much about wolverine neway

  4. Slushie Man says:

    Most of those other characters are just cameos. I’ve read the script. You have nothing to worry about. It IS about Wolverine and nobody has as much screentime as he does.

  5. Doug Nagy says:

    That is good news for certain

  6. Broly says:

    @Slushie Man,

    Since you read the script you think the movie will be good?

  7. Slushie Man says:

    I really do. Of course there are some people out there that will hate on it, as they seem to hate on any X-Men related news since the horrible abomination that was X3, but I’m not in the camp that thinks all X-Men-related movies will suck from now on just because X3 did. I’d say it’s not as good as X2 IMO, but I enjoyed it more then X1 and WAY more then X3.

    Of course they have have changed things by the time they started shooting, or the acting may be horrible, or the directing may be horrible so I can’t comment on what the finished movie will be like, but my opinion, based off just the script, is that it’s going to rock and people worried that this isn’t going to focus on Wolverine any more then the regular X-Men movies do, will have nothing to worry about. Wolverine was in every single scene except for one or two where we followed Stryker talking to some people in his little base of operations. And as I said, most of those extra mutants that were cast are only cameo scenes anyway.

  8. Broly says:

    I do expected to be better then X3, thanks : )

  9. T-VO says:

    You complain that is have too many characters, but this is what the X-men universe is like, all the X-Books are like this as well. Why do you think the had M-Day. They had to get rid of all those damn muties!

  10. Phil Gee says:

    Well that’s nice to hear Slushie Man but I’ll wait till I see it to get excited (and if the reviews are bad on this one, i’m not sure I’ll bother at all). Never underestimate Fox’s ability to fuck up a good film before release.

  11. HAZMAT_loves_gwyneth_paltrow says:

    ive seen the trailer and its pretty raw

    and wait- 20th century also promised a fucking dragon ball trailer a month ago and we got shit so im not believing this till i SEE it

    man i hope they show deadpool scenes….like..alot
    and theyre making a deadpool spinoff!!!!!

    MORE gambit!!

  12. leeloo says:

    im still ? about liev schreiber as saberttooth.

  13. aaron says:

    agreed Hazmat, i probably will see it, anyone read the script? if so where the heck can i get it online!?

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