This entry was posted on Friday, November 28th, 2008 at 8:17 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We have pictures from the upcoming Woody Allen/Larry David Film Whatever works to show you today thanks to First Showing:




I can’t wait to see this one. Larry David in a Woody Allen film seems about as perfect as you can get. Stylistically they come from the same denomination of comedy and I have the highest of expectation for this legendary team up.

This film is slotted for a Cannes premier and a release sometime in 2009. We’ll keep you up to speed on the progress of this film, I apologize for not having info about it sooner.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ross Miller

    I think I need to change my underwear….

    Seriously the names “Larry David” and “Woody Allen” on the credits for a film has my money right there, no other questions asked. David is an absolute comedic genius and Allen, although not what he used to be, si still a brilliant filmmaker. Can’t wait for this one.


  2. bigsampson

    i can almost bet my life savings that woody allen has paid for under age sex over seas……..the dude is a sleeze bag man.
    to me he is like micheal jackson……a man who lives in the past and has sex with minors…..continues his career and still gets people to appluad.

  3. 790

    Woody Allen films are all alike…
    Nothing new here, move along, move along,,,

  4. Obi-wan kubrick

    This looks pretty, pretty, pretty good.

  5. Morzongo

    I can’t wait to see this one. I love Woody Allen movies although he isn’t allways at his best. But this one looks great with Larry David and the hot Marylin Manson’s ex-girlfriend (what does she saw on that man?).

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