The Spy Next Door

We have bizarre news today regarding a film called The Spy Next Door that is set to star George Lopez, Billy Ray Cyrus (for realz) and Jackie Chan. We get the skinny this morning from the goose blood slathered caves of Yahoo:

George Lopez and Billy Ray Cyrus have joined Jackie Chan in “The Spy Next Door,” a comedy shooting in Albuquerque, N.M.
Chan’s character is asked to baby-sit his neighbor’s children and winds up having to protect them from secret agents after one of the kids accidentally downloads a code.

Lopez is a CIA agent who might not be all that he appears; Cyrus is another agent. Amber Valletta is the kids’ mom, while Katherine Boecher plays a Russian underworld operative. Brian Levant is directing for indie financier Relativity.

This sounds like a casserole mish mash made from the leftovers of other bad film ideas. George Lopez, Billy Ray Cyrus and Jackie Chan are not to be taken lightly however; this could be the Black Dog of this generation.

We will be sure to sniff out every detail that is to follow regarding this ridiculous film. This could be the greatest direct to DVD film ever to make it to theaters. Stay tuned!

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22 Responses to “The Spy Next Door”
  1. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    i hope this isn’t as bad as jackie chan’s last few films

  2. J'onn J'onzz says:

    I don’t even know what to think of this. I just know Lopez is going to completely overdo it, as usual. But I can’t not see a Jackie Chan movie….
    Quite the conundrum.

  3. Broly says:

    You mean his last few american films.

  4. Kevin says:

    As long as Jackie Chan beats the crap outta Billy Ray, I would watch the movie.

  5. Gutpunch says:

    Sportacus from Lazy Town is playing the villain.

  6. TericK says:

    I’m sad Jackie is still doing this kind of movies, he is a good actor and a great movie star, and a fantastic person…

  7. David Lopan says:

    Anyone remember when Jackie made good films? ::sigh::

  8. Darek-T says:

    Hey Doug, how come all the things from Yahoo are from the “_______ caves of Yahoo”?

  9. Dragonslayer says:

    Yeah, whatever. I could care less, really.

  10. Dragonslayer says:


    Reviews are one of the things I mainly go to this site for. A Twilight review would be good as well.

  11. TericK says:

    He still does good movies, but in his country…. maybe he’s doing this one because he lost a bet! cuz’ i remember he said he was not doing US movies any more..

  12. cosmic says:

    hey Doug, when are u going to make a review about this “movie”? -»

  13. Doug Nagy says:

    The same day i suck all of the pebbles out of my 12 gauge.

  14. Meli says:

    This movie sounds awful.

  15. aaron says:

    it really does, Jackie’s gettin old….

  16. Jen says:

    jackie chan is my all time hero!!im sooooo looking forward to this!!! i ♥ george n cyrus too!!!

  17. Charma says:

    I don’t usually watch Jackie Chan movies, but I am definitely looking forward to this one as I love Billy Ray Cyrus and I think George Lopez is really funny. This should be a great comedy. I’ve heard that Jackie Chan is a very nice person.

  18. jj crump says:

    k first of all. this is being filmed in rio rancho new mexico. not albuquerque. i have actually seen some of the stunts to this movie already and as not to give too much away let’s just say they involve a giant crane. oh yeah it’s being filmed across the street from my high school so that’s how i know all this. but so far looks like a pretty neat flick. it’s kind of cool to see jackie at mall every now and then. oh yeah one more thing, for some reason jackie has a body guard…


    • Mom says:

      It is being filmed in Albuquerque also, It is actually in Bernalillo too. My son was an extra for this movie being filmed at his school, In Albuquerque.

  19. m e g says:

    I love the quirky casting of Magnus Scheving as a villain. My friends and I will see this if only to glimpse the imaginary wild side of ‘Sportacus’; I’ll buy the DVD if there are a few sinewy shirtless shots of said preschool hunky-munky.

  20. Thanh Nguyen says:

    This movie is going to be great. I would really love to be a part of this movie. I am an asian male teenager that just turned 18 and I just graduated from acting school. Jackie Chan been my idol ever since I was a little kid and it would be a dream come true if I could star in a movie with him.

  21. anicaa says:

    cool film

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