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Star Trek To Get A 4 Comic Book Mini Series Lead In

By Doug - November 25, 2008 - 08:58 America/Montreal

Those interested in the upcoming Star Trek film may be pleased to know that a comic book mini series will precede the film. We get the following news thanks to our friends at comingsoon:

IDW Publishing has joined with Paramount Pictures, J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions, Kurtzman/Orci Productions and CBS Consumer Products to publish a four-issue limited comic book series tied to next summer’s new Star Trek movie, which will be released in theaters on May 8, 2009.

The first comic in the series, “Star Trek: Countdown #1,” will be released in January 2009 to the comic book direct market. The story is presented by Abrams and plotted by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It is written by Mike Johnson (”Superman/Batman”) and Tim Jones, and features stunning art by David Messina (”Star Trek: Mirror Images”). Messina also provides covers for the series.

I’m still very skeptical about Star Trek. I don’ t have high hopes at all - although the trailer was better than I thought it would be, but this is based largely on my love of the score. Having young Kirk drive a car off a cliff is something that I don’t understand; this isn’t a film about fledgeling greasers racing at dead man’s curve (or is it).
I am not averse to the idea of a comic book tie in. I never personally pick up or follow accompanying books, tv shows etc. to films. I like to enjoy the films for what they are and prefer to fill in the blanks with my imagination. Historically from what I have been told - they are shit anyway.

For those of you that are looking forward to this upcoming Trek incarnation and are fans of comic books - let me ask you this. Do you have any interest in picking this up?


  1. PADTHAI says:

    that company did the same for the first Transformers. It’s nothing new to have film-based comics to come before a movie.

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    I hate Star Trek

  3. RonSalon says:

    I hate slayers of dragons… LOL!

  4. Kevin says:

    Ya know, as excited as I am about this, it NEVER branches out into comics, I’m pretty sure I’m just gonna wait for new trailers until the movie comes out, and I’ll skip the comics.

  5. The Dude says:

    I wasn’t too sure about Kirk driving a car off of a cliff either, but then I really thought about what Kirk might have been like as a kid. If you do that, then it might be something an immature version of Kirk might do.

    Get excited Doug! This movie’s going to rock!

  6. Rodney says:

    My curiosity about this 4 comic arc is that it will feature stories of TOS members AND Next Generation stuff.

    The artist has a unique style that lends well to the series too.

  7. 1138 says:

    I’ve never been a big fan of comic movie adaptions…somethings goes missing in the translation.

    I do agree with you Doug, the car scene was kind of weird…and I must say very trite. The whole I am destructive as a kid because my dad was not around isn’t so original.

    But I am still going to see the movie. I’ve loved Trek and will continue to do so.

    But I was really hoping for a fresh reboot, like starting from scratch. The trailer is fresh in that the production is definitely met with more money, but the costumes, designs of the ships are still to similar. Which is something I’ve been afraid with JJ…he has a tendency to just retread old ideas and just put a new cover on.

    But we will see.

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    Ronsalon, your next on my list

  9. Dragonslayer says:

    Dragons do exist in my world.

  10. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’m not sure, Doug, if you mean “movie tie in” books (paperback novels) or “Star Trek” books or comic book adaptations. There have been well written books that were adapted from screenplays. I even have some of them in my stash.

    Some of these have seen reprints, some have not. I think one of the more well known movie tie-in books was “The Funhouse”, a 1981 horror directed by Tobe Hooper. There was a lot of license given to the person paid to write the novel. This author added characters, filled in backstory…and due to delays in the film, the book was hardly a blip on anyone’s radar. Until, of course, many years later when Dean Koontz revealed his pseudonym, that book got the attention it deserves.

    I also give mentions to (because I have them!) the novelizations of:

    1) Escape From New York

    2) Conan The Barbarian {but to note: L Srague De Camp and Lin Carter wrote the novelization;they had written many Conan novels in the late 70’s and 80’s)

    3) Conan The Destroyer {note: better than the film}

    4) Raiders Of The Lost Ark
    (not counting “Making Of Raiders Of The Lost Ark” by Derek Taylor- which is first edition sept ‘81-us film geeks take pride in this stuff!)

    5) Dragonslayer

    6) Rambo: First Blood Part II {David Morrell no less-!}

    7) Dick Tracy (Max Allen Collins)

    and to keep a list short:

    *Any thing Peter David does (Spider-Man, Hulk)

    *without question anything Alan Dean Foster does (Alien films, Star Wars OT, Transformers etc)


    If you meat Star Trek as in the endless spinoff paperbacks -and other TV series and videogames which have spinoff pulp novels, then that’s accurate. The only Star Trek novels I really got into was those based off actual epsidoes and expanded (TNG “All Good Things”, DS9’s “Way Of The Warrior” and “Trails and Tribbulations”)


  11. 790 says:

    Dragonslayer lol, don’t listen to them…

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