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Russell Brand Dishes About Pirates 4 Rumours With MTV

By Doug - November 25, 2008 - 10:57 America/Montreal

Russell BrandI opened up the flood gates to a shit storm last week when I announced that Brand may be cast as a brother to Jack Sparrow in POTC 4. The news was dispelled as rumor but today we have Brands own thoughts on the buzz thanks to the scoop hounds over at MTV:

“I’ve seen some talk about that matter but I think they’re still writing the script,” he said. And of course, then Brand launched into a riff that makes you wonder how far he will go for his art should the role pan out. “I am having a skull and crossbones tattooed on each of my nipples in anticipation of the plotline. I just hope it doesn’t affect my other work in Jane Austen adaptations.”

So no new information. It obviously looks like Brand will take the job if it’s offered to him, but his involvement seems to be wishful thinking at this point.

When I first posted about the possibility of Brand being cast I was floored at how many people hated this man. I count him as a ridiculous character along the lines of Karl Lagerfeld, but personally have no reason to hate him, and consider him to be a quality glam entertainer. I appear to be in the minority among our readers however; and growing up with a taste for Motley Crue may be to blame.

Russel Brand is an infamous man that possesses great powers of polarization; no matter which way this news falls - there will be chatter.


  1. Rodney says:

    Brand was awesome in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I could totally see him in this role.

    I actually hope he DOES get it.

  2. Tony says:

    You don’t make prank emergency services calls, during a live stage act because you think they’re funny. You just don’t do it. Whatever else he’s done doesn’t matter, I refuse to offer him any of my time because he wasted the time of people who save lives, putting others at risk for the sake of a joke.

  3. Dragonslayer says:

    I hope he DOESN’T get the role. Pirates 4 wouldn’t be worth going to if that happened.

  4. leeloo says:

    karl lagerfeld fierce >>>>>> russell brand fierce.

  5. aaron says:

    Dragon is right, and by the way! i;m getting tired of all the POTC movies coming out, 2 was good, they should’ve stopped there.

  6. Dragonslayer says:

    For me, I loved all three Pirates films. Curse of the Black Pearl was fantastic, Dead Man’s Chest was great as well, but not as good as the first, and At World’s End was very good, but it felt a little distant from the first two. I wouldn’t mind another, but they shouldn’t be casting this guy in the film.

    I hope Pirates 4 doesn’t suck

  7. Dragonslayer says:

    And by the way, where is John? Is he working on his movie now?

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    Oh, and also, QUANTUM OF SOLACE REVIEW!!!???!??!!?!!

  9. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    well dragonslayer pirates 4 will suck cuz all of the films sucked so 4 wont be any different, and john is well not working on his movie til after holidays in january.

  10. aaron says:

    lol dragon i was wondering the same

  11. The Dude says:

    The only Pirates film that was worth my time was the first. The rest were like my ex gf, nice to look at but lacking any real substance.

  12. The Dude says:

    Oh and there will be no QoS review. It cuts deep but that’s how it is.

  13. aaron says:

    it hurts badly, i want a review!
    BTW guys, im probably seeing transporter 3 tommorow so i’ll let you know how i liked it

  14. The Dude says:


  15. Kristina says:


  16. bigsampson says:

    MAN i think this guys comedy sucks balls….he is like a 3 day stank pair of underwair…just meh at best……i mean i dont watch mtv but i watrched clips of him hosting and it was like wtf…who is this clown ass douche….why dont we just get jackie chan to host the CMA awards and he can dress up as his character in that western flick he did……

  17. Darek-T says:

    Wow i didn’t know people hated him either. i wouldn’t say i love him, i’d never even heard of him untill you posted about him possible in POTC4, but i like his comody. His bit on youtube about Porn Mastrobation and Seagulling is the best thing he’s done.

  18. Dragonslayer says:

    I liked all three movies. I’ll probably go anyway just because I’m a fan of the series, but I’m not sure they’re making the right casting decisions.

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