Rodney’s Forgotten Gems - Dream a Little Dream

Thanks for checking out my review in a feature I like to call Forgotten Gems.

Today I was reminiscing about 80s films, especially those that have the “changing body” type theme. Freaky Friday and all its various takes. But then I got talking about my favourite bodyswap movie because it didn’t fit the same formula, but still fit the genre. Dream a Little Dream.


Dream a Little Dream was in the glory days of the Two Coreys. Corey Haim, and Corey Feldman - for those of you who are under 20 or don’t watch reality TV. Haim really only offered up a supporting role in this movie, as it was at its core a Feldman film. The story goes a little like this:

Old man and woman live near a highschool where rebellious teens tramp through their yard every day. Old man, Coleman and his wife are still caught in the romance of their latter years and very much in giddy love with one another. Well Coleman has some crazy ideas about entering the dream world in a conscious state to really investigate what dreams really are. He does a Tai-Chi meditation in hopes of mentally crossing over to take a look. One night while in his yard performing the meditation with his reluctant wife, two teens hastily take the short cut and collide. In the wake of the collision, the old couple are gone and the teens remain.

So here is the twist. Coleman is in Bobby’s (Feldman) body stumbling through the troubled teen’s life. And his wife Gina, is trapped in the body of Lainie, the girl Bobby is crushing on. They don’t swap. The old couple simply disappear. Coleman fully takes over Bobby’s body and has to find Gina, who is only hinting on the surface of Lainie who is still the same person. She is trapped in Lainie too, but she isn’t in control of Lainie’s body.


Oh the 80s Cheese is on at just the right level of thick. The fashions are there, the rebellious youth hipsters. The really really hot love interest, Lainie who “looks great in a leotard” (line from the movie) as well as all the sterotypes of highschool personalities. Its not over the top like a Saved by the Bell sitcom camp. It was very accurate to my high school years. They didn’t over do it. It might not hold up to today’s “cool” but it was cool back then, and it works really well.

The movie is laid out with a mystery about the mysticism. Its never fully explained, and it doesn’t have to be. So often now people want everything spelled out for them and its just not really required. This is a fine example of when the unreal element “just happens” and they focus on the characters of the story.

There is an inevitable “we learned something about each other” sort of respect the characters gain, but in this instance it was more of a “I learned something about myself”. The story is about the adult. The kids are just kids until the adults get into them.

And the soundtrack. This has to be my favourite movie soundtrack EVER. I list that against a lot of soundtracks, but this falls in that category of a soundtrack made up of a compilation of singles, like the best mixed tape ever. The songs all fit the story and mood and blend a great play list from Van Morrison and Otis Redding to REM and and Timbuk3.

Did I also mention that Lainie is incredibly hot? What would an 80s film be without its attractive love interest. She’s minor despite being core to the plot, but she does her job well.


It is played off as cheesy 80s just ready to burst into some full on embarrassing 90s. And its Feldman. Sadly anything with Feldman in it has to be viewed with your brain shut off around 1991. Anything after that just taints his work as you cant see anything but Feldman in his roles. I loved a lot of films with him in it that I just roll my eyes and say “what was I thinking” but I have come to discover that he did a lot of fun movies, and I have to stop judging those movies based on the off screen Feldman now. Sometimes I find it a bit distracting to have to mentally prepare to enjoy his work, but it can be enjoyed.

The cinematography is different than what we are used to. Pointless 3 second transition scenes showing Lainie dancing in tights fit the genre, and it might be a little too dated to find Feldman and his cohorts as “cool” so it can be a tough pill to swallow. It really takes a certain appreciation of the era to grasp it. My wife was watching it with me and just couldn’t get into it.


A great little movie that plays the bodyswap card differently than you might be used to. Its a cool story littered with great late 80s popculture and an awesome soundtrack spanning multiple eras. Everything in it works, and in the end you are satisfied with the story. Its a feelgood movie without all the glitter and trimph. It ends with life carrying on and everyone better for it.

The sequel is weak, and plays on what made the first good and fails. Consider this movie a one off. It is complete on its own.

Typically this is where John or Doug would write a “Out of 10″ rating, but since all of these Forgotten Gems are going to be what I would rate a 8, 9 or 10, I have made my own rating system.

TV - Make a point of watching it if you see it listed on TV.
Rent - Good enough to go out of your way to see it, but not enough to buy it.
Buy - So good. You will watch it again and again. Buy it!

So on a scale of TV, Rent or Buy I suggest TV!

If it is on, watch it. You likely won’t be disappointed. I was going to suggest renting it, but you might want to file it on the upper side of watching it on TV and if the rental place is out of EVERYTHING you wanted to pick up and you find yourself wandering the older titles, grab it.

I bought it, but it has a special place for me. I thought I would leave you with this scene as Feldman catches up with Lainie staying behind after a dance class and using the music to try and charm her into paying attention to him. Yeah, its got cheese in artery clogging heaps, but its fun.

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28 Responses to “Rodney’s Forgotten Gems - Dream a Little Dream”
  1. Slushie Man

    I actualy caught this on TV a couple years back, but never saw the last half hour due to a power outage. I loved what I saw though.

  2. haole

    Was this the last one they did together? You know before much more recently…

  3. CrzyDJM

    I had so many “special” dreams about Meredith Salenger when this was out…Was in LOVE (or something) with that chick…

  4. Rodney

    This was actually one of the earliest films they did together.

    Blown Away (1992 Not the Jeff Bridges movie in 94), National Lampoon’s Last Resort (1994), Dream a Little Dream 2 (1995), Busted (1996), Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003- just a cameo), Robot Chicken (2006)and obviously The Two Coreys on TV and Lost Boys: The Tribe.

    Before this they did License to Drive (more of a Haim film) and of course the first Lost Boys.

  5. Bishop

    Jeebus Rodney are you trying to kill me? Just for that …
    Have at you!

  6. Rodney

    Dave I am old enough to remember his attempted career and the Electric Circus. I have seen a lot worse than that.

    That was moderately hip for the time. He might have even had a music career if people could take him seriously. The guy could dance!

  7. Jeremy

    Corey Haim was not in the new Lost Boys movie, just fyi. Blown Away was dope! Nicole Eggert got pretty naked in that movie. Ok, that was it’s only saving grace. But ya, I used to be a fan of the duo. Although, apart from Prayer of the Roller Boys, I think Haim’s selection in movies to star in were far worse than Feldman. Granted Feldman made some pretty hideous movies as well on his own. That Puppet Masters movie (can not remember which one) where he had gray hair was pretty bad, but Full Moon is not known for great movies just B grade horror flicks. Even those were better back in the late 80s early 90s though. Anyway, good right up and spot on.

  8. Jeremy

    “Good *write* up”

    Have I mentioned I hate not being able to edit my comments after submission?

  9. Slushie Man

    “Corey Haim was not in the new Lost Boys movie, just fyi.”

    Yeah, he was.

  10. Jeremy

    Uh, who was he in it? Cause I totally do not remember seeing him and I remember there being all sorts of drama all over the web about how Feldman was doing the movie and Haim was not, then videos of Haim talking about how bent he is that Feldman did the movie without him.

  11. Jeremy

    Ok, I just read on IMDB that he was in it. That sucks, now I am going to have to re-watch that horrible horrible movie cause I some how missed him the first time through. /cries in a corner out of fear of watching that movie again.

  12. Rodney

    Haim reprised his role as Sam in The Tribe, hinting up to the third chapter that will face the Coreys against each other.

    It was a cameo that would lead into the next chapter, but he was in it.

  13. Nick

    Oh no, the michael jackson phase. Feldman ended with the burbs. This was made in 89′ anything michael jackson was not cool, it was just ridiculous and annoying. Aside from maybe Rock n roll highschool forever, which was ridiculous.

  14. Rodney

    @Nick, if the movie was that bad to you, then why watch it again?

    Just to confirm Haim makes a cameo? I wouldn’t if I felt as strongly about it as you appear to.

  15. Jeremy

    Just queued up Lost Boys 2 on my instant play with Netflix, still can not believe I missed those scenes. And while I was at it I queued up Dream A Little Dream just for old times sake. Totally not surprised to find that on the instant play, such a random selection of movies on there. I also will not be surprised if many of the movie you speak of in future “Forgotten Gems” segments will also be found on Netflix’s instant play selection.


    What happened to Doug’s show today?
    Is john and doug leaving?

  17. Broly

    All we want to know is if the liveshow is cancelled nothing eles?

  18. Anthony T

    Meredit Salinger had a promising career marred by the fact that she did no nudity. I foresee Jennifer Love Hewitt becoming the future Meredith Salinger.

  19. Rodney

    Except that Hewitt has been in 10 times as much stuff as Salinger.

    Just sayin.

  20. entertainmenttodayandbeyond

    Haim appeared in Lost boys the tribe after the credits were over.
    Salinger was in Lake Placid


  21. David Lopan

    wow…been years since I’ve seen this! I still prefer License To Drive though, best offering from the Corey(s)

  22. Mac

    Never heard of this movie, but I’ll have to check it out now. The video was hilarious.

  23. Gordon Shumway

    Bad era Jackson, even down to the flowing Jheri Curl. What an achievement for a white guys hair.

  24. CrzyDJM

    yeah, Haim only has a cameo after the credits are up….kind of hokey

  25. Nick


    from this moment forth, remember that Nick is never really that serious.

    However, I do find it hard to watch Feldman in his Jackson phase. The last movie that I remember him in where he’s the Corey that I liked, was the Burbs. The clip you showed reminded me of that.

    Don’t get me wrong, I liked this movie, I even liked Meatballs 4 or whichever one it was.

    But I think Haim was the winner in this flick. Hey man, I didn’t say the movie was that bad. I just said I don’t like Corey Feldman doing his Michael Jackson stuff :) But I can see how it could easily be taken that way.


    what is going on in the movie blog? Is it shutting down?

  27. Bishop

    God bless the movie blog and all its readers. Where else can one passionately discuss the professional merits of Corey Haim and/or Feldman :)

    Love it.

  28. Marla Singer

    wow. his hair sucks so much!

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