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Public Enemies Destroy Bridge

By Doug - November 24, 2008 - 09:26 America/Montreal

It looks like the ghost of Johhny Dillinger has taken out a bridge to ensure Johnny Depp gets a clean getaway. We get word today of a bridge collapse (as a result of a detour due to filming) thanks to the destruction caves of yahoo (Shiva be praised).

County officials in Wisconsin are holding the bag following a movie shoot involving Johnny Depp as famed bank robber John Dillinger.
During filming of “Public Enemies” — Wisconsin’s first film under the governor’s new movie incentives — state highway traffic was diverted away from the center of Columbus, 70 miles northwest of Milwaukee. The detour road couldn’t stand the load — and collapsed.

Dodge County was left with a $116,000 repair. It’s filed a claim against the city of Columbus that could lead to a lawsuit.
But Columbus Mayor Nancy Osterhaus says talks are ongoing between the city, county and film studio NBC Universal, with hopes that they might split the bill for the March mishap.

For those wishing to get the hell outta Dodge - the bridge is down! ZING! BAM! BADDAM, BAMP!

I’m not sure how many of you are interested and/or concerned about bridge collapses but this one is related to movie news so we are passing the scoop onward!

Luckilly Obama’s stimulus plan seeks to remedy this problem. Soon all the bridges in America will be up to code and all the streets will once again be paved with gold.

I’m an Obama fan, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want his job. The man has a mountain of work to do under the scrutiny of about 12 billion human eyeballs. Under that kind of pressure I would start drinking under the Sphinx until the Vultures robbed me of my flesh and dreams.


  1. Brent L says:

    I live 20 minutes from Columbus even got to see Johnny Depp and the traffic was crazy when this thing was going on, so many roads were blocked off, shit people that lived in Columbus couldn’t even back out of there own driveways because so many people and production crew were down there.

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    I would hope that the production would kick in a little bit of the repairs since they are indirectly responsible. Not the whole bill, but just a small tip, shall we say.

    I’m just glad people were not injured due to the bridge failing.

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