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Police Academy 8 Is In The Works

By Doug - November 28, 2008 - 07:50 America/Montreal

Mahoney1Am9Ladies, Gentlemen, Police Academy 8 is on deck suited up in full Guttenberg glory; ready for action! We get this glorious news thanks to Pete over at slashfilm:

Steve Guttenberg told The Sun over the weekend that a screenplay is being written for an eighth Police Academy movie with all the available original stars set to return.

“So far it is really great, everyone from the original movies who is still around will return,” says” Guttenberg. “I know Kim and Sharon have been asked but they haven’t said yes yet. It would be really great to have them onboard.”

Remember when I said I hate needless sequels, this is an exception to the rule. I love the first 3 Police Academy films. (I will watch all of them but the first three are very enjoyable.) The series went to shit after the Guttenberg left, so I think it appropriate to have hope now that Mahoney has returned.

I am more than pleased that the original cast is getting back together, but a massive absence will haunt this latest incarnation. In 2001 David Graf passed on and is no longer able to play Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry. Tackleberry was impulse and made for great comedic moments; his contributions will be greatly missed. I personally think the film should start at the funeral of Tackleberry to get this out of the way and celebrate the character one last time. A death in the line of service would fit the character perfectly and this character deserves an on screen funeral. Tackleberry may act before he thinks, but he isn’t a coward; the man has the blood of a hero and should have a warrior’s send off.

I hope Bobcat is back for this one as well. Shit. I am getting way too pumped for this film. Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Gutenberg, you made my day.


  1. Mr. Chris says:

    A lot of mixed feelings just swarmed through my body reading this news. It was a very strange sensation. This could be the best thing or worst thing ever.

    I mostly want to know if they plan on following in the tradition of the originals, or if they plan on stepping up their game and updating the style. Movies like “Super Troopers” and “Reno 911″ have already taken cop comedies in a very different direction over the last 14 years, and this could easily end up in the $4 bin at Wal-mart if it doesn’t bring anything new to the table, or continues to fall back on that wonderful, but sadly outdated, early 90’s sense of humor.

  2. Slushie Man says:

    I loved the first 4, liked 5, hated 6, and never could finish 7.

    However, I am stoked for this and much more excited then if they went with the rumored remake.

  3. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    WTF another shitty police academy movie, they should have stopped at the first one

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    If this is serious, I don’t request , but demand the following ransom(s):

    1) Guttenberg does not have a glorified cameo. If Stallone can return to Rocky and Rambo, if Harrison Ford returns to Indy Jones, then Guttenberg must return as Mahoney. (Somehow I doubt there will ever be a Cocoon 3 much less Bad Medicine 2 and his best underrated work- 1987’s The Bedroom Window, was a one shot deal) Mahoney actually must run/supervise the new Police Academy while Lt. Thaddeus Harris (GW Bailey) is furious that his replacement is his old nemesis. I know it has a bit of leftover of PA#3 Back In Training, but what the hell can the characters possibly do?

    2) Bubba Smith must be on board as Hightower. No substitutes.

    3) The new recruits think Mahoney is ‘the man’ and they try to pull pranks on him. They don’t think highly of Harris either. In fact, Harris actually loves the fact that after x amount of years, his adversary gets a small dose of his own medicine.

    4) The Oyster Bar is back. With a vengeance.

    5) Micheal Winslow, You cannot have a Police Academy film or short lived TV series without him.

    6) Now this is important, Doug, and I hope you agree with me with this: Regardless or not this film goes to theatres or is made for a DTV release— and I cannot belive I’m caving in to this, but, you know how the sequels watered down the raunch from the original (which was, to be fair, even somewhat tame)? Okay…we’ll have no more of that bullshit! Naked chicks at the bonfires, shower scenes, nude beaches a few F bombs. Take “Super Troopers”‘ Broken Lizard to school. Put “Reno 911″ in its place. Hear me talkin’ WB?

    7)Sharon Stone needs a hit. She was in #4 Citizens On Patrol,right?. A glorified cameo. In fact, a catfight with her and KIm Catrall would be nice.

    and finally,

    8) Is Guttenberg going to direct? I heard that before; I hope it remains so.

    The only reason why I’d give this a chance is if they try to push it into R territory. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time and if the horse isn’t dead it is in a coma, and it’s just time to pull the plug.

    note: Bobcat was not in the first film; he was in the second on down.
    second note: David Spade was also in #4.

  5. Phil Gee says:

    I would argue that there is nobody on the internet that appears to be as emotionally invested in the return of Police Academy than the great man just above me:)

  6. BobaFett says:

    Godspeed David Graf. I would also like to see Sweechuk again.

  7. 790 says:

    The line is already starting to form at the Kodak theatre for this cinematic masterpiece…

  8. David Lopan says:

    Yummy yummy yummy yummy yaaaaama. yummy yummy yummy yummy yaaaaaama.

  9. jonathon says:

    Please no more Police Academy films the last three where very bad movies, looks like Steve Guttenberg needs the work.

  10. NoName says:



  11. Thos says:

    David Morse could play Tackleberry.

  12. Joulu says:

    I have only one thing to say…. GUTTENBITCH!


  13. wayne says:

    My god this is the best news I’ve heard in yrs, I so enjoyed the work of Guttenberg (LEGEND) in the 1st 3 movies, so much so that I had a little accident in my pants

  14. Big Rob says:

    I’ve just sh*t myself

  15. wayne says:

    me too, its running down my leg

  16. Dappy says:

    Pappa can you hear me ?????

  17. Abs says:

    We’ve been all around the world,
    Seen so many things,
    And tasted all the good things that life can bring,
    We’re like brothers now, and that ain’t gonna change
    And even when things go wrong, they’re always by my side.
    We each bought a ticket for this ride.

    We’re only going one way,
    Ain’t no looking down
    We’ll be rockin’ it all around.

    Gotta get up, just to get down.
    Us Five boys are always gonna rock you.
    Hey, hey, we’re movin’ on now
    All through the night, sing it now,
    Yeah when the lights go down
    Raise your hands if you got that feelin’
    Hey, we’ve been rockin’ it all around.
    I remember all the times,
    All the laughter and the tears.
    Special little moments through all of the years
    But the sands of time go by, we’re older and we’re wise,
    Never dreamed we’d come this far, but we remember who we are.
    Guess we’ve been guided by a lucky star.

    We’ve been all around the world,
    We each bought a ticket for this ride,
    We’re only going one way,
    Ain’t no looking down
    We’ll be rockin’ it all around

  18. Slushie Man says:

    Anyone fancy a bum ?

  19. MC Hammer says:

    Stop……….. Hammer time !!!!!!!

  20. Cliff Richard says:

    I like bumming men

  21. Boy George says:

    me too

  22. Gary Glitter says:

    I like kids

  23. Francis says:

    I like doing dogs up the wrong’en

  24. wayne says:

    I like having a poo on my table

  25. Police Academies says:

    Steve…. Police Academy is over… Much like your career! Please stop…. If you need the money we can cough up a couple of bucks for you not to make the moving… I am in for $10, who is with me?

  26. Rodney says:

    You won’t get my $10 to stop him. I’d love to see them take a shot at another. Provided its mostly the original cast.

    After 7 of them, they kinda got stale, but its been a long while. We could do that again.

    Imagine Commandant Mahoney attempting to train his own sea of sloppy new recruits!

  27. Bob Dix says:

    i’m only gunna watch it if MAHONEY gets raided in the Blue Oyster Bar. And by raided, I mean raped.

    God I’d watch it then.

    Something along the lines of the ‘potting shed’ incident in the 70’s juvenile prison film - Scum.

    Young boys, young bums, ’nuff said.

  28. Terry Thatchet says:

    y’know the scene where the Commendant gets sucked off whilst stood at the pulpit? that was me that was. sucked him until he did a white wee wee in my mouth.

  29. Gary Angrape says:

    bshh bshh

    yikki yikki

    beyy beyy beyy

  30. Declan Donnelly says:

    Let’s get ready to rumble
    (Let’s get ready to rumble)
    (Let’s get ready to rumble)
    Watch us reck the mic
    Watch us reck the mic
    (Let’s get ready to rumble)
    (Let’s get ready to rumble)
    Let’s get let’s get let’s get)
    (Ready ready)
    (Let’s get ready ready)
    (Let’s get ready ready)
    (Let’s get ready to rumble)
    straight up proven
    We can get you groovin’
    This track’s boomin’
    It ain’t know hype
    Watch us reck the mic
    Watch us reck the mic
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Get ready get steady and rumble
    Everybody rumble
    Sit back cracker jack
    Don’t take no flack
    Rhymn in time
    To the rhythm of the track
    I’m Ant
    I’m Declan
    A duo
    A twosome
    So many lyrics
    We’re frightened to use them
    So many lyrics
    We’ll keep them in stores
    We’ve enen got them
    Co! ! min’ out of our pores
    Your Father
    Your Mother
    Your Sister
    Your Brother
    Everyone’s gotta be an AKA lover
    Give us the motivation
    We can cause a sensation
    Give us the aspiration
    We can cause a sensation
    Give us girls top speed
    Cause the girls stampead
    Stylin’ smilin’ everybody butt-whilin’
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Get ready get steady and rumble
    Everybody rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Partners in crime
    We’ll never do time
    A sentance for us
    Has to end in a rhymn
    Raw and pure like sushi
    Don’t try to do me
    Use me or even try to sue me
    We lay down the law
    We’re quick on the draw
    We played it
    We made it
    The rest don’t score
    No jokes No messin’
    We teach you a lesson
    A state of confusion
    To keep you all guessin’
    Freackin’ it sweatin’ it
    Bustin’ the mic
    Slammin’ it jammin’ it
    Do what you like
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Let’s g! ! et ready to rumble
    Get ready get steady and rumble
    Everybody rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Freackin’ it sweatin’ it
    Bustin’ the mic
    Slammin’ it jammin’ it
    Do what you like
    (Ready ready)
    (Let’s get ready ready)
    (Let’s get ready ready)
    (Let’s get ready to rumble)
    Watch us reck the mic
    Watch us reck the mic
    [repeat to fade]:
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble
    Get ready get steady and rumble
    Everybody rumble
    Let’s get ready to rumble

  31. Siddy Kex says:

    little beauties

  32. pro lack says:

    i only like little parties

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