This entry was posted on Friday, November 28th, 2008 at 12:18 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug


International friends - it is with a heavy heart that I pass the following news to you from the good people over at theage

Patrick Swayze’s cancer has reportedly spread to his liver. The Dirty Dancing star - who announced earlier this year he is suffering from pancreatic cancer - has reportedly started preparing himself for death by saying goodbye to his friends and family after discovering the deadly disease has infested another part of his body.

A source told National Enquirer magazine: “Patrick recently got word that the cancer had spread to his liver and that is what his doctors said would begin the countdown to the end. Patrick knew it was coming because he was suffering increased weakness. “At times, he was so weak that he could barely walk without feeling faint. Sometimes he feels out of breath and has to sit down.”

Patrick, 56, has reportedly told Lisa, his wife of 33 years, and his brother Donny that he doesn’t have long to live.

We have heard this before, and I declare now as I did before; Cancer shall have no part of Swayze. This affront to his blessed liver will not stand and the glorious Swaze will once again stand victorious.

Cancer you lost your fist match against Swayze, and in the second bout you stand to be humiliated anew. If you thought Lance Armstrong gave you a hard time, wait till you feel the wrath and persistence of Swayze! The man has 4 livers and 3 hearts!!! Bring it!

I refuse to feel sorrow for Swayze, he will be victorious; he will conquor. If I believed in the gods I would pray to the pantheon tonight, I would saw a cow in half like Abraham and spend countless hours in supplication. Because I believe the skies are hollow, I can only believe in Swayze this day. And believe in him I shall.

He beat cancer before and he will do it again.

Cancer, fuck you.

28 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. King Jonny

    Well, being a fan of Swayze myself (Ghost, FTW lol!), I really hope that the man can overcome cancer once again! I refuse to believe that he’ll fall anytime soon. He’s one of my favorite actors and I hope he still has fight left in him.

    I mean, if he could endure the horror that was Dirty Dancing, I’m sure cancer of all things shouldn’t pose a problem to him.

  2. Terry Letourneau

    Hope Swayze beats those cancer cells like he did the Russians in Red Dawn…WOLVERINES!!!

  3. Seth Rex

    Swayze is The TERMINATOR. He will overcome all.

  4. Matt aka gigan300

    this sucks that he fuckin has cancer, hope he doesnt join the list of deceased actors this year at least

  5. J'onn J'onzz

    Am I the only one distressed by the amount of talent leaving this world and the lack of any coming into it?

  6. Josh Brunsting

    He’s a highlander, he’s invincible. The cancer just doesn’t know humiliation and defeat like it is about to face at the hands of the god we call Swayze. Fuck cancer. Fuck it straight to hell is what Swayze’s about to do…

  7. Phil Gee

    J’onn J’onzz, that is a very astute point and a very depressing one.

    C’mon Patrick, don’t make me sad, pull through.

  8. Dragonslayer

    “Cancer, Fuck You.”


  9. 790

    This sucks,,,

    The corrupt pharmaceutical companies need to fuck off!!!
    Legalize Stem Cell research and let’s start curing disease instead of just treating it…

    Those bastards are sitting on the cure! The last thing they want is to offer a cure, they would loose billions.

    Anyone notice that over half of the ads today are all on drugs that “treat” not cure…
    This is Bullshit!!!!

  10. markusmaria

    say it ain’t so!

  11. Josh Brunsting

    This is really really sad. He seems like a genuinley awesome dude, and he must be a pretty good guy, as he’s been with his wife for 33 years. That’s class, and rare nowadays. I really hope he pulls through, as it would be one hell of a talent and person to lose.

  12. Kristina

    Terrible news made worse by the fact that the gossip rags feel the need to invade people’s privacy like this. I know yada yada, public figure blah blah, but this is a private matter for the family, not for everyone to read about.

  13. Victor V

    Biology isn’t where I’m at, but anything hitting the liver gives him at most days…

    There might be no turning back now…

  14. Mr. Cristal

    Your post made me cry Doug..

    Damn it.. Why is everyone leaving this world of bad talents?!


  15. Grave

    Wait! This report was coming from the National Equirer? Isnt that a gosip trash news paper where they make up stuff like Baby eats older brother. Or Jesus face seen in burrito at local Taco Bell? Well seeing how Swayze is back at work and starring in a new TV show or movie I dont believe it.

  16. Adonis of the Aegean Sea

    Oh mother nature and her double edged sword! So beautiful and serene with her butterflies and so ruthless with her cancer and merciless plethora of diseases. What sad news this is to hear. I shall climb upon Mt. Olympus this night and slaughter 2 goats for Patrick. The gods shall sing your praises. Stay strong my friend. Tonight we shall battle mother nature and win.

  17. Slushie Man

    Grave, the Enquirer has broken MANY factual stories in the past.

  18. Peter K

    Come on patrick swayze, any man that has sex with demi moore(all be it in make believe land of the movie ghost) are granted immortality so don’t give up on life yet!!!

  19. DG Music

    I think what this kinda says is he’s not ‘battling’ the cancer…and is in fact preparing for death. Which is a shame…but…yeah. Don’t think he’ll be triumphant over this one :C

  20. Shovels Popcorn

    Yeah, I don’t think he can bounce back from this one. Liver’s kinda important.

    Swayze, show no fear! Show cancer that it may take your life, but that it will never break your spirit!

    Sadly, I must admit that I’ve never seen Swayze in a movie in my life (you may laugh). I will be sure to experience the man’s greatness post haste.

  21. MikeyRox2006

    This is sad to hear.
    I think The Nagy should do an epic punch in Cancer’s face… While Swayze dances on it’s dead body…
    If this were only true.
    Good luck Swayze, my thoughts are on you!

  22. dani

    Sad to hear. He did so well in the first round. Whatever may happen, at least he held up a great fight.

  23. Putcher

    Truly tragic. He’s too young to be going through this. I finally rented Roadhouse on your recommendation Doug and it was every bit as good as you said.

  24. AB

    WTF?!?! why has cancer return, has it learned its lesson from the first time. dont mess with Patrick Swayze

  25. i am Hard Target

    Do a roundhouse kick on cancer, Patrick.

  26. Morzongo

    It’s a big puncho for movie fans. Swayze maybe wasn’t the best actor in the worl but he give us some of the mithic 80’s movies like Dirty Dancing, Roadhouse or Ghost. And he seemed to be a good person.

    I’m sorry for him.

  27. Cap'n Pickle

    “Cancer, Fuck You.”

    I think these words all too often unfortunately. It’s horribly depressing to see them in print knowing that it means someone else is going thru what my family and friends have multiple times over the past 2 years.

    Good Luck Patrick and all the others out there struggling with cancer.

  28. dani

    hey, i just saw this bit of news:>1=28103

    Swayze says he’s winning fight against cancer and all that talk about giving up are just rumors

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