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I Am Legend Follow Up Changed From Prequel To Sequel

By Doug - November 25, 2008 - 09:16 America/Montreal

Will-SmithWe have strange news today about I Am Legend. It appears that the prequel wasn’t well received so a sequel is being forged. We get the following scoop from our friends at AICN:

Let’s start at the beginning. Smith is actually the one who developed the initial story. It took place several years before the original film and there were still pockets of survivors and the story centered around Smith interacting, bonding, and ultimately failing to save them. For months this was the story. Warner’s didn’t much care for it and Smith and Weiss eventually came on board and all parties agreed to change things up. Well this change is pretty insane, the film is no longer a prequel, it’s a fucking sequel!

From what I hear the first film didn’t lend itself to a sequel very well, that’s why a prequel was the obvious choice. Now continuity is being eschewed for extra bags of money.

For those of you that are interested in reading the whole article that Illuminates the reasons why the studio is considering this path - please go to the source,


  1. RonSalon says:

    Let’s hope the special effects in this are better than the first installment. They were the pits.

  2. moviegab says:

    its to bad they didn’t use the alternate ending to end the movie. It would have made more sense for a sequel.

  3. kevin says:

    i told you all , there going to make 20 sequels to I am Legend , starring David Hasselhoffs chesthair.

  4. i am Hard Target says:

    So… Will Smith will not be in the next movie then?

  5. J'onn J'onzz says:

    So either they’re going to retcon the alt. ending into the beginning of IAL 2, or we get to follow that boring as shit woman and her kid? Either way it’s gonna end up being shit.

  6. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    They could have made a sequel if they went with the alternate ending, which was 1,000 times better.

  7. aaron says:

    the first one was really good

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    The first was awesome! I could see if a prequel could work, but a sequel? No way that’s gonna work, unless it envolves a sequel to the alternate version.

  9. Roguepirate says:

    Solution, they re-release “I Am Legend” with the alternate ending at theatres, then follow up with a sequel and pretend “I Am Legend” the original version never happened.

  10. oldshell says:

    Not quite sure where smith could feature in a sequel to either the book or the film’s ending?

  11. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    I am Legend is just Dawn of the Dead. But instead of an abandon mall, it’s an abandoned city. Sequels to zombie movies tend to be lame.

  12. aaron says:

    @ Dragon Slayer, as always, i agree with you.

  13. Dragonslayer says:

    I wonder what Will Smith thinks-oh wait, nevermind, I already know…”Aw, Hell Naw!”

  14. mikey says:

    if crank can have a sequel with Jason statham (he fell out of a ducking helicopter for christs sake) then I don’t see why Ledgend can’t. I mean the movie was great until the ending.

  15. Dragonslayer says:

    I didn’t hate the ending of I Am Legend, but I actually prefer the alternate version better.

  16. aaron says:

    i only have seen the ALT. ending

  17. The Dude says:

    The crappy looking zombies really killed that movie for me. I have no interest in a sequel.

  18. aaron says:

    you cant really make another sequel to this, unless you follow the alt. ending, but i still think a sequel wont be good

  19. Victor (Cineblog.us) says:

    Didn’t Smith die at the end of IaL? Many in this thread seem to recall something like that.

    Smith and _Akiva Goldsman didn’t get it right, no matter how much the movie made. Warner’s should go the Hulk route and back a small, idependent company to develop a proper remake (that sticks to the novel) and put Guy Pearce in the lead.

    That Will Smith stuff is just Will Smith stuff. It doesn’t serve the novel and it’s really only just a remake of ‘Omega Man’.

  20. cosmic says:

    are they going to bring Will Smith back from the dead for this one?

    ups.. SPOILER!

  21. Dragonslayer says:

    Hmm….I am Legend, come back from dead…that could make sense…But really, I think they should stick with a prequel.

  22. aaron says:

    good call Dragon, because a sequel to this would be the same

  23. Dragonslayer says:

    It’s called I Am Legend, maybe that could mean…nah, nevermind, but it was a good thought

  24. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    I agree, they should remake it with Guy Pearce in the lead role and stick to the book, maybe get Tim Burton to direct it to give it a dark tone then they could consider in making a sequel.

    When I first watched it, I was confused, is this a comedy? Will Smith should stick to Will Smith movies, and whats with that Bob Marley crap?
    If I had the chance to take that role I wouldn’t force everyone to listen to Megadeth…

  25. 790 says:

    The monster that came and wouldn’t leave…..

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