Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by on 27. 11. 2008in News Chat

To those International Friends who live in the United States, I bid you a Happy Thanksgiving.

This day shall forever be known in Canada as “Thursday” but for those Americans it is a time of reflection and giving thanks.

We thank you for coming to visit this site and sharing in the discussion of movie news and general geekery.

No go eat Turkey, watch football and take a nap! There is shopping tomorrow!

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who has written 8899 posts on The Movie Blog

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14 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Henrik says:

    Yeah! Happy thanksgiving indeed!



  2. HAZMAT_loves_gwyneth_paltrow says:

    happy thanksgiving to you rodney and happy thanksgiving to TMB!
    and people who comment too…

    best movie site ever…(im i the only one who dispises aintitcoolnews??? just the layout of the site makes me want to punch a baby…)
    comingsoon is also great but not as fun…they dont have a name that tors- HEY what happened to name that torso, doug???

  3. Doug Nagy says:

    That picture is awesome

  4. Josh Brunsting says:

    Happy turkey day all!!!!

    I second the dislike for aintitcoolnews…

    Another cool website, if TMB doesn’t mind me mentioning, is slashfilm. TMB and /film are the two places that I get my film news from

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  5. aaron says:

    lol Doug!

    happy thanksgiving to all of you, i wont be commenting much today so..i’ll probably see you all tommorow

    oh hey Hazmat! happy turkey day

  6. Matt aka gigan300 says:

    happy thanksgiving to yall at the movieblog

  7. Rodney says:

    I picked that picture just for you Doug.

  8. HAZMAT_loves_gwyneth_paltrow says:

    happy turkey day to you aaron!

  9. Peter K says:

    Hello, I am a first time poster and a avid reader of this great and informative site and figured the day of giving thanks would be an appropriate day to start. I appreciate the hard work that goes into making this site possible and I look forward to checking my blackberry curve(shameless plug I know) multiple times a day for new updates to the movie world. I enjoy both of your opinions and the passion that is associated with them. It is commendable that the both of you stick to your guns regardless of the heat both you and
    Doug take for having different opinions than some of your readers. I may not post again but I will surely continue reading. Happy
    Thankgiving from the United States.

  10. Rodney says:

    @Peter, thanks for posting!

    But you do know there are three of us right? Just sayin.

  11. AARON says:

    thanks Hazmat

  12. Dragonslayer says:

    Sweet picture, and Happy Turkey Day

  13. aaron says:

    you to Dragon, man i had alot to eat lol, how was everyone’s thanksgiving

  14. Peter K says:

    Haha indeed, mega typo on my end. Thanks for the correction.

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