This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 at 7:55 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We have the new Duplicity trailer for you today thanks to the video lords of You Tube. Check it out -

This looks like a cool romantic spy film involving a lot of snappy Julia banter. She’s an outstanding guest on Letterman, they have great back and forth exchanges. She is quick as a whip - and that will always increase someone’s stock on my charts.

Duplicity is set for launch March 20th 2009.

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Dragonslayer

    Looks average at best, and also very similar to Mr. and Mrs. Smith

  2. wolfpack

    I caught a screening of this in LA and I have to say it’s a great movie. Roberts and Owens play off each other so well. I definitely recommend checking it out if you really like smartly written films. Tony Gilroy, who wrote and directed “Michael Clayton,” does such a good job with this.

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