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Dolph Lundgren Joins The Expendables

By Doug - November 26, 2008 - 07:18 America/Montreal

DolphoFi Fi FO Fum I smell the blood of a Lundgren’s son! Ladies and gentlemen today we learn that monsieur Dolph Lundgren will be joining the cast of the Expendables. We get the following scoop from our friends at comingsoon:

In an interview with Review Nation on the red carpet of Transporter 3, Sylvester Stallone revealed that he’s lining up Dolph Lundgren to co-star in his next film, The Expendables. Lundgren starred in Stallone’s fourth installment of the “Rocky” series in 1985.

Sylvester Stallone will star in, write and direct the action film, also starring Jason Statham and Jet Li. The movie follows a team of mercenaries on a mission to overthrow a South American dictator.

Well this is certainly awesome. This film is shaping up to be the Inglorious Bastards that I’ve always wanted. Statham, Stallone, and Jet Li are more than enough action for one film; ramming Lundgren into the mix makes for an overblown macho ensemble of lore and legend.

I first heard about Lundgren’s addition to the cast on yesterday’s 2pm live show and I’m pleased as punch to have this news confirmed today. I hope Lundgren and Stallone are on the same team this time around so we may see them join forces in ass-kickery.

I am pumped for this one amigos, I have high hopes for hot action.

What say ye?


  1. Ricci says:

    This sounds amazing, can not wait!

  2. Darren J Seeley says:


  3. Party Marty says:

    This is becoming a dream come true.

  4. David Lopan says:

    Oh my god!!!!!

  5. bigsampson says:

    awesome im allready on board…I AM MAN AND I DESERVE ACTION!

  6. Tr0n says:

    Needs more 80’s and 90’s action stars. Jean Claude?

  7. moviegab says:

    ya van damme should join the cast !!

    would be easy to get him since sly and jcvd are good friends

  8. Persetti says:

    Sounds like my new favourite action movie!

  9. Stef26 says:

    JCVD was in talks with Sly but declined as he couldn’t agree on the character appearantly

  10. SteelerT says:

    Former UFC Champion Randy “The Natural” Cotoure is also going to be in this film…

  11. CB Hunt says:

    I just read on imdb.com that Arnold Schwarzenegger is also gonna be in this movie!!! whoa…and the heck with Van Damme…gimmie Arnie over him any day! Besides Jet Li would just make him look uncoordinated and stupid anyway.

  12. CB Hunt says:

    They also repots that 50 ‘the rat” cent is rumored to be in it too….crazy!

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