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Channing Tatum Would Consider Captain America

By Rodney - November 19, 2008 - 06:20 America/Montreal

Seems some buzz is being generated over an off the cuff comment in an interview (isn’t this how half of Hollywood happens?) that Channing Tatum would be up for the role of Captain America. Note, he said he would be up for it… not that the studios are asking anything of him.

Cinematical reports:

“Captain America? Oh my God! Oddly enough, I just got given a book – one of the painters came up and here gave me a book. I would think about it. Maybe it’s destiny! I would definitely think about it – I just got done doing G.I. Joe, though. If Joe does well, and it doesn’t seem to be the exact same story, then I would. I don’t know. They seem to be very, very similar – almost identical. Except for the – I think he takes a serum? Like a strength serum? [But the WWII setting] could be very very cool. “

My inner geek leapt out of my throat and puked on this guy for even suggesting that Captain America and G.I. Joe were “almost identical”. Aside from a superhero military motif they have NOTHING in common. But then I took a step back and looked at it rationally.

He looks the part mostly, but I would prefer to see someone with a little more bulk to play Cap. Tatum is fit, good looking and a half decent actor. Maybe not the worst choice in the world, but the guy would have to put on some meat.

The big issue for me when considering the role is going to be that he has to have some A-List chops for this. Eventually he will be pitted in the position of leadership over people like Robert Downey Jr in an Avengers movie. Casting quality actors has changed the face of blockbuster superhero flicks. They are not just popcorn fun. The studios are really taking them seriously.

So my first consideration isnt his hair colour or where he was born (though some fanboys seem to think that is all that matters) but I try to see the big picture. Can this guy play Cap? Can he offer up a presence that will make him a LEADER of such strong personalities. I don’t see that presence in Tatum even with another 50lbs of meat taped on to his swimmer’s physique. I don’t want a dancer from a Ricky Martin video to be Captain America.

In the long run this is just a distraction of someone saying something to an actor in an interview that will likely never come to pass. Remember, the studios are not asking him to step up (see what I did there?) this is one guy who suggested his name and a coincidental story that a crew member on Tatums set said the same thing.

At least I hope it doesn’t happen.


  1. Yamo says:

    I can see this happening he is young and looks like Steve Rogers and he not big money making star so you dont have to pay he that much for the role.

  2. Rodney says:

    Hollywood is recognizing that budget actors get them a budget paycheque. A-List actors are being lined up for hero flicks lately and its scoring big. Why drop the ball and make the leader of the Avengers a half decent actor when they can make the movie ten times as big with a GREAT actor.

  3. Yamo says:

    Hey Rodney i see where you are coming from, but do you think that marvel will like to use up 2/3 of there budget for the Avengers on A-List actors. Not all a-list actors are getting superheros role just a few. The only ones in my mind is Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton in Batman, Robert Downey, Jr in ironman but he was off the radar abit and Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk but the rest was nobody or just supporting role actors.

  4. total jiu jitsu says:

    he looks more like steve rogers before the super soldier serum. he can bulk up for the role and a little extra padding on the costume wouldn’t hurt either. if he does get considered for the part hopefully he has other acting gigs to get better on…

    dolf lundgren should be capt. america

  5. total jiu jitsu says:

    i thought it looked funny when i spelt it the first time.

    dolf = dolph

  6. Simple Simon says:

    I’ll have to agree with you on this. I’d rather see someone with a more commanding presence.

    A little bit of trivia here. You say that Captain America and GIJOE have nothing in common….Did you know that GIJOE existed in its beloved 80’s form because Larry Hama really wanted to do a Nick Fury and soldiers of S.H.I.E.L.D. series but Marvel didn’t think it would fly? When GIJOE came down the line from a deal with Hasbro, they let Hama do his idea under that brand. So, you could say that GIJOE is Cap’s red headed step child.

  7. Rodney says:

    @Total Jiu Jitsu… you hope Tatum has shoe other gigs to get better on, but then recommend Dolph Lundgren?

    Seriously? Tatum is a better actor than Dolph “stand there and look intimidating” Lundgren. But you want him for the role? That’s messed.

  8. Rodney says:

    @Yamo …. It is those movies you mention that are setting the new trends, and if they intend to do an ensemble cast, they are going to need a cast that can hold up to each other. Otherwise Avengers will be the “Iron Man and Friends” movie.

    Big name actors get to be big name because of the quality they bring and the financial return it gets at the boxoffice. I don’t think they will waste 2/3s of their budget on a star. They only need 4 or so… and at that price they could get Jim Carrey and Chris Tucker instead.

    It is money well spent, but it wont be the majority of their budget.

  9. total jiu jitsu says:

    @ rodney, i don’t have a preference for either one. i’ve never seen tatum on the big screen or anything he’s done, but i’m pretty sure he’s a far better actor then dolph. i only mentioned dolph because of his physique. to bad cap is not the silent type other wise ya maybe dolph can pull it off.

    sorry for the confusion.

  10. Jürgen says:

    My number one pick is still Michael C. Hall. This guy can act, fits the role and is in the right shape (watch him in Dexter in the tight shirt he wears while hunting his victims)…

    But please not Tatum!

  11. Rodney says:

    @Total Jiu Jitsu … I thought that was a little off. lol

    Well you are going to see Tatum as Duke in GIJoe, as well you might remember him as the soccer roomate in She’s the Man if you have ever watched fluff Amanda Bynes films… ok.. maybe not.

    Other than that you might have seen him in Step Up… again.. maybe not your thing.

    He isnt terrible, but he isnt A-List yet either. There is some potential, he is playing roles like Ledger started out with… so who knows what will become of him.

  12. Sebastian says:

    I’ve seen this guy in “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” and I’m not sold on his acting skills at all. I personally would love to see Michael C. Hall (Dexter, Six Feet Under) as The Cap. Now there’s a dude who can act.

  13. Meli says:

    Oh Please No! He might not be a terrible actor, but he’s not a good one either. I hope his name doesn’t turn up on a consideration list.

  14. HAZMAT says:

    i would like him as bucky. buck is extremely underrated and hed be awsome in this movie…i could write an essay on why he should be in it but it would be too long…

    now mathew mcanaghey would be a great captain america
    (what an original pick for cap)

  15. john says:

    please no. he doesn’t have the chops to do the Captain justice.

  16. Rooney says:

    This might be totally from left field but I think Marvel should consider Alexander Skarsgård for either Captain America or Thor…the dude can act, can actually speak with remote intelligence, and looks the part. For those of you that have never heard of the guy, he’s in True Blood and played played Sgt. Brad “Iceman” Colbert in Generation Kill.

    Tatum comes off really uninformed and lacking the intellect to bring anything good to the role of Captain America. I thought Leo was a bad idea but I rather have him than this guy. My 5 cents.

  17. KaboodleMonster says:

    This would be the worst thing ever.

  18. HAZMAT says:

    haha! that guy was so badass in generation kill! i liked the hummer driver, the dude with black hair…he was the best

    but the guys got no muscles and a very boyish face though…
    but i did really like generation kill…that show was good. that dudes got potential though i want to see more from him

    and yeah man decaprios horrible for cap…dude i think that the BEST person out there..considering looks only..is jason lewis…

    my opinion is that the best cap will be played by jason lewis.

    i wouldnt mind mathew m. though….i guess…

  19. Rodney says:

    Tatum has plenty of muscles, he just is more built like a gymnast or swimmer than a beefy military combatant.

  20. Darren J Seeley says:

    It’s not a bad idea. Aside from GI Joe he has a bit in Public Enemies next year also; lets also keep in mind two things:

    1. Tatum, should be be Cap, would have grown as an actor by the time filming starts.

    2. Leadership in The Avengers ….yes, Cap is the one who usually cries out ‘Avengers Assemble’ but his leadership is questioned, sometimes even challenged by other Avengers from time to time.

    And while Dolph vowed never to do comic book related characters since the Punisher’89, it would not anger me in the least if they paid him a gazillion dollars to play Crossbones or Red Skull. Not my choice, but I’m just saying…

  21. bogy says:


  22. HAZMAT says:

    nonono i meant that the other guy has no muscles alexander skarsgard not tatum


    tatum would be a badass bucky
    and jason lewis is cap

  23. Rodney says:

    @Bogy …. find your all caps key… seems to be stuck

    And Tatum does not have the right physique for Cap. Google a picture.

    And 2011 is a little over two years from now…. not 4.


  24. wolfpack says:

    I just Alexander Skarsgard in True Blood and I think he’d make a great Thor. He had the look for it and he looks pretty big, and he can always bulk up for the role.

    I just watched a clip of Generation Kill on YouTube and I think he’s perfect for Captain America!

  25. Rooney says:

    Ok, for the record Tatum and Lewis are both 6′1, Skarsgard is 6′4. Have you guys seen Troy or Reign of Fire? You think guys like Pitt look that big normally, he’s got the build to be a great Cap or Thor. And check out this promo for Generation Kill and you can’t see Rogers in that?


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