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Brolin Dishes About Turning Down Salvation

By Doug - November 26, 2008 - 07:01 America/Montreal

BrogunJosh Brolin opted out of Terminator Salvation and recently had this to say about the matter to the good folks over at MTV:

“Yeah. I talked to Christian [Bale] for a couple hours,” he said. “I really liked the script though I hear that’s not what they filmed. The one I read was very interesting and dark. Ultimately though I didn’t think it felt right.”

One would guess that Sam Worthington ended up in the role meant for Josh. Brolin told us that he’s curious along with the rest of us now about how it all turned out. “I saw [Bale] recently and I asked him how it was and he said, ‘it’s alright.’” he laughed.

Based on this above chatter, it doesn’t sound like Bale feels Salvation will be his most excellent work. This is of course news we heard from a dude, that heard from a dude, as reported by another dude. My hopes were high when Bale was brought on board, but expectations have been falling steadily since.

It would have been cool to see Mr. Brolin team up with Mr. Bale; perhaps another time. If the two can talk shot for hours about the new Terminator, I am guessing they have a decent working relationship.

Do you guys think this chatter can let us know anything about the quality of Terminator Salvation, or should we just chalk this chatter up as rumor and hearsay?


  1. Broly says:

    Well after seeing the footage not really.

  2. Broly says:

    Sam Worthington is probably having as much screen time as Christian Bale so half of the movies action will go to Sam Worthington.

    After watching the footage it was all about Sam Worthington character Marces Wright, Christian Bale only appeared in one scene.

  3. Slushie Man says:

    Why didn’t you make a post about the kick ass video poster for Terminator: Salvation?

  4. Gutpunch says:

    “Do you guys think this chatter can let us know anything about the quality of Terminator Salvation, or should we just chalk this chatter up as rumor and hearsay?”

    No it doesn’t tell us anything about the quality of the film. Like you said it’s from a guy who heard from a guy who heard it from a guy.

    But I’m sure the haters will eat this up as conformation that the movie will blow.

  5. sibbe says:

    McG showed us some scenes of Salvation last week in Berlin and i really liked what i saw

  6. Mozzerino says:

    “It’s alright” ?
    Well that sounds really encouraging Mister Bale, as long as you, the lead actor in this film thinks it’s “alright”, everybody else will certainly have a blast with it.
    Hope you enjoy that paycheck Christian!

  7. Mozzerino says:

    By the way @Sibbe, what did you see at that Berlin-event?

  8. BobaFett says:

    First of all in this day and age, actors don’t really have an idea of what was shot, when digital backdrops and CGI are added, many I’ve talked to (I do know a few minor actors), are genuinely surprised at what ends up on the screen.

    Although some actors are very involved in what is going to be shown, and that’s why they are kind of a pain to work with, even though they have talent to spare. (I’m talking to you Ed Norton).

  9. Ferg says:

    Let us not forget people - this is being directed by McG - none other than the man who bought us such brilliant action fare as Charlie’s Angels, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle and … oh wait, that’s all he’s done! And his name belongs on a McDonalds menu board - “Would you like fries with your McG burger, sir?”

    I have absolutely zero expectations of this being a good movie!

  10. obi-wan kubrick says:

    McG = Garbage.

  11. Gutpunch says:

    He’s also done We Are Marshall, Chuck and Supernatural. It’s easy to use IMDB.

    The Charlie’s Angels films are barrel load of mindless fun. McG proved that he can direct drama with We Are Marshall, proved that he can do kick ass action with Charlie’s Angels, Chuck and Supernatural so I think we might have a pretty good Terminator flick on our hands.

    People need to get over that name, why the fuck do you care what the man calls himself. It doesn’t have anything to do with what he does for a living.

  12. Nixon says:

    bale would never say anything like that… and the trailer looks stunning !!!

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