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Zack And Miri Make A Porno Review

» Review

Zack And Miri Make A Porno Review

By John - October 31, 2008 - 12:35 America/Montreal

Zack-Miri-Make-Porno-Review.jpgThanks for checking out our Zack And Miri Make A Porno review.

Kevin Smith is one of the most interesting figures in the movie business and he presents an odd problem for me. On the one hand, I’m not a HUGE fan of his as a filmmaker. Many of his movies are just “ok” to me, and a couple I find just horrible. Then again I love “Chasing Amy” and I have “Clerks 2″ on my top 10 all time best comedies list. On the other hand, I think he is single handedly the coolest guy in the business. I may not be a “huge” fan of him as a filmmaker, but I am a huge fan of his as a personality. His “Evening with Kevin Smith” videos are some of the most entertaining hours I’ve spent in front of my TV the last couple of years. Seriously, check them out if you haven’t seen them yet.

Coming off Clerks 2, I was very excited to see Smith’s next offering, and with a title like Zack and Miri Make A Porno my anticipation went through the roof. However, I was a little taken aback when I heard Seth Rogen was given the lead role, since I much prefer Rogen in supporting roles (where I think he really excels) and have never found him really capable of carrying a movie. So when doing a Zack and Miri Make A Porno review I try to get all those pre-existing notions out of my head. So what did I think of Zack and Miri Make A Porno? Hell… I REALLY liked it.


The synopsis for Zack and Miri Make A Porno looks something like this: “Lifelong platonic friends Zack and Miri look to solve their respective cash-flow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the duo begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.” Personal side note: “Of coarse they do”.


Dear heavens this is a funny film. No, not Kevin Smith’s best or funniest work, but quite funny nonetheless. The strength of the comedy lies (as it usually does in SMith films) in the quick, sharp and well timed dialog. Yes, much of the humor in Zack and Miri Make A Porno is “low brow” comedy, but that doesn’t stop it from being quite effective in getting a response from the audience. Not as smart as the comedy in Clerks 2, but the laughs were there, and that’s the most important thing for a comedy film to nail. I wasn’t rolling in the aisles or anything like that, but I spent a good percentage of the time giggling or smiling throughout.

I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record player, but Elizabeth Banks should be a MAJOR star by now. The woman is an extremely talented actress. She goes from a movie like “W” playing Mrs. Bush to a movie like Zack and Miri… and she was WONDERFUL in it. As a matter of fact, it was almost jarring seeing someone who can really act in a Kevin Smith movie. As much as I LOVE Clerks 2, let’s be honest, the Clerks crew are not exactly world class thespians.

It was nice having old View Askiew favorites Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson in the film. Anderson is my favorite character in both Clerks films and this was the first time I’ve ever seen him on screen not as Randal. Mewes was Mewes, but still extremely funny in the limited stuff he was called on to do. It was a little disturbing that he was naked more than clothed in the film… but it all went towards the comedy

The once scene that Brandon Routh (Superman) and Justin Long (I’m a Mac) participate in was one of the absolute highlights of the movie for me and just about everyone in the theater was howling at their stuff. I get tired of gay jokes, and when doing gay jokes you have to be very careful (because we live in such a PC world) not to offend anyone… and they really did that well.


I’m really sorry to say this, but once again Seth Rogen, who I really enjoy on screen in almost all other circumstances, just can’t carry a movie as its lead. It’s almost like the very thing that makes him such a fantastic supporting comedy character (40 Year Old Virgin, Super Bad) is what makes him ineffective as a lead. His style is best served in hard hitting quick shots where they maintain their full effectiveness rather than on the screen too often where his style of delivery becomes predictable and less effective. Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT saying Rogen was bad in this film… just that another performer may have made the role more effective.

The relationship and romance between Zack and Miri was never something I believed on screen. It felt so contrived and forced that early in the film I just had to turn off my brain to the whole scenario and just accept what Smith was serving with it. Once you do that, it flows fine, but only after that. You just never feel any tension between the two. No connection. No romance. Nothing. Oh Banks ACTED like a woman who had deep undiscovered feelings for this man (Rogen), but there was just no chemistry between the two.

Story. There is none. The title and the synopsis tell you everything you need to know.


Zack and Miri Make A Porno ends up being a thin film with enough laughs to make up for its shortcomings… which is pretty much what you probably expected going in to see it. Good laughs, a solid performance by Banks and some familiar faces made watching this flick fun, despite the weaknesses. Overall I give Zack and Miri Make A Porno a 7.5 out of 10.



    i never thought id hear this from john campea

    “Overall I give Zack and Miri Make A Porno a 7.5 out of 10.”

    mainly because of the movies name and because of the review lol

    so it was good! awsome now i want to see it!
    thanx john

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    Nice review John. I don’t think I’ll see it, though. I thought the redband trailer sucked and it wasn’t funny. But I’ll have to wait till the film comes out on DVD to see.

  3. aaron says:

    ^ Same as Dragon Slayer

  4. Dragonslayer says:

    I wonder what Doug thought?

  5. David Lopan says:

    I think Rogan is a good leading man personally. I thought he did a great job in Knocked Up and Pineapple Express.

  6. Kristina says:

    I really loved this movie. I usually hate Rogen in lead roles, but I actually liked him in this.

  7. bigsampson says:

    i seen a screener of this and i hated it….to me i the premise was outlandish…..i just watched pinnapple express and i hated rogan in that too….i will admit mcadams is pretty sweet sctress but the plot was so lame that i kinda felt stpid for even watching it…knocked up was good cause the love side of it was worth routing for rogen…in this movie i was like these people are just stupid plain n simple…who cares if this dumbshit gets lucky with his best friend

  8. aaron says:

    soory bigsampson, but i LOOOOOOOVED pineapple express, it was too funny

  9. Mario says:

    I’m just getting back from watching this. And I loved it. I felt Seth did a good job as the Lead. It’s Craig Robinson who steals this movie, he’s an instant laugh every time he’s on screen.

  10. nbakid2000 says:

    I liked the movie a lot…

    I did not think it was his best film (or funniest either) but I can see the argument Kevin said for his “sweetest” film…

    I also agreed with John as far as the romance being brought on early went…

    Anyway, there are some HILARIOUS parts of this movie and I totally recommend it.

  11. chris (the real one) says:

    saw rocknrolla friday instead of this….might end up seeing this sat or sun….seth rogan was great in pineapple, but i HATED clerks 2…..this does look better tho…and rocknrolla was some good shit all around, john u gonna be reviewing that one?

  12. bobsyeruncle says:

    Well, sure, we have to be careful making gay jokes since we “live in a PC world”, but Justin Long is a Mac!

  13. BobaFett says:

    OMG this was the funniest KS movie since Clerks. I couldn’t stop laughing! Craig Robinson almost stole the show. Jeff Anderson’s “frosting” was hilarious as well.

    EB was great, but I agree with John about Seth. He’s not really acting just playing himself. I don’t think he has a true acting future unless he puts more effort and takes some more classes. He has the depth of a glass of water.

    Also, even though this was a comedy, I think that there is a serious side to it, and may possibly be his most serious film yet.

  14. DeAnte T. Goodloe says:

    Don’t ever say “shit covered” to me again.

  15. Draonslayer says:

    I saw Max Payne instead

  16. Dragonslayer says:

    I saw Max Payne instead. Sorry, typo on my name

  17. aaron says:

    hey dragon how was max payne for you?



    yeah dude how WAS payne?

  19. Dragonslayer says:

    @ Hamzat and Aaron

    It was okay. It had a weak plot and some bad acting. But Mark Walberg was great, and damn, was Olga whatever-her-name-is hot. I was entertained, but I would actually recommend to see it on DVD. I gave it a 6/10.

  20. Dragonslayer says:

    Kurylenko! Olga Kurylenko, that’s her name! Man was she hot!

  21. musichyper says:

    Everyone has their opinions about Kevin Smith but I love his movies. He creates fun and interesting stories without bells and whistles.

    I found Zack & Miri to be very funny and charming in a wierd way. One of the better comedies for 2008.

    I HYPED Zack & Miri on EverHYPE and scored it 97%, which I think is very accurate.


    If you get on there rate me a 5 on it and request friendship.

  22. Josh Brunsting says:

    I must say, I came out almost exactly where John did on this one, even down to the final score. The story was a little lame, but the show was stolen and my time was worth spending in the interchanges between Brandon Routh and Justin Long and between Craig Robinson and anyone.

    I also saw Changeling this weekend, and while it’s quite long and drawn out, the film is worth a shot. The supporting cast, at least most of them were really good, and the story was completely compelling. Jolie was solid if a little over the top, but my biggest problem was the lack of grey. There is one officer that begins to truly think about what is happening, and his introduction is like a breath of fresh air. I gave both films a 7.5 out of 10 personally.

    One thing I will say, and sorry for the long comment, is that with all of this hype with Judd Apatow, I would just like to let everyone know that Kevin Smith was doing Judd Apatow before Judd was. Another podcast I listen to said it best, “Judd Apatow is just Kevin Smith with higher production values.” I could not agree more.

    Oh, and Max Payne was alright at best. Worth a rental for Olga alone. God damn…

  23. aaron says:

    once again, as always, i agree with you 100%.
    max payne was ok, and olga was very hot!! lol

  24. Dragonslayer says:

    The film also has some bad use of slow motion.

    I have to say some words that’ll make (I thnk it was) Hamzat proud: Olga is hotter than Jolie

  25. aaron says:

    true, but olga hotter than jolie!!?? i dont know bout that, they are both smokin hot

  26. The Dude says:

    Jolie is a stick with boobs and big lips. Not hot at all.

  27. Josh Brunsting says:

    Jennifer Connelly pwns all…No one is more angelic and fucking stunning than JC…

  28. Dragonslayer says:

    Jennifer Connelly, are you kidding me? Fuck no. Olga got it goin on!

  29. aaron says:

    atleast jolie has the boobs

  30. Josh Brunsting says:

    Whatever. JC is the most beautiful actress working today. Not only that, but the girl may be one of, if not the BEST actresses working today, one thing I can’t say for miss Olga.

  31. Dragonslayer says:

    As for Jolie, I still think she’s ungodly hot, but God, she needs to EAT. Go to a pie eating contest some time, Jolie, gain some weight…but I’ll still bang her


    jennifer who? olga!?

    its all about my beloved gwyneth paltrow.
    i didnt need my parents to give me “the talk” alls i needed to do was watch her shaekspeare movie and i found out that i was obviously obsessed with gwyn-gwyn

    no one has anything on the paltrow

    and i know people are getting sick of it but- im not shutting up about it. gwyn needs to marry me

  33. Tim1974 says:

    Another tiresome, redundant use of male frontal nudity. The double standard against men continues. I hope that young men will soon realize that they are being had and refuse to see shows that do not include an equal amount of female frontal nudity. It is about respect and equality.

  34. aaron says:


  35. Chung Lee says:

    I thought this movie was dialed in and filled to the brim with movie cliches. You don’t need to see this movie because you already know what’s going to happen. Yes, there were some funny moments sprinkled throughout, but nothing there to deserve an above average review for a comedy.

    Craig Robinson was great, Seth Rogen was Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks was adorable, and everyone else was average.

    Don’t waste your money, just wait until it comes out on cable.

  36. Ankit says:

    When I saw this movie the whole theater was roaring with laughter for at least 3/4 of the movie. If you’re a fan of his films, you won’t be disappointed. If you’re not, get the hell on board, cause this movie is hilarious. The movie has some of his most classic scenes by far, with some great performances and spectacular lines by Justin Long, Rogen, Mewes, and Craig Robinson who steals the show. I guarantee you won’t leave the theater unsatisfied. It’s like Clerks 2 had sex with Dogma, and left the horrendous emotional scenes at the door, and kept the bad dialogue thoroughly intact.

  37. Dragonslayer says:

    Woah, when did Paltrow come into this topic?

  38. Ryan W. says:

    Saw the movie last night and thought it was a pretty funny film. I have been a fan of most of KS films, so i was going into this thinking it would be on par. IT was a very good comedy, lots of laugh … but the story was thin (agreed) but that didn’t matter as the actors/actresses and comedic moments were enough.

    Good film.

  39. porno says:

    Jolie is a stick with boobs and big lips. Not hot at all. !!

  40. Rodney says:

    For someone who calls themselves “porno” I would think you are going to find your contradictory answer to be very unpopular.

    Jolie is a very pretty girl in a lot of different ways. I actually prefer her eyes over everything shes got, and everything shes got is pretty attractive.

  41. Dragonslayer says:

    I do think Jolie is hot, but damn, she needs to eat. She has a pretty face though

  42. porno says:

    I agree with the points made in the review, and with Megan, but this movie does not deserve better than the box office has treated it. Maybe next time someone will actually take a look at Kevin’s script before letting him step behind the camera. With some reworking and a polish, this could have been decent. Instead it reeks of a first draft by an immature twentysomething stuck in the ’90s

  43. cameron says:

    i dont think i will go and see it i think i will wait till it is on dvd and buy it coz it dosent look that funny or entertaining

  44. christopher robin says:

    hey notas funny as jay and silent bob but still funny lol

  45. Daniel says:

    7.5 for zack and miri
    oh my….. Lol

  46. Ammo Sangha says:

    I was realy looking forward to this although it was funny in parts…(Star Whores)I felt let down with the sucky love story that should have been left out, I also think it could have been done without showing any nude shots but I was funny with Mews’s frontal… dose that make me gay? if anyone can that guy can, hi hi! the poo looked more like coffee too.

  47. Dragonslayer says:

    The relationship and romance between Zack and Miri was never something I believed on screen. It felt so contrived and forced that early in the film I just had to turn off my brain to the whole scenario and just accept what Smith was serving with it.

  48. AARON says:

    8.5, this movie freaking rules

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