This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 at 8:55 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

Walter the Farting Dog will be sauntering onto the silver screen with the Jonas Bros in tow. We get the following news regarding this film from our friends at movieweb:

20th Century Fox has signed on the Jonas Brothers for their feature starring debut in Walter the Farting Dog, based on a bestselling series of books by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray.

The title character in the “Walter” books is a fat dog with severe flatulence. The brothers play musicians whose parents are asked to care for the dog by an aunt just before she passes away.

Q: What do you get when you combine a farting dog and the Jonas Brothers?

A: A Pile of shit!

(I’ ll be here all week folks!)

I have heard wind (no pun intended) of this children’s series of books and was surprised that it caught on. I think all things related to farting are disgusting; many however, find it to be hilarious. Whenever I hear a fart from any animal, I can’t help but think of airborne shit wind being recycled by my pink supple lungs…and the thought offends me.

With the Jonas brothers on board and a farting dog in tow, I am certain this project will be fairly popular with the youngsters. We will be sure to keep you posted on the details as they are made available to us.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mr. Chris

    I like the idea of a dog farting on the Jonas Brothers.

  2. King Jonny

    What the heck is this nonsense?! Is God trying to punish us for something?! As if the Jonas Brothers were insufferable enough, now they want to drive us into further insanity by doing what sounds like a bad Nickelodeon show!

    Just watch….Within the next few years or so, terrorists plotting to attack the US are going to use this movie as evidence as to why they should..

  3. Meli

    Waiting for the fans of the Jonas Brothers to grow up and loose interest in them is taking too long.

    I am thankful beyond measure that my daughter has better taste than to like that annoying manufactured boy band.

  4. Dragonslayer

    It’s Twentieth Centure Fox, the guys who brought you Bratz, Alvin in the Chipmunks, and Garfield. What do you expect?

  5. King Jonny

    @ Dragonslayer:

    The only thing I expect FOX to do is come to their senses and that this thing get’s canned faster then that JLA abortion!



    DOUG! that video is TORTURE!!!

    im going to blast rise against until that video is completely out of my memory

    [buy rise againsts new album "appeal to reason" NOOOOWWW]

    and i remember reading that book
    its 6 pages long.

  7. Dragonslayer

    King Johnny

    Fox hasn’t come to their senses since Date Movie came out.

  8. Dragonslayer

    I also hate Fox for the Watchmen case.

  9. JonasLover

    I happen to think that the Jonas Brothers are a great boy band. Their music is amazing and apropriat for all ages unlike a lot of the music out there. So to all of you out there against the Jonas Brothers, I am not saying anything bad about what you like so why are you saying something mean about what I like. You are entitled to your opinion but keep it to yourself!

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