This entry was posted on Thursday, October 30th, 2008 at 6:29 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

Halloween is just a day away. This festive season brings lots of fun activities and themes. Movie Rental places start running out of slasher flicks, Walmart can’t keep up with costume and mini candy bar sales and after I get my cute overdose and get the kids in bed I will be enjoying loud music in a crowded bar full of people dressed like a porn audition.

So as a special Trick or Treat for the gothic emo swoonfest known as Twilight, presales for tickets will launch tomorrow with a bribe for the uberfans.

MTV Movies says:

Fandango is making advance tickets for “Twilight” (out November 21) available. And just because it’s Halloween, a special trick-or-treat is available with every “Twilight” ticket purchase: a free download of “Bella’s Lullaby (Remix).”

“Halloween is the ideal time to launch advance ticket sales for ‘Twilight,’” Fandango’s Chief Operating Officer Rick Butler told MTV News. “With only three weeks to go, it just makes October 31 an even more exciting day for Twilighters.”

I am not interested in Twilight at all. But I think this marketing is rather clever. Clearly this movie would sell regardless of when it was released, but you would think the spooky Halloween period would be appropriate. So they made sure to have a foot in the door during this season.

Offering a little something extra as incentive to prepurchase your tickets is also a nice touch. With the dawning of the intarweb, we just don’t see the same “wait in line overnight” sort of behavour much anymore. Those that do are mighty disappointed to find they could have got their tickets waiting online instead.

So while it is not my most anticipated film, I do think it is pretty neat that they are offering up a free music download for the fans that were likely waiting for online sales to begin with.

And I know its trendy to offer up a trademarked Kristina “Fuck Twilight” comment, but please keep the comments relevant.

27 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Meli

    Twilight is neither goth or emo this label continues to crack me up.
    My fear about the midnight showing is hundreds of teen girls unable to hold back their squeals when the lights go down and through out the movie. My daughter is crazy about the series and we’ve had a lot of fun together attending a few events over the past several months. She wants to go to a midnight showing and since she’s a good kid with excellent grades I’m leaning towards buying tickets.

    I’m curious though if the free download is exclusive and not on the soundtrack coming out Nov 4th.

  2. Kristina

    Do I really have to say it at this point?

  3. ButterOnMyPopcorn

    I am so confused about the hype and popularity surrounding this movie. It looks exactly like The Convenant but with vampires.

  4. Phil Gee

    I think we’re all wearing t-shirts with it on at this point honey.

  5. Aimi Darling

    Emo? Goth? Perhaps the majority of Twilighters claim those certain categories (myself for one) but I happen to know that at MY school the rich, snobby preps- sorry if you fall into those labels- are big fans, too.
    Twilight is, like, a phenomena. Doesn’t matter who (or what) you are.
    Also, from a marketing standpoint, the date for pre-order is pure genius. Thanks, Summit! I’ll count down the hours to All Hallow’s Eve…nine…eight…seven…

    (Also- sorry, Meli. I will be one of those screaming fan girls in the theater. Hope you’re not local.)

  6. Rodney

    Just because you recognize that all sorts of cliques find this popular, doesnt mean the book/movie itself is not an emo/goth swoonfest. I didn’t say you had to be an emo/goth to like it.


    wait why sell twilight tickets now? its not like itll be sold out. i mean doing this for the dark knight or the avengers makes sence but- twilight? dont get me wrong i love all the books but the movie doesnt look anything like the book IMO
    i still dont get why they would seel the tickets now. those same tickets will be sold the 21st…no one will say “oh man! i wish i had reserved those twilight tickets!”
    thanx for the news though rodney



    yes twilight is gothic peoples first choice when it comes to books

  9. Rodney

    Hazmat, I think you are under the delusion that Twilight is not popular.

    Mark my words. This movie will bury ANYTHING that comes out on the same week as this does. The studios know it and that is why they are offering the pre-order offer.

    This will be silly popular if you like it or not.


    oh i completely 100% agree with you
    somewhere in this website there are like 3 comments of me saying this movie will make large amounts of money but will not be good (the book is great but not alot of action…new moon will kick ass though)

    im actually a hard core twilight fan..and no- im not a teenage girl

    but- i dont think anyone will be unable to see it because of the movie being sold out

    what do you think? i dont ever see this being COMPLETELY SOLD OUT

    TDK was sold out when i went to see it but…i doubt twilight will have fans complaining about not being able to get into the theatre because so many people bought tickets


    and that looks nothing likel bella^^^^ i dont know why they casted her….

    the actors playing james, jasper and emmet also look completely off

  12. Rodney


    “the actors playing james, jasper and emmet also look completely off”

    To you…

    Its a book. There are very few if any images. The girl is wearing contacts because the actress doesnt have the same eyecolour.

    They dont have to look exact as long as the movie is good. Relax man.

    This movie will be huge. They already greenlit a sequel with the same actors, so get used to it.


    stephanie meyer does a great job of describing them
    victoria is supposed to be a red head with messy hair that had leaves all over it. in the picture she has blonde curly-neat hair
    james is blonde here…i dont know why
    jasper is supposed to have long blonde hair and emmet is supposed to be big and buff (like..huge)
    bella is supposed to look albino
    maybe they could have somewhat been even close or somewhere in the ballpark. but they failed epicly
    youd understand if this was a blonde tony stark or a bald kirk in which case you would be going ape obviously never read the books so dont worry about it.

    i ALREADY said that there will be a new moon movie will happen before this website announce it..and im sure eclipse and breaking dawn will also happen. i already said(many times- was my last comment NOT clear?) that this movie will be succesful. but i read the twilight book and know that there wont be many fight scenes and it will be boring at parts

    alot of people have been complaining about the casting. its not just me.
    just about everyone that read twilight agrees that the casting and acting for this movie looks abysmal

  14. Meli

    Hazmat - You can’t always be dead on in real life casting for a book, it’s not possible. Personally I think the movie has been very well cast.

    I’m not convinced this movie is going to be a mega box office hit. It will make good money especially compared to the budget used to make the movie. Summit will make their money back the first weekend and then some, but that doesn’t mean it’ll have staying power to continue to rank in the dollars. Midnight showings are a good idea because the fans will turn out to see them. Hell, there were crowded release parties at bookstores across the US for Breaking Dawn.

    The marketing for Twilight has been on the low side for the general public. It’s only been this last week that TV spots and movie posters have begun to show up. Most of the hype has been online through movie sites and fansites. I’m not expecting the movie to be anything special and you can bet you’ll get a good majority of the Twilight community complaining about all the changes made.

  15. Dragonslayer

    This movie is just…destined to suck. There’s no other way of saying it, besides copying Kristina’s comment, but I think she’s tired of that now….


    yah i know..its just that jasper and emmet are my favorite characters and i would have liked it (alot) if they didnt do a shitty job on them
    edward was casted perfectly though

    nah twilight has alot of fans and it will get people..i just dont see why they have to RESERVE the tickets. idk. whatever…

    well even if there hasnt been much advertising…people have been talking about it alot..and thats usually a good sign…and yes the fansites have been going off about it (all complaining about the cast) they seem to all hate edward…who is actually the one character i think they nailed

    aagh i want to see new moon so badly. but itll come in probably 2 years or more

  17. duca

    @ Rodney

    Doesn’t Quantom of Solace come out the same week as Twilight? Do you think that will effect the numbers at all? I mean, the girlfriends might drag their boyfriends to the movie but I can easily see them going “You girls go to the Twilight movie, and we’ll go see the James Bond movie and we’ll meet up after.” I really can’t see Twilight standing up to such a highly anticipated, big budget franchise movie. There is way more main stream cross over appeal for that.

    Okay, I googled it. Quantom comes out on Nov 14 and Twilight on Nov 21. Hmmm… So Bond will be in it’s second week but that’s still pretty early in its run. You guys know numbers better then me. What do you think?

  18. Joe

    yeah should just push back this movie tell next year like all the other movies they were going to have out this year :)

  19. Rodney

    Theaters keep movies running for more than one week so that THEY can make money. The studio dominates pretty much all the money the theater collects for the openinng weekend.

    Bond will still do well in its second week I am sure, but considering it targets a different demographic (and different rating limiting ages) I don’t think that Bond will hurt the Twilight crowd.

    Its an action movie vs a romantic drama. I think Twilight will dominate and Bond will be #2 that week.

  20. duca

    I’m sorry, I just can’t see it. I believe that allthough there is a very large online following for Twilight the real life following just isn’t there. There will be a core dedicated audience for the film, no doubt on that, but I just can’t see it being THAT big. It will do well of course, but blockbuster well? I just can’t see it. There has been very little promotion of the film and the cross over appeal just isn’t there. Plus when you boil it right down it just doesn’t look like a good movie. If it weren’t for the preexisting fandom this thing wouldn’t even register. Is that fandom really enough to push it over the edge like that? I suppose that’s the real question.

  21. Rodney

    Online following that isnt in real life?? Who do you think these people are online? Robots?

    TheMovieBlog had a media presence at both SanDiego ComicCon as well as FanExpo in Toronto. Twilight is insanely huge.

    With real people and everything.

  22. duca

    No, that’s not what I meant. Things online are sometimes viewed through a fish lense, you know? Even though something SEEMS like its everywhere it’s not necessarily so. I can assure you that in the town I live in most people have no clue what Twilight is, including the young woman in my office who eat up this sort of thing. I can think of many anime series for example which have extremely huge online followings and fill up convention centres but is that enough to make, say, Dragonball a blockbuster? Eragon is another good example. It again has a very large literary following, lots of fandom, TONS of PR and yet it tanked because it was a bad movie.

  23. Rodney

    That it might be a bad movie is fine to speculate, but don’t for a moment think that this isnt going to hit it out of the park on opening weekend.

  24. teri

    People pre-order tickets for movies that aren’t half as big as Twilight.
    We just don’t like to wait in lines. Really not a big deal.

  25. Rodney

    @Teri, the funny part is that you don’t want to wait in line for the tickets but unless theaters start selling assigned seating you will have to get in line early for a good seat.

  26. Tabu

    Idk how anyone can say Twilight will be a bad movie..I mean from the books Twilight seems like The MOvie of the year!!!
    Im gettin my tickets early and wearing a Twilight Shrtt to the movie!

  27. Jessica
    Four days prior to its release, “Twilight” is already No. 20 on’s Top-20 Pre-Sale List of All-Time

    “Variety also notes that more than 500 midnight shows on Thursday/Friday are sold out, and theaters are adding more.”


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