Top 10 Best Actors Working Today

Posted by on 07. 10. 2008in Features

A truly gifted actor is an amazing thing to see in action. The good ones have the ability to make you forget where you are and what you’re doing by drawing you in and convincing you you’re in a different place seeing a drama unfold before your eyes. The great ones go even further beyond that and make you believe you’re looking at a totally different person. They take on the essence of different characters seemingly at will. Actors are a dime a dozen. Good actors are hard to find. Great actors are extremely rare, and when you find one, enjoy their work as much as you can.

Just as film themselves are subjective, to some degree so are the performances of actors who play in them. One actor may give a performance that truly hits home with a viewer… while the exact same performance may not move another viewer in the least. Having conceded that point, there are a handful of actors TODAY that I believe stand out above the rest of the crowd. Some of them may be jerks in real life, some of them may have little or no box office success, but when it comes down to pure acting ability and talent, I hold that these following names represent the best working in Hollywood today.

And so, for your consideration, I now present to you The Movie Blog’s Top 10 Best Actor’s Working Today list:

Actors-Today-Cheadle.jpg #10 - DON CHEADLE
Another Boogie Nights Alumni. You know what, even if Cheadle hadn’t done any other movie in his career I’d still be tempted to put him on this list just for his incredible work in Hotel Rwanda. One of the few actors who can smoothly transition from drama to comedy and back again effortlessly. Crash, Oceans, Reign Over Me, and his performance in Traitor is one of the best I’ve ever seen in a bad film. This guy is going to be around for a very long time.
Actors-Today-Fiennes.jpg #9 - RALPH FIENNES
Considering the career this guy has had already it’s a bit surprising that he only has 2 Oscar nominations so far (The English Patient and Schindler’s List). I hope with all my being that he gets a best supporting nomination this year for his performance in In Bruges which was just ridiculously fantastic. He (and his brother for that matter) kicks all sorts of ass. Shame all the kiddies will just grow up knowing him a Voldemort
Actors-Today-Ejiofor.jpg #8 - CHIWETEL EJIOFOR
The most shocking thing to me about the movie Serenity wasn’t how badly it bombed at the box office, but rather the almost completely ignored villain in the movie “the operative”. Ejiofor gave us one of the absolute best screen villains in ages, and yet no one, even those who saw and liked Serenity, talked about him. Well I noticed him, and since then every single performance he’s given has been nothing short of exceptional. Talk To Me, Children Of Men, American Gangster and he’s just getting started.
Actors-Today-Pitt.jpg #7 - BRAD PITT
For years this guy got absolutely no respect as an actor because we were all sick of seeing his face all over the teen heart throb magazines in the grocery store. Well, as it turns out, the man just happens to be one of the best actors alive too. His defining role to me was in Twelve Monkeys, which is still one of the most incredible performances in a supporting role I’ve ever seen in a movie, but he’s also showed great diversity as well from action, to comedy to drama. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Se7en, Fight Club, Seven Years In Tibet, Snatch, Assassination of Jesse James… and now people are already talking Oscar for his upcoming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Actors-Today-Penn.jpg #6 - SEAN PENN
There are those out there who will disparage Sean Penn as an actor simply because they don’t like his politics and the fact that he’s so vocal about it. Fact of the matter is though that he’s a four time Oscar nominee (Dead Man Walking, Sweet And Lowdown, I Am Sam, Mystic River) and winning once for Mystic River. Clint Eastwood once said “There just isn’t anyone better”.
Actors-Today-Hurt.jpg #5 - WILLIAM HURT
I know he’s not the “cool” thing anymore, but for my money William Hurt is STILL one of the very best damn actors out there today. LIke Sean Penn, 4 Oscar nominations to his credit with one win (Kiss Of The Spider Woman *win*, Children of a Lesser God, Broadcast News, A History of Violence) and I personally thought he was totally robed of a nomination for his role in Mr. Brooks last year. This man, for decades now, just continues to bring it time after time after time. He doesn’t get the sexy high profile roles anymore, and that’s a damn shame because he continues to be one of the best in the business.
Actors-Today-Hanks.jpg #4 - TOM HANKS
Hanks is one of the only actors ever to win back to back Best Actor Oscars (Philadelphia, Forrest Gump), he was nominated 3 other time (Big, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away) and arguably should have been nominated at least 5 other times (Road To Perdition, Catch Me If You Can, Charlie Wilson’s War, The Green Mile, Apollo 13). The man is an icon already and he’s only 52 years old.
Actors-Today-DiCaprio.jpg #3 - LEONARDO DICAPRIO
Much like Brad Pitt was, DiCaprio was a face most of us were sick of seeing plastered all over the little girls bedroom walls. His knock out performance in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape should have clued us into the fact that there was a remarkable developing talent behind the cover boy face. Now he’s sought after by all the top directors, has 3 Oscar Nominations under his belt (What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, The Aviator, Blood Diamond) and perhaps should have had a couple more for Catch Me If You Can and Gangs Of New York. Many many many more to come.
Actors-Today-Lewis.jpg #2 - DANIEL DAY LEWIS
Was there any doubt this guy would land in the top 3? Perhaps the most intense actor of our age and holder of the single best performance I think I’ve ever seen given by a male lead in a film with his portrayal of Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood last year. He’s also probably the most picky and selective actor in the business only choosing to do 1 film every few years (good for him, shame for us). 4 Oscar nominations with 2 wins (There Will Be Blood *win*, My Left Foot: The Story Of Christy Brown *win*, Gangs of New York, In The Name Of The Father) means he’s been nominated in about half of his last 9 films. Not a bad record don’t ya think?
Actors-Today-Crowe.jpg #1 - RUSSELL CROWE
He’s not the most bankable. He’s not the most likable. He’s not the most famous. He’s not the best looking. But hands down, no questions asked he is simply the single best actor in the world today. Don’t believe me? Name another actor who has played as many completely different types of characters and 100% knocked it out of the park each and every time? He’s never the same guy twice, always brings something totally unique to his roles and always does them near perfectly. There is simply no one better in the business. He is the cream of the crop and the best Hollywood has to offer. Gladiator, Mystery Alaska, L.A. Confidential, Cinderalla Man, Master and Commander, A Beautiful Mind, The Insider, 3:10 to Yuma, American Gangster. People get sick of him because he’s a jack ass, but jack ass or not, he’s the best of the best right now.

Honorable Mention (In no particular order)
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
- Christian Bale
- Edward Norton
- Joseph Fiennes
- Ed Harris
- Johnny Depp
- Tom Cruise
- John Cusack
- George Clooney

So there you have it folks. What names were left off my list that you feel deserved inclusion? If you have some names, which ones would you remove from my list to make room for them?

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265 Responses to “Top 10 Best Actors Working Today”

  1. aaron says:

    sorry John but Heath would be at the top of the list if I did it, but you did a great job

    • Sammy says:

      hello WORKING ACTORS

    • Jordon Frost says:

      Sam Rockwell????

    • V says:

      Solid list. Nailed the top 4 & solid choices(opinions) for 5-10. However, Matt Damon, I believe should be in the top 10 or at least honorable mention. Tom cruise, though he be a hammerhead in real life, is an excellent actor with maybe not great range(though “Born On The 4th of July” certainly was a great display of versatility/range) but consistently pumps out intense, masterful performances. Along with his acting ability, he takes his resume’ to another level by performing most of his own stunts. In MI3(one great action movie & best of the three MI’s)
      he did all his own stunts. Outrageous!

      • JJ says:

        I saw Cusack as an honorable mention. Personally, I’d get him up there somewhere in the top 10. Tremendous range (see 1408, for example), very personable… doesn’t miss a beat. Has a familiarity about him that makes his performances seem “real.” Also, Jeff Bridges is a candidate.

        Good to see Pitt up there. I’ve also felt for a long time that he was underrated, if that’s possible, given the scope of his work.

    • Bel says:


  2. John says:

    Hey Aaron,

    I totally disagree man. Heath was a hit and miss actor. Sometimes great, sometimes just horrible. When he was great, he was top notch, no doubt, but he had too many Casanova, Knight’s Tale, Brother’s Grimm, The Order shit performances to include on a list like this one. Just my opinion.

  3. Broly says:

    RUSSELL CROWE loves to make movies, songs and fighting around the world.

  4. Broly says:

    How about Robert Downey jr?

  5. The D says:

    Samuel L. Jackson?

  6. Phil Gee says:

    I would put Alan Rickman in any best actor list, present or past. The man has the ability to get a belly laugh from a raised eyebrow, turn a normal line into a scene stealer and instantly elevate any material he is attached to, into something better.

    I would have thrown in Ian McKellen for the same reasons except I haven’t seen him on screen in quite a bit, so on a technicality Sir Ian… shall not pass (sorry, sorry).

  7. Ric Ocasek says:

    I agree that Heath Ledger(officially not working today) shouldn’t be in the top ten, but he was rapidly climbing until his death. Also, I completely agree with your top 3 picks, maybe not in the same order but still hard to argue. I also would have Christian Bale, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert Downey Jr on my list. William Hurt would have made my list 15 years ago, still a good actor, but not top ten.

  8. Max says:

    Hoffman should of been top 10, easily. If just for his fucking effortless metamorphosis into Truman Capote.

  9. Beej says:

    I’m so happy you are giving props to Chiwetel Ejiofor. I can’t tell enough people about him. I truly think he is going to be the next Denzel. He fucking owned in Four Brothers as well as the movies you mentioned.

    I would have had Ed Norton and PSH higher on the list, but your list is very similar to mine. Oh and I agree with Broly, RDJ needs to be somewhere in the conversation. I’d also like to give a shot out to Sam Rockwell, love that guy.

    This should be an interesting conversation.

  10. Broly says:

    Denzel Washington

  11. ASIF says:

    I honestly think that Will Smith should be included in that list somewhere. He has really grown as an actor and the majority of his recent movies have been excellent. Not to mention he is probably the most bankable actor in Hollywood today. No one’s movies make money like his does and I think that says something about him.

    His acting in The Pursuit of Happiness and I am Legend have made me a loyal box-office subscriber of his films.

    • yonnie says:

      This one I agree the most, Will Smith has been in many different kind of genres like comedy, drama, and even superhero flicks. I would replace him for daniel day lewis. I also want to mention Matt Damon, but I would consider him as honorable mention, at the least, for his roles such as “Good Will Hunting”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “The Good Shepaherd”, and all three Bourne movies.

      • Irene McNamara says:

        We are talking about consistent, serious acting here. While there is a certain amount of objectivity involved, I cannot believe you would replace DDL with Wiil Smith. I have been trained in the business and know the ins and outs. Also, I have seen all Will’s and DDL’s movies. Will is certainly a good actor but there is a marked difference in their acting abilities.

  12. Kristina says:

    Daniel Day Lewis is number 1 in my book. Nothing against Russell, but DDL is on another planet.

    • AlwaysADF says:

      I thought I was alone. I totally agree that we have not see the likes of Daniel Day-Lewis sicne Brando. He is HUGE on the screen. I love everything from him and I wish he worked more.

      • Sky says:

        DDL is on a whole other level than anyone on this list…

        How can you forget Jack Nicholson, or Robert De Niro? Aren’t they still working?

  13. Broly says:

    Christopher Walken, He’s on everything.

  14. Ross says:

    Nice list, good to see some oft-neglected guys like Cheadle, Ejiofor and Hurt. I disagree with the ORDER of your list on a couple of occasions but overall that’s a solid list and a great display of acting talent working today. None of those shouldn’t be on a top list at some point.

    Here is my personal list of who I think are the BEST actors (my FAVOURITE list would look rather different) with their finest performances given:

    10. Guy Pearce - Memento, The Proposition, LA Confidential
    9. Don Cheadle - Hotel Rwanda, Boogie Nights, Reign Over Me
    8. Johnny Depp - Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Donnie Brasco
    7. Brad Pitt - Fight Club, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Babel
    6. Leonardo DiCaprio - Catch Me If You Can, The Departed, Gangs of New York
    5. Robert Downey Jr - Zodiac, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, A Scanner Darkly
    4. Edward Norton - American History X, Primal Fear, 25th Hour
    3. Russell Crowe - Gladiator, LA Confidential, A Beautiful Mind
    2. Daniel Day Lewis - There Will Be Blood, My Left Foot, The Last of the Mohicans
    1. Christian Bale - The Machinist, American Psycho, Rescue Dawn

    Honorable Mentions (in no particluar order):

    George Clooney
    Ed Harris
    Matt Damon
    Tim Roth
    Paul Giamatti
    John Malkovich
    Tom Cruise

  15. total jiu jitsu says:

    viggo mortenson

  16. shadess says:

    Don’t really agree on the top10 but all in all the top10+honorable mentions + ROBERT DOWNEY JR and it is pretty good.

  17. Will says:

    are you kidding me john? NO DENZEL!!!????? i also think perhaps RDJ and will smith deserves at LEAST an honorable mention

  18. Marla Singer says:

    You’ve done this post before John. Actually it was the very first post i ever read on your blog, way back in ’03. lol

  19. Marla Singer says:

    your list has changed too.

  20. Robert Forest says:

    #10. John Goodman
    #09. Ralph Fiennes
    #08. Matt Damon
    #07. Kevin Spacey
    #06. Danny Huston
    #05. Alfred Molina
    #04. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
    #03. Benicio Del Toro
    #02. Ben Foster
    #01. Gary Oldman

    • Amanda says:

      YES! Gary Oldman… I’m glad to finally see him on someone’s list, and #1 too! He’s brilliant and most people don’t realize it because he’s such a chameleon.

  21. EZELL says:

    Im glad you mentioned the Villain from Serenity he was the only thing I liked about the movie the first time I saw it. Now I love the movie too.

    He was good in Four Brothers as a villain and in Children of Men I hope his career takes off with Nathan Fillion there some of the most unrated actors in Hollywood.

    That would make a good list.

  22. ASIF says:

    Now that I glance back at the post, I’m very surprised that Downey JR didn’t make your cut.

    I think he went above and beyond what Ironman called for.

  23. KaboodleMonster says:

    I agree with Total jio jitsu I would have liked to see an honourable mention for viggo mortenson he’s blown me away everytime since I first saw him in Lord of the Rings. Otherwise I’m not sure I totally agree with the list, but it’s a good one.

    It’s funny I don’t get all the Russel Crowe hate, probably because I’m from Australia. Still I feel the odd desire to stick up for him, from everything I’ve seen he’s a great bloke.

  24. Robert Forest says:

    P.S. This list would change, however, if it included women. Just throwin’ that out there.

    Not that I don’t think your list is good. I agree with the idea of your list. It’s just that in my opinion you overlooked some very top-notch guys that I would put above most of the guys you mentioned.

  25. Meli says:

    I like your list for the most part.
    I would move DDL to #1 and Crowe #2.
    I’d remove William Hurt and place Gary Oldman.
    Then remove Brad Pitt (who is hit or miss IMO) and place Robert Downey Jr. (even in bad movies he is great). Pitt has grown as an actor in recent years, so I might put him in my honorable mentions.
    Though I think Chiwetel Ejiofor is a fine actor I would move him to the honorable mention and place Alan Rickman in his spot; the man is always working and is always wonderful.

    I would debate with those of you who are saying Will Smith should be on the list. Personally I consider Will Smith more of a movie star than an actor. That’s not to say the man cannot act, he can; however he often plays the same type of character. The man has charisma and charm, which endears him to a wide audience and that is likely the strongest reason he is so bankable.

  26. ADOX says:

    Is it just me Aaron and John or is Heath Ledger actually not working today and therefore ineligible???

  27. Robert Forest says:

    ADOX makes a great point.

  28. Guzzi says:

    Just for comparison here is Johns list from 2003.

    #10 - Edward Norton
    Hitting the ground running in his first major film Primal Fear, Ed Norton hasn’t stopped. Great performances in Fight Club, The Score and Rounders all pale in comparrision to one of the most powerful performances ever given by an actor in the film American History X.

    #9 - Johnny Depp
    Even though this guy is probably forever cursed to be known as “That guy from 21 Jump Street”, Depp has rounded into a fantastic actor. His performance in Blow was just amazing, and I always thought it was a crime that he didn’t get nominated for an Oscar for Chocolat.

    #8 - Anthony Hopkins
    Ok, even if you take away all the Hannibal Lecter stuff, Sir Anthony still has a long enough list of top notch performances to get him into any Acting Hall of Fame (if such a thing existed).

    #7 - Jack Nicholson
    I’m trying to remember why on earth I don’t have this guy rated higher on the list. As The Joker in Batman he gave us the best comic villain in film history. In As Good As It Gets he took home an Oscar for making rudeness fun again. He gave us “You can’t handle the truth!!!” in A Few Good Men. Terms Of Endearment, The Shining, Hoffa, man the list goes on and on.

    #6 - Daniel Day-Lewis
    This guy plays a role with power and passion like few ever have. He’s the sole reason why The Gangs Of New York was nominated for anything at all, and In The Name Of The Father totally hinged on his pure talent. This guy does NOT get the credit he deserves, and I predict he’ll get at least 2 more Oscars before his fantastic career (which is still just starting) is done.

    #5 - Russell Crowe
    Love him or hate him, you have to bend your knee and acknowledge that this guy has more pure talent in one finger than many other Oscar winners have in their entire bodies. I first had to sit up and take notice of him in The Insider, a film in which he completely out performed Al Pachino (not an easy task). Almost everything he’s been in since has been worthy of Oscars. Gladiator and A Beautiful Mind are wonderful, but many people forget the job he did in films like Mystery Alaska and L.A. Confidential. Like it or not, he’s going to be around for a long time to come.

    #4 - Kevin Spacey
    Spacey is the kind of actor thats good enough to almost make you think a bad film is actually good just because of his performance in it (films like The Life Of David Gale, Pay It Forward and K-Pax). His role in The Usual Suspects will always be on my top ten of all time. Oh yeah, and he was in that little film American Beauty too that bagged him his second Oscar.

    #3 - Brad Pitt
    This guy’s worst enemy is his own good looks. A lot of people just can’t seem to see past the “hunk” exterior enough to realize he is one of the finest actors on the planet today. I myself didn’t realize this until I saw 12 Monkeys for the first time. WOW! I also thought it was outrageous that he didn’t get an Oscar nomination for his role in Snatch. Se7en, Legends Of The Fall, A River Runs Through It, Interview With A Vampire, Seven Years In Tibet, Meet Joe Black, Fight Club… he’s just plain good in everything he’s in. Very rare.

    #2 - Tom Hanks
    This man already has 2 Oscars, a couple of other nominations, the AFI Lifetime award and yet I still get the feeling we have yet to see the best of Tom Hanks. Breaking out of the “Comic Actor” stereotype that Jim Carrey can’t budge from, Tom is almost universally acknowledged as the finest actor in the industry today (except on this list). He is the man, and if you don’t think so, you’re dumb.

    #1 - Robin Williams
    Ok, I know this one caught you by surprise. Many people think of comedy when they see Robin Williams, and that’s fair. But we often forget that this man has more pure range and as actor than I think I’ve ever seen. He can be wild and wacky (Death to Smoochy, The Bird Cage, Mrs. Doubtfire) but he can turn it on and floor you in a dramatic role too (Good Morning Vietnam, Good Will Hunting which he won an Oscar for, Dead Poets Society) and he can freaky you out as a villain (One Hour Photo or the much underrated Insomnia). There is literally nothing that this man can’t do as an actor. He’s been nominated for Oscars 3 times, winning once. And with all due respect to Mike Myers or Jim Carrey, he is still hands down the funniest man in Hollywood.

    So there you have it. That’s my list of the top 10 actors living today. What do you think? Is there anyone I left off that should have been on it?

    Honorable Mention goes to:
    Mel Gibson
    Denzel Washington
    Peter O’Tool
    Ben Kingsley

  29. mikey says:


    Denzel Washington


    are you kidding me john? NO DENZEL!!!?????


  30. mikey says:

    glad you didnt put forrest whitaker on there cause he is black ugly and unbankable. HAHA Totally kidding

  31. aaron g says:

    i think day-lewis should be number one. yeah, he hasn’t been in as many movies as crowe, but for day-lewis it’s about quality, not quantity. gangs of new york would be one of the worst movies ever without him. as for crowe, john, have you seen romper stomper? that’s still his best performance, imo. but i agree w/ you: not a very likable dude, but a very talented actor. i just don’t think he’s the best.

    and i’m w/ the other commenters regarding ledger. his career was way too short, but he definitely showed incredible range in the roles he chose. yeah, he was in some clunkers, but he got typecast and was desperately trying to break out of that, so i can’t hold it against him too much. like day-lewis, he was in a real piece of shit (lords of dogtown), but he totally carried that movie. to go from monster’s ball, to lords of dogtown, to brokeback, to the dark knight-and to be *completely* different and thoroughly believable in each role-he easily would’ve gone on to join the ranks of day-lewis and crowe, imo.

    also, yeah dude, what’s up w/ the egregious downey jr. omission? i would’ve knocked hanks the fuck out and put in christian bale. and speaking of bale, i strongly recommend rescue dawn to anyone who hasn’t seen it. speaking of which, steve zahn? yeah, he’s been in some clunkers, but he’s actually a very good actor when he chooses a good role. but yeah, i’m glad you recognize pitt’s talent. his best performances so far are tyler durden and jesse james, imo.

    i’ll be the first to say you should do the top 10 most overrated actors working today. i’ll start it off w/ a hearty hugh jackman nomination.

  32. krazie835 says:

    you forgot to add Cillian Murphy =)

  33. Dan P says:

    How about Clive Owen and Daniel Craig or Eric Bana?

    Munich was bad ass!!

  34. Evan says:

    Why did Robin Williams not make it back? You didn’t like his Oscar-esque perfromance in RV or Man of the Year?

  35. ASIF says:

    Robin Williams hasn’t done a lot of good films in the last few years although I will say I really enjoyed RV.

    “The rolling turd” LOL

  36. total jiu jitsu says:

    liam neeson
    tim roth
    steve buscemi

  37. Zach says:

    Hey John,

    Great list but the only change I’d make is to switch Daniel Day Lewis and Russel Crowe….I think if Daniel Day Lewis was in a lot more films (I wish) you would probably switch it……great list though

  38. Ottercard45 says:

    Will Smith
    Downey Jr
    Gary Oldman

    no particular order here just sayin

  39. Zach says:

    Oh, and you’re missing Phillip Seymour Hoffman…..

  40. Zach says:

    Top 10 actresses working today next?

  41. mr. smile says:

    Jim Carey is one of the best too

    (Dumb and Dumber, Me myself Irene, Man on the Moon, Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind, The Truman Show, etc.)

  42. theduckthief says:

    Tom Hanks is one of five actors to win back to back Oscars and I’m interested to see if it will ever be repeated. The most recent actor after Hanks is Jason Robards in the 70s.

  43. austin says:

    10. Jim Carrey
    9. Jeremy Piven
    8. Ryan Reynolds
    7. Zac Efron
    6. Anton Yelchin
    5. Christopher Walken
    4. Tim Robbins
    3. Woody Allen
    2. BIll Murray
    1. BIlly Crudup

    honorable mentions:
    Tom Cruise
    Denzel Washington
    Will Smith

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      Interesting list…a bunch of character actors, a great director, a heart throb, a sarcastic guy, and the most brilliant actors in the world minus Sean Penn are in your honorable mentions list….

      Interesting is all I can say….does anyone else agree that Meryl Streep is fantastic enough to be put in these lists with the fellas?

  44. Patience says:

    I don’t always agree with you, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for leaving Johnny Depp out of the top 10. He’s good, but way too overrated because of those stupid ‘Pirates’ movies. Edward Scissorhands was his best work, and the only thing Tim Burton has ever made that is worth watching.

    • Panadora says:

      What about Ed Wood, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Arizona Dream, Donnie Brasko, Blow, Secret Window, The Libertine, Finding Neverland and Sweeny Todd. Depp is probably one of the most versatile actors in the business. I would say removove Brad Pitt and put Depp instead.

  45. Jon H says:

    What the hell.

    No top ten list of greatest actors should be without Keanu Reeves. The man EMBODIES acting ability. He changes roles like a snake changes skin!

    • Hooollaaaa! says:

      Hahahahahaha really? Keanu Reeves?? I mean, he’s pretty an all, but let’s be honest, the guy can’t act his way out of a paper bag

  46. Jay Oaks says:

    Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giammati should be on that list. And high on that list. I don’t disagree with any of the actors on your list (Pitt’s performance in “12 Monkeys” was brilliant), but I just think those two are better than pretty much all.

  47. tom. says:

    Question: If the list was expanded to include females, would the top 10 have changed at all?

  48. dave says:

    hmm…how about the loads of amazing non-english speaking actors?

    Philip Seymour Hoffman should be way up there as opposed to the likes of Brad Pitt. Jack Nicholson still knocks it out off the park.

    Paul Giammatti?

  49. NM says:

    I totally agree with Brad Pitt being on that list. He’s not afraid to try a variety of roles and and pulls them off. Gary Oldman deserves to be on that Top 10 list.

  50. AjaxLou says:

    Paul Giamatti
    Philip Seymour Hoffmann
    Patrick Stewart
    Ian McKellen
    Ed Harris
    Viggo Mortensen

  51. emad says:

    Viggo Mortensen(LOTR and cronenberg flicks)
    Nicholson(best actor EVER!he doesnt know the way to act bad,although i agree that his style differs from most of the others)
    paul giamatti(John adams,Sideways and the illusionist and the brilliant american splendor,this guy is going off radar,glad i am alive to see his acting)
    Clive Owen(Children of men and Gosford park,too soon to be on the top 10 but honorable mentions at least)
    Mark Ruffalo(same as Giamatti, and dont forget his great performance in zodiac)
    liam neeson(Oskar Schindler, and other than that he is always good)
    Morgan freeman and Dustin Hoffman should be mentioned too, maybe they are not at their peak but at least they have saved themselves from the virus that got de niro(pacino has been overrated, ALWAYS)

  52. Munshun says:

    Nice list John. I mostly agree with you with this one… I would put Denzel Washington somewhere in that list though.

  53. aaron says:

    hey John, thanks for replying, i see your point, he was hit and miss, but his dark knight preformance showed what he really had in him, iddnt always bring it, but i see where you are coming from John

  54. Henrik says:

    10. Jason Statham
    9. The Rock
    8. Jean-Claude Van Damme
    7. Christian Bale
    6. Wesely Snipes
    5. Sylvester Stallone
    4. Jackie Chan
    3. Vin Diesel
    2. Arnold Shzwarsomething
    1. Steven Seagal

    • Bobby says:


    • Michael Jenkins says:

      I personally believe that the Rock is actually an enjoyable and fun actor….go watch Be Cool and you’ll see what I mean….You can leave Christian Bale in that list and we can share a good laugh about the rest….you forgot Chuck Norris

  55. brandon sax says:

    sorry but noone is the world’s best actor if they cant even hide their accent. and its as simple as that.

  56. Derek 8-Track says:

    Great List! this isn’t my best actor working today list, its my favorite actor list as of today. The thing probably changes every week. The top 3 are usually the same, they just rotate around depending on who’s movie I most recently saw.

    1. Tom Hanks
    2. Daniel Day Lewis
    3. Mel Gibson
    4. Leonardo DiCaprio
    5. John Goodman
    6. Johnny Depp
    7. Bill Murray
    8. Tobey Maguire
    9. Russel Crow
    10. Jeff Goldblum

  57. iceberg says:

    Word up, hands down like 6:30 My Boy Russell Crow has the Game lock in a choke hold, and he ain’t letin go (can’t wait for the Nottingham joint) And I have to say, there a huge gap between him & #2 Mr. DANIEL DAY LEWIS, who is a beast too. I have to agree w/ most of your picks, what’s really… But Where’s my man Denzel Washington on the list, you didn’t even jot him down as a honorable mention? Damn John, that cold! You know that ain’t right, But it’s cool, do your thing Pimp I ain’t trippin’…Yo I love the new layout.

  58. Darren J Seeley says:

    Folks already mentioned Robert Downey Jr and Denzel Washington…

    no Jude Law! tsk tsk

    no Javier Bardem! tsk tsk

    no Aaron Eckhart!

    alas, it’s a tough list here. Also, if someone gets wise and tries Ben Foster out for a lead, I think he’ll be in such a list and…y’know what? Hell with it! He’s only had supporting roles but he needs to be here too!

  59. Kokushi says:

    My comment isnt getting in the site.

  60. Pyrratus says:

    There’s someone you all seem to be forgetting. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is incredibly talented. And he’s on the rise fast.

    Definitely check out his performances in Brick, The Lookout and Manic.

  61. bjon86 says:

    uuuh… Samual L. Jackson? Will Smith? Robert Downy Jr? and what the fuck happened to Jaimie FOXX??….hm. lists lists list

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      I don’t think you can put Jaime Foxx in there to be honest…he goes from Ray to Stealth….not a good choice after a career year thought he did a good rebound with Dream Girls

  62. Kokushi says:

    john, im trying to put my top 10 but is not working?

  63. TericK says:


  64. bjon86 says:


    Russell Crowe does not suck. hahaha. I am shocked an appalled.

  65. gene says:

    Hey john did you consider matt damon?

  66. Todd W in NC says:

    From the original list, I agree with:
    - Don Cheadle
    - Brad Pitt
    - Tom Hanks

    I would also include:
    - Morgan Freeman
    - Michael Caine
    - Ian McKellen
    - Robert Downey Jr.
    - Gary Oldman
    - Matt Damon
    - George Clooney

    Honorable Mentions I agree with:
    - John Cusack
    - Nathan Fillion
    - Anthony Hopkins
    - Samuel L. Jackson
    - Viggo Mortensen
    - Jack Nicholson
    - Edward Norton
    - Ryan Reynolds
    - Will Smith
    - Robin Williams

  67. sonya says:


  68. Alicia says:

    James McAvoy

  69. John says:

    Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsly

  70. Jesse Rosenberg says:

    Denzel Washington deserves to be on there in my opinion

  71. Ginger says:

    Wow, I just realised how many great actors their are just by noticing who’s not on the list or in honourable mentions! Downey would have to be in my top 10, as well as Spacey..honourable mentions for Rockwell and Smith as well..

    Just wondering John, would it be possible for you to do a list of top 10 female actors? I don’t think of myself as sexist, but every time I try to think of my favourite actress, I struggle to come up with even a top 5 that I really like and would see no matter what! I’m talking ability, not just their looks, because that’s not what would make me see them in a film…

  72. Ginger says:

    Totally forgot to mention Viggo! He would have to be in my top 10! It’s weird, I agree for the most part with your list John, but also want to do a separate one because I can think of at least 10 other people I want on a top 10 list! This post has inspired me again!

  73. leeloo says:

    daniel day lewis > russel crowe on my list.
    ddl is just absolutely amazing.

  74. nevada smith says:

    Robert Downey Jr is up there along with Christian Bale as probably tops right now. I don’t get Daniel Day Lewis-I mean I get it-but don’t agree with it-overacting doesn’t equal great acting otherwise you’d have Al Pacino at the top of the list.

    • Irene McNamara says:

      Are you joking! Overacting! He is an English actor; slightly understated in his acting, like English actors(and people) typically are. Tom Cruise, an Ammercan, overacts.

  75. Ricochet says:

    Sean Penn is overrated. He’s great at playing certain roles but he’s not versatile enough actor to be considered on of the best.

    He does angst and anger great in that respect he’s one of the best but he can’t play anything subtle and when does it comes off as overacting.

    He’s good not great.

  76. Nyron says:

    I like a lot of the actors on that list, I think they’re all fine and do a tremendous job in their field.

    However, I’m wondering why there aren’t more international names on your list? No foreign actors? It’s a very Hollywood list…

    Tony Leung comes to mind, he was great in Lust, Caution and of course Infernal Affairs.

    Daniel Day Lewis would stay #1 for me.

  77. Kryptonite says:


    Granted this list is very North American oriented (as is this site in general). Talking about international actors would be largely wasted here as most of us would not recognize the actors in question. Even more so for the guy who suggested non-English speaking actors. Not a bad idea, just doesn’t really fit the primary audience for this site.

  78. BloggingFun says:

    Great list! You are definitely right. I’d probably bump up Johnny Depp (don’t know who he’d replace tho), but, yeah, good choices! Ricochet - I know this isn’t the greatest movie in the world, but a nice example of Penn’s ability to be subtle, but have you seen The Interpreter? It’s not that bad - lol. Also, Robert Downey Jr deserves super DUPER honorable mentions for making such a tremendous come back and really turning his life around! That’s hard to do, so yeah for him! Oh and I agree with Ginger, Spacey needs to be on there! He’s AMAZING!

    Can we really name just a top 10?! I think it’s impossible!

  79. Anti-Septic says:

    I almost bought this list until I saw Brad Pitt? You have got to be frikkin joking right? When has Brad Pitt ever carried a movie? Brad Pitt shouldn’t be mentioned in the top 50 actors, let alone the top ten.

    Besides this list being skewed to American actors, I could name dozens of Asian stars that are worlds better than Brad Pitt and other in this list.

  80. Kokushi says:

    John, this is the message that i get

    Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!

    But i dont see my list in the page, weird.

  81. bruce says:

    …………..umm. did u just pick ten at random?

  82. bruce says:

    kk i agree with everything up to 4, then i doubt.

  83. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I would remove CHIWETEL EJIOFOR from the list. I love RALPH FIENNES as Voldomort but the problem is he looks to fake. He was much scary in In Brughes.

  84. Kokushi says:

    William Hurt is awesome but Philip Seymour Hoffman is better actor right now, also CHIWETEL EJIOFOR very good actor too but i would put Ryan Gosling in this list.

  85. Mario says:

    Good List. But Why no Robert Downy Jr? I can’t think of a more consistent actor working today.

    Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. He was the only redeeming thing about Zodiac for christs sake.

  86. Sam says:

    I tend to agree with the voices crying for Christian Bale and Denzel Washington. It’s sad that Kevin Spacey and Edward Norton lost their places, too. I might also be compelled to write my own list now.

  87. Jack Falvey says:

    Viggo Mortensen
    Gary Oldman
    Philip Seymour Hoffman
    Johnny Depp
    Christian Bale
    Aaron Eckheart
    Clive Owen

    I have no idea how those guys are not in your top 10.

  88. Dink says:

    I don’t know if this has already been brought up, but Russel Crow’s horrible american accent keeps him far away from number 1. It’s like he doesn’t even try to sound american. His potrayal of a New Jersey cop in AG was laugable, that accent was so bad. On the substance of his acting alone, he’s great, but come on. THe actors on True Blood are better at the american accent than him, and the majority cast(atleast the major roles) of TB is english.

  89. John says:

    Hey Jack Falvey,

    Ummm… because none of them are as good as the guys who are in the top 10. Simple yes?


  90. StMcL says:

    I never thought of how great Russel Crow truely is…but when you see his roles laid out one after another….yeah. That cat has been in some brilliant roles

  91. bigsampson says:

    ya i have to say that this list is awesome by all standards…could there have been other people…sure but its hard to pick 10 out of the 100 or so amazing actors out there……good job john .

  92. Rick says:

    Come on now John, be serious….Hanks better than Gary Oldman? Can’t believe he didn’t make your list. Russel Crowe has you fooled John, but not most of us. If you pay attention, you can actually see the guy act. Actually see the process going on in his head as he performs. Biggest over-actor in the business. So, it’s not hands down, & I’M questioning it. Also, if anyone disagrees about Sean Penn, i think it would be more because of I Am Sam…that role takes him straight out of my 10. Anyway my vote for best actor is Daniel Day Lewis. Pick a role, any role & THAT is acting. Can’t believe Gary Oldman didn’t even make honorable mention!

  93. Heartofthecityx says:

    man I’ve been reading this blog for a long time now and always respect your views but how do u not put denzel Washington in this top I mean I respect all of these guys alot because of there body of work and always cosistent all the time like russel he’s my # 2 a very close 2 but denzel glory training day American gangster I was mad enough that he didn’t get nominated for American gangster because every 1 I talk 2 said that movie was 2 long & that’s y people didn’t watch it but he should have at least been mentioned I no it’s your opinion I respect that but hes way better than crazy ass tom cruise sidebar I’m glad u mentioned ralph finess because he took talkin about nazies to a whole new role people need 2 give him his

  94. steve says:

    william h macy
    steve buscemi
    basically everyone who was in boogie nights

  95. tee says:

    kudos on mentioning twelve monkeys. Pitt in that film is the business. Will have to watch that film again. or twice.

  96. Mario says:

    15. Will Smith
    14. Sean Penn
    13. Brad Pitt
    12.Ed Norton
    11.Chiwetel Ejiofor
    10.Christian Bale
    9. Don Cheadle
    8. Edward Norton
    7. Johnn Depp
    6. Denzel Washington
    5. Ton Hanks
    4. Leonardo DiCaprio
    3. Robert Downey Jr.
    2. Russell Crowe
    1. Daniel Day Lewis

  97. Amaltor says:

    Great list, John.

    I’d switch Crowe and Day Lewis, though… Crowe is excellent, but Day Lewis is untouchable, in my opinion.

    And I’d find a place for Depp in there… maybe instead of Ejiofor (he’s good, but I haven’t been knocked out by anything he’s done so far… unlike Depp who can do almost anything - drama, comedy, etc..).

    I’d also put Gary Oldman in the “honorable mention”.

  98. Kevster says:

    Good list although I think I would add Hugo Weaving in there mainly for being able to act so brilliantly from behind a mask in V for Vendetta.

    If you include you honourable mentions, you could have the cast of Oceans 14 ready to go.

  99. EricD says:

    Are you fucking high?
    How do you not have Robert Downey Jr. on that list?

    And if you need the name to take off the list, William Hurt. I like him but he has been playing the same guy for the last 10 years.

  100. Kokushi says:

    john, no robert de niro or al pacino? dont be a hater (joking)


  101. Matt says:

    Wow the fact that you put Tom Cruise in your honorable mentions is very laughable. They guy is a joke, and im not talking about his personal life because i could give 2 shits about that. Its that he is the same in every single movie. His acting does not change. He gets all tense and makes the same facial expressions in every movie trying to evoke the needed emotion but it always comes out looking like his performance in his last movie. And Robert Downey Jr. is not even on this list anywhere. Shame shame you neglectful Canadian.

  102. Peter says:

    Apparently only I would add John Travolta to my list.

    I am a big Ed Harris fan, so I’m glad to see him on some lists. I think Russel Crowe is boring, but for Gladiator and the 3:10 remake.

    Daniel Day Lewis is way too dramatic for me and belongs only in epic period pieces.

    Am I the only one who think Tom Hanks’s career has been down hill since Joe Versus the Volcano? On reputation he gets rolls to play characters like Robert Langdon that he has no business playing. And he is the same guy in every roll. I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie he was in an believed him to be the part.

  103. Kate says:

    Only one other person suggested Alfred Molina? The guy’s a chameleon! He’s an outstanding actor! Chocolat? Spiderman 2? Frida? Boogie Nights? Raiders of the Lost Ark?

  104. Will says:

    in no order:

    kevin spacey
    matt damon
    will smith
    tommy cruise
    russel crowe
    tom hanks
    brad pitt

    ok that was harder than i thought, and im sure it will change soon as i think of someone im forgetting.

    haha oh and looks like i picked 11.

  105. Will says:

    i dont know if people are still reading this post of Johns, but i wanna put some more emphasis on ALEC BALDWIN.

    anyone ever watch 30 rock? alec is quite the comedic actor, so so very funny in that show as well as in the departed.

    just a great american actor. and as Team America: World Police tells us, he is one of the very best actors we have

  106. TheRZA says:

    No particular order w/ best performance

    Daniel Craig - Casino Royale
    Eric Bana - Munich
    Russell Crowe - Cinderella Man
    Christian Bale - American Psycho
    Leonardo Dicaprio - The Departed
    Brad Pitt - Snatch
    Philip Seymour Hoffman - Before The Devil Knows Your Dead
    Edward Norton - American History X
    George Clooney - Syriana
    Mark Wahlberg - Boogie Nights

    Honourable Mention

    Denzel Washington
    Matt Damon
    Morgan Freeman
    Robert Downey J.
    Clive Owen
    Ben Foster
    Emile Hirsch
    Casey Affleck
    Ewan McGregor
    Johnny Depp

  107. Carrie says:

    I only contest that Johnny Depp did not make the actual list. He deserves to be up there, for sure.

  108. Kimberly says:

    ITA…..Ben Foster deserves an honorable mention…..he was amazing in 3:10 and Alpha Dog.

  109. Tommy says:

    How is Tom Cruise a good actor? The guy is the same person in every role. In this movie Valkery he plays a German, and he has an american accent. Why can’t he put a German accent on? - Because he has no talent.

  110. IRIS says:

    viggo mortenson and will smith should have gotten honorable mention over tom cruise.

  111. tiff k says:

    Good list but i’d put RDJ and Johnny Depp in there! They’re both very versatile =)

  112. Dragonslayer says:

    Tom Hanks is by far my favorite actor. Where is Will Smith!? Why did you forget him? Johnny Depp belong on the list at #3

  113. Kyle says:

    Here’s my personal list of the 10 most talented actors working today:

    1. Johnny Depp - Simply put, the guy can play anything with utter perfection.

    2. David Thewlis - It seems that nearly everyone forgets about him. His performance in “Naked” is bar none the best performance of the 90s.

    3. Patrick Wilson - One of the most underrated actors working today. Just watch, when Watchmen is released he’ll finally get the attention he deserves.

    4. Jake Gyllenhaal - The greatest actor alive under 30.

    5. Leonardo DiCaprio - His best work is easily “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” but each of his performances show exceptional talent. If only he’d do a comedy…

    6. Ryan Gosling - Even though he hasn’t yet been in a great movie, there’s alot of talent here.

    7. Tom Hanks - He’s no longer in his prime but he’s still a force to be reckoned with.

    8. Nicholas Cage - I know, I know, most people would see this as a strange choice because MOST people view him as an action/adventure movie star. Just watch his other movies and you’ll see his exceptional talent: Leaving Las Vegas, The Weather Man, Adaptation…

    9. Gary Oldman - Other than Johnny Depp, the most versatile actor alive.

    10. Colin Firth - One of Britain’s finest actors. Its a shame that so many people view him as only the “Romantic Comedy guy”.

    Runners Up -

    Liam Neeson
    Emile Hirsch
    Kevin Bacon
    Kevin Kline
    Elijah Wood

    Ledger would’ve been on here… His performance in Brokeback is as emotionally devastating as anything you will ever see.

  114. richie says:

    I’d have to go with Ben Stiller his performance in Simple Jack was amazing, probably the best work I have ever seen on the big screen.

  115. Sean says:

    1. Russell Crowe
    2. Mel Gibson
    3. John Travolta
    4. Denzel Washington
    5. Mark Walburg
    6. Jim Carey
    7. Paul Giamatti
    8. Will Smith
    9. Morgan Freeman
    10. Bruce Willis

    Honorable Mentions
    - Al Pacino
    - Leo DiCaprio
    - George Clooney
    - Samuel L. Jackson
    - Adam Sandler
    - Tom Hanks
    - Robert DeNiro
    - Nicholas Cage
    - Jack Nicholson
    - DDL

  116. glenn says:

    This list lost all credibility when i saw Brad Pitt on the list. Up until then i was finally agreeing with a actor list for the first time ever. maybe one day i’ll enjoy reading one.

  117. GAS says:

    Eric Roberts should be at the top of that list. You have to be exceptional to have starred in 169 movies. Hulk Hogan and Jean-Claude Van Damme deserves a good mention too.

  118. Nadia says:

    Ewan Mcgregor should be on the best actor list especially before a lot of those mentioned. He is one of the best out there.

  119. Bruno says:

    My top 10
    1)Denzel Washington
    2)Russell Crowe
    3)Tom Hanks
    4)Will Smith
    5)Don Cheadle
    6)Matt Damon
    7)Leo Dicaprio
    8)Brad Pitt
    9)Matthew McConaughey
    10)Edward Norton

  120. yeeaah says:

    Edward Norton deserved to be in the top 10 not the bloodeh honourable mentions.
    He’s so disverse.
    I mean watch him as Aaron Stampler in Primal Fear then straight after Derek Vinyard in American History X (also watch Fight club..It’s got him in it and it’;s the best movie ever XD) . Variety!
    He was 12 on Empire Magazine’s 100 actors (the 2004 one..the better one) and not even in the top 10 best actors working today,arrh.
    arrh. O well.
    I thought Kevin Spacey was really good in American Beauty (well..the entire cast was pretty much awesome in that moviee) and Christian Bale was really good! in American Psycho.
    A lot of ‘American’s” there..Haha anyways Edward Norton<3 :)
    Oh yah and the dude who playeedd Jay in Clerkss I lovee him Haha.

  121. Anzoo says:

    After reading all the replies and seeing the same names being repeated I can’t help feel certain actors have failed to get the attention they deserve.
    2 mentions for Anthony Hopkins who is an astonishing actor who can play anything under the sun from a lovable old man to a spine chilling evil maniac. 3 mentions for Liam Neeson who is one of the finest actors i’ve ever watched. Not a single mention for Clint Eastwood apart from his name being used for a quote on sean penn, maybe some view him as a one trick pony for his western work and dirty harry callahan roles but his body of work and performances deserve a little credit, he also happens to be a fine director.

  122. SheezL says:

    Hey Guys …

    I do not understand why allmost everyone forgets Robbin Williams ?? Have you even seen his acting ?
    Robbin Williams can do anything, as BRANDON SAX said, you aren’t an good actor if you can’t hide your accent, and guess what HE CAN DO ALL ACCENTS ! :)

    He should atleast be T1 on the list. Tied with Will Smith.

    They can play anything, Will Smith can entertain millions by himself through allmost a whole movie (I Am Legend).

  123. Olivia says:

    I agree with you partially…
    I would definitely add John Travolta: not only is he an excellent actor, he is also very versatile. Ben Stiller for instance is good, so is Tom Cruise, but both of them play the same type of person all the time… JT however can seem to do any role he takes on. Such a shame that he is so bad at choosing parts… (he turned down Forrest Gump and The Green Mile!!!).
    I also think Robin Williams should be mentioned.

  124. louieprimo says:

    I would put Joaquin Phoenix on that list… he may not be the most popular and the star in the leading role… but everytime you watch him.. its like watching a different person….Jack nichlson is also one of the best along with.. and brad pitt is good , but hes not that good, theres alot more talented than that

  125. sheisty says:

    Top 10 Male:

    1.Denzel Washington
    2. Will Smith
    3. Al Pacino
    4. Robert De Niro
    5. Don Cheadle
    6. John Travolta
    7. Samuel L. Jackson
    8. Johnny Depp
    9. Tom Hanks
    10.Jack Nicholson

    Top 5 Female:

    1.Julia Roberts
    2. Lucy Liu
    3. Sandra Bullock
    4. Angeline Jolie
    5. Halle Berry

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      Ever heard of an actress named Meryl Streep? Not that you should have, she only has about 16 Oscar Nominations

  126. jones says:

    Where the fuck is Kevin Spacey?! The man has done some pretty good-ass acting, but admittedly some the movies haven’t been the good. Best: American Beauty, The Usual Suspects, LA Confidential!!! I’m not saying he’s the best, i’m just saying his good as fuck!!

  127. Hally says:

    My opinion is…

    1- Johnny Depp
    2- Orlando Bloom
    3- Leonardo Di Caprio
    4- Tom Hanks
    5- John Cusack
    6- Matthew McConaughey
    7- Ryan Gosling
    8- Jim Carey
    9- Alec Baldwin
    10- Stephen Collins

    Honorable Mentions:
    Will Smith
    Steve Martin
    Martin Lawrence
    Tyler Perry
    Daniel Radcliffe
    Rupert Grint

    Female (no particular order here):
    1- Jennifer Lopez
    2- Mandy Moore
    3- Keira Knightley
    4- Judi Dench
    5- Diane Keaton
    7- Meg Ryan
    8- Sarah Jessica Parker
    9- America Ferrara
    10- Jennifer Love Hewitt

    Honorable mentions:
    Emma Watson
    Hilary Duff
    Anne Hathaway

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      Good list….I too would put Raven Symone over Meryl Streep….who gives a rats ass about 16 Oscar Nominations to Ravens… many?

  128. talli says:

    i agree with alot of your names in the top 10

    however, I would throw Adrien Brody up in top ten, he has this element about him where he’s really able to capture true genuine emotions with nothing extra in just about any roll he plays

    also i would throw Depp and Hoffman in the Top ten, and remove Dicaprio from top ten….he’s a hard worker, just not one of the best.

  129. richard Booth says:

    How about Emile Hirsch, “Into the Wild”, “Alpha Dog”, The Girl Next Door

    Into the Wild alone makes him one of the best

    How in the hell did William Hurt make this list. He is monotone and an emotionless drone.

  130. richard Booth says:

    Hally and Talli, WOW

    this is a wall about the top ten best actors, not the best looking or the best DISNEY stars

    Alec Baldwin???

    Matthew McConaughey???

    Jim Carey?

  131. cristina says:

    how about Adrien Brody

  132. cristina says:

    watch The Pianist

  133. John says:

    Hey Christina,

    No, Adrien Brody does not belong on this list. 1 great performance doesn’t put you on here. Give him 5 more years to see what he does.

    • Travis says:

      perfect example to back me up, johnny depp. the guy’s like a suave keanu reeves. he did good in two or three movies. big deal. but he’s in your honorable mentions. you’re jsut too fucking mainstream sometimes. don’t get me wrong, i respect what you’ve done. i just think your opinions are the same as everyone else’s on the fact that it’s just that and only that.

  134. chris says:

    hmmm nice opinions guys is all about taste… i agree about Russell been rhe best cos he played different roles in a perfect way in my opinion loved most of his movies…i give second place to Tom hanks cos is the actor that he is the movie it self u watch him in 80% in a movie lenght and u dont bored (cast away, terminal) i wont say anything about the other actors all of them is among the best. i would like to add one more actor in the 10 top list for me. its Tim Robbins… The guy is awesome watch some of his movies and u will see…

  135. blah says:


  136. Vlan says:

    Will Smith is an alright actor with a few great performances. Top 10 of working actors? No.
    Depp plays the same role in every movie, thats not acting, thats finding movies he can be himself in.
    Robin Williams.. At least plausible… Jim Carey? HAHA. I even seen someone mention Jamie Foxx, please.

    DDL is a good actor, top 10, no. There will be blood was one of the worst movies ever. Boring, plotless… and there wasnt any blood. At least if I watched “the history of oil drilling” on the history channel Id learn something.

    Some great actors in no particular order for me, that are still working.

    Peter O’Toole. This guy is in a lot of movies. every year for the last however long, Arguably one of the best actors ever.

    Samuel Jackson, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Mel Gibson, and would probably deserve to be on the list before a lot of the ones on it.

    • Panadora says:

      “Depp plays the same role in every movie, thats not acting.”

      ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! Do me a favor and watch Edward Scissorhands, Donnie Brasko, Arizona Dream, Blow, POIC, Finding Neverland and Sweeny Todd and tell what’s common between them.

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      If you put Samuel Jackson on a list and leave off Daniel Day Lewis I will give up on all mankind and burn the whole world down

  137. fatih says:

    Hello this is my new blog. i hope u like it.

  138. Conor says:

    Tom Hanks is easily numero uno.

  139. Ashley says:

    No way man this how it should go.

    10. Sean Connery
    9. Jonny depp
    8. Will smith
    7. Tom hanks
    6. Bruce willis
    5. James caan
    4. Nicholas cage
    3. Robert deniro
    2. Al Pacino
    1. Marlon Brando

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      Depp is good at #9
      Hanks is good at #7
      De Niro is great at #3

      I’ll let you keep the rest just put Daniel Day Lewis at #1 and Sean Penn at #2

  140. frag says:

    My top ten:
    1.- Jack Nicholson
    2.- Daniel Day-lewis
    3.- Robert de Niro
    4.- Russel Crowe
    5.- Sean Penn
    6.- Philip Seymour Hoffman
    7.- Kevin Spacey
    8.- Brad Pitt
    9.- Robert Downey Jr.
    10.- Will Smith

    Honorable Mention
    Edward Norton
    Adrien Brody
    Michael Caine
    Tom Cruise
    Morgan Freeman
    Jonhy Depp
    Al Pacino
    Tom Hanks
    Nicholas Cage
    Ralph Fiennes
    Andy Garcia
    Dustin Hoffman
    Antony Hopkins

    • Michael Jenkins says:

      Nicely done frag….the best list I’ve seen so far…switch a few names and spots but an extremely solid list throw in Bale and Decaprio in the top 10 or honorable mention and we got a party….truly nice work

  141. Linda says:

    NO list is complete without the talented ALAN RICKMAN. He is without a doubt one of our greatest actors. As Kevin Costner discovered, he can act circles around many of these other actors.

  142. papajun says:

    they’re all number one, simply the best..
    (in hollywood) see some new movies JOHN..
    asian, european ect

  143. Brianna says:

    my top ten actors…..

    1.Leonardo DiCaprio
    2.Leonardo DiCaprio
    3.Leonardo DiCaprio
    4.Leonardo DiCaprio
    5.Leonardo DiCaprio
    6.Leonardo DiCaprio
    7.Leonardo DiCaprio
    8.Leonardo DiCaprio
    9.Leonardo DiCaprio
    10.Leonardo DiCaprio

    Leonardo DiCaprio will always be the best actor forever and ever!!!!!!!
    He is soooooooooooooooooooSEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He is and always will be the HOTTEST and SEXIEST actor FOREVER and EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Steven says:

      k, calm down there girl(or man)

    • baker says:

      women can`t see past looks if a guy is hot to them they become a good actor if an actor which is in fact good but don`t look good he is not

      • tessay says:

        What I like about Dicaprio, is he doesn’t care about his looks…he cares about being a great actor. I have great respect for his talent and have enjoyed watching his talent go from raw emotional performances to more mature, nuanced work.

  144. Steven says:

    Will Smith? Denzel Washington? you need to get ur facts straight…discrace to lists

  145. Panadora says:

    My list would be:

    1) Daniel Day Lewis, Gary Oldman, Johnny Depp (all unique in their own way cannot pick one)
    2) Sean Penn
    3) Tom Hanks
    4) Russell Crowe
    5) Edward Norton
    6) Philip Seymour Hoffman
    7) Dustin Hoffman
    8) Robert De Niro
    9) Robert Downey Jr
    10) Christian Bale

    Honorable Mentions:

    Jack Nicholson
    Al Pachino
    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Aaron Eckhart
    Ryan Gosling
    Viggo Mortensen
    Will Smith
    Denzel Washington

  146. Hari says:

    Denzel Washington should be in the top 5 without a doubt - his acting in some movies are amazing, Man on fire, Malcolm X, Training day, The hurricane. Other actors that should be there (along with Denzel) are.

    Denzel Washington (Clearly)
    Bruce Willis
    Clint Eastwood
    Morgan Freeman
    Keanu Reeves (maybe)
    Robert Englund (maybe)
    Kiefer Sutherland (maybe)

  147. Ashley says:

    #1 Robert Downey Jr , Al Pacino , Clive Owen , Marlon Brando
    Don Cheadle , Johnny Depp , Heath Ledger

  148. Chance says:

    Yeah I must say it would be very hard to narrow it down to 10 people … Most the ones you named I agree … And several other people named some great ones … And like some other people said … Will Smith (my # 1 favorite) …. Jim Carey (#2)

  149. Chance says:

    If you’re gunna name denzel you can’t leave out “John Q”

  150. LucyJo says:

    Sorry but Corey Feldman would be at the top of my list…he is just the most amazing actor EVER!! Gotta admit, he WAS better when he was younger, but he’s still f**king amazing!!!!!!!

    I Love Corey Scott Feldman xxxxx

  151. lil demps says:

    heath is an amazing actor in the dark night and jessica simpson is ot as hell

  152. lil demps says:

    jessica simpson is hot as hell

  153. lil demps says:

    i want to fuck her

  154. Jim Evarts says:

    Ejiofor’s villain in Serenity was awesome! I tell people I didn’t like the movie that much (too much machismo, not enough realistic acting) but it was worth watching just to see the villain. But I don’t think he’s a top ten actor. Any of your honorable mentions should have been on the list before him. I agree with your analyses on some of the top ones. I hate Russell Crowe and yet I love everything he does. I laughed off DiCaprio and Pitt and yet they get me every time. I think Hanks gets away with a lot because everyone loves him, he’s only just very good. He seems the same in every film.

  155. Hank says:

    John why would would you say that Leo deserved a nomination for Gangs of New York?? His accent was terrible!! And other than What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, I think Leo is the least versatile actor working today. How could you put him in number 3??? The guy cries in every movie he makes, where is the challenge, creativity and diversity???

  156. Henriette says:

    1:Jim carey
    2:Heath Ledger (R.I.P)
    3:Johnny Deep
    4:Tom Cruise
    5:Rowan Atkinson
    6:Brad Pitt
    7:Mel Gibson
    8:Russell Crowe
    9:Tom Hanks
    10:Bruce Willis

  157. Cas says:

    Brad Pitt? You kidding??!!

    Edward Norton and Christian Bale should be on that list.

    • robert says:

      I agree
      Christian Bale is a very good actor and can change accents unlike some.

  158. steady eddy says:

    Pretty good list. However, Tom Cruise should, under no circumstance make the honorable mention, his only good role was in Risky Business and ever since he has suffered a deterioration culminating in crap like War of the Worlds and Mission Impossible (all of them)

  159. steady eddy says:

    Oh, and what about the older guys that still act? Jack Nicholson? Al Pacino? Robert De Niro?

  160. 1f4z says:

    My top 10 should be:[It's a commercial top 10 list].

    10)Joaquin Phoenix-Ladder 49, Reservation Road.
    09)Ryan Reynolds-Smoking Aces,Blade: Trinity.
    08)Tom Cruise-Vanilla Sky, Valkyrie.
    07)Johnny Depp-Blow, Sweeney Todd.
    06)Leonardo DiCaprio-Blood Diamond, Body of lies.
    05)Bruce Willis-Armageddon, Die Hard.
    04)Nicholas Cage-The Rock, Con Air.
    03)John Travolta-Face Off, Broken Arrow.
    02)Will Smith-Seven Pounds, Enemy of the State.
    01)Brad Pitt- Snatch, 12 Monkeys.

    I was shocked to see that nobody mentioned anything about Joaquin phoenix. And those who say that tom cruise and brad pitt is a bad actor, they should try not to watch anymore movies.

  161. EarlofOz says:

    I know this is about currently working actors, but I always have to leave a tribute to Roy Scheider where I can. He was absolutely brilliant, and even though he is posthumas, he STILL has a film coming out called Iron Cross. I think that qualifies him!

  162. Charlie Vanden Heuvel says:

    This is a really good list but I would have to take out Ralph Fiennes and put in Denzel Washington or Edward Norton.

  163. Randy says:

    Best Actors of all time:
    1) Bill Murray
    2) Jack Nicholson
    3) Anthony Perkins
    4) Robert DeNiro
    5) Al Pacino
    6) Chevy Chase (first half of career)
    7) Steve Martin
    8) W.C. Fields
    9) Michael Caine
    10)Gene Wilder
    11)Dustin Hoffman
    12)Samual L. Jackson
    13)Robin Williams
    14)Buster Keaton

    Worst Movie Star Actor:

    1)Keanu Reeves

    Most overrated actors:
    1)Tom Hanks
    2)Leonardo DeCaprio
    3)Mel Gibson

  164. John P. says:

    I don’t know how you can leave out Johnny Depp has to be at least the best American actor if not the best actor right now… Just shocks me.

  165. Ashwin says:


    U forgot WILL SMITH & Morgan FREEMAN

    Anyway nice jobbbbb

  166. Huss says:

    i think your missing robert deniro truly one of the best actors of his time

  167. momoskinnybrother says:

    1. Sean Penn- Actually the best…5 Oscar Nominations and won 2. Plus he’s the most versatile of all.
    2. Jack Nicholson-Duh.
    3. Robert Deniro-You said working today…and while he may suck now, he is still working today and is the Brando of his generation
    4. Al Pacino-Same rule applies to Pacino
    5. Ryan Gosling-Similar to James Dean, this guy rules in Half Nelson,The Believer and Fractute and he’s not bad in everything else unlike Heath who had some sucky movies.
    6. Daniel Day Lewis-Obviously the most method actor ever but sometimes he can alienate people and his performances are never actually likeable.
    7. Tom Cruise- Born on the Fourth of July, Far and Away, Magnolia and Tropic Thunder. He doesn’t make bad movies he just usually plays it safe most of the time.
    8. Brad Pitt- Same rules apply.
    9. Denzel Washington- Awesome. Just needs to stop playing the “cocky” cop.
    10. Clint Eastwood- We don’t know for sure that he’s done acting.

  168. Guru says:

    Why Al Pacino is not on this list is beyond me

  169. PJ says:

    John Malkovich is brilliant and shines in every picture, while bringing his own style to the industry.

  170. Thomas says:

    phillip seymour hoffman,john cusack,River Phoenix would most likely be on this list if he were still alive R.I.P

  171. Mike says:

    Russell Crowe is a good actor, without question. But, he is under no circumstance a better actor than Daniel Day Lewis. Wow.

    The real top 5:
    5. Tom Hanks
    4. Joaquin Phoenix
    3. Leonardo DiCaprio
    2. Philip Seymour Hoffman
    1. Daniel Day Lewis

    • Niall says:

      Couldnt agree with you more Mike, Day-Lewis is head and shoulders above Crowe! Not even a competition!!!

  172. vgfbnu says:

    Write Comment here. Before you do, review these rules:
    1) Stay on topic
    2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author
    3) off topic messages for the author should be emailed directly, not left as a comment.

  173. vgfbnu says:

    1 tom hanks
    2 gene hackman
    3 owen wilson
    4 tommy lee jones( just watch natural borne killers
    5 robert downey jr
    6 seth rogen
    7 steve carrel
    8 matt damon
    9 robin williams
    10 billy bob thornton

  174. Donna Henderson says:

    I agree with some of your favorites like Don Cheadle, Daniel Day Lewis, Bradd Pitt, Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio, but what about Jack Nicholson (my #1), Tim Robbins, Robert DeNiro, Alan Rickman, Anthony Hopkins, Matt Damon, Gene Hackman and the fantastic Robert Duvall?

  175. Joe says:

    1 Robert De Niro
    2 Tom Hanks
    3 Johnny Depp
    4 Dustin Hoffman
    5 Jack Nicholson
    6 Al Pacino
    7 Sean Penn
    8 Daniel Day Lewis
    9 Leonardo Dicaprio
    10 Denzel Washington

    Top 20 (11-20)
    11 Ed Norton
    12 Russell Crowe
    13 Morgan Freeman
    14 Brad Pitt
    15 John Cusack
    16 Will Smith
    17 William Hurt
    18 Robert Downey Jr
    19 Kevin Spacey
    20 Harrison Ford

  176. Joe says:

    Michael Keaton
    Christian Bale

  177. Ayser says:

    downey shud definatelt be on that list. hez totally awsum
    and pitt isnt xactly working any more is he? mean hes suposed 2 be running 4 mayor of smtng?rite?if my info is not outdated

  178. Michael Jenkins says:

    Top 10 leading role actors

    1. Daniel Day Lews
    2. Sean Penn
    3. Meryl Streep (yes a woman)
    4. Robert Deniro
    5. Denzel Washington
    6. Tom Hanks
    7. Leonardo Decaprio
    8. Philip Seymour Hoffman
    9. Jack Nicholson
    10. Johnny Depp

    honorable mentions
    Christian Bale
    Dustin Hoffman
    Morgan Freeman
    Jeff Bridges
    Mickey Rourke
    Brad Pitt
    Tom Cruise
    Hugh Jackman
    Edward Norton
    Anthony Hopkins
    Matt Damon
    Jim Carey
    Robin Williams
    Samuel Jackson
    Kevin Spacey
    Mel Gibson
    Nic Cage
    Top 10 Supporting/Versitle actors

    1. Gary Oldman
    2. Benicio Del Toro
    3. Ben Foster
    4. Steve Buscemi
    5. John Malkovich
    6. Donnie Whalberg
    7. Sam Rockwell
    8. Alan Rickman
    9. John C. Reilly
    10. John C. McGinley

    take it how you want….I believe Streep should be in there with the guys

  179. Andrew says:

    William Hurt? I thought this was the best actors working today not in the mid 80s

    • ash says:

      1 robert deniro

      2anthony hopkins
      3learnardo decaprio
      4jack nicholson
      5daniel day louis
      6 pachino
      7tom hanks
      8 christiphor walken
      9george clooney
      10brad pitt

  180. Donna Henderson says:

    While I agree with many of your picks, I would have included Robert Duvall (fantastic), Robert DeNiro, Anthony Hopkins and Jack Nicholson in my Top Ten List, replacing Chiwetel Ejiofor, Ralph Fiennes, William Hurt and Tom Hanks. I would give honorable mention to Alan Rickman, Matt Damon, Joachin Phoenix, Tom Hanks and Ralph Fiennes and eliminate Christian Bale, Joseph Fiennes, and George Clooney.

    • Donna Henderson says:

      OMG, I forgot to include Gene Hackman and Michael Caine in my above list. Both terrific actors.

  181. Day says:

    Wow, I think just about everyone is mentoned hnere, but you left out 2 of my faves. John Cleese, Michael J. Fox, & Pierce Brosnan. Just about any SNL actor & if you don’t mind.. Kirk Cameron & Jason Bateman. Thanx.

    • Rodney says:

      You say he left out 2 of your favs, but then list at least 5 actors and a cast that spans dozens?

      Sorry, SNL has some great comedy actors but “Top 10 Actors” they are not. Not one of them.

      And while Bateman is entertaining? Not a top 10.

      Kirk Cameron? Oh, I guess you were joking all along because I can’t take you seriously now.

  182. lillian says:

    Binicio del Toro is a fantastic actor. He’s been a religious father, a drugy and now he’s even been a wolf. He doesn’t get big time movie roles but he’s definatly note worthey. Hauffman, Depp and Cruize i feek could have been put a little higher on the list. While, Crowe and Hurt should be removed all together. Russel has the same expressions and mood in every movie and Gladiator was great but because his mood fits the theme. American Gangster could have done better without him. And have you seen William in Hulk? His perofrmance seemed forecd like he was trying too hard. I felt like i was watching a bad high school rendition.

  183. jbop says:

    You guys are fking nuts with your lists….What Deniro and Pacino don’t work anymore?! Here’s 15

    Whalberg (Invincible, Boogie nights) had great role as cop in chinatown
    Stiller (Something about Mary)Pretty much everything else is funny too
    Carey (Man on the Moon)So diversed…nobody gives him props
    Pitt (nothing particular)most of his movies are decent
    Keitel (Bad Luitenant)Should of won academy award
    Viggio (Eastern Promises)one of my new favorite actors
    Denzel (Crimson Tide, John Q)Good in everything
    Morgan Freeman ( Too many to list)Legend
    Giamata (Sideways, John Adams)Sideways was too close to
    Crowe (Gladiator, La Confidential)Gladiator he was great
    Mel Gibson (Braveheart, Patriot)Braveheart maybe one of the best all time
    Daniel Day Lewis (My Left Foot, Crucible)Crucible was powerful performance
    Robert Deniro (Goodfellas, Deer Hunter)Forgettabboutit too many great ones
    Al Pacino (Scarface, Carlito’s Way)The Real Deal

  184. MrCool says:

    It is hard to put together a list of top 10 actors. Does an Oscar really determine who is a best actor, nope. A top actor is one who holds your attention in a movie and one who does not take on rubbish roles. I mean honestly how can you put together a list with the likes of Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson and Bruce Willis…these men have done movies that you want to watch over and over especially Morgan…and when I last checked they were all still working.

    • Niall says:

      The reason Freeman, Willis and Jackson werent mentioned dude is cos they make too many shit movies. Especially Jackson who is a whore to the movie industry…Willis aint too far behind either and hasnt made a good movie since Unbreakable. Freeman has much more credibility but just does the morgan freeman thing all the time and rarely exerts himself.

  185. LazureDragon says:

    Kiefer Sutherland is the best actor all times !!!

  186. dragonface says:

    my top ten favorites in no particular order (except of course Daniel Day-Lewis being the best of all time):

    Samuel L. Jackson
    Steve Buscemi
    Daniel Day-Lewis
    John Malkovich
    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Brad Pitt
    Bruce Willis
    Bill Murray
    Nicholas Cage
    Sam Rockwell

    hell yeah.

  187. Veronica says:

    How can Russell Crowe be number 1 and Philip Seymour Hoffman only gets honorable mention? Name another actor who has done way different roles and always done them well? How about Philip Seymour Hoffman? Russell Crowe was the same in Gladiator as he was in Proof of Life as he was in Robin Hood.

  188. Nick says:

    My top ten:

    1. Tom Hanks
    2. Robert Downey Jr.
    3. Nicolas Cage
    4. Jude Law
    5. Leonardo DiCaprio
    6. Sam Rockwell
    7. Matt Damon
    8. Johnny Depp
    9. Will Smith
    10. Morgan Freeman

  189. Paul Spalding says:

    Okay, firstly we are talking about best actors here not your personal faves. So look at versatility of roles. Can’t picture George Clooney in his suit and tie starring in a Western or historical epic movie. Tom Cruise plays Tom Cruise ALL the time, if you get my drift. Secondly we’re talking about TODAY so they need to be in their prime. For that reason I’ve discounted De Niro, Pacino, Freeman, Hopkins, Nicholson, H.Ford, D.Hoffman etc. If we’re talking all time greats still living, well that’s a different story. Here goes -

    1. Edward Norton. Watch him in A.H.X and witness a acting tour de force.

    2. Leonardo Di Caprio. Has matured into a truly great actor. Can only imagine that his best is still in front of him too.

    3. Johnny Depp. I can’t say I like all his roles but his versatility is second to none. Totally unique.

    4. Daniel Day Lewis. I fully understand why most people rate him no.1 but he’s just a little too intense for me. A fantastic talent though.

    5. John Malkovich. Okay he’s a little odd ball at times and can be an acquired taste. But he makes it seem so easy and generallly his acting is sublime.

    6. Kevin Spacey. He would’ve been top of my list 5 years ago but the new breed has past him by. Still a fabulous actor but needs another top notch movie to re-instate himself instead of accepting B grade movie roles.

    7. Matt Damon. Like Di Caprio he has matured into a top flight actor. Seems to immerse himself into all his roles and is a total professional. Extremely bankable. The new Tom Hanks.

    8. Sean Penn. The actor’s actor. Probably needs to start taking different roles now he’s middle aged but he remains a super star.

    9. Robert Downey Jnr. Has developed into a real talent from obscure beginnings. I hope Iron Man doesn’t typecast him because he’s really in his prime.

    10. Russell Crowe. Extremely versatile and destined to be a star for years to come. I wouldn’t rate him any higher though and could easily have left him out of my top 10.

    Qualification : Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks have been great actors for a long time and remain so today. I just feel their time at the top is reaching an end as they get more and more into movie production. Time for the new breed.

    Best of the rest - (no order) Don Cheadle, Gary Oldman, Phillip S. Hoffman, Christain Bale, Jude Law.

  190. tony says:

    first of Guy Pearce is should be top 5. I believe gordon joseph levitt is also very talented along with ben foster. They will be around for a years to come. cruise is the best actor to never win an oscar(mainly because of born on the 4th of july). But these list really never mean anything, because solid arguements can be formed for all these actors mentioned.

  191. Steve says:

    Who ever made this list lost all credibility by not having johnny depp on it.

  192. Terek says:

    Your list here needs more thought. How do leave off DeNiro, Pachino, Kingsley, Hopkins, and yes Denzel Washington? These guys are among the best to ever do it, not just today, but, of all-time time!

  193. s1lar1s says:

    I will add:

    Jeff Bridges
    Forest Whitaker
    Tommy Lee Jones
    Mel Gibson
    Kurt Russell
    Dennis Hopper
    Dustin Hoffman
    Michael Caine
    John Malkovich
    Colin Firth
    Heath Ledger
    Jake Gyllenhaal
    Viggo Mortensen
    Jude Law
    Gerard Butler(poor movie choices though)
    Ryan Gosling

  194. ryno says:

    up and comer.. jeremy renner

  195. Aiham says:

    great list i adore “crowe” he is on of the greatest of all time ….but in my opinion Daniel Day-Lewis is the greatest actor of all time ,no one can be even compared to him ..some people i know did not believe me when i told them it is the same person who played “Bill the Butcher” , “Daniel Plainview” , “Christy brown” and “Jerry colon” he deserved an Oscar for each single role he has done ….he is the greatest actor of all time..!!

  196. Farhad says:

    No Nic Cage, no Jeff Bridges, No Will Smith…
    Are you freaking kidding me???

  197. Slim shady says:

    Tom cruise is the no. 1

  198. Thomas Sampson says:

    Where is Denzel Washington? Don’t know how he cannot be featured!

  199. Sonya says:

    What about Gary Oldman? Everytime I see him on screen I am amazed at his performance. He should be on this list.

  200. john says:

    and Al Pacino, De Niro.

  201. Denise says:

    A lot of good actors named here, but no one mentioned Vincent D’Onofrio. Sure he does a regular tv role, but the man has done some amazing character-roles. He is able to embody the finest and weirdest characters. He is a good lead and an incredible support actor.

  202. Denis Wamala says:

    Robert Downey Junior.. Should have been up there too..

  203. Ying Miah says:

    thank you for your blogs :)

  204. Ben says:

    What about Jason Statham best actor ever! Why did no one mention him?

  205. Benny B. says:

    1-Denzel Washington
    2-Daniel Day-Lewis
    3-Al Pacino
    4-Philip Seymour Hoffman
    5-Sean Penn
    6-Javier Bardem
    7-Gary Oldman
    8-Ryan Gosling
    9-Paul Giamatti
    10-John Hurt

  206. dimooz says:

    1. Daniel Day-lewis
    2. Jack Nicholson
    3. Sean Penn

    Then… there is a big gap. many other actors listed are talented and charismatic, but u can feel when they are on screen that the characters they play are filled mostly with their personal touch. Wich is quite normal because they are stars and people want to see them that way. But those 3 guys, their touch is to be able to act absolutely anything.

  207. qweryertet says:

    Overall, Day-Lewis is a much better actor than Crow. That is not meant to detract from Crow’s talent/ability. He’s just not in the same league is Lewis…..then again, nobody is. It’s not a matter of liking Lewis or his movies. It’s all about acting talent. That that regard, Lewis is unquestionably the world’s greatest “living” actor. BTW, CHIWETEL EJIOFOR is a good actor, but I don’t think he belongs on this list. J. Phoenix & C. Bale or both better actors.

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