Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant land a Romantic Comedy

The inevitable sequel to the Sex in the City movie is not the only thing that is on SJP’s plate. She is headed to tackle a romantic comedy with Hugh Grant.

Coming Soon says:

Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant are in negotiations to star in an untitled Marc Lawrence-directed romantic comedy for Columbia Pictures, says Variety.

They would star as an estranged high-powered New York couple who witness a murder and are placed in a witness-protection program in a small Wyoming town.

I liked this movie better when it was called For Richer or Poorer with Tim Allen and Kirstey Alley. They were bigshots in NY who have to hide out in an Amish villiage while their lawyer tries to solve their tax troubles.

So its not quite exact, but some things I am sure will happen. Hilarity will ensue as the fish-out-of-water NY Powercouple will tell you how much their clothes/shoes/suit costs while being forced into menial labour or smalltown social situations. They will flee NY as a couple on the verge of divorce and through their experience in the simpler life they will rediscover their spark.

Re-using a formula is hardly an offense worthy of burying this. I like Hugh Grant in romantic comedies (he is terribly flawed and easy to relate to) and I don’t hate SPJ, though I find her attractive depending on the outfit/shot she doesn’t always offer up the eyecandy.

So with any luck they will deliver a heartwarming comedy with a few good laughs and a happy ending.

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3 Responses to “Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant land a Romantic Comedy”
  1. Pman67 says:

    Meh! Green Acres, For Richer or Poorer, Are We Done Yet, Son In-Law. Big city folk living in the country has been done to death. Someone will fall in the mud and someone will tangle with a wild animal i.e. milking a cow, run from a bear, tussle with a raccoon or battle an owl. In the end the bad guys will find them, the townies will help them and they’ll be back in love. I’ll wait for it to be shown on TNT.

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    Sarah, meh, God, she’s disgusting. She is so overrated

  3. Kristina says:

    Hugh Grant looks like a douche.

    SJP looks like a horse. Not even a purebred. One of those mangy malnourished ones I see on Animal Planet.

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