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Samuel L Jackson Set To Star In The Last Dragon Remake

By Doug - October 31, 2008 - 09:09 America/Montreal


Another day another remake. we have news today that Samuel L Jackson has been cast as Sho’Nuff in the upcoming remake of The Last Dragon. We get the following scoop from the ritual caves of Yahoo:

Having most recently played a dirty cop in “Lakeview Terrace,” Jackson is set to star as a bad guy again in a remake of Motown Records founder Berry Gordy’s 1985 cult classic “The Last Dragon.”

Jackson will play Sho’Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem, a role played in the original by the late Julius Carry, whose spiel included asking ego-driven questions like “Am I the baddest mofo lowdown around this town?” Each time his gang of thugs answered, “Sho’Nuff!”

I haven’t seen the original film, but it sounds like I need to. This Sho’Nuff character sounds outstanding and I need to see him for myself in all his streetwise glory. I am generally not a fan of remakes, but until I see the original I can’t really have opinion of this one. I am glad that this news has pointed me to the original however.

International Friends - what do you think of this news? Have any of you seen The LAst Dragon - If so what do you like about the film and what are your thoughts on the remake?


  1. andrew says:

    It’s a 80’s classic… martial arts and breakdancing! The main character is an african american who acts like bruce lee… his name…. bruce lee-roy!
    He mimics bruce lee’s cat like sounds with his strikes…. waataa!
    Im just curious if this remake is going to create this ‘bruce lee’ themed martial arts style.
    Not so sure about the remake on this one… we’ll see.

  2. harry says:

    this is one of my alltime favorite movies, its hilariously funny, and has great 80s music, even features one of princes side girls vanity. i think sam jackson would be a good fit for sho’ nuff. i dont know about remaking it, it could only end bad.

  3. Kristina says:

    I LOVE this movie. So corny yet so much fun.

  4. T-VO says:

    You haven’t seen the original!?? Wow, you lost you serious movie geek cred right there man!

  5. T-VO says:

    Clip of Sho Nuff. May he rest in peace, the actor passed earlier this year.

  6. Pman67 says:

    Who’s the badest? Sho Nuf!!! The Shogun of the ghetto….

  7. T-VO says:

    the actual line is “Shogun of Harlem”

  8. chris (the real one) says:

    yea this movie is one of those flicks thats soooo bad and corny that its great…..the concept came from barry gordy(sp?) and theres nothing better in my book than urban samurais……and who can forget the tooth bullet catch…lol classic

  9. Pman67 says:


    I stand corrected.

  10. T-VO says:

    Little Ernie Reyes Jr. is in the flick too, kick ass. I think this was before his TV show Sidekicks

  11. krazie835 says:

    I haven’t seen this movie in such a long time, but I always enjoyed watching when it came HBO.

    I can’t believe they are remaking this movie though.

  12. Geno says:

    I remember watching this flick. Good times, I also remember Busta Ryhmes potratyed the character Sho Nuff in one of his music videos “Dangerous”. I think even Busta could have played Sho Nuff as well. Busta even plays a white guy in the video. He looks creepy as hell as the white due.


  13. Jose says:

    the real question is who will play vanity?

  14. ChrisP says:

    Nothing beats the battle between Bruce Leroy and Sho Nuff!

    Are they going to make Sam Jackon fight? How old is the dude again?

  15. iceberg says:

    Doug, real talk homie, you need to watch the original before we revoke you movie buff card,…what? I’ll send you a copy if i have to, this movie is better then cooked Crack, ask Amy crackhouse.
    Yo Doug unlike you I welcome some remakes, especially if the original was made light years before my birth…example, movies like ‘the day the earth stood still’ needs to be remade. Yes I’m 25 yrs old, and the original Last Dragon was made in 85, and I have to say, by the time I finally saw it in 88, it was the best thing since microwave ovens (at the time)…this movie needs to be left alone B, this is like ‘remaking gone with the wind’, I wish there was a petition to sign…
    But if there’s anybody that can play the Shogun of Harlem, me and all my fellow NY cats agree hands down Sam Jax will do the character justice…just like Sho’nuff Sam is a Bad Mo’fu..’shut your mouth’

  16. bigsampson says:

    ya man i second what iceberg said…u need to get on this one….i mean if i remember right the main guy’s name is tymak IRL and he does broadway now or something….Vanity is in it too i think…..and the little kid if i remember too is earnie reyes jr.

    Who’s the master! SHO NUFF! FIRE & ICE BABY!

  17. bjon86 says:

    Yea the movie is cheesy, corny and terrible but I love it, I own it and I always have a good time watching it. But it IS a terrible movie (hahahaha) so a remake wouldn’t hurt it. I don’t know if they can make it any worse than what it was, HOWEVER, being that the original is a bad movie but people still love it shows that there was something special about that movie that terrible movies don’t capture very often.

    So if the remake sucks but doesn’t have that magic, than it’s just a sucky movie. BUT it’s Samuel so I have some faith. He did do Snakes On A Plane. THIS movie will probably do pretty well.

  18. Dragonslayer says:

    Finally, they’re making a film about my life, and who better to get to play my nemesis then Sam Jackson?

    But seriously, this is very interesting news. I haven’t seen the original, so I can’t comment on the fact that they’re remaking it.

  19. T-VO says:

    Last Dragon and Big Trouble in Little China. Best Cult films of the 80’s

  20. Frank says:

    What ever happened to the guy that played Bruce Leroy? His name was Taimak and as far as i know he only appeared in a Janet Jackson video other than this movie. I hope they dig that dude up and get him invloved. This movie inspired me to start training in MA…i’m still waiting for the bullet in teeth catching lesson but i’ve managed to get the “glow” a few times……Hhhmmmm…. sweet, sweet Guiness.

  21. Armyguy says:

    Taimak has been in NY doing fitness DVD’s (he’s on my myspace friend list). I hear he’s supposed to be involved, but they are lookin at Usher of Brad James to play Leroy. I just found out who he is. He’s supposed to be doing an action show for HBO next year. Here’s some footage for him.
    Don’t know who Laura will be; but I hope she looks good!

  22. Frank says:

    Thanks Army Guy. I’d like to see him in the role of the elder master. That would be cool.

  23. David Lopan says:

    Own this movie on DVD. It’s a must have…you should see it John. You wouldn’t be disappointed. I’d love to see Samuel L Jackson in this as Sho’Nuff…I think an update with him at the helm would be something worth seeing. It’s funny how Jackson seems to be picking his roles with such ease, no matter how silly. Black Snake Moan, Snakes on a Plane, The Spirit (even though it looks sucky), now this…he seems like an actor who just likes to have fun.

  24. David Lopan says:

    Whoops didn’t realize Doug wrote this one…watch it Doug.

    “catches bullets with his teeth?!?! Nigga please….”

  25. BrDanzig says:

    Doug you seriously need to see this movie. It’s is glorious goopy cheese goodness. A movie that has truly earned the title of cult classic. The news of Samuel L Jackson playing the role is perfect.

  26. Darren J Seeley says:

    I suppose a remake wasn’t out of the question-everything else is being retooled and redone. I’d prefer “Son Of The Last Dragon” myself er, no, that wouldn’t sound right would it, that’d be titled “Son Of The Next To Last Dragon”


    BUT the *real* question is not whether or not Sam makes a good Sho’Nuff (he does) but whether or not our hero, in this uneeeded remake, gets the power of the glow.

    P.S. I’d still like to see them get Will Macy cameo as a music promoter-perhaps even the same character he played in ‘84! Hah.

    P.S.S. I’d like to have a better soundtrack this time. But nobody, and I mean nobody better fuck with DeBarge.

    P.I.S.S. Nobody’s gonna *really* see this, are they?

  27. jimf says:

    When you find out he is looking for the great oriental master “some dumb goy” …I think that says it all…

  28. Anti-Septic says:

    I hate the idea of a remake. Especially casting an older Samuel Jackson to play the role of Sho-Nuff . Who are they going to cast as the main star? If he is very young it will look awkward, not to much thought was put into this casting!

  29. Matty Voshell says:

    Normally, i am in the chat room for the nightly broadcasts as “fuCKYou652″. so, Hello, i saw this movie when i was 12 and again when iw as 17. it’s a classic 80’s flim. Jackson as sho’nuff should be great, if he copies th hair and the bad ass sunglasses that he wears.

    who will play the hero? will he still copy bruce lee or someone else? likie MMA?

    “directa ya feetsa to daddy’o pizza”

    Great movie…who directs?

  30. Mashi says:

    That movie rules! You even get Bruce Lee’s ghost.

  31. tyrone says:

    A remake amazing. The good thing about this would be better cheography for fight scenes and obviously the effects. The bad, Samuel L Jackson, and it is not the 80’s anymore. Give it a rest. A true classic to watch, does not need butchering.

  32. BlackGeisha says:

    Please Please Please… Put Taimak back in it! He looks great and is still in fighting shape… He could be the new “Master” (the one that taught Bruce Leroy all those nifty kicks n stuff)

  33. Tori says:

    What do you mean you have not seen the ORIGINAL!!!!! ……………With YOUTUBE there is NO EXCUSE , watch it now !!!

    As far as a remake is concerned, I don’t Know. Not Big on remakes At all, I much prefer originals.. ALL I can say is do it justice

  34. K.B. says:

    I can’t wait to see this movie. It’s my all time favorite. Glenn Bradley should play Bruce Leroy. He kind of looks like Taimak and he is a good maritial artist. Check him out

  35. Terry Gumbel says:

    They are ruining this film.How dare they do this to a classic. The worst part is that RZA is executive producing the film.I hope the remake does not happen….i will comment more on my blog about this….


  36. me says:

    do it do it do it do it, but can I play bruce lee roy

  37. JustMe says:

    I think a remake of this movie would be great…..I love this movie, just make sure you do it right. How about we get some new faces for the movie. i checked out this one young actor that’s also skilled in MA (martial arts) named Glenn Bradley……he’s on it….young, black & looks good. I think he would be the perfect Bruce Leroy. Check out his trailer at http://www.finalfightmovie.com/trailer.html

  38. d marks says:

    Lets look at the next generation. Sho Nuff and Eddie Arcadia has been in jail long enough to have created some evil plots to get back at Leroy. Sho Nuffs in prison whipping up on everyone who thinks they’re tough and Eddie’s money has grown. He’s now richer than ever before. Mean while Leroy has continued in the way of the peaceful warrior we all know and loved, with a few new discoveries in the golden glow. Just thinks the action all starts in the weeks before Sho and Eddie are released from prison. When Sho give Sho Jr. AKA Busta Rhymes the go ahead. all Im asking for is 1%of the movie round trip plane tickets for two and all acommindations paid for for the world premere. I’ll give you the rest for free. The last Dragon 2 can be out of this world!!!!! all this can be negotiated at the drop off a dime.

  39. Get Real says:

    Question? Will Samuel L. Jackson wear a “Jerri Curl” wig and shoulder pads too? And who on earth would compare super-big forehead Rihanna to Laura Charles “Vanity”. Rihana is fugly, Laura Charles was illustrious. And come on man, Usher? If we are looking for looks. Taj Murry (Smart Guy) looks more like the Taimak type though he’s no martial artist. The sameway Usher isn’t. Heck if Usher is playing. We might as well get Chilly from TLC to play Laura.

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