This entry was posted on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 10:44 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We get word today that Ryan Gosling may scored the role of the Green Lantern thanks to our friends at Latino Review via ropeofsilicon:

Who is apparently eyeing a role as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern in Green Lantern? Why none other than Ryan Gosling according to LatinoReview.

LR is reporting the news from what they refer to as a “trusted source within the Warner Bros” and based on their history with being the first to name Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight and Brandon Routh as Superman in Superman Returns I am not going to doubt them.

I’m not a die hard Green Lantern fan, so I’m uncertain if Ryan Gosling is the best choice for the role. From what I’ve seen of the Green Lantern; he looks like a wise choice to me. If this news is true and he wants it, I think he may have this one in the bag.

We need to wait for confirmation on this news, but for now lets assume it’s true. International friends - what are your thoughts on Ryan Gosling as the Green Lantern? Do you want him to get the role, or do you still have someone else in mind?

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Robert Forest

    I’m sorry to correct you, but Latino Review didn’t say that Ryan Gosling was eyeing the role of Green Lantern. They said that, and I quote it straight from there site.

    “You know who the studio wants to wear Abin Sur’s ring and take up the mantle of The Green Lantern?

    From my trusted source within the WB, I’m hearing…



    Having said that, I find it hard to believe Gosling might consider it. But I for one hope that he would at least Read the Script and Meet with the Director and Writer(s) and All of the other people in charge of it. I think he would be awesome. He’s a great actor and I think he’d do well as Hal Jordan. …And if he did jump on board it would give me great hope and strength in the possibility of it being a good movie.

  2. funk1020

    As Kyle Rainer maybe but not Hal Jordan.

    As Hal Jordan I say Nathan Fillion

  3. doug nagy

    Thank you for the correction Robert

  4. Robert Forest

    No problem Doug, Just trying to look out for my fellow man. I admire you and your work! I got your back. ;)


    this guy wouldnt be a bad captain america

    and i like the black version of green lantern. tyrese gibbons or someone else maybe

  6. P-man

    He already has Guy Gardner’s hair cut.

  7. digitaldrew

    It would be good, he is a GREAT actor. I also like the black version of green lantern better from the justice league cartoons though.

  8. RiZE

    I thought Common was already confirmed to be the Green Lantern? He’s spoken about being offered the position and taking it iirc

  9. Darren J Seeley

    I don’t know if he’ll be Hal Jordan or Guy Gardner, or any member of the GL corps.. but I do know he’s a very good, talented actor. If he signs for the part, I see it as more of a plus than a minus. My personal hope is that the script has a Hal Jordan arc to it and/or have a focus on the GL corps. But that hope is for the script, not for any actor…


    Common, the talented rapper (but not entirely an actor yet) was indeed cast as Green Lantern…in the DOA trainwreck better known as JLA Mortal.

  10. Anti-Septic

    No offense to fans of John Stewart aka the Green Lantern who is black, but he is not that popular as a Green Lantern character. His own comic series was canceled after I think 18 issues, it just didn’t sell, at all. Hal Jordon has the biggest fanbase of all the Green Lanterns and to be honest, you make a movie of any other character and the fans will go berserk. Would I go see a Green Lantern movie if the character was based on Jon Stewart? Sure I would, but I can honestly say thinking about it just depresses me. Hal Jordon has such a compelling Origin story how can you even think of another Lantern?

  11. james

    i think he should forget about the green lantern and go for Captain America.

    He’s tall and looks like he can bulk up. he also has a defining jawline thaty would fit the mask.

    i’m just putting it out there. Gosling for Cap

  12. james

    oh and he can act

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