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October 29, 2008

New Star Trek Images Online

— Posted by Rodney

Empire has released some more images of the upcoming Star Trek movie.

I am looking forward to this movie with MUCH anticipation. I love that so much tribute is paid to the look and style of the original series, updated to be less blocking and klunky (this is the future) and some people will whine that the bridge looks too futuristic. I for one would despise the look of this film if it were to stick too tightly to the limitations of a 1960s production value. The stylizing looks similiar enough that we get a good look at those familiar faces.

Perfect example is the recreation of the classic Star Trek image of Kirk and Spock that is being used as the cover for Empire Magazine. The new image is just the composite that will later have the magazine title and dialogue on it.

Yes, Kirk is “prettier” but honestly I can see why they chose Pine for the role seeing him so tightly matched with a slightly older version of his character. Zachary Quinto is spot on.

I have heard naysayers using phrases like 90210Trek and I haven’t seen anything yet that would make me think this would be a teenaged focus soap at all. That is just bitter net troll talk. Some people just want to hate this because they are upset that Trek died to begin with. The die hard Trek Fans were not happy with what was left of the Trek universe, so why are they upset that they didn’t make a continuing story? (And this is a continuation without continuing… if you know what I mean) grabbed these from Empire Magazine.

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The main risk of recasting, also, is that the new actor doesn't "fill the shoes" of his/her predecessor. Nimoy and Shatner had a very unique, Shakespearean style to their acting. If a lesser actor replaces them, for me at least, it really ruins the show. It would be like replacing Patrick Stewart's character with Ben Stein. Or redoing the Godfather, but replacing Al Pacino with Dane Cook. Screw that.


I agree with FINALJOE. I don't have anything automatically against recasting the TOS chars, that's going to depend on the script. But they definitely look too young, which is a bad start. 90210, and shows like that, DO use people in their late 20's and early 30's to play teens. Plus, even if you believe that Kirk is 29 and not a teenager, 29 is WAAAAAY to young for a star fleet captain. Most of the TOS cast were in their mid- to late-30's to 40's, same thing with TNG, DS9 and Voyager. It says, "we're serious, seasoned people doing important things" no "we're children playing with toys, getting laid, and having drama".

I have a terrible feeling about this show. TNG stuck with the original essence of star trek. Each episode revolved around political, moral quagmires. It was not a relationship drama. And yes, TNG and the movies are attempting to make money, but I think that was balanced with the spirit of the show. This new Trek seems like a pure cash-cow. I just don't understand why they feel the need to reimagine Star Trek and ruin it for us. If you're not sticking to the original style and writing of the show, just MAKE A NEW SHOW that ISN'T star trek. If they're going to alienate Trek fans, and only appeal to a new audience, WHY MAKE IT STAR TREK AT ALL?!?! Just make a new sci fi show.


I would agree that no role is non-recastable, I mean, they said the same thing about recasting Heath Ledger as the Joker....nuff said there. And it could be really interesting to see the origin story. I mean, if done right, it could make me want to watch the original series all over again. Isn't that what they are going for? And, why is that a bad thing?


Something as trivial as changing the shirt colour is not going to bother me that much. Such a minor thing to get hung up about.

@790, it would have to be High School Musical: The 15 year Class Reunion. Most of the actors nearly DOUBLE a High School Student's age.

Just sayin.


What i dont understand is the big bitch fits over a black shirt....whats up with mean does the guy always have to wear gold/yellow ??



Loving all the new pictures that are being released! Now one of a certain gal and I'll be happy until next May.


Star Trek, High School Musical 4...

Bring it,,,


As someone who was born after the original Star Trek craze, I'm really excited to be able to get into it, even though it's an entirely different cast, better production value, etc.

Kirk is now Big Haircut.


Kirk is only "un-recastable" because Kirk is Dead. You can't play Kirk because he is no longer part of the storyline.

Timetravel was always a staple in the Star Trek canon, and they hopped around fucking with history all the time. Its about time that they go back and change something that affects the Future.

This IS a continuation and a reboot all at the same time. It doesnt just copy the origins in a remake, it goes back and changes something and now we have a fresh NEW and original look at the Star Trek world as it shapes itself in the light of the events of this new movie.

I still dont see how even the hardcore fans dont like this. It makes total sense with everything we have seen in 42 years of Star Trek fandom.


i read somewhere that kirk and sulu throw a pissy-fit and fight each other.

sounds about right.

is harcorn benson mudd in it?


This film will need to have a GREAT villian to be sucessful.I would expect Abrams not to drop the ball in that dept!


Everyone knows Shatner is Kirk....but kirk is dead and shatner cant play therein lies ur problem


That's because Shatner is why Kirk is great.

People love Kirk because of Shatner.

It is an un-recastable role.

It's like Bruce Lee characters. Bruce Lee is what makes them great. Had any other actor been cast on one would have cared.

And Hollywood has used 20-30 years to play teenagers for years.

I don't care what their actual ages are they LOOK like teenagers.


i agree star trek has gotten.....well boring... i laugh at the people who complain because if it were shatner in this movie they would love it.....they give us fanboys a bad-name


with every picture that comes, out, I am getting more and more excited. The orignial series was a long time ago, and it's been nearly as long since they made a good Star Trek movie. I really hope this is it. I don't think the cast looks too young, maybe a bit on the pretty side, but I can live with that. And, unlike everyone else, apparently, I LIKED Cloverfield, and think Abrams is the man.


Shatner and Nimoy were both 37 when they made the original series so the age difference is not that much between the cast.

I just hope that the movie isn't as gay as those publicity photos of the new Kirk and Spock.


I agree with Rodney. They don't look like teens. Good gods! Unless... the person gazing at them is eighty or so.


To me, this is Kirk and crew after the Enterprise TV show... In Star Trek, all canonical discrepancies are explained by time travel... so everything works... except what the h#ll is Checkov doing in this movie!?!?!?!?!?!?!



star treck teens reminds me of when people said the JLA actors where too young...

and so far..i hate NOTHING abotu this movie. only that kirk has a black shirt on. (and yes. that IS a big deal)

first picture

"dude this better be better then dueling dragons"

(i happen to have puked in the bathroom after going 4 times on dueling dragons...thought you guys should know that)


Why do people keep assuming its Star Trek TEENS? There is nothing Teenage about the feel of this movie AT ALL. None of the cast is even CLOSE to their teens, and they dont look like teenagers.

I know you are grasping for things to hate about this movie, but AGE is nothing to do with it. You just look foolish calling a 30 year old a teenager.


I posted earlier and it was either removed or never went through. To be less subtle than my last comment, this looks like 'Star Trek: The Teenie Years'.


FinalJoe, I must respecfully disagree with EVERYTHING you said.

They always make movies to make money, even if it was a continuing Star Trek movie. So don't try that line of crap. No one is robbing anything, the rightful owners of the franchise are the ones benefitting financially.

Fans dont hate this. Hardcore fans do. They fear change. Thats why they all cussed about Next generation and they ended up loving that too. They will get over the new-ness of this.

And while you are trying your weak hyperbole calling these guys "High School Musical rejects" Pine is 28, Quinto is 31, Bana is 40, even Saldana is 30. I dont see how you can equate this to a teenage cast.

So your assumptions about a "young cast" when this is supposed to be younger versions of themselves on their first mission on the Enterprise just makes no sense.

Your reality check bounced. This is coming out of your overdraft.


The last pic should say, "Capt. Kirk, now with 50% more hair!"


Please get a reality check.

There is only one person who is spot on for Spock and that is Nimoy.

Fans don't hate this because it's not continuing Star Trek or because "Star Trek died", they hate it because it is graverobbing TOS to make money and not bothering making something NEW and CREATIVE. TOS was perfected. Shatner IS Kirk. Nimoy IS Spock. Kelly IS Bones. These puberty High School Musical Rejects are NOT.

And the use of Star Trek 90210 is used in reference to how young the cast is, not the elements of the story. Baby Star Trek would also be suitable.


90210trek . . . ok maybe this is a bit much. But FelicityTrek . . . it's J.J. Abrams, you know its going to be a sapfest with terrible close up scenes.

this movie is going to blow like Cloverfield.

obi-wan kubrick
obi-wan kubrick

Whenever I see Pine I think of him in his role as one of the Neo-Nazi brothers from Smokin Aces.

obi-wan kubrick
obi-wan kubrick

I for one am a huge Star Trek. I think it has a better universe and story than Star Wars, Harry Potter, or any other Sc-Fi or fantasy world. Star Trek died after Deep Space Nine ended, which was by far the best Star Trek series. That being said I love the new look this film is taking.


WHAT??? Why does it look like the make-up artist thought they were pre-pubescent girls when they made them up??? Yikes. That last photo looks like a horrible knock-off done by Seventeen. The angle isn't even right!!! Spock looks like one of those D-list models in a corny photo on a generic costume package. This does not bode well for the film. Sorry to be a hater.


I can't look at Quinto without seeing Sylar. I really hope i can get over that

Mr. Chris
Mr. Chris

Uhura's "shoulder, no sleeves" style looks pretty hot.

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