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Netflix For Tivo

By Doug - October 30, 2008 - 06:50 America/Montreal

We have news today that Netflix will now makes its service available for those that have Tivo players. We get the following scoop thanks to the archive caves of Yahoo:

Netflix Inc said on Wednesday it reached a deal with TiVo Inc to further deliver on its goal of offering Netflix’s Web streaming service directly to televisions through many devices. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but it calls for Netflix to provide subscribers of its online DVD rental service and many of the 800,000 broadband-connected Tivo subscribers with the ability to stream movies and TV episodes from Netflix’s “Watch Instantly” service to TVs free of charge.

TiVo, maker of the popular digital video recorder, and Netflix said late on Wednesday they were initiating a test of the new capability in several thousand U.S. households and expect it will be broadly available in early December.

Netflix continues to swing deals in order to make its product available to customers. The XBox 360, Roku, Blu-ray players and now your Tivo box will all get you to the magical land of bounty that Netflix has to offer. With a catalogue of 12 000 online movies to choose from (and growing) the Netflix monthly fee is a pittance for what you get.

Netflix availability adds value to the above units that have the capability. How cool is it that you don’t have to buy another player. With luck a device you already own has, or will be getting the Netflix service. More services on less devices is a good idea.


  1. Rodney says:

    But is it available in Canada????

    Damn them straight to hell for making this available to the US and I still have to over pay for TV in Canada to get the 3 channels I watch.

  2. The Jim Walker says:

    This is nice news, but Netflix was supposed to be on the XBox360 dashboard in like September and here it is almost November and there is still no sign! And whats worse, there seems to be NO INFO about when it will truly happen. ANy XBox-ers out there have any insight???

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