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Mark Millar Talks Superman

By Doug - October 30, 2008 - 13:06 America/Montreal

Superman Symbol-BeltbuckleToday we have a peek inside Mark Millar’s vision of Superman. We get the following insight through our friends at the movieweb:

Millar revealed that his version would be an 8-hour, three-film series, with the films to be released in consecutive years. He is apparently working with a “big Hollywood action director” who he will not reveal at this time, and he calls this new take, “the Magnum Opus of Superman stories.”

“It’s gonna be like Michael Corleone in The Godfather films, the entire story from beginning to end, you see where he starts, how he becomes who he becomes, and where that takes him. The Dark Knight showed you can take a comic book property and make a serious film, and I think the studios are ready to listen to bigger ideas now.”

I like that this dude has a story arc that he wants to work within. I think that multiple films work best when an arc has already been worked over and the individual stories unfold according to plan. The devil will be in the details, but I’m certainly pleased with Millar’s strategy.

Mark’s promise of a “big Hollywood action director” certainly stokes the fires of curiosity. The proclamation of the director will be a big moment for many, this will probably make or break the excitement some have for this upcoming Man Of Steel restart.

Superman has been in limbo since Routh first wore the pants. I’m saddened that the film didn’t work out for Routh, but hope this next installment is one that will give a bit more than the last outing.


  1. Slushie Man says:

    This sounds bad ass. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds.

  2. David Lopan says:

    I think the reason why they haven’t been in a rush to make another superman is because Superman Returns was terrible in my opinion. Routh did a good job and I would like to see him come back for this installment too if they just get a better screenwriter behind it. S. Returns was such a disappointment.

  3. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    I don’t like his ending but I do respect his Passion. For any of these big superhero movies to turn out great, you have to be creatively passionate about the entire thing! Who knows if WB is even listening to him!


  4. leeloo says:

    not. another. origin. story.

  5. Shane says:

    If it’s an origin story along the lines of Barman Begins, I wouldn’t mind it. An origin story where you get straight to the action. Luthor should be in it, but as a secondary villain. Superman NEEDS major ass-kicking villains.

    I’d love to see a Superman story told in a “real” world, where we see a depiction of how “Superman” would really effect the world. Realistically, his existence would change the world. My biggest complaint with previous Superman films was that his existence was taken pretty casually. Everyone just went about their business.

    What Batman does to underworld criminals in Gotham, Superman would do to global dictators and powerful corporate criminals. That is the film I want to see. The idea of a series with a complete arc in mind is good news. I hope we finally get some fantastic Superman films for today.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    I cannot wait until the day comes where we live in a drug-free society. Not just illegal drugs, but dependence on over the counter medications, such as ritalin.

    Huh? What? Superman post?
    Well, yeah, it’s appropriate, because if anyone thinks this sounds great then they are puffin’ poppin’ huffin’ and injectin’.

    Cause this shit aint flyin’.

  7. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I liked Superman Returns but it had some serious flaws so I think this 3 arc is a great idea.

  8. Grave says:

    I have to agree with Shane. I love to see how the world would really react to Superman much like how Batman changed Gotham. Personally I like the first movie to be about Superman (Brandon Routh) in Metropolis. Then the second film is where Superman’s presents effects the world and the last film should be the test of what he will do in order to save the world. As far as villians? I like Luthor to be an arms dealer (kevin spacey) whos cover is real estate. When Superman shows up he creates Metallo and at the end Superman saves the city, but now the world is worried about his presents.

  9. DeAnte T. Goodloe says:

    Millar is full of shit.

    WB would never allow this info to be released if the negotiation was still in motion.

    It’s not a bad idea at all, but just another of many examples of Millar intentionally misleading people into believing his ‘dream project’ is about to become a reality.

    This is how he tries to get work and advertises his comics: publicity stunts.

  10. Carlos The Dwarf says:

    PleasePleasePleasePlease No Michael Bay.

  11. Mr. Chris says:

    For bad guys, I really want to see Metallo, Brainiac, and Doomsday appear throughout the three movies, with Lex Luthor as an ongoing supporting villain. Visually, I think those three would be the best picks, although if the story starts over on Krypton, it’s likely we’ll end up seeing Zod again instead.

  12. JACK says:


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