Lexi Alexander Introduces New Punisher War Zone Clip

Posted by on 13. 10. 2008in News Chat

Punisher Skull-1

For those of you that are interested in checking out a new Punisher War Zone clip please head over to the official site.

The clip loads automatically when you open the page so get ready!

I though this film was going to be absolutely horrible, but now I’m less certain. I would still bet on bad, but must admit that the recent footage I’ve been seeing with LOADS of violence has me second guessing a bit. The use of the grenade launcher in particular makes this clip worth while. Let me know what you think.

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9 Responses to “Lexi Alexander Introduces New Punisher War Zone Clip”

  1. steven says:

    i would’ve liked if they used a different color scheme than those yellows, but other than that looks pretty decent

  2. Robert Forest says:

    I want to see it. Not overwhelmed, but still a huge fan of the Punisher and hope that this movie is a good one.

  3. Phil Gee says:

    I’m still going to see it because i’m a Punisher fan but i would have much rather have seen a ‘talky’ scene.

  4. Robert Forest says:

    I agree with Phil Gee! (…and yes that rhymes)

  5. SIXX:AM says:

    If you’ve seen her movie GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS … you’d have faith that this could be really good.


    looks fucking sick

    im really looking forward to this

  7. Beejag says:

    I want more chair leg

    great lil clip though



    lmao that was awsome…when i buy the dvd im replaying the chair leg part a million times

    that one scene was the equivalent of all the scenes were frank castle used a machine gun in the thomas jane one

    he only used a machine gun once in the 2003 punisher and it was a small scene in the building towards the end


    this one has him hanging upside down with 2 oozies spraying bullets at the dark room full of civilians

  9. ryanclay21 says:

    If ever there is a movie that needs to be dark and gritty it’s Punisher! I think a Punisher movie should be filmed in the same gritty realisim vein as Taxi Driver and Death Wish. Unfortunately, for me, I’m not seeing that in War Zone: sliding on his knees while firing two hand canons and swinging upside down from a chandelier while firing two automatics (in slo-mo) seems a little too flashy, and clichéd.

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