Posted by Rodneyon 30. 10. 2008in News Chat

During the live show today Robert Forest threw out some info regarding “Lemmy”. I will be be keeping my eye open for this one, that is for certain.

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Rodney who has written 8151 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “LEMMY”

  1. Ty says:

    wow, i am definately gonna be on the look out for Lemmy, i like motorhead so this is gonna be somethin special

  2. Robert Forest says:

    I actually can’t take credit for knowing about it. I found out from whoever said it during the cast and then I found the info on it. I am so happy to whoever that was making us aware of it!

    “The Gardener is the Cunt I’m after… He killed my Frog!”


  3. Dutch says:

    Doug, YES!! Lemmy is the true lizard King.. indulge endure and enlighten. Rock on!!

  4. astrocreep says:

    I really want to see this

  5. Bishop says:

    I am weeping like a motherfucker with joy.

  6. Paddy Campbell says:

    Still no sign of it’s release but I think we’ll all enjoy it when the time comes!!

  7. Mitchell says:

    When WILL it release. They said “Spring of 2009″ as the release time. But hey guess what? It’s almost summer and the website has been unupdated for months, and no word on anything yet!! Heck even the last news entry and update for the Motorhead website last in April. Sad. I think things must be really busy now. If they where even close to be finishing all the sound mixing and recording of the DVD- there would be a release date. So..Yeah let me know by e-mail if there is any new news that I am missing…

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