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Joaquin Phoenix Retires From Acting

By Doug - October 29, 2008 - 09:03 America/Montreal

We get an E exclusive by way of Rope Of Silicon today regarding the retirement of Joaquin Phoenix. It appears he’s dropping out of film and pursuing a musical career. The E interviewer doubts his sincerity, I think he is serious - judge for yourselves below.


  1. Carlemile says:

    that felt like a scene from a biopic movie or something. I dont know weather the believe it and he’s like…punking Hollywood or something for a project or he is really serious….I guess we’ll just see.

  2. kiddo says:

    I think after a year or two of a failed music career we’ll see him make a big “comeback” to acting

  3. aaron g says:

    does this mean he’s suddenly become completely uninteresting to you, john?

  4. kevin says:

    thank god he is going to stop acting,thank jezussssssss. I hate this huy very much,finally some good news.

  5. obi-wan kubrick says:

    Walk that line Joaquin! That interviewer was being a dick about it.

  6. Alex says:

    I think this is an obvious hoax, if you notice Joaquin has his own camera crew following him. It’s some type of practical joke.

  7. total jiu jitsu says:

    Joaquin looks like Hyde from “That 70’s Show”. I wish you the best of luck on your music career Joaquin, I’ve enjoyed your performances on the big screen.

  8. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    ACTORS OF HOLLYWOOD! You are neither funny, smart, nor clever. Now go back to being parrots and recite your lines.

  9. Elbastardo says:

    Cocaine’s a powerful drug.

  10. David says:

    Why is the interviewer so fucking unprofessional? And come on Joaquin’s got some damn fine films.

  11. Ross says:


    You can tell by the look on Pheonix’s face, the way he’s shifting his weight and stuff while he’s talking. And at one point if you look closely you can see he’s just about to laugh but stops himself just in time. And personally I think the interviewer was in on it too, I think the whole video was staged.

    And why would Pheonix announce this, what is obviously a HUGE, decision (at least for him) on E! fucking news?! Again…


  12. digitaldrew says:

    They are reports from extra’s website that he was being followed by his own camera crew as well… so maybe this is for some project he is working on.

  13. Ross says:

    Haha, yeah. His next movie - “The Actor Who Suddenly Quit For No Reason”

  14. natemus says:

    Lol, crazy. Yeah, he’s gotta be lying, otherwise why do it in that format, and you can tell that Affleck is uncomfortable having to lie for him. Still-WTF??

  15. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’d rather use the term ‘hiatus’, considering that the same day one of my favorite actors says he’s retiring…another -Sir Sean Connery- comes out of retirement to appear in a film.

    It’s not like he doesn’t get swarms of offers. I also have enjoyed some of his films that are well done but never get the attention they deserved. Maybe that’s a factor- good to great roles in good or great films that stall out at the box office (such as the brilliant film from last year, ‘We Own The Night’) and offers that are beneath him.

    I wonder if he was offered a musical, or (more that possibly) appeared on a soundtrack he would ’sort of return’….

    But y’know what?
    Once again, I have to bring the ants to the int’l friends picnic, as I, once again, am against the grain. Yes, I’ll stick by never say never, but we don’t bat an eye when an actor says that they want to focus on another part of their talents, be it directing or writing. If Pheonix’s talents include music, and he wishes to give it a go, more power to him.

  16. Flyer28 says:

    So fake. That’s some bad acting by some pretty good actors. Lame.

  17. BobaFett says:

    DJ Seeley, and fellow commenters…

    First of all, Mr Connery is OLD, and in fact has retired. He heasn’t been in anything in 5 years. I’m sure he has plenty of money. Which is why we all do what we do.

    Conversely, I think Joaquin has done some very good work, although has mailed it in on a couple of films as well.

    I’d like to think that Joaquin is just a little burned out, and needs a 2-3 year vacation to get to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

    In my mind, JP had great performances in:
    8MM, Ladder 49, To Die For, and Walk the Line.

    Middling performances in:
    We Own the Night, Gladiator, Signs

    And mailed it in:
    The Village, Buffalo Soldiers, Clay Pigeons

    Maybe he’ll retire the Joaquin moniker ad comeback as Leaf!

  18. Ric Ocasek says:

    Remember when Sean Penn retired? That lasted 3 years and he was back doing movies. I think the same goes for Joaquin Phoenix. Plus, cocaine’s a powerful and expensive drug.

  19. bjon86 says:

    That was a joke. Casey fumbled the ball in covering up the joke too. hahaha

  20. Kristina says:

    Oh well. Peace out!

  21. John says:

    Think El Bastardo may be on to something… As for why the interviewer was being “unprofessional” - he works for E!, what the hell do you expect?


    who gives a shit about joaquin phoenix?

    ugh…always hated this guys acting

  23. RyanMag says:

    HE’LL SHOW ALL OF YOU!! With his first album called “Frog In My Hair”. And if you didn’t get that joke, I couldnt find the youtube video so you could join in on it.

  24. Marla Singer says:

    joaquin is one coool cat! and i would have walked away from that cock gobbler too

  25. Flyer28 says:

    is that Ryan Dunn?

  26. Billy Hunt says:

    It was obviously baloney. I don’t what Doug’s on if he thinks that was real.

    The interviewer wouldn’t have reacted that way. It’s all a hoax or a viral campaign for a new movie. Maybe Joaguin is doing the life story of Eddie Vedder or someone us with curly hair and a beard.

  27. Darren J Seeley says:


    1) Age isn’t an issue. Some actors go on until the literal final curtain call.


    2) Quest of Sheherzade

    What’s no.2, int’l friends ask? Try this: http://www.kutv.com/content/news/entertainment/story.aspx?content_id=21b4be7b-810c-427a-8e46-f0c120100523

    In brief:

    “Sir Sean Connery has reportedly come out of retirement to shoot a new film with Orlando Bloom…to star in Quest of Sheherzade, based on the legendary 1001 Arabian Nights tale…The news was revealed by the film’s female lead, Bollywood actress Celina Jaitley, who will play an Iranian princess.”

    Never say never.
    Of course, being in a pic w/ Bloom shouldn’t get anyone’s hopes up.

  28. tri-lam says:

    Maybe he can take Orlando Boom with him.

  29. 790 says:

    I went down down down til the flames got higher,,, and it burns burns burns,,, the ring of fire,,, the ring of fire,,,

    Walk on man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    And if that dosnt work out there’s always “Amerikan Idol”…

  30. Sahil says:

    To be honest I really dont care if this is a joke or not.
    If it was someone like Edward Norton then I would be concerned.

  31. Chris says:

    He looks high. I can’t take that interview seriously. Then again, maybe he will quit and try and sing for a while. Then come back after a failed attempt (as someone else said above). Then again, it would be easy to come back from this type of retirement. We may see him do the Jay-Z thing and say he is retiring and then appear in every other movie that comes out, until he announces he is comeback from retirement.

  32. Dan says:

    Man, if he would rock that beard and curly hair in more of his movies, maybe I would care more that he’s leaving.

    Killer look for him.

  33. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    But he’s only 34 WTF, that puerto rican bastard. Don’t do drugs.

  34. JJ says:

    And why do we care?????

  35. Edvin says:

    Well kidding or not kidding, if you check the imdb you can see he has no upcoming projects, only a movie in 2009 that was made in 2008.

  36. omg lolz says:

    lol @ the orlando bloom comment.

    now THAT dude needs to give up acting.

    and Joaquin def looks high as balls.

  37. Cal says:

    Joaquin is a fantastic actor, hell, Johnny Cash was a fan, and in turn Joaquin more then did him justice. I think he’s great, and he’s always marched to the beat of his own drum, the opposite of the celebrities who can barely act but are on magazine covers every other day.

    And he wasn’t on drugs, he went inside and gave a killer performance onstage and spent time with the children signing autographs. He couldn’t care less what the reporters think about him. He never gave a damn about that crap. Love him.

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