This entry was posted on Saturday, October 4th, 2008 at 11:03 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

I did not hate Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I was disappointed by it. I don’t consider it worthy of the Indiana Jones name, but I admit on a couple of levels I had some fun with it and thought it was “ok”. However, when you put the name “Indiana Jones” on the poster, “ok” is NOT good enough.

Most people seem to agree, or thought even more negatively about the film. Still, even with the lukewarm to hostile reception, Indiana Jones 4 made almost $800 million world wide, so you knew in the back of their heads, the Indy brain trust must at least be considering another trip to the Indy well.

We already knew that George Lucas has been talking about the possibility of another Indy film, but it now appears that things may be a little further along than we thought, and Harrison Ford may be on board too. The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Harrison Ford said Friday that momentum is building for a fifth movie in the “Indiana Jones” franchise and that George Lucas is already cooking up a suitable plot. “It’s crazy but great,” the 66-year-old Ford said. “George is in think mode right now.” “It’s automatic, really, we did well with the last one and with that having done well and been a positive experience, it’s not surprising that some people want to do it again,” Ford said.

Ok, call me a glutton for punishment and a hopeless optimist, but I’d actually be up for an Indiana Jones 5 movie. I like to give every franchise its own slate, and with the Indiana Jones franchise, they were 3 for 3, and even though 4 was a disappointment, I didn’t hate it and wouldn’t mind seeing if they could correct the ship and give us another classic.

That being said, it obviously could go the other way and we could end up with another Star Wars prequel series on our hands. *shudder*

31 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. vargas


  2. leeloo

    indiana jones and the universe of the clone wars!

  3. Derek 8-Track

    The next one needs to bring Connery prof Henry Jones back from the dead or it needs to take place before Crystal so we get some living Connery action. Just as Doom takes place before Raiders, I think Indy 5 taking place before 4 would be a good idea. kick out Shia (even though his character didn’t bother me) and bring in Connery. If its magnificent, don’t make another. If its “ok” make a 6th with Shia…. and Zombie Connery.

  4. EricD

    The Indy franchise was not 3 for 3 by any stretch of the imagination. Indy 2 was a piece of crap.

  5. ryanclay21


    Lucas and Co. made us wait nearly two decades for Indy 4 because coming up with a good MacGuffin was too difficult and the script had to be pitch-perfect. Then the result of such a long wait was a mediocre installment. Now all of a sudden Lucas is pushing forward with another Indy adventure? Wow, amazing what a few hundred million greenbacks can do to a guy’s creative juices. Why couldn’t “The Beard” be this motivated ten years ago?

    I’m flabbergasted, though deep down not too surprised, that another sequel is on the way. I figured we would have to wait another 19 years, if ever, for another sequel considering the task was so overwhelming to get Indy 4 filmed.

  6. ryanclay21

    oh, I did think Indy 4 was decent but a major let down due in part to my high expectations. Then again you expect the most from an Indy adventure.



  8. For the love of all that is holy

    Leave Shia Lebouf the HELL out of this one.

  9. Dragonslayer

    Maybe they can get Orlando Bloom to play in this one (wink, wink)

  10. entertainmenttodayandbeyond

    For the record I thought Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was an embarrasment for Lucas and Spielberg. Having said that, Im open for another one.If it were me, I would come up with some sort of storyline that has Indiana Jones in total retirement. Something really important happens and forces him to put on the fedora against his better judgment. I know it’s cliche but it always works. The story needs to be more menacing like the Temple of Doom and eliminate the CGI. Ford looks good but he’s also old for the part so that in inself is a dicey issue!

  11. Mr. Chris

    Damn right there better be a 5. Any time a movie franchise gives me a part 4, they better be ready for two more installments. I like my trilogies.

    I just hope they don’t go the Star Wars route with it, where they downplay the fun factor in exchange for a dark seriousness.

  12. War-Journalist

    I didn’t hate #4, but I do think it was sub-par for an Indy film. I didn’t hate Jr, but I just thought he took up too much screen time. And also, the beginning didn’t put a focus on Indy. But I think it failed mostly because of the visitors from another film genre. And for everyone who is waiting for Sean to return: too bad. He is retired. It hurts me as much as it does you, but he’s retired. I myself would look forward to something along the lines of “Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis.” But if this one fails, George Lucas may as well paint a target on his forehead. I say let Steve try his hand at writing this one. He knows what we want.

  13. Seth Rex

    I’m waiting for this.

  14. obi-wan kubrick

    I say go for it. Make part 5 and 6 and do 2 trilogies. Parts 4, 5 and 6 can deal with the Russians and the Cold War.

  15. obi-wan kubrick

    I like to compare Indiana Jones 4 to a best of CD by a band. Indy 4 had so many scenes that were homages to the first the films it was like watching the first 3 films rolled into one. A lot of people might not have noticed these scenes but they were obvious to me.

  16. twil

    this is a shame. hopefully he wont make a 5. seems like they’re going in the wrong direction

  17. Brandon

    I just gotta disagree I thought themovie wasgreat. One complaint DUI dodger, I thinktheycouldhave got somebody better and with more comicrelife but otherwise I loved the film.

    Everybody’s entitled to their opinion but I think people just get to spoiled by “classics” and are disapointed when they don’t feel the same chill theygot when they were 10 years old. This movie suffered from the classic nostalgia factor. IMO

  18. Dude

    The great thing about movies is it has the possibility to make you feel 10 again.

    OBI-WAN KUBRICK (nice name), that seems to be with what Lucas is doing since the star wars prequels. He just takes what worked then and rehashes it, so the audience can smile and remember when he films were better and distract them from the travesty that’s being displayed on screen.

    If number 5 is passing the whip Shia, I’m burning Lucas’ house down, jk

  19. tyler durden

    1. ford’s too old
    2. lebouf reeks of disney
    3. the franchise itself is at a 50 percent success rate, temple of doom sucked
    4. lucas is no longer involved in film for art’s sake, he’s a shrewd businessman and thats all
    5. all good speilberg movies have something in common, dead nazis

  20. nbakid2000

    I’m for it IF and ONLY IF (I’ll still watch it even if he doesn’t do as I say, but I will in no way respect it):

    - Lucas needs to quit being a moron
    -Get rid of that god-awful cinematographer they used
    -Prequel to Indy 4
    -Get someone OTHER than David Koepp to write it. Bring back Darabonte. Make ammends with him. Give him complete control over the script. But someone, PLEASE, fire David Koepp.
    -Spielberg needs to seriously sit down and watch the original trilogy. He claims he did it, but he seems to have just taken minor bits out he thought of significance and thrown out the rest.

    I have no respect for Indy 4 and it was an absolute horrific movie.

  21. Zach

    Oh goddamnit! the last one was horrible! He’s too old, it just doesn’t work anymore….ugh the only reason I can see for making another one is to redeem this piece of shit of a movie..

  22. MovieReviewguy

    I was somewhat surprised that the movie was reasonably entertaining. I expected little an got okay. Probably better left undone, though.


    I want 2 more sequels for Indiana Jones, and it’s got to be just as action packed and CGI filled as Indy 4 was. They need to keep making more and more sequels, and make mega franchises that go beyond 3 movies. Many comic book movies should be doing this, they are made more sequels. The x-men, spider-man, iron-man, series should keep going on to 10 movies.

  24. Terry Letourneau

    Bring Indy back to the 1930’s. Always thought that time period defies adventure (probably the only thing I liked about Peter Jackman’s King Kong). The cold war era just doesn’t do it for me unless it was James Bond. But if that was to happen, they would have to recast Indy and that would sure piss off a few fans, even though 4 other actors portrayed Indy on the big and small screen.

  25. kc

    I wouldn’t mind a new indy movie every year. I wish they could do with this franchise what they did with Bond… when the actor gets too old to play him, they just pop in another.

    Indiana Jones is one of the all-time great characters and it’s a shame that the torch can’t be passed from Lucas, Spielberg, Ford to a new generation of movie makers.

  26. Slushie Man

    I really don’t understand the hate for the 4th movie. It was my second-favorite in the series, and really, this is the only site I’ve seen that gives so much hate towards it, in terms of the comments section.

  27. TR

    I liked the latest Indiana Jones, but another one would definitely be pushing their luck.

  28. Jon

    I watched Indy 4 over the weekend. It was horrible. It was Star Wars 7. It even had aliens. Indy 5 would be fine if they rebooted it, got a new star, and did not let George Lucas near it. How about Angelina Jolie as Indy? Ok Ok, Christian Bale is gold, make him Indy.

  29. Calviin

    You had to know a sequel was coming. George Lucas no longer cares about violating our childhood memories. Can we file for threat of emotional trauma to prevent him from making any movie again? I think I asked this a year before Indy 4, but the threat continues to be real.

  30. joel speilberg



  31. bf.blogger

    Agreed on the Indiana Jones - Star Wars sequel connection. Add the terminator movies to the series of sequel disappointments. I will eventually watch the fourth Indiana Jones flick, but am content to delay the nostalgia at this time.

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