This entry was posted on Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 8:43 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

I wanted to offer up a taste of the macabre but all the YouTube videos of Thriller had their embedding disabled in anticipation of mass online sharing on this most auspicious of days where our parents offered up some contradiction and took us out to take candy from strangers.

So instead you get to learn how to do the Thriller dance from a really cheesey dance instructor from the 80s. It was truly the scariest thing I could find online.

Zombie Claw! OOOoooo!

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. tobor68

    wow, this is almost as good as the indian thriller.

  2. AndyS

    WOW…she didn’t even play Thriller in the background to the dance moves.

  3. OMGuy

    Halloween is dead to me now. Thanks a lot, movie blog.

  4. mikey

    “Now you and your friends can dance just like Michael Jackson”

    Not Quite

  5. Dragonslayer

    Dragonslayer here wishes you all a Happy Halloween (man, that sounded so fucking corny)

  6. MandarinOrange

    I don’t know how any one survived the 80s.

  7. Rodney

    I survived the 80s and I loved it. I wish it would come back. A lot.

    Oh wait, it’s Halloween! Its like 80s on crack. But hotter!

  8. Drew

    80’s cheese makes me want to vomit

  9. Jeff H

    i seriously think that woman might have been mentally handicapped and they let her make the video to feel better about herself. wow.

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