This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 at 12:36 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We have a new Twilight poster for you dudes to check out today thanks to the good people over at moviesonline:

Bask in the romance of undeath!

30 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Dragonslayer

    I think I know Kristina’s comment…

  2. duca

    You know, for a movie that is supposed to have ‘ungodly’ beautiful people in it they sure don’t look that pretty to me. I mean, all the picutres I’ve seen of Robert Pattinson he looks likes he’s either a) high or b) doesn’t know what a hair brush/shower is

    …Is there something wrong with my girly parts? o_O

  3. Jeremy

    I liked the books, not afraid to admit it. Sure they are not literary masterpieces with distinguished writing style, but that is probably because they were written for a younger crowd. I remember being a young teenager and picking up some classics and thinking they were overly boring and complicated. Writing for a demographic is just that, so older people complaining about them being poorly written should probably take that in mind. And yes, you can easily turn around now and be like “well, when I was that age I read War and Peace and thought it was excellent!”, well laudie freakin dah, your the exception.

    With that said, damn does the casting for this movie suck. Well, maybe it is not so much the casting that sucks for all the characters, but the the way they make them look is pretty damn hideous. There are some serious design issues and costuming styles as can be seen from the posters and the trailers. I will probably see this with my girlfriend, and then walk out horribly disappointed. Oh well.


    [LMFAO! kristinas comment..]

    @ DUCA
    the bad vampires are supposed to look like scrubs…the cullens (edward and his family) look “beautiful”…in fact victoria looks a lot more civilized then i pictured her to be…

    hazmat wants to see new moon. the first books of everything are always slow and boring.

  5. Izabela

    Without having seen the trailer or reading the books this movie looks like it might not do too well. I’m not sure if it’s, like Jeremy said, the costume styles or design issues, but it sort of looks lowbudget/corny - reminds me of “Teen Wolf.” Let’s hope that the young film markers finishing school all over the country are able to come up with better stuff. I know here, in Toronto, there’s some really great schools for broadcasting and film, like Centennial College. I bet the creative young minds will better ideas than recycling teen novels.

  6. duca


    ??? Really? I didn’t know that, I thought all the vampires were sexay on acount of their sexay vampireness. What makes the Cullens different from the rest of the vampire world? Does being a Vegetarian really make you more sexay?? I am confused now.

    Of course, that doesn’t really answer my question about my girly parts. :(

  7. Meli

    LOL, Duca! It’s okay…I’m sure your girly parts are fine and just aren’t attracted to Rob. I have a huge crush on Rob, but admit the guy has no skill in grooming! Then again I kind of dig his crazy wild hair it’s as if it has a life of its own. At least in the movie he’ll look well groomed, yes he still has big hair, but it’s pretty close to how I pictured Edward’s hair to look like, per the description in the book.

    About the poster… I’ve really disliked the photography for the promotional posters all the airbrushing makes everyone look so fake. It is a lot worse than most movie posters these posters are like CGI.



    all vampires have to be naturally attractive to attract humans as prey. and the cullens are only different because they eat animals or are “vegetarians”
    the reason why the cullens are different then james and his qlicke is because they try to fit in and theyre used to being around humans for like hundreds of years and are extremely civilized and theyve sort off controled their thirst
    but james is a scrub because hes always acting like an animal and eating people…he wouldnt go up to a average joe and act like a human around him asking him about last nights episode of house

    but theyre all beautifull…only that james is beautifull in a wild/hairy hugh jackman sort of way and edward is atractive in a rob pattinson way

  9. Kristina

    *stands on top of roof and clears throat*….

    I am eagerly anticipating the release of this motion picture. I cannot wait to watch the adventures of a spineless, idiotic girl willing to die to be with an abusive boyfriend just because he has sparkly skin. Yes, I said abusive. The character of Edward Cullen is possessive, jealous, and controlling, and the amount of teen girls who find this character to be a dreamboat seriously disturbs me. He repeatedly attempts to isolate Bella from her family and friends, declares that only he can defend her, threatens to KILL HIMSELF if he is seperated from her, and even goes so far as to destroy her car at one point to keep her from seeing a male friend. Does any of this sound at ALL romantic to ANYONE with half a brain? It’s not sweet. It’s unhealthy, disturbing, STALKER behavior, and no, I’m not reading too much into these stories. That is what this shit is. Yeah, I read these books since I lost a bet with my little sister, and I was fucking horrified.

    This goes far beyond being merely annoyed by a property. This property is insulting to the entire female gender, and Stephanie Meyer should be ashamed of herself for dressing up this tripe as some epic love story. It really angers me that so many girls wet their panties over this stuff. No wonder women are constantly put down and disrespected. We’re doing this to ourselves, ladies. THINK about what it is that you’re reading and salivating over.

  10. Kristina

    Oh, and FUCK TWILIGHT.




    i hate edward….but not because of that^^^

    i just happen to think jasper and emmet are cooler….
    edwards such a bitch…
    emmet pwns all
    emmet and jasper kill james…edward doesnt do SHIT
    well in the movie they make him look like the hero though

    and im a guy so i dont have to worry about all that…^^^^

  13. Dragonslayer


    That was so fucking brilliant! “Yes, I said abusve.” HAHA!

    I for one, believe that this film will suck, but Robert Pattinson from the trailer looks like he’s gonna be acting the hell outta this movie.

    But as you’ve said Kristina, FUCK TWILIGHT

  14. Dragonslayer

    I’m seeing Let the Right One In instead. That movie looks beautiful.


    thats great.

    but wtf does let the right one in have to do with twilight?

  16. Kristina

    It has nothing to do with Twilight. Which is why it is automatically AWESOME.


    no im definatedly watching let the right one in because i love vampires.

    but its nothing like twilight and im sick and tired of people comparing twilight to freaking dracula and let the right one in.

    bladerunner was nothing like twilight. and somehow bladerunner is the worst movie ever made.

    twilight hasnt come out yet.


    wait..most people like bladerunner.

    in my last message..just replace “critters” with bladerunner..or cacoon..those were all horrible
    (bladerunner is still the worst movie ever made)

  19. Edvin

    Hazmat… did you just say Bladerunner is the worst movie ever made?

    Clearly you where out of town when that award was bestowed on the biggest pile of shit ever to hit the silver-screen, Batman & Robin…

    ( Blade Runner is still one of the greatest movies ever made )

    And where can I find this movie Cacoon… it sounds a lot of fun. J/k :)
    I am in no way a spelling nazi…

    Cocoon wan not THAT bad… is a great movie if you were a kid in the 80’s.

  20. dani

    I absolutely agree with Kristina’s post. I read the first book and I can’t stand how helpless Bella is. You’d think being in the 21st century the heroine could have more backbone, but no, she’s reduced to being a submissive damsel in distress. It’s gross. And I can’t understand how girls swoon over a guy like Edward who is so ridiculously cheesy. If this is what people perceive romance to be, well, good luck world.

  21. Jeremy

    Again, written for teens and your surprised about the cheesiness of it? Complaints about Bella being clumsy and damsel in distress being such a horrible idea. My girlfriend is twice as clumsy as Bella is portrayed. I mean shit, we went to a Mudvayne concert and she falls down three steps and twists her ankle…. BEFORE THE CONCERT HAS EVEN STARTED! She locked herself between two doors in a 3′ squared area… AT HER OWN HOUSE! She has fallen out of her truck and car on multiple occasions… WHEN JUST GETTING OUT AFTER PARKING IT! I think it was kinda cool watching this clumsy damsel in distress become something and go against the odds and prove that she is not the damsel in distress. She goes on to prove Edward wrong in most of what he believes throughout the books. But hey, I understand not everybody is going to like it, and I still think the movie looks like shit. To each his/her own though.

  22. Dragonslayer




    Hey, I’m a teen, and I fucking hated the book. Just because it’s for teens doesn’t mean it’s actually good.


    @ EDVIN
    please dont watch cacoon.
    you liked critters? HA!

    everyone that walks this green earth
    loves bladerunner

    that was such a shitty put the 5th element in front of that…(i HATED the 5th element)


    can you please explain how all books aimed at teenagers are cheesy?
    because that sounded fucking baseless

  25. Jeremy

    @ those who referred to my teen comment, please refer back to my first comment up top, it is actually third from the top and that explains exactly what I am referring to in reference to a different writing style. And good for you if your a teen and did not like the books, good for you. And I did not say “books for teens are cheesy”, it was a reference strictly towards the twilight series. The books say on the cover “A vampire love story”… It is exactly what I expected of it, and I still enjoyed the books, but then again I enjoy just about any read that involves vampires and werewolves. But if you think you are going to go into the Twilight series and expect the serious and dramatic nature of say Anne Rice’s vampire chronicles… then I guess joke was on you. It is kinda hard to contest that books written for teens are different than books written for adults. I am not saying that is a bad thing in the least bit. There are several teen series of books that I keep up with.

  26. Jeremy


    Oh ya, I never said “Just because it’s for teens doesn’t mean it’s actually good.” I think your misreading or taking liberties with interpretations with something I said. It being good or not is strictly a matter of opinion, which I do believe I did state earlier. Sure some person who fancies themselves a literary genius might come along and rip the book to shreds with big words explaining all the short comings of the series, but in the end it all comes down to personal opinion. Did you like it? No, then OK and move on. Yes, well good, glad you got some entertainment out of it. That simple.


    Hey, I’m a teen, and I fucking hated the book. Just because it’s for teens doesn’t mean it’s actually good.

  27. Dragonslayer


    Dude, that’s what it sounded like you were saying. Sorry. You don’t have to be a jerk about this. I meant no offense.

  28. Dragonslayer

    Twilight does look like shit, though

  29. Jeremy


    Not trying to be a jerk, just covering bases and try to clear what I was tryin to say. And ya, it does look like shit.

  30. Dragonslayer

    Sorry, Jeremy. I just assumed from the way I read this that you were pissed off at me. My bad…

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