Evil Dead 4 - Not Just Yet

Sam Raimi will always be a geek legend. He has had his hands in some of the more iconic cult classics of the last couple decades. So it was with a gleeful squee that met the news that Raimi was going to reunite with Bruce Campbell and give us another glorious Evil Dead chapter.

But they didn’t quite get around to it.

MTVMovies says:

Legendary director Sam Raimi was walking around Comic-Con a few months ago telling us and the massive audience in Hall H that when his brother Ivan was coming to visit in August, they had plans to finally sit down and write a fourth “Evil Dead” flick. Even star Bruce Campbell got in the action, promising the film wouldn’t rely on a younger sidekick, a la “Indiana Jones” and “Die Hard.”

So, whatever happened with that, Sam?

“We never did it,” Raimi admitted when we checked in with him on the project recently. “There was too much work to do on ‘Drag Me to Hell.’”

Raimi is referring to the Justin Long-starring flick that will return him to his horror roots next May, and which he also co-wrote with brother Ivan. The flick is a cool-sounding tale of a young woman (Alison Lohman) who finds herself cursed, but it most certainly will not involve Bruce Campbell, raping trees, or those beloved “Evil Cam” shots.

So instead of working on a movie that will render into instant cult classic status, he digs up ANOTHER story with Justin “Im a Mac” Long and Alison Lohman? Maybe he just didn’t want to do horror again. Wait, the Long Lohman pic is horror?

I can understand the hesitation to go back to something that has been finished for such a long time. Rocky Balboa seemed to open that door with a stellar hit returning to an old character. But then came the Rambo sequel, and Indiana Jones 4, while a good movie was ripped to shreds by the fans. Superman returned to also geot basted. Maybe he is just gunshy to go back to the franchise?

I half expect this to never happen, and when asked about it Raimi will say “It seemed like a good idea at the time”

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12 thoughts on “Evil Dead 4 - Not Just Yet

  1. Now, I actually like all Spidey films, it’s just that the third wasn’t as good. I do like to make fun of it, though, as you could tell from the “Emo Spidey 2” comment I made up at the top.

  2. @FSUncleJimmy

    I’m with RODNEY on this one. What’s up with the anger? Man The Trilogy is there… you have it immortalized forever to watch at your whim. He’s moved on and for good reason. I’ve been a huge fan forever! Being a fellow Michigander I’ve pulled for him since a ripe younge age of like 12, man. Let him bring us new and cool projects.

    I’m very excited for “Drag Me To Hell”. Do I wish he wasn’t doing Spidey 4-5? Yes. I want more of something different. Kinda sick of his take on Spidey. But it’s his life and his choice and if his Passion is to Create Spiderman… I say more power to him and give him RESPECT for that.

    I just don’t get your mind set.

  3. @FSUncleJimmy. You give up on a guy that fast huh. You loved everything he ever did but because he chose to do a different film instead he is your sworn enemy???

    That’s a little harsh friend.

  4. Rami is dead to me now fuck you rami ive awakened every morning for a couple months with morning wood over evil dead 4 i crave it like deadites crave the sweet juice from peoples eyes so i say again fuck you sam rami why dont you go have a three some with toby and topher whill watching an emo dance video I SWEAR FROM THIS TIME ON I WILL NOT WATCH ANYTHING THAT HE DIRECTS its like hes pissing in the faces of the fans that made evil dead what it is an epic cult classic now i would’nt sat fuck sam rami if he had’nt said their was going to be a 4th but he did and it is a huge slap to the faces of his most hardcore fans of with I WAS one its like how star wars is dead to john thus is sam rami to me sorry for the rant but this is bullshit he needs to let his brother ivan and bruce campbell write this thing if he wont i mean who the fuck cares about if he dose the next spiderman or not? but evil dead is his first born and the evil dead fans should be treated with more respect than this

  5. Man. Evil Dead 2 is one of my top 10 favourite movies of all time.

    However, I don’t want to see any more. Just me. The Original Evil Dead is very cool… EVIL DEAD 2 is a work of MASTERY… and Army of Darkness was a step back down, but still very fun to watch. Let’s just leave it at that. No need for another as far as I’m concerned.

  6. Hes working on a film with Justin Long who just so happens to be the younger sidekick from Die Hard 4. I really hope he redevelops a love for horror on this then returns to Evil Dead for real.

  7. That might also be a part of it Robert(Wolf). Raimi can wave his wand at any time for ED4. So while he has work on his plate, why fall back on the easy hit.

    Its like when you play pool. You leave the ball that is teetering on the edge of the pocket because you can hit that any time. You go for the shots that you have the opportunity to do now because you might not get the chance later.

  8. Yeah because doing small indie/passion projects in between big budget studio movies didn’t work out for Del Toro, oh wait who’s doing The Hobbit now?

    I so want Evil Dead 4 :(

  9. Why do this movie over ED4 I’ll never understand. After this I’m guessing Sam will be starting Spider-Man 4 and let’s be honest, Bruce ain’t getting any younger. Raimi can wave his wand and bring ED4 to life at anytime. Please Sam give us ED4….PLEASE!!!!

  10. there’s an interview with bruce on bloody disgusting where he pretty much confirms that raimi won’t touch evil dead while he (raimi) still has the credibility or whatever to do big budget hollywood movies. so if everyone doesn’t go to see spidey 4, we just might brucey 4

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