This entry was posted on Monday, October 6th, 2008 at 3:47 pm.
Categories: Funny.

International Friends, if you are in the Los Angeles area this upcoming October 17, 2008 - I would like to invite you to a show.

I would be honored of any of you would be able to attend and am pleased to make this announcement. Here are the details:

The show starts at 8:30pm. There is a door cover charge of $5 and a two (2) drink minimum.

Your guests will need to go around the back where the parking lot is and tell the door man they are going to The Belly Room. Please tell your guests to specifically ask for The Funny Fridays Show in The Belly Room There will be a neon light at the end of the hall way above a set of black double doors, tell them not to go in those doors. They must make right at those double doors right in front of the neon sign and go up the stairs on the right hand side and The Belly Room is up there.

The Comedy Store’s address is below if you need it:

The World Famous Comedy Store
8433 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90069
(323) 650 - 6268

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Yamo

    sweet i will be in L.A. at this time i there

  2. RiZE

    I’d love to come but I don’t think I’ll be coming to LA any time soon

  3. Josh Brunsting

    You should film this set and put it on DVD, because I would love to see some of your stuff. I just live in FUCKING MICHIGAN…seriously, not only do no good performers ever grace the mighty mitten, or at least my part of it, but it’s 30 degress right now…



    i live in florida.

    so i youtubed you a while ago but i found nothing on stand up! anything u got? cuz i like watching standup..alot….

  5. thegermangeezer

    the article sounds like the show is just for insiders and i´ve got to say things at the door like ‘the cat is running around the watchtower’ to get in… with the addition of secret handshakes

  6. Sound Designer Dan

    Someone should record this show and post it up!

  7. Everyone

    he is pretty funny

  8. theSX0T

    Anything in March? If so, keep me informed, I’ll be there around then.

  9. BobaFett

    Oh god, they don’t know what they are in for!!!

    I just watched “When Stand Up Stood Out” last night. It’s subject was the Boston Comedy Scene in the 80s. It cracked me up when one of the comics said how you could be paid: “in money, half money, half blow, and all blow.”

    I may be in the area that date (GF’s 20 year reunion) and if I am, I will be there.

  10. War-Journalist

    Awesome, Doug! But, I myself live in Florida, so it’s impossible to catch a flight. But I do hope they tape it. We all love your sense of humor on the show, so I know we all want to see what you can do on stage. Good luck, and may Odin smile on your performance.

  11. Derek 8-Track

    Will you get a chance to meet Pauly Shore. Doesn’t he own the place?

  12. Chuck Norris

    Chuck Fucking Norris will be there.

  13. bruce

    can u come to melbourne

  14. 790

    Sounds like fun,,,
    Watch out Doug, the basement is haunted. ;-)

  15. doug nagy

    Then I shall call upon the ghosts themselves to laugh anew!

  16. Simon

    Doug I will be also also I will be there later that night I have art show.

  17. HDpunk

    if it was on a saturady or sunday id be there, hopefully youll do more shows in the LA area soon..

    any chances that youll have a stand up dvd or cd soon?

  18. aaron

    dangit i wish i was there! Doug is extremely funny, who can forget the famous “meet the spartans review” LOL. Doug is gonna put on a great show


    the meet the spartans review…was a blessing…

    i just had a great idea! you should repost that, doug!

    like “the best review in this website…so well repost it” i think itll be awsome

    i mean better then the political post u guys made a couple of days ago (which was GREAT but u didnt allow comments! wtf!)


    peopel in youtube were HATING on dougs review of meet the spartans…they just HATED IT

    but i just loved how they hated it! made it funnier. and how pissed doug was! “if soemone you know liked it- STOP HANGING OUT WITH THEM!!”

    just priceless…

  21. joonavar

    It makes me very sad this is not happening in “Sydney”. Which idols should I worship to make this happen?
    However, good luck with the show, there is not a doubt in my mind that the audience will walk out the Belly Room with belly ache :)

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